Alert - Game Play Related

Alert - Game Play Related

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


Please and Thank You

An Alert Me when I am log in game for
1) Alert me when my character is near an event, boss, etc that i needed for achievement.
2) Alert me when another player has put up a Looking for Group that I needed. for instant, I now have 1 more dungeon that I haven’t completed, when someone puts up a LFG for that dungeon, I will be alerted.
3) Same as above but for event, boss etc that is not near my character when i am log in. For instant, players will put up in LFG for the Tequatl Event, and i needed to go jump over the waves. I like to be alerted when it happens.
4) Alert me when I am near a Karma / NPC who sells item that I need for completions of collections etc.

Thank You

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Alert - Game Play Related

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaken.6801


So, all the things you can easily look up and discover by going into the archievment tab and should just spam you if you are somewhere or anyway near something you might need.

I see a big problem here:

  • Constant WvW spam
  • Constant PvP spam
  • Constant spam from several collections in HoT (like specialization collection)
  • Constant spam from overalapping archievments
  • Constant Daily spam
  • etc…

With so many overlapping things in that area of the game and the ability to access them from anywhere, you will get a constant flood of information, that might not even interest you at the moment.

Ironicly if you filter out what information you don’t want to get, you have to go through all the archievments anyway, to tick them off and activate the ones you want, so you are actually looking your desired ones up anyway.

Furthermore all the stuff you mentioned is designed to get you into the areas, for you to seek out.

You want QoL and to passively gain everything by wandering around it seems.

1) Bosses etc. are usually described in their archievment. If you want it, look it up and go there. It’s not that hard. More so, you will get the archievment anyway if you do these events, so how is a range alert and improvement, aside from the fact, that you might not doing the event?

2) Dungeon Archievment tells you exactly what you are missing. LFG let’s you exactly formulate or look for certain dungeons and paths. If you want to do dungeons, open LFG and look. An alert won’t change much, because even if you get alerted, you might only be informed of a starting group and have to wait half an hour to have it filled, making the alarm rather useless.

3) Bosses are on an shedule. You are asking for a Bosstimer and your problem is more along getting into the right map to do that archievment, instead on being there on time.

4) Kinda takes the fun out of it. You are already told where and who has the item. If you want it, wiki or search it. Sure a proximity inndicator would be nice, but why should everything be GPS today?

I get your concerns, but in a wiki world, I enjoy a bit of searching and mystery for myself.
Everything is allready a checklist enough already.