Add Sinister Ascended to Malicious Chests
Loads and loads of stats in this game that have no representation here or there. LOADS.
It’s on the “We forgot what? Oh……I see…..” list.
I don’t think they forgot those instances. Someone said something similar in Heart of the Mists the other day; I would not want to see Nomad bunkers in PvP. Sinister stats, on the other hand…
They are not included because sinister ascended armor doesnt exist in game, only exotic armor and trinkets.
While sinister ascended weapons also dont exist, they are selectable on legendaries, though.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Hopefully Sinister Ascended gear will be introduced in a future update though.
They should just be buyable, but you still need the Exotic Sinister Inscriptions to make them.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
In the .dat file, there are fields for sinister ascended gear (named Verata’s armor/weapons). It’s interesting that they show up in the legendary lists, but not in the ascended weapon/armor boxes. It seems to me that once Verata’s armor/weapons become available to craft in a general sense, they would want to update these ascended chests to also encompass those.
Nomad/Ventari, whatever you call that crap, was never added to defenders armor chests, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up even after the ascended versions of sinister are put into the game.
Furthermore, the new rings aren’t available at the golem vendor for pristines, the new accessories aren’t available from the guild commendation vendor. But they were added to the laurel vendor??? And legendary stat selections were added for both nomad and sinister. There’s a lot of inconsistency with ascended gear.
(edited by Tentonhammr.7849)
Furthermore, the new rings aren’t available at the golem vendor for pristines, the new accessories aren’t available from the guild commendation vendor. But they were added to the laurel vendor???
They are added to laurel vendor (as well as the bandit crests vendors), but only after you unlock them through achievements.
There’s a lot of inconsistency with ascended gear.
That’s an understatement of the year (or even two years).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Let’s not add that, let’s fix skin drop rate or add a vendor that let us exchange a stack of pristines for a skin of your choice.
Let’s not add that, let’s fix skin drop rate or add a vendor that let us exchange a stack of pristines for a skin of your choice.
Hell, I’m still waiting for Zealot/Keeper ascended trinkets for my Guardian.
Would love this to be added to the malicious chests, +1.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I would also support this. But it seems i am destined to always get defenders and healers chests. And never raiders or malicious which i could get a use out of both.
I’ve never seen any of these chests. However I am in the process of making a med ascended armor set for my Engi, it is now on hold until this stat is available. hint hint.
Still waiting on Ascended Zealot’s amulet/rings/trinkets/backpiece.
Doubt you will get a backpiece. There is a number of on release stat combos that arent available on backpieces. Rampager for example. You cant even get these combos with the stat selection from crafting an ascended backpiece like the dwayna backpiece.
Probably true. Still no excuse for the amulet/rings/trinkets.