Additions to Material Storage
No Piles of Silky Sand. Just consume them, geez.{
Well, if you just could consume them. You need a stack of 10 to consume them. Without the storage you have to manually transfer them between characters to consume them, and still keep some leftover most of the time. Adding them to storage would solve this.
Alternative solutions have been mentioned in the thread – e.g. changing the item so that every single one can be consumed.
No Piles of Silky Sand. Just consume them, geez.{
Well, if you just could consume them. You need a stack of 10 to consume them. Without the storage you have to manually transfer them between characters to consume them, and still keep some leftover most of the time. Adding them to storage would solve this.
Alternative solutions have been mentioned in the thread – e.g. changing the item so that every single one can be consumed.
The point is that you don’t need to store more than a stack, just a few at worst. Since the number of items that can be allocated to the material panel (and since items can’t be removed), it seems prudent to leave this one alone.
Thanks for taking this up Linsey!
I would love to see all of these in storage, but if I had to choose which items to eliminate from your long list, these are what I would choose to NOT make it into storage.
Rare Crafting Materials The ones I left below can be eliminated IMO because those that you buy for the MF, you usually know mostly what you need and can buy exact amounts. You don’t have to have them in storage. Others are things you manufacture or can spend easily enough. All a very situational and don’t need to be included IMO.
Mystic Crystals
Philosopher StonesThese two you cannot buy exact amounts (which is why I left them out of my list).
Ascended Materials Same as rare crafting mats above
Lesser Vision Crystal
Vision Crystal
Gemstones and JewelsLesser and normal Vision Crystals are drops from some achievements, and from bags. You cannot control getting them. Same for gemstones and jewels.
All the others, I couldn’t agree more with you.
I can see that. Although, I am not sure that enough of these items are generated to warrant material storage space. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see them included.
One more thing that would be very helpful, Lindsey:
Give us a button in our bank tabs area that will auto-deposit everything (in the bank) that can be auto-deposited. When you’ve got several hundred slots, it’s hard to find all of the depositable items manually.
(edited by Daddicus.6128)
Thanks a lot, Linsey.
Please, don’t cut anything. Put everything in the material storage, your list is already awesome.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I’d still like the rare scribing trophies in but I’d be happy with the list as it is now.
Things I’d remove (IF I had to):
Bloodstone Shard
Elonian Wine
Eldritch Scoll
Anthology of Heroes
Lump of Glass
The reason for those is some are from Miyani and the price for them hasn’t changed since their inception. It’s effectively unlimited storage that was since the vendor never runs out.
Lump of Glass is also a limited use item. It’s for mugs but more likely it’ll become mugs sooner rather than later. And also a rather expensive halloween skin.
8. Meet with experts to better understand the needs of their area of the game (WvW, Fractals, Scribes, SAB).
Some of the items listed brought up one thing; utilisation.
It’s something that bothers me with most MMOs is this constant “new shiney”. We’ve got currency after currency, material after material, being added which is why the LW3 stories have been quite nice because we get a common currency and a single, map-specific item for everything sold on each map. It means you can work towards buying something off one map through general play across all of them and only need specific play on the map where the item is sold for items which use the map-specific item. It’s a nice overarching system that’s working very well and reduces redundancy (unbound magic remains valuable on all the LW3 maps). The fact that most of them have dual usage in both direct and indirect currency (salvage or consumption into Unbound Magic) also cuts down on storage space requirements
Re-using existing items is also a good way to reduce redundancy and not have to develop another set of items and currencies. The next expansion is on its way and I would hope that the guild halls will have the same system they currently do rather than having a unique set to ‘start over’ again.
It would also be nice if we had a return of the Zephyrites with more vendors to take excessive items like they did with Blade Shards. Maybe even a rotating ‘requisitioner’ that would take large quantities of specific items or mats like runes, sigils, ‘worthless’ TP items like burgers, green onions, etc. This might increase the value of items with limited or no monetary value while reducing storage demands.
Since you’re collaborating with other groups on this; might be something to pass on.
Call me crazy, but some upgrade storage slots for runes and sigils would be amazing too.
I won’t say no to more material storage but I was happy enough with the current scheme.
Regardless, I do want to give you a big thank you! I can’t tell you how much I like hearing from the devs explaining what they are doing, why they are doing it, offering to take feedback, and all with clear descriptions and timeframes.
