Add Your POF Mount Ideas Here! [Merged]
Junundu Wurms; specifically for the sulphurous wastes
Golems; slow, meant to carry heavy stuff
Arachnea; has a single shot of that Druids Touch
Devourer; just looks cool
Dolyak; traverse rough terrain
Absolutely not:
Aurene: she’s special, no one wants 50 Aurenes in every city. Plus she’s gonna be huge in the future
Horses: no, just no
A bear that can throw you 2k range forward .
If you use glider , you cannot summon the bear for 5 mn .
While you are falling , you have to carefully calculate your falling , to hop on the bear’s back that is swinging left and right .
An other bear rider can crash you in mid air , so both can die
An eagle that allows you to go extremly high and soar the sky circully , to see blury dots/icons for Dynamic Events + Bosses .
And helps you to teleport to your friend .
Or swoosh down and snatch small critters in a row for increased speed while building momentum , while pushing specific bottuns that the system chooses , so you wont dissmount and die
The tiger from Heman that is always scarred , forcing you to Jump > then press ’’S’’ then Right Click in midair to do a backflip dodge , and when that combo is on cd you must do something else to avoid the mobs .
By memory you should know with spell is on cd
If succeful x10 times you get a random loot
Its time you do a backflip she emits a Roar (to feel good for herself) and mark all the enemies for 2 min in 2k range , so you wont get constant rewards from the same mobs
A wolf that can ’’smell’’ the death of nearby mobs , allowing you to have a small chance to loot them also .
But in the same time her vision is limited and get frenzy , and you have to chase some immaginary rabits 700 yards in randomly dirctions + avoid getting hitting by NPCs, to increase you chance to loot
After 10 loots , you have to find an other hunting ground
A serpent that moves slower than the rest , but can byte other mounts and ’’kill’’ the specific mount for 3 min .
It can jump and entrangle an Npc and hop istantly to nearby NPCS and trees (it can jump from the tree in a slow paced animation to hit flying players and pin them to ground/trolling , or miss and die failling down)
Or jump from NPC to NPC to troll/dissmount a player in a slow animation or die
A simple mount that you can decorate by playing High Tier PvP or WvWvW or Raid
A kangaroo , that allows you box with other Player’s kangarous , by playing 2D Street fighters 1v1 , and a schreen on their heads for the spectators
(edited by Solitude.2097)
Hear me out….
A Bear
No wait, wait,
A Bear…. with a Canadian cape giving you a 380% speed boost
A Ca$h Cow. It’s slower than all other mounts and has no abilities. However you can buy horse armor to make it better than all other mounts.
Aurene. Probably story instance only but it would still be amazing.
Also I’d love to see a griffon as an alternative skin for the bunny. Instead of jumping it could look like it’s flying you up the cliff (or whatever).
Or as a skin to replace the skimmer. And my guildmaster would love a griffon mount!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Since each mount is tied to a mastery track, the best we’ll probably see are skins for the existing mounts. Some skin-ideas:
- Charr Motorcycle
- Racing Moa
- Po-Go-Tron “my-grawl-imitation-is-better-than-yours”
- Griffon
- Smokescale
- Experimental Short Distance Teleportation Golem
- Flying Carpet
- Broom
If we ever get new mounts, I hope for a PoF-HoT crossover mount. Let me introduce to you, the Chak-Mount:
The Chak-Mount doesn’t possess any movement skills of it’s own. Instead it has several skills that launch the player. The glider gets deployed automatically.
Skill 1: Throw Chak-Globber at the target location to initiate combat. The player doesn’t get launched with this one.
Skill 2: Shoot a Ley-Line at target location for 3 seconds. The player get’s launched in a way to ride this Lay-Line immediately.
Skill 3: Place a Bouncing-Mushroom for 3 seconds which catapults the player forwards. The player get’s placed on top of it.
Skill 4: Summon an Updraft for 3 seconds. The player get’s placed at the bottom with his glider deployed.
Just need to point out something very important.
- Broom
Want. For Charr and Asura specifically.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I want a Blade Liger Zoid! Just imagine it!
I just made Vanya to match with it.
Just old good 6 Juggernaut Star’s motorbike.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Charr copter. I mean, it’s already in game.
Crystal Desert
Aurene mount that replaces all 4 or when they eventually add flying mounts in season 4.
Low land hovering with wing backs/glider designs.
