Add a bar for items like weapon
That was a fantastic read
That was a fantastic read
I just had to crinkle in your keyboards
Oh my.
Umm…. umm… ummm… ummm… uh… huh?
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
In your keyboards.
That’s some next level salutations right there.
Ignoring whatever crinkle is cause I’m lost on that one.
You’ve basically asked for a good ol fashion GW1 feature and there are many GW1 features that are constantly asked for but met with deaf ears by the devs.
In GW1 the weapons were tied to the F keys if I remember correctly and were extremely useful. For instance I’d simple have to activate my running template on my dervish and then press a key to swap to my running weapons more or less I had prade weapons sets tied to those keys ready to be paired with specific templates.
Are they talking abt weapon-swapping, ‘cos that’s keybound from the start (and ofc u can change the key)?
Say what???
avoid opening items of heroin either for example
I never do this!
ANet may give it to you.