In this case I love the proposed improvements (nicely done) but even if I disliked the changes, explaining them this way goes a long way to smoothing any ruffled feathers.
This is very well done, please keep it up!
Well this just answered all my questions & I love you for it!! Thank you!!!
The problem that I usually have is that I don’t like it when it comes to removing things from the list of items to be banked. Since I tend to craft during some periods while others I focus on the story and others I focus on the achievements or mastery points, my various characters get to have a bag space filled with items that, maybe I’ll use later, maybe I can bank them, only to find that the bank space gets full quick. And while I can sell said items and get them later from the TP or farm them, that is a bit much, usually, for something that I used to just have at one point or another on an alt.
Sometimes I have so many ingots or logs that I am afraid to refine into something more concrete that a few professions do use, but then I realize that I don’t get more XP for leveling said profession anymore since I passed it for a while now.
It just becomes a game of magical chairs with materials, professions and characters that I spend more time worrying about item management and less time enjoying the game the way I want to. Because if I sell something now on TP or a vendor, do I need it later and can I get it at the same thing at the same price that I got it in the first place? Or just look at my map for nodes and get the part that I need again through the long way, only to realize that the long way gets me too few materials to craft into other materials. And it just becomes a circle of stress for me and time wasted doing something that’s more like filling a spreadsheet rather than playing a videogame.
I haven’t even mentioned,yet, hunting the NPC vendor that has the exact thing or just going on a grinder for that specific thing on the Mystic Toilet or doing PVP or WvW just for that one thing that’s missing, not because I enjoy said game types that most of the time I am reminded of how unqualified I am at them and it just a tedious slog.
The fix for alleviating most of my issues is getting as many items in the material depositing area as common sense allows.
My bank, inventory bags, and I thank you. I’m really looking forward to this. You rock!
Amazing list, will certainly be an increase in QoL. A thought, is it possible to make our bank tabs moveable like our inventory storage? As in we can drag and reorder the bank tabs vertically?
This is beautiful. :o
Amazing list, will certainly be an increase in QoL. A thought, is it possible to make our bank tabs moveable like our inventory storage? As in we can drag and reorder the bank tabs vertically?
Either that, or let us hide some of them semi-permanently. We can hide them, but if you close and re-open storage you’ll see them again. And with this new list, there are some tabs I don’t need to see, ever (actually, all three new categories…)
Not sure if someone suggested or is it gonna be adde bu regardless i will suggest. So would it be too much to add boosters in there?
Can i ask for one more thing?
There is option “deposit all materials” in the inventory menu.
99.99% times when you go to this menu – you go for “deposit all materials”.
So please – make some separate button for this on the invenory panel so we can skip opening menu everytime.
ps: also there is some issue with taking item from storage:
- when you double-click on the crafting item in bank – it goes to the craftsman bag
- when you double-click on the crafting item in storage – it ignores craftsman bags and go to the first bag.
(edited by Kantid.3571)
Not sure if someone suggested or is it gonna be adde bu regardless i will suggest. So would it be too much to add boosters in there?
Here are some notes on how we chose what:
• No Boosters, Tonics, Foods (general food consumables not the core cooking ingredients), utility buff, and potions. Just no. Seriously. There are way too many and there is a whole host of reasons why you just get a no.
I love the list as is and can’t wait for the changes to go live.
As someone that has already maxed there mats storage I would like to suggest to the Devs that when this change goes live you consider selling Mat storage increases beyond the current 2000 limit.
I for one can never get enough storage space and would happily pay to increase it further to show my appreciation for this mammoth and long overdue change to mats storage.
Thank you and keep up the great work. I hope the key chain we’ve been asking for is the next QoL improvement to come down the pipeline after this mat storage change. Once again take my money, I’m happy to pay for the convenience of a keychain as I already have the max shared inv slots available and still need more room for fit everything I try to share with all my chars..
Is there any possibility of a few, perhaps a dozen, uncategorized storage slots? That would take a stack (or expanded stack) of whatever was put into them first. When the stack of items was removed, it would be available for a stack of other stuff. This would be useful for holding those items that we collect incessantly with no clear goal in mind (Blade Shards). It would also allow each player to customize their bank to best serve their needs.
