All the claims that HoT content is...

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandeh.5248


Not worth 50 bucks.

Have we seen all the content? It sure seems that way by you all who complain about it. Myself, I think and am pretty sure we have not.

I have bought the ultimate edition, to get that out of the way. How many hours have you played GW2, divide it by the bucks you bought it for and reply here.

If HoT does not have 1/2 of the content GW2 had at launch, I wont mind, I wont mind if it has 1/3rd or 1/4th.

Because we have gotten so much for free over the years, granted things could of been done better across the board. But most of us active players agree that this is the MMOrpg on the market right now that is worth spending your time on.

You have to keep in mind HoT will lay the foundation for probably 2-4 seasons of living world with tons of more content to come, free of charge.

Is this not worth 50 bucks? How much do you spend on your lunch, candy or whatever in a week?

Is it a tad high? Sure, but like many others I was expecting a price like this. Does the 50 dollar pack feel a bit lack luster, yup it does. As of right now and here.

But if you really have to compare X and Y to 0.5 dollars here and there. You might want to think what you spend your money on elsewhere.

If you are in a situation where you cannot afford to spend 100 dollars on a game, that you have played for potentially 3 years(0.091 dollars per day!), then you might want to change your hobby, or play a game that is free.

Are we really that salty that Anet lets new players get the game cheaper? The game is three years old, ofc new players should get a discount.. Did you buy any triple A game the last 2 years?

Are you complaining that new players to those games can buy them for 50-80% off?

I think not. Calm the kitten down. You do not have to pre-order, you can wait for reviews and all that.

(edited by Pandeh.5248)

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warbignime.4610


Exactly, all those people who claim that HoT does not have enough content must have played some leak version, because they sure sound like they do. People are getting ridiculous.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gundam Zephyr.6713

Gundam Zephyr.6713

“Nah, man. The customer knows best!” -Words of every moron consumer who ever lived.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Therodin.2970


The most reasonable complaint is that a new player gets an extremely large amount of stuff for 50$ whereas a veteran player gets only two-three maps, specializations and guild halls for the same price.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gundam Zephyr.6713

Gundam Zephyr.6713

Except nobody knows enough to accurately gauge the content’s worth at this time. There isn’t enough information. I preordered because I’ll be playing the expansion regardless, but I have no problem with people holding off. It’s their money and they can choose when and where to use it. What I do have a problem with is people claiming the content won’t be worth $50, or that ANet is scamming veteran players. They’re not.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Have we seen all the content? It sure seems that way by you all who complain about it. Myself, I think and am pretty sure we have not.

Actually, you just answered your own question.

We have no idea how much content we’re looking at. We know specializations, traits, masteries, and the WvW map are all not part of HoT but a general content update, though. Only some specifics are unique to HoT.

And that’s it; so what exactly does HoT bring beside from some new sPvP, a new class, and a couple new maps?

We don’t know.

So why are people willing to pay $50-$100 on something they’re next to clueless about that has little substance known about it? That’s just stupid money management and an insult to the consumer expected to buy it.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gundam Zephyr.6713

Gundam Zephyr.6713

Have we seen all the content? It sure seems that way by you all who complain about it. Myself, I think and am pretty sure we have not.

Actually, you just answered your own question.

We have no idea how much content we’re looking at. We know specializations, traits, masteries, and the WvW map are all not part of HoT but a general content update, though. Only some specifics are unique to HoT.

And that’s it; so what exactly does HoT bring beside from some new sPvP, a new class, and a couple new maps?

We don’t know.

So why are people willing to pay $50-$100 on something they’re next to clueless about that has little substance known about it? That’s just stupid money management and an insult to the consumer expected to buy it.

That is incorrect. The update is just as much part of HoT as the new PVE maps. They’re simply being released before the expansion releases, just as Blizzard has done with THEIR pre-expansion updates.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


You’re absolutely right that we don’t know how much content is in HoT and shouldn’t judge it entirely based on what we’ve seen so far.

But judging it on what we imagine might be included, or even worse on what we imagine Anet might do in the next few years following on from the expansion sounds like an even worse idea to me, because we have even less information to base those predictions on and so there’s a huge probability of getting it wrong.

Of course the upshot of that is that we simply can’t say yet whether the expansion is worthwhile or not, which means the pre-purchase is starting too early IMO. But that’s ok because it’s going to go on right up until launch, and if by then we still don’t have a clear idea of what’s included or how much there is then we’ll have bigger things to worry about.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anx.7549


I’ve spent money in the past on games that I have not been satisfied with, either story, game play or just personal dislike. Having played GW for such a long time although newish to GW2, I feel I am able to deem for myself if I am liking what I see or don’t see, and what I am or am not prepared to spend money on.