Tami makes a levitation ring using the same animation as Super Cloud Glider.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
(edited by Daishi.6027)
A mount that makes mine as well as all other player’s mounts invisible to me. In other words they all look like normal characters without mounts while in use. Given that it looks like mounts will be required to fully explore PoF and I don’t like the visual noise of mounts I’d pay 800 gems for that.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
You only need one mount a Charr Hover bike, for crossing valleys and reaching high plateau we have bouncing mushrooms and updrafts for gliding.
I’d love some sort of big creature like and ogre or trawl to give me a piggy back
I would like a horse that can engineer some kind of real class balance.
(edited by lukejoe.1592)
I want that Balthazar Forge Wolf as a Mount Skin for the Jackel Mount!
Even adjust the special effect to be all fiery effect to represent it being a Fire Wolf!
(edited by EdwinLi.1284)
Steampunk skins for the four mounts
also different element theme skins for the jackal
white fur, red vest suit and monocle for the rabbit
A worm that you could ride on like in the movie Dune. A six legged cat like in Avatar.
Also a 3 headed hydra, a triceratops, the griffon that was cancelled or spider.
(edited by Hybarf Tics.2048)
I am hoping for a golem version of the mounts for my asura, and some more elemental looking mounts for my weaver.
USC Gamecock
Griffon! Imagine the possibilities a feathered creature offers!
I want to ride a moose
Nothing fancy, just a regular brown moose
(edited by Ameepa.6793)
So, I know they only recently announced the mounts and all, but I figured I’d get ahead of the game and throw up this suggestion thread for future mounts if anyone’s interested.
Here’s some ideas I have for some mounts;
Steampunk motorcycle
Asuran hover moped
Armored Buffalo/Bison
Feel free to add any ideas you all might have.
Spider Pig
Horse head on a broomstick.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
I want an Asuran hover moped, a Charr motorcycle, an Armored buffalo/bison, and animal spirit mount (like a wolf or a bear).
I ’d like a variation of the litter suggestion mentioned before:
A bunch of skritt carrying a wooden pallet on their shoulders, upon where my Asura stands on. They can jump with the pallet, they can swim with the pallet (skritt head below the water line of course), and if they should teleport to somewhere, some shiny thing appears at the destination, the whole group is struck in awe, disappears, and reappears at the shiny.
Hmm, if i’d had to call a mount, that I’d love to see, then some kind of ferocious looking “war sabre cat/ tiger mixture” thats very agile, elegant, furry and nimble looking when you ride on it, letting you loook like that when you ride on that mount, as if you are just a part of its body – being one.
Theres this old trailer about a game, that never made it, called Epicus Incognitus (E.I.N) which shows at the very end of its trailer exactly what I mean with a female character riding on some kind of mount – body to body, like beign one, and it looks very fats and nimble – quiet very elegant to look at, especially at the moment where you see that it was planned in the game to have even ranged mounted combat, sitting up while riding just to attack something in your neer with a bow…
The game sadly never found a publisher to help bring it to the west, personayl i really like the character design of that female character/race, but however, can’t have everything xD
from 6:55 on
This part reminds me always on the Legend of Zelda, when riding on Epona and attacking foes with his Bow, always fun, especially when you were able to perform that way perfect while manually aiming around then headshots as you ride fast around ^^
Would count then most likely as “Jackal Skin”
However, personally I’vde love to see some more “Mount Types” in the future, theres more potential.
Raptor “Type” is for Leaps = Frontal Jumps to reach places you can’t without them
Rabbit “Type” is for Jumps = Vertical Jumps to reach higher positions you wouldnt be able to reach otherwise
Skimmer “Type” is for Gliding = Float over ares, that aren/t reachablre otherwise or too dangerous to run over (Water, Lava, Quicksand, Poison/Acid areas and the like)
Jackal “Type” is for Blinks/Teleports = again to reach places that no other mount can reach, as it requires changings directions in the moment, which Raptors n Rabbits can’t do
But I think there could be also these kind of “Mount Types”
“Speeders” = Mounts with extraordinary Run Speeds compared to others and the ability to dodge things, which other mounts can’t, they’d be the kind of type into which I’d put the agile looking feline mount of my exampel video into, wbhich allow you to reach places by simply being fast and agile enough for somethign that would be too dangerous for the other slower mounts
*Carriers" = Larger Mounts, which allow you to take other players with you, to carry multiple players (able to carry max a group of 5 people) around with you to locations, in which each player takes on a role, 1 controler who moves it, 4 for attacking (Siege Turtles/Siege Devourers)
Then there could be the Flying Mount reinvented, as its again just another different Type" of mount version that could be used to bring you to locations, for which these kinds of mounts would be needed for to reach these places as no other mount could bring you to these places, stuff like a Wyvern or a Gryphon.