This would be useful for holding those items that we collect incessantly with no clear goal in mind (Blade Shards).
Blade shards are going into mat storage in near future as are many other similar items. Read the original post
cam we get a tonic unlock section and somplace to stash all the numerous toys I have purchased?
cam we get a tonic unlock section and somplace to stash all the numerous toys I have purchased?
That would be the bank. Unless you make a habit of buying 250 of the same toy each time one is released.
cam we get a tonic unlock section and somplace to stash all the numerous toys I have purchased?
That would be the bank.
Unless you make a habit of buying 250 of the same toy each time one is released.
That is not even close to what is being asked for there. :\
Tonics definitely don’t belong in material storage, but I’m sure more than a few people would be ecstatic if toys and tonics had their own accessibility tab.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
This sounds amazing and the list is fantastic. No complaints here.
I do have to question what the big deal with the silky sand is, though. Maybe its a bigger deal for people who are in a guild and need a constant supply of the stuff, but I just delete it if I end up with an odd amount less than 10 and know I won’t be hitting a desert map for a while. The stuff drops in crazy amounts if you’re actively playing any of the desert maps, I don’t feel deleting a few stacks of 3 here and there is really any big issue.
Not sure how closely you’re following this thread, and I know this is a longshot, but I would love if we could deposit Tomes of Knowledge. I know they’re not really a crafting material, but for those of us overflowing with them that may want to either use them on new characters at some point or convert them to spirit shards, it would free up a bit of bank space.
Not sure how closely you’re following this thread, and I know this is a longshot, but I would love if we could deposit Tomes of Knowledge. I know they’re not really a crafting material, but for those of us overflowing with them that may want to either use them on new characters at some point or convert them to spirit shards, it would free up a bit of bank space.
stick 250 in your bank then keep using the ones you get, problem solved your no longer overflowing with them.
I’ve got a bunch of replies saved up, so I am going to blast through a bunch of them now and circle back when I have time for a few topics I still want to touch on.
• No Instant Repair Canisters, Bank Access Express, Trading Post Express, Merchant Express, Revive Orb. Please just use these.
How about you add a check and if the account has , say a permanent Bank Access or other permanent, it quits dropping them and drops something useful or make them so you can sell them for something instead of just flushing them to make room.
Interesting. I don’t know if this is a desirable change on our end, but I will talk to some folks about something like this. We recently got some tech that MIGHT make it TECHNICALLY possible, so I can at least make a promise that I will poke the Commerce team about the idea. No promises beyond that.
Consider removing Unidentified Fossilized Insect and have someone make it so its vendor equivalent (3x Sandy Bag of Gear) drops instead once the Ambrite weapons collection is completed. Would probably make Dry Top-dedicated guilds even happier.
A replace on the drop table might be possible because of that previously mentioned tech, but I don’t know if it is in scope for me to make such a change.
15. Put on big girl pants and redo steps 7-11
I question the need for pants for this step. Pants are never necessary.
I normally agree thoroughly, however, in a professional environment not wearing any kind of bottom coverings is frowned upon.
Thanks for your work! May I also suggest the Ascended crafting materials you need for the Grandmaster Marks? Those are:
Carbonized Mithrillium Ingot
Square of Vabbian Silk
Blended Leather Sheet
Empowered Mithril Ingot
Empowered Cured Thick Leather Square
Bolt of Empowered Silk
Composite Wood Board
Weaponized Elder Wood Plank
Weaponized Cured Thick Leather Square
Weaponized Mithril Ingot
Ah ha! Now THIS. THIS is a suggestion. These did not exist when the project came up and were thus not even considered. I’m not going to make a promise right now that I will include them as I have not done my investigation, but I will promise to thoughtfully consider them and discuss it with the PvP team.
Lindsey, have you considered adding some more regular cooking materials? Things like Bottle of Rice Wine and Stein of Hearty Ale, that are used in recipes, but cannot be stored in the material storage.
I did but decided the use case wasn’t quite robust enough to include.
If anything, I am looking for cuts to this list, not adds.
Why should we suggest cuts??
Oh, I wasn’t necessarily asking for cut suggestions. Just indicating that I am not super interested in adding to the list, far more interested in removing. To be perfectly honest, I did not need to include the community in this project at all. I could have come up with this list on my own by just talking to folks internally. I just think it is more fun and inclusive doing it with community input and buy-in, so I took the opportunity to do that instead. It probably would have been easier for me to do it all internally.