All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tovadaun.6304


The most reasonable complaint is that a new player gets an extremely large amount of stuff for 50$ whereas a veteran player gets only two-three maps, specializations and guild halls for the same price.

That new player is not getting any more than you already have.
I don’t understand all these posts claiming that new players are “getting more than vet players are”.
They are not getting any more than the base 5 slots, the base bank slots, etc, that you got when you got the game.
How is this “more than you get”? Don’t you already have all that stuff? You got it when you loaded your key for the core game, just like they’ll get, because now the core is HoT. Theirs just wont filled with up to 3 years of memories (or pack-ratted-ness in some cases).
I’m seriously waiting for an answer to this.
It really feels like more people are angry because there will no longer be any elite status of a vet player because the new player will have equal footing.

Kitta the Conjurer, Guardian- At Your Service- Yak’s Bend
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


If you are happy OP to pay for a.product that you have no idea will contain, that’s up to you. As for us getting content for “free” you might have no supported ANet with gems over the last 3 years but I have. That helped to pay for the “free” content, that kept me playing, that kept me buying gems. Ask your self this. If it wasn’t for the so called “free” content, would you have played GW2 for the last 3 years? I don’t think you would. MMO’s live of keeping there players playing. Having a sub or an in game store will.not keep.a game alive if you don’t give out content.

Even when WoW brings out an Xpac, they bring out “free” content to keep people playing, like new areas, dungeons/raids. Sure you are paying.monthly, but if you’ve reached max level and got the gear, what do you do then with no new content? Stop playing. That’s what some people have done already with GW2. The lack of content has driven people off. In my guild.most have not logged on in a month, friends on other guilds have left completely, and are playing other games. All this amounts to lost revenue to ANet. As if people are not playing they are not buying gems, and are not going to buy HoT maybe.

I want to buy the xpac, I do, I have the money ready. But untill I know more of what I’m getting out side of, One new zone split in to three levels, one new profession, Guild Halls, 1 new PvP mode and one new WvW map. So far when you look at the price, and what you get, its not worth it to me. I’m sure more will be added. But its more a case of when will it be added. At launch, or later on with LS3.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
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All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

“Nah, man. The customer knows best!” -Words of every moron consumer who ever lived.

That motto was a great guideline in the past before it got spread around constantly. Now that it’s practically a business meme, the customer themselves use it as leverage to get their way instead of as a means to fair business.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EnergySlam.2793


Why are you willing to pay $50-100 for something that’s not even halfway finished? We’ve barely seen any of the content, let alone the “Challenging content” or dungeons. We’ve seen half a map. Specializations are features, not content.

I feel like they shouldn’t have announced any pricings or pre-purchases yet while having so much unrevealed. They have nothing to show as of yet to justify the $50 pricetag. Plus I feel like the whole character slot issue is just plain wrong, people have been inquiring about this since HoT has been revealed. So much rage could’ve been avoided by adding something so simple.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigsexy.8302


And have you seen all the content to claim that there’s a lot? No, you haven’t.
There’s a good reason why people say there’s not enough content – and the reason is so far Anet have shown basically NOTHING. I wonder why…

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

And have you seen all the content to claim that there’s a lot? No, you haven’t.
There’s a good reason why people say there’s not enough content – and the reason is so far Anet have shown basically NOTHING. I wonder why…

A lot of us wonder why…

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: defrule.7236


Burden of proof is on Anet to show it is worth 50.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Of course we know the relative amount of content, this is such a stupid argument.

Will HoT have the same amount of content as regular GW2? The answer, short of a logistics miracle is no, far from it.

So why would an expansion, where short of many people short circuiting their common sense to white knight ANet, be priced at the SAME price point as a full game release?

If you can sit there and make an argument that HoT pricing is fair and good, relative to every other game/expansion on the market, then you’re either fooling yourself or on the ANet marketing dime. ESPECIALLY when you consider all the benefits new players are getting, while those who’ve sunk time into the game (and let’s be honest, beta tested for three years ANet’s terrible balancing scheme for free) and money/gems to fund HoT in the first place, are basically getting the bird from ANet.