GW2 has already for gliding “No Fly Zones”.. so same ciould be just done for Flying Mounts just to ensure, that these don’t simplify old game content too much.
Unless anet has any plans on expanding the feature of Gliding and lettign us become actually able to fly with gliders, will be sooner or later flying mounts just the next step of progression to be able to reach places that were unreachable before without them, because for gliding you always need to be first at a high position to be able to fly over a longer distance to a kind of unreachable place and you desperate need some kind of jetstreams that push you up again as otherwise you continouiusly lose with your glider only height, which is somethign what a flying mount won’t have problems with, its just the next natural step of progression if Anet doesn’t change gliding into actually flying somewhen. its a thin line here of making either gliding better in the future, or it will be obsolete the moment anet should decide to make flying mounts a thing as they be superior over just gliding due to beign naturally able to permanentkly fly without losing height and gaining height at will, without requirign any kind of jetstreams for that and wind gusts to push you higher into the air again.
However, prsonalyl id love just to see Speeder and Carrier Type Mounts coming next.
If they improve from that point on Mounts then also with "Mounted Combat ", then they be perfrect for me as a feature. They should provide more, than just a Disengage Attack.
Each Mount should provide based on which class rides on them its different Mounted Combat Skills, so that Mounts can be used in the future also as content of WvW, instead of excluding them out of that game mode. However, Mounts shoudl require their also naturally Supply like Siege Weapons and hsould be limited in the maximum amount, how many of them could be actively used on the maps imo.
WvW needs a large rework, so much unused potential to make that game mode great
But im gettign offtopic xD
Wouldn’t mind some plain horse skins for the raptor.
Manta ray should have a broom stick (still waiting on a glider for that) and magic carpet variant.
yes, i also support horse skins, lore in the second guild wars 2 novel book shows us exacly, , that horses exist in the world of tyrisa in the form of “Wild Horses”,
Sure, the lore doesn#t explicitely tell us, that there exist also domesticated horses as mounts, nor does the game provide them so far in form of used models for npcs ect. or so, but a horse is still a horse, regardless if it is now a wild one, or a domesticated one used as mount.
Horse is Horse and the lore confirms, that they exist in the game. net even once made, if you can remember on that a background loading screen, which clearly showed us horses (which got quickly removed some time later again, with the responsible peopel gettign scolded, as it could stirr up the hope for mounts to come as a feature, if any def would ever dare to show something or to speak about somethign that players could possible connect to the implementation of mounts ….)
Darn it, if there has been one topic over the years aside of Cantha, that has been discussed more to death, then it was mounts!! Was more than obvious, that ANet one day can’t ignore them anymore
People like horses, I’m pretty sure, the moment we see some kind of varioations of horse mount skins in the gemstore for the raptor mount type, it wil lbe one of the biggest sales Anet will have made then for a long tiem through the gemstore.
I’m pretty sure also alot more peopel here in the forums just like mounts as a feature more, than they are willing to admit that they actually do so, as they realize by now, that all the fears they had over them in the last years, was fully in vain, due to seeing and realizing now, what a good job Anet did on them making them different and unique and not just movement speed 2.0.
You just see it now in the forums, that you see more and more peopel being hyped about mount,s than ever before. There has been a change of mind among the people here.
people chnage over more and more now from pure “mount hate” to simply “mount acceptance” to even “mount hype”
And thats what ive been saying all the years.. just give Anet a chance to prove, that they can do better with mounts than WoW & Co., and you will see in the end, that they can be as a feature a true enrichment for GW2 if you just grant Anet the chance to do so.
Panther/Saber Tooth Lion
Woolly Mammoth / Mastodon
Segway (For the Asura as well as others)
A Large Flightless bird
Segway (For the Asura as well as others
I kinda like this idea on the basis that it could be small enough to not be too intrusive.
Can I piggy-back on Canach’s shoulders?
A horse-like war-horse mount. And Dolyaks. And the option to have different pelts and dyes for the saddles.