Spiritwood Dowel
…Deldrimor Steel Plated Dowel
What’s the difference between these?
Ha! Excellent catch, they are indeed the same. I had caught that before posting, fixed it on my spreadsheet but missed it on my post draft. Fixed!
My concern with all of this is as you have said in the past, the space available is limited and you can’t really remove any once they have been added. So while you may be able to fit all these new mats in for now, when the expansion pack hits and inevitably many new crafting mats are added, will they all be able to fit? How about 2-3 expansions down the line? Has there been consideration for the long term implications of this system?
Part of this project for me was determining a total budget and breaking it down into chunks for future use in addition to this phase of additions. So, I budgeted about 100 items to add now with separate budgets for all future projects. Now, I am clearly over budget here but it isn’t looking like the expansion will use their full budget and it is unlikely that Season 4 will use its entire budget as well, so I am borrowing a bit. Regardless, I believe that we have enough space to be able to add these kinds of materials to material storage as we release them moving forward.
I’d also like to suggest Aetherkey pieces.
I know many will say that they belong on a keyring, but:
- They are not keys, just pieces, and
- People have been wanting a keyring for a while now, it still hasn’t happened, and removing them from mat storage in case a keyring is added doesn’t sound too hard.
Key ring or equivalent is coming soon. Pieces are like sand, just use them and make the keys. Opening Aether chests isn’t worth it nowadays anyway
WHOA WHOA WHOOOOOOA there. A key ring is NOT “coming soon”, please manage your expectations. I have indicated that I would prefer to address keys through a key ring, however, I have NOT found anyone to do that work and it can’t be me personally. Considering that, a key ring is currently in indefinite limbo until I can find someone willing to take it on as a side project.
As far as Marks to Crests, those really need a spot as there are a ton of those.
Mark (level 20)
Talisman (level 35)
Seal (level 50)
Medallion (level 65)
Crest (level 80)There are 5 of each type. That’s 25 total.
You probably don’t realize it but you just made an excellent case for them to NOT go into storage. That said, I will consider the level 80 Crests since they go into Amalgamated Gemstones, but I have almost zero desire to put all 25 into storage.
12. Experience data loss, resetting progress back to step 7, thus undoing all the hard parts I just did
13. Experience crushing demoralization and wallow in sadness for days while numerous people try to help recover work. This is why you should never save your docs locally and nowhere else.
14. Acceptance of lost data and thorough avoidance of redoing work while advancing through stages of griefData loss sucks, and I don’t know your infosec/IA plan, but do you guys not do nightly offsite backups or was there a backup failure? O_O I mean, I can see full revolt in the art department if a server failed and several days of paintings were lost in the mist. They’d come for your CIO armed with styluses and cintiqs, thirsty for blood, demanding revisions to your BC/DRP.
The problem was that I did not check it into our file share or save it on the network. It was ONLY on my local machine. LIFE LESSON LEARNED.
The plan adds way more than I expected!
It also adds more sass than I anticipated. Hee. Thanks, Linsey!
I’ve got sass in spades.
i would also love to see infinite stacking, instead of the default of 250
No. A thousand times to the ends of eternity, no.
Just out of curiosity though, if something can’t be deposited and isn’t stackable (like salvage kits, mining tools or ascended rings of the same type), how hard is it to make them stackable?
Very VERY hard. Like, never going to happen, hard.
Is there any possibility of a few, perhaps a dozen, uncategorized storage slots? That would take a stack (or expanded stack) of whatever was put into them first. When the stack of items was removed, it would be available for a stack of other stuff. This would be useful for holding those items that we collect incessantly with no clear goal in mind (Blade Shards). It would also allow each player to customize their bank to best serve their needs.
Nope! That’s what regular bank tabs are for.
My concern with all of this is as you have said in the past, the space available is limited and you can’t really remove any once they have been added. So while you may be able to fit all these new mats in for now, when the expansion pack hits and inevitably many new crafting mats are added, will they all be able to fit? How about 2-3 expansions down the line? Has there been consideration for the long term implications of this system?