I certainly won’t buy any edition of HoT until the price comes WAY down, from what I’ve seen of all the content streams and release videos, HoT Standard barely merits a $19.99 price point, with the Ultimate Edition maybe meriting $60, and only for the gems. Its even more of a ridiculous kick in the teeth that “Standard” doesn’t include an extra character slot for the Revenant which is pretty much the core new feature that every one wants to play with.

It has nothing to do with the cost, its the principle of the thing, in the same vein as the paid mods scandal on Steam just recently. And I will also say that if ANet doesn’t release a fair expansion only option for three year veterans (of which I am, plus GW1 since beta), then not only will I not but HoT, I’ll uninstall GW2 entirely and never look back. The tactics of ANet lately have left myself and many others with really bad tastes in our mouths, and this latest expansion debacle is just icing on a really “icky brown” cake.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Features count as content you insufferable twit.

Yes, and most of those features are already being offered to the base game for free. Thinking that they add value to the xpac is very twit worthy.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HenleyLegoMan.4987


Let’s hope you are not dissapointed with the expansion after buying ultimate edition. Not to worry though, the forums will be here for you if it is lol

There has never been a good war, or a bad peace.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zahld.4956


the original game has depreciated considerably. its now worthless.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zahld.4956


maybe anet should make a kickstarter campaign for the next expansion and see how that fares.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warbignime.4610


Of course we know the relative amount of content, this is such a stupid argument.

Will HoT have the same amount of content as regular GW2? The answer, short of a logistics miracle is no, far from it.

So why would an expansion, where short of many people short circuiting their common sense to white knight ANet, be priced at the SAME price point as a full game release?

If you can sit there and make an argument that HoT pricing is fair and good, relative to every other game/expansion on the market, then you’re either fooling yourself or on the ANet marketing dime. ESPECIALLY when you consider all the benefits new players are getting, while those who’ve sunk time into the game (and let’s be honest, beta tested for three years ANet’s terrible balancing scheme for free) and money/gems to fund HoT in the first place, are basically getting the bird from ANet.

I certainly won’t buy any edition of HoT until the price comes WAY down, from what I’ve seen of all the content streams and release videos, HoT Standard barely merits a $19.99 price point, with the Ultimate Edition maybe meriting $60, and only for the gems. Its even more of a ridiculous kick in the teeth that “Standard” doesn’t include an extra character slot for the Revenant which is pretty much the core new feature that every one wants to play with.

It has nothing to do with the cost, its the principle of the thing, in the same vein as the paid mods scandal on Steam just recently. And I will also say that if ANet doesn’t release a fair expansion only option for three year veterans (of which I am, plus GW1 since beta), then not only will I not but HoT, I’ll uninstall GW2 entirely and never look back. The tactics of ANet lately have left myself and many others with really bad tastes in our mouths, and this latest expansion debacle is just icing on a really “icky brown” cake.

Want it, have money for it, Buy it. Want it, no money for it, save up money.Don’t want it, don’t buy it. It is that simple. All the arguments and rioting are getting ridiculous.

Also you sound like never bought MMO expansion before and you never played WoW.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savior.5783


Not worth 50 bucks.

Have we seen all the content? It sure seems that way by you all who complain about it. Myself, I think and am pretty sure we have not.

We don’t need to see all the content to determine whether or not there is enough for us or not. That’s because they told us there would be 3 “big” maps, 1 new profession, and new skills.

Anyone who believes 3 maps, a profession, and new skills is enough content to be considered an expansion is pretty blind.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drayos.8759


Have we seen all the content? It sure seems that way by you all who complain about it. Myself, I think and am pretty sure we have not.

Actually, you just answered your own question.

We have no idea how much content we’re looking at. We know specializations, traits, masteries, and the WvW map are all not part of HoT but a general content update, though. Only some specifics are unique to HoT.

And that’s it; so what exactly does HoT bring beside from some new sPvP, a new class, and a couple new maps?

We don’t know.

So why are people willing to pay $50-$100 on something they’re next to clueless about that has little substance known about it? That’s just stupid money management and an insult to the consumer expected to buy it.

cause the majority of us dont require a game to physically lock the entire access to anything new down to mark it down as Something the Expansions providing.

When u pay Into a game u arnt just throwing money at something for fun… or for a limited time, ur valuing the Work of a Individual or a Companys quality, you as a Customer are investing in Arena.nets Game, this is what makes the difference between a Successful and a Failing game. Need our Money to produce what they do, they need our money to hire people and keep people employed to bring the game together every day to work on the servers bugs pvp pve and game content as a whole each day looking for new things or things they could improve, it costs the company money to have this.

