(edited by ThomasTheTankEngine.2769)
Add *optional* duel feature + follow function
The ubiquitous ‘duel’ thread.
No on open-world duels.
The ubiquitous ‘duel’ thread.
No on open-world duels.
Just simply turn it off then. Everyone who wants it gets it and everyone who doesn’t want are spared of it.
I wouldn’t mind being able to duel as long as, like you said, there is a toggle for it.
Nothing more annoying than being bombarded by duel requests from everyone and their dog.
There’s already a follow function. If you add someone to your friends list, they do not have to reciprocate. They don’t even get a notification that they’ve been added to your list. You can then follow them, and there’s support for people following you. If you look under Y, there’s a tab for people following you.
There’s already a follow function. If you add someone to your friends list, they do not have to reciprocate. They don’t even get a notification that they’ve been added to your list. You can then follow them, and there’s support for people following you. If you look under Y, there’s a tab for people following you.
Think he meant the ability to follow another player, like run behind them automatically like the ranger pets do. Lots of MMOs have that feature and it would indeed be cool to have it here.
There’s already a follow function. If you add someone to your friends list, they do not have to reciprocate. They don’t even get a notification that they’ve been added to your list. You can then follow them, and there’s support for people following you. If you look under Y, there’s a tab for people following you.
I think what the OP meant in the Follow function is like physically follow the person so you can go AFK and your character to just automatically walk to keep up the person selected.
There’s already a follow function. If you add someone to your friends list, they do not have to reciprocate. They don’t even get a notification that they’ve been added to your list. You can then follow them, and there’s support for people following you. If you look under Y, there’s a tab for people following you.
I think OP what the OP meant in the Follow function is like physically follow the person so you can go AFK and your character to just automatically walk to keep up the person selected.
Ah, my bad.
This is what social media has done to me.
Dueling would be cool indeed! It’s a good idea, and I guess it can’t hurt if there’s a toggle for it.
Follow may be considered unattended game play. With autofire and targeting through another player it would allow someone to play 2 characters at the same time. Big no-no with this game.
Dueling outside of PVP? Never happen.
RIP City of Heroes
…and no one would ever e-mote, whisper, or otherwise grief you if you had your toggle set to “off.” Hmmm….sorry….been there…done that.
The ubiquitous ‘duel’ thread.
No on open-world duels.
Just simply turn it off then. Everyone who wants it gets it and everyone who doesn’t want are spared of it.
ONLY IF it is toggled off by default.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
…and no one would ever e-mote, whisper, or otherwise grief you if you had your toggle set to “off.” Hmmm….sorry….been there…done that.
Never had that happen in any other game with duels and toggling, so I’m not sure why that would magically happen if it were a feature in GW2.
Follow has been a useful thing in other games, but to be honest, I can’t really see it working here.
One problem it would inevitably cause is in WvW. Put commander on “follow” and you can have a bunch of AFKers or people who hardly do anything, still staying alive because they have an auto-run-to function on.
Right now, the current system discourages people who are AFK or are going to contribute little. If you don’t listen to your commander, and don’t stay near them, you’re going to die in a zerg v zerg scenario. Having an auto-follow feature would pretty much trivialize this.
Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie
…and no one would ever e-mote, whisper, or otherwise grief you if you had your toggle set to “off.” Hmmm….sorry….been there…done that.
Never had that happen in any other game with duels and toggling, so I’m not sure why that would magically happen if it were a feature in GW2.
happened to me in every MMO that had that feature with the toggle on/off. It never happens to Duelers because they are duelers so they won’t say no any where near as much as the non duelers.
nope…..the megaserver has increased the amount of trolling/chat fights i’ve seen since start by tenfold.
worst time possible to introduce open world dueling (dueling in any map at any time).
they should add dueling to the arena in the charr city…or better yet, in every major city, with each ahving a unique arena…………..would kinda be like ancient rome, where every city has its champions……make it so you could wager on the fight.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
nope…..the megaserver has increased the amount of trolling/chat fights i’ve seen since start by tenfold.
worst time possible to introduce open world dueling (dueling in any map at any time).
they should add dueling to the arena in the charr city…or better yet, in every major city, with each ahving a unique arena…………..would kinda be like ancient rome, where every city has its champions……make it so you could wager on the fight.
Dueling in arenas in the major cities is a better idea.
…and no one would ever e-mote, whisper, or otherwise grief you if you had your toggle set to “off.” Hmmm….sorry….been there…done that.
Never had that happen in any other game with duels and toggling, so I’m not sure why that would magically happen if it were a feature in GW2.
Yup….coming up on ten years in MMOs and have seen more than my share of chicken croaking, rude whispers, etc. I came to GW2 for a number of reasons…one of which was that Anet seems to have done a fairly decent job of removing motivations for griefing. Despite their efforts the forums here recount instances of individuals doing their dead level best to grief other players. While griefing in its various forms is not a constant problem, it doesn’t take too many adolescent, self-absorbed jerks to color the play experience.
…and no one would ever e-mote, whisper, or otherwise grief you if you had your toggle set to “off.” Hmmm….sorry….been there…done that.
Never had that happen in any other game with duels and toggling, so I’m not sure why that would magically happen if it were a feature in GW2.
Yup….coming up on ten years in MMOs and have seen more than my share of chicken croaking, rude whispers, etc. I came to GW2 for a number of reasons…one of which was that Anet seems to have done a fairly decent job of removing motivations for griefing. Despite their efforts the forums here recount instances of individuals doing their dead level best to grief other players. While griefing in its various forms is not a constant problem, it doesn’t take too many adolescent, self-absorbed jerks to color the play experience.
agree…in a perfect world, the toggle would work and open world dueling would be a win-win for all. it doesn’t and it isn’t. there is always a way to harass/troll.
i have no idea how bad the trolling would or wouldn’t be in this game….i just know when dueling is relegated to specific areas, players are less likely to bug strangers, and more likely to stick to fighting their friends/guildies.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Follow is pretty much the best way to help botting, every game I’ve seen it in it’s abused. In a perfect world, yes. In the real world? No thanks! People are already complaining about goldsellers, lets not make it worse by giving the botters something they can use to their advantage.
Dueling on the other hand would be pretty great for guild halls if they ever come, not sure I want more obnoxious people harassing me in open world though. I hated the mentality it just reminds of the the barrens in WoW back in 06 and the awful chat, the further away I am from “LE TROLL XDDDD!!” (/retch) scumbags the better.
(edited by pixiedancer.1526)