Part of this project for me was determining a total budget and breaking it down into chunks for future use in addition to this phase of additions. So, I budgeted about 100 items to add now with separate budgets for all future projects. Now, I am clearly over budget here but it isn’t looking like the expansion will use their full budget and it is unlikely that Season 4 will use its entire budget as well, so I am borrowing a bit. Regardless, I believe that we have enough space to be able to add these kinds of materials to material storage as we release them moving forward.
I’d also like to suggest Aetherkey pieces.
I know many will say that they belong on a keyring, but:
- They are not keys, just pieces, and
- People have been wanting a keyring for a while now, it still hasn’t happened, and removing them from mat storage in case a keyring is added doesn’t sound too hard.
Key ring or equivalent is coming soon. Pieces are like sand, just use them and make the keys. Opening Aether chests isn’t worth it nowadays anyway
WHOA WHOA WHOOOOOOA there. A key ring is NOT “coming soon”, please manage your expectations. I have indicated that I would prefer to address keys through a key ring, however, I have NOT found anyone to do that work and it can’t be me personally. Considering that, a key ring is currently in indefinite limbo until I can find someone willing to take it on as a side project.
As far as Marks to Crests, those really need a spot as there are a ton of those.
Mark (level 20)
Talisman (level 35)
Seal (level 50)
Medallion (level 65)
Crest (level 80)There are 5 of each type. That’s 25 total.
You probably don’t realize it but you just made an excellent case for them to NOT go into storage. That said, I will consider the level 80 Crests since they go into Amalgamated Gemstones, but I have almost zero desire to put all 25 into storage.
12. Experience data loss, resetting progress back to step 7, thus undoing all the hard parts I just did
13. Experience crushing demoralization and wallow in sadness for days while numerous people try to help recover work. This is why you should never save your docs locally and nowhere else.
14. Acceptance of lost data and thorough avoidance of redoing work while advancing through stages of griefData loss sucks, and I don’t know your infosec/IA plan, but do you guys not do nightly offsite backups or was there a backup failure? O_O I mean, I can see full revolt in the art department if a server failed and several days of paintings were lost in the mist. They’d come for your CIO armed with styluses and cintiqs, thirsty for blood, demanding revisions to your BC/DRP.
The problem was that I did not check it into our file share or save it on the network. It was ONLY on my local machine. LIFE LESSON LEARNED.
The plan adds way more than I expected!
It also adds more sass than I anticipated. Hee. Thanks, Linsey!
I’ve got sass in spades.
i would also love to see infinite stacking, instead of the default of 250
No. A thousand times to the ends of eternity, no.
Just out of curiosity though, if something can’t be deposited and isn’t stackable (like salvage kits, mining tools or ascended rings of the same type), how hard is it to make them stackable?
Very VERY hard. Like, never going to happen, hard.
Is there any possibility of a few, perhaps a dozen, uncategorized storage slots? That would take a stack (or expanded stack) of whatever was put into them first. When the stack of items was removed, it would be available for a stack of other stuff. This would be useful for holding those items that we collect incessantly with no clear goal in mind (Blade Shards). It would also allow each player to customize their bank to best serve their needs.
Nope! That’s what regular bank tabs are for.
Thanks for taking the time to do all this Linsey.
I have a question/suggestion: Would it be easier for you if the teams started coming up with more uses for existing items, rather than adding so many new ones?
We used to have (and I still have several) miniatures in Material Storage. Thus, if those slots can never be (truly) removed, how about one for Queen Jennah and maybe Risen Priest of Balthazar (I don’t think many use the recipe for Obsidian Shards with the value of Mystic Coins)?
How about asking whomever would be in charge of item IDs to stack (or move to storage) the L20 (at least) scrolls?
Again, thanks for all your hard work.
Can you add Black Lion Salvage Kits to the storage? I know the tech exists, you used to be able to put PvP Salvage Kits into storage if they hadn’t been used yet.
I’d also like to suggest Aetherkey pieces.
I know many will say that they belong on a keyring, but:
- They are not keys, just pieces, and
- People have been wanting a keyring for a while now, it still hasn’t happened, and removing them from mat storage in case a keyring is added doesn’t sound too hard.
