Adventuring in Gendarran

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voqar.2349


I’m doing hearts, etc, going for map completion in Gendarran – you know, actually PLAYING the game, and I feel like I’m a minority here.

At least half the characters I see have no guild tag, which is wierd, because for most fo this game seeing even one person without a tag would be an oddity. For most of this game, EVERYONE has been guilded.

Everywhere I go I’m seeing toons teleporting around the map attacking random mobs not tied to quests. I suppose it’s kind of the bots to go for non essentials? Pretty sick of seeing so many bots though.

Even the guilded players I see generally seem to be behaving oddly. The behaviors just seem erratic, unfocused, and just odd.

Overall, it’s surreal. It’s nothing like the game was earlier. Zero map chat, bots everywhere, players acting LIKE bots.

It’s freaking wierd.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: riku.2091


Am I a bot?

I generally never chat.

I am not guilded.

I kill everything I see in order to get mats.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qelris.6901


I always 100% the maps before moving to the next one. There’s often a discussion here and there on map chat. I don’t know which server you’re from, but people seems fine in Crystal Desert. I’m not someone that speaks much unless you’re my friend, so I can’t really say much other than what I can observe while exploring.

As other people says in similar topic like this, try being pro-active(or whatever is the term) and start discussions.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Catbriar.4195


Erratic, unfocused, and just odd? That’s my playstyle! =)

Bots are about the opposite of erratic. Teleporting bots: I’ve never seen them take a step. They blip from point to point and attack if they’re within range of a targetable mob.

The funniest one I ever saw was in Queensdale. Somehow she’d targeted a pail of water at a local farm and was helpfully splashing every weed clump along the river. She must have been botting the prof “wetlands conservationist.”

Another type of bot runs a predetermined path, but the stops they make are based on a mob spawning within range. Once the mob is dead, they’re off and running. But they won’t go beyond their route. The ones I saw doing this, also in that hotbed for baby bots that is Queensdale, had such a short route being performed by so many that they were stacking up on top of each other, making their mechanical actions extremely apparent.

But lack of focus is my modus operandi. I think my favorite thing to do is go gathering, traipsing from plant to ore to tree. What I love about it, unstructured as it is, is how it always leads to discovering adventure along the way. Unplanned fun is so much sweeter.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Part of the issue may be due to the initial launch excitement having settled down somewhat. A lot of people have also likely gotten bored or just burned themselves out on the game due to investing too much time into it.

Certain zones are also almost always ‘dead’ no matter the time of day, though. I can’t speak for every server but things do tend to be quiet in parts of the game world. As for the bots? They’re irritating, but all we can do is report them. Hopefully they’ll be dealt with soon in order to ensure people don’t start leaving because of that.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


I would’ve loved it if people had a reason to go back to old zones for their “grind” besides just 100%ing it and never touching it again.

I thought that’s what Anet’s plan was.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawken.7932


Funny, I’ve played just countless hours of this game since launch, and I haven’t seen a single toon teleporting around the map. Not one.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Funny, I’ve played just countless hours of this game since launch, and I haven’t seen a single toon teleporting around the map. Not one.

Same. I barely see any bots, if any, around either..

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Adventuring in Gendarran

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reihert.1509


Tarnished Coast is a piece of heaven