Airplane mode as a permanent emote?
There have been several similar posts today, would be cool. If the datamined item shows up I will be very tempted to get one.
Actually you’re not few Plenty of us liked it and made a thread like this. (I did too! :P ) Prepare for your thread to be merged with the super thread!
Also, datamining the Dat revealed an item for airplane mode similar to the bobble head lab!
I’m surprised no one (that I’ve seen) recalls all the threads/posts near launch asking for the airplane ‘bug’ to be re-enabled.
Now the Devs did, and this happens. Geez!
I am one of the few who thoroughly enjoyed this. Is there a way we can make this (along with the sepia filter) some sort of emote or mode I can turn on? Kind of like the bobblehead mode? I will love you guys even more than I currently do
Disregard the whiney babies here, just offer them a tissue. However I do believe that someone data mined that they will be releasing the airplane version of the bobblehead laboratory in the gem store as they did last year. I plan on buying it when it’s out!