Key ring or equivalent is coming soon. Pieces are like sand, just use them and make the keys. Opening Aether chests isn’t worth it nowadays anyway
WHOA WHOA WHOOOOOOA there. A key ring is NOT “coming soon”, please manage your expectations. I have indicated that I would prefer to address keys through a key ring, however, I have NOT found anyone to do that work and it can’t be me personally. Considering that, a key ring is currently in indefinite limbo until I can find someone willing to take it on as a side project.
Oh… I only read “key ring is coming” and got really really hyped. Even more so than reading that the next expansion is coming
As to things that imo could be removed from your list:
Bloodstone Shard
Elonian Wine
Eldritch Scoll
Icy Runestone
—> Usually these items are only bought in a quantity that is needed. I kinda like how you have to go to Miyani and buy them for Mystic Forge stuff, it makes this whole process more hands on and involved. And yes, I do have a portable mystic forge, and yes, I know it would be more convenient. But is it really necessary? Id rather see other stuff in crafting material storage tbh.
Mystic Crystals
Philosopher Stones
—> If you dont plan on drastically reducing the rate of how you gain spirit shards, I dont really see the point in keeping those you are forced to buy in excess because of how they are bundled. And if you really want to keep them, its only 2 bank slots.
Legendary Insights
—> As someone that is raiding with pugs for fun a lot, Id still keep those in bank slots for easy access to ping. And if there’s too much of them at one point in the future, a way to convert them to Magnetite Shards or maybe buy Ascended stuff with them would be much more appreciated.
As far as Marks to Crests, those really need a spot as there are a ton of those.
Mark (level 20)
Talisman (level 35)
Seal (level 50)
Medallion (level 65)
Crest (level 80)There are 5 of each type. That’s 25 total.
You probably don’t realize it but you just made an excellent case for them to NOT go into storage. That said, I will consider the level 80 Crests since they go into Amalgamated Gemstones, but I have almost zero desire to put all 25 into storage.
What about the different type of Lumber Cores you get from gathering?
> you can’t really remove any once they have been added
Then please, please, please don’t add yet other legendary crafting components for the new legendaries to the storage (ala Shard of Friendship and alike). Those are against everything I read here. They are only used for one specific thing, which I daresay most players will never do anyway, and even if they do, they do it usually only once and are then done with it.
Every time I see those empty material slots it reminds me that there are tons of other things that would be more useful in there instead. I get that they cannot be remove without a major overhaul of the whole system, and that’s not going to happen. But please: don’t add new ones with each new legendary!
(edited by areliorn.3165)
Awesome list, I’m really exited about this!
I totally agree on the crests. There’s no reason to have all 25 in there. I’ll be very happy if the level 80 ones make the cut.
Please consider adding the scribing mats that come from random drops from foes or gathering like lumber cores, pristine feathers, Strategic Defense Map of the Mists, etc.
Please keep Mystic Crystals and Philosopher Stones because players have to buy multiple but might not use them all. I have 1 crystal and 8 stones left over. I’d say other things like Bloodstone Shard, Elonian Wine, Eldritch Scoll and Icy Runestone could be cut. Players can acquire those as needed in the exact quantity needed.
Mystic Crystals
Philosopher Stones
—> If you dont plan on drastically reducing the rate of how you gain spirit shards, I dont really see the point in keeping those you are forced to buy in excess because of how they are bundled. And if you really want to keep them, its only 2 bank slots.
I have to very much disagree with the statement in bold. Every item on the list is only 1 bank slot. That doesn’t justify eliminating the entire list.
• No Instant Repair Canisters, Bank Access Express, Trading Post Express, Merchant Express, Revive Orb. Please just use these.
How about you add a check and if the account has , say a permanent Bank Access or other permanent, it quits dropping them and drops something useful or make them so you can sell them for something instead of just flushing them to make room.
Interesting. I don’t know if this is a desirable change on our end, but I will talk to some folks about something like this.
Please do. Also check out my thread on behalf of this very topic:
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
We used to have (and I still have several) miniatures in Material Storage. Thus, if those slots can never be (truly) removed, how about one for Queen Jennah and maybe Risen Priest of Balthazar (I don’t think many use the recipe for Obsidian Shards with the value of Mystic Coins)?
How about asking whomever would be in charge of item IDs to stack (or move to storage) the L20 (at least) scrolls?
Again, thanks for all your hard work.
To both your questions: that’s not how this works on the back end. I can’t use old mini storage or move a couple of minis out of it. There isn’t anyone “in charge of item IDs” and there is no ability to make two different item IDs stack.
Can you add Black Lion Salvage Kits to the storage? I know the tech exists, you used to be able to put PvP Salvage Kits into storage if they hadn’t been used yet.
“Used to” being the operative words here. There are reasons you can’t anymore and I believe one of them has to do with exploitability.
> you can’t really remove any once they have been added
Then please, please, please don’t add yet other legendary crafting components for the new legendaries to the storage (ala Shard of Friendship and alike). Those are against everything I read here. They are only used for one specific thing, which I daresay most players will never do anyway, and even if they do, they do it usually only once and are then done with it.
Every time I see those empty material slots it reminds me that there are tons of other things that would be more useful in there instead. I get that they cannot be remove without a major overhaul of the whole system, and that’s not going to happen. But please: don’t add new ones with each new legendary!
We have already headed down the road of including them, we aren’t going to stop now.
Yes these are niche items, used for one thing. The reason why I still think they are valid to go into storage, is because they are part of long tail rewards where you might have a stack of them sitting around for a long time before using them. There are a few other things like this that we have chosen to include.
> you can’t really remove any once they have been added
Then please, please, please don’t add yet other legendary crafting components for the new legendaries to the storage (ala Shard of Friendship and alike). Those are against everything I read here. They are only used for one specific thing, which I daresay most players will never do anyway, and even if they do, they do it usually only once and are then done with it.
Every time I see those empty material slots it reminds me that there are tons of other things that would be more useful in there instead. I get that they cannot be remove without a major overhaul of the whole system, and that’s not going to happen. But please: don’t add new ones with each new legendary!
We have already headed down the road of including them, we aren’t going to stop now.
Yes these are niche items, used for one thing. The reason why I still think they are valid to go into storage, is because they are part of long tail rewards where you might have a stack of them sitting around for a long time before using them. There are a few other things like this that we have chosen to include.
Similar to mystic clovers?
> you can’t really remove any once they have been added
Then please, please, please don’t add yet other legendary crafting components for the new legendaries to the storage (ala Shard of Friendship and alike). Those are against everything I read here. They are only used for one specific thing, which I daresay most players will never do anyway, and even if they do, they do it usually only once and are then done with it.
Every time I see those empty material slots it reminds me that there are tons of other things that would be more useful in there instead. I get that they cannot be remove without a major overhaul of the whole system, and that’s not going to happen. But please: don’t add new ones with each new legendary!
We have already headed down the road of including them, we aren’t going to stop now.
Yes these are niche items, used for one thing. The reason why I still think they are valid to go into storage, is because they are part of long tail rewards where you might have a stack of them sitting around for a long time before using them. There are a few other things like this that we have chosen to include.
Similar to mystic clovers?
Not exactly because clovers are used in all legendary weapons, but sort of.
• No Lumber Cores or Pruning Shears. We count these as trophies used for guild hall decorations which I already mentioned we opted to not include.
• No Golden Fractal Relic + Integrated Fractal Matrix. I discussed these with the Fractals team extensively throughout the process and they opted to investigate other solutions.
• No Writs and Tomes. I do not want to put in consumables of this nature.
• No Strategic Defense Map of the Mists. Used in very few things at a low cost.
• No Toys and Tonics. These are so outside of any of our qualifications for going into storage that I can’t believe I am having to explain why they aren’t going in.
• No Essence of Time. It is a trophy used in two things, one of them being a decoration.
Things to think about a bit more:
• Miyani Items. A lot of folks have rightly pointed out that all of Miyani’s items should go into storage. I haven’t made a final determination on this yet, but it’s likely that we will cut at least some of these from the list.
• Indigo Mushrooms + Mushroom Milk. I’m really on the fence about this one. I had wanted to allow them to keep dropping because they do make foods that can continue to be used, but I don’t particularly want to include them in storage because of how you start acquiring them. I’ll think about it more though.
• Badges of Tribute. We said no to these largely because of how you get them and use them. They are bought from a vendor and can be immediately consumed by crafting low-ish cost items with them. I will check in with the WvW team to see if they disagree with that sentiment.
• Mystic Runestone. If I am going to put in Icy Runestone, I should probably put in this one as well.
• Marks, Talismans, Seals, Medallions, and Crests. I have almost zero desire to put all 25 into storage, but I will rethink Crests specifically because of their inclusion in Amalgamated Gemstone crafting.
• Ascended crafting materials that make Grandmaster Marks. This is going to be a tough one. There are a lot of items here. I’ll consult with the PvP team and my fellow rewards folks.
Things to think about a bit more:
• Indigo Mushrooms + Mushroom Milk. I’m really on the fence about this one. I had wanted to allow them to keep dropping because they do make foods that can continue to be used, but I don’t particularly want to include them in storage because of how you start acquiring them. I’ll think about it more though.
You already answered yourself abouth that here… i think.
> you can’t really remove any once they have been added
Then please, please, please don’t add yet other legendary crafting components for the new legendaries to the storage (ala Shard of Friendship and alike). Those are against everything I read here. They are only used for one specific thing, which I daresay most players will never do anyway, and even if they do, they do it usually only once and are then done with it.
Every time I see those empty material slots it reminds me that there are tons of other things that would be more useful in there instead. I get that they cannot be remove without a major overhaul of the whole system, and that’s not going to happen. But please: don’t add new ones with each new legendary!
We have already headed down the road of including them, we aren’t going to stop now.
Yes these are niche items, used for one thing. The reason why I still think they are valid to go into storage, is because they are part of long tail rewards where you might have a stack of them sitting around for a long time before using them. There are a few other things like this that we have chosen to include.
You have even more reasons with the mushrooms. you get more of those constantly, sittin there, waiting.
(edited by magom.3275)
I’m curious as to why things can’t be removed, from a programmatic standpoint. We recently had a bunch of people getting mail for removed PVP stuff; why couldn’t an item be removed and mailed back to the person?
Is there any chance we can fix up some of the odd organizational things, like putting T6 mats underneath their respective columns instead of off to the side?
While I agree with why they cannot or will not make some or all material storage there are a lot of these items that just do not have any kind of storage other than to making characters storage characters. So if you want to end up playing this character your ending up moving hundreds of items around a time.
If anything the easiest choice would be is if we had a special kind of storage that worked as an extra inventory that only held these types of items that are commonly acquired. The having a storage guild is something to alleviate the non-account bound items but there is a need for a place to store all this extra stuff imo.
Tonics definitely don’t belong in material storage, but I’m sure more than a few people would be ecstatic if toys and tonics had their own accessibility tab.
Toys and EL tonics should really be managed the same way as minis where you can either keep the item and use it, or consume it and permanently unlock it. It doesn’t make sense to expect people to keep so much inventory for cosmetics.
Miyani Items. A lot of folks have rightly pointed out that all of Miyani’s items should go into storage. I haven’t made a final determination on this yet, but it’s likely that we will cut at least some of these from the list.
At a minimum Mystic Crystal and Philosopher’s Stones need to deposit, but the others are always bought individually specifically for usage at that moment. Mystic Crystals and Philosopher’s Stones are bought in quantities that nearly always leave leftovers.
Indigo Mushrooms + Mushroom Milk. I’m really on the fence about this one. I had wanted to allow them to keep dropping because they do make foods that can continue to be used, but I don’t particularly want to include them in storage because of how you start acquiring them. I’ll think about it more though.
They’re specifically for legendary collections so I say do not include them. Doesn’t make sense for them to deposit when no other legendary collection items do; people will lose them via deposit all and think that it’s bugged.
Mystic Runestone. If I am going to put in Icy Runestone, I should probably put in this one as well.
Marks, Talismans, Seals, Medallions, and Crests. I have almost zero desire to put all 25 into storage, but I will rethink Crests specifically because of their inclusion in Amalgamated Gemstone crafting.
Quite frankly, if you’re going to include orbs and doubloons, you really ought to include these. They’re the exact same thing just with a different icon, and to not include them is pretty inconsistent and counterintuitive. Absolutely the crests are the most important, but I think you should add them all.
Ascended crafting materials that make Grandmaster Marks. This is going to be a tough one. There are a lot of items here. I’ll consult with the PvP team and my fellow rewards folks.
At least include marks because you can get them as rewards from PvP leagues, and having them litter your bank/inventory would be super annoying. It would be different if they were strictly crafted to be immediately used, but that’s not the case.
Thanks for your hard work and considerations, Linsey!