As its stated Expansions are released Equal price to the actual game and often do not offer as much length wise as the base game, U pay into something to support it and keep it doing what its doing, if nobody buys the expansion then they stop GW2 thats how the world works.. 0 Money = 0 profit = Failing Game.

Is the Expansion more expensive then alot of f2ps these days? Yes.

but Look at how much additional Things u pay for in those games in comparison to this one..

Over 3 years in any other game u’ll of spent atleast £400 in Subs + Micro Transcations.

this game u’ve been forced into nothing but the inital games price.

People Segment their profits differently… it all adds up to be the EXACT same thing there is no Scam.. No Rip off… its not overpriced in the long term of things, people just ignore the actual process behind this and QQ on it.

if they’re sacrificng their profits in the game to deliever u the full game free of charge with 0 p2w options 0 Subscription and 0 Forced payments into the cash shop, they need ur investments else where, Expansions is Another placew they can put it without drowning u in long term constant payments.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


The most reasonable complaint is that a new player gets an extremely large amount of stuff for 50$ whereas a veteran player gets only two-three maps, specializations and guild halls for the same price.

That new player is not getting any more than you already have.
I don’t understand all these posts claiming that new players are “getting more than vet players are”.
They are not getting any more than the base 5 slots, the base bank slots, etc, that you got when you got the game.
How is this “more than you get”? Don’t you already have all that stuff? You got it when you loaded your key for the core game, just like they’ll get, because now the core is HoT. Theirs just wont filled with up to 3 years of memories (or pack-ratted-ness in some cases).
I’m seriously waiting for an answer to this.
It really feels like more people are angry because there will no longer be any elite status of a vet player because the new player will have equal footing.

I don’t understand how tyou fail basic maths either.

Of course new players will be getting extra.. they get a core game pack for free with an expansion for $50+… we get to rebuy the game we already spent out on and in doing so help them recoup a few dollars from all those 75% off sales.

This is why there has been so much evasion on the subject and the expac in general.
Its a QoL update, with much of what we were sold on being patched into the core game (yes the same core game we already bought) and not even in the expac.

No sorry this is rip off marketing 101 and many of us fell for it, time will tell just how many of us who have said wont be purchasing the expac stand by that.. I for one will be one of them… trust is hard earned and easily lost.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gene Archer.8560

Gene Archer.8560

Anet has decided that the information they have released so far is enough to warrant having a pre-purchase available (one with no release date, at that).

If they are that certain that what has been revealed so far is worth $50, then people are perfectly within their right to decide if what has been shown so far is worth said $50.

It’s as simple as that.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Veteran players get more out of the pre-order than do new players.

A new player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets the option to link the new content to an existing account if he prefers that over a new account. His choice.

A new player, by definition, does not have a pre-existing to which he might choose to link the new content.

The new player has one option, the veteran has two options including the same one offered to the new player.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Veteran players get more out of the pre-order than do new players.

A new player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets the option to link the new content to an existing account if he prefers that over a new account. His choice.

A new player, by definition, does not have a pre-existing to which he might choose to link the new content.

The new player has one option, the veteran has two options including the same one offered to the new player.

Such logic. Wow.

Tell me, does a veteran player, who somehow chooses to go with the new account and HoT to get the same value as a new player have any benefit as a veteran player? Its effectively a restart button, which means a veteran player choosing that option would be erasing nearly three years of progress.

I’ll hazard a guess that 100% of veteran players who buy HoT aren’t going to be restarting their main account, which means its not a legitimate option or choice.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Veteran players get more out of the pre-order than do new players.

A new player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets the option to link the new content to an existing account if he prefers that over a new account. His choice.

A new player, by definition, does not have a pre-existing to which he might choose to link the new content.

The new player has one option, the veteran has two options including the same one offered to the new player.

Such logic. Wow.

Tell me, does a veteran player, who somehow chooses to go with the new account and HoT to get the same value as a new player have any benefit as a veteran player? Its effectively a restart button, which means a veteran player choosing that option would be erasing nearly three years of progress.

I’ll hazard a guess that 100% of veteran players who buy HoT aren’t going to be restarting their main account, which means its not a legitimate option or choice.

The veteran in your example is not resetting three years of progress any more than anyone else who has purchased alternate accounts over the last three years.

Feel free to guess whatever you like. I posted facts, not opinions.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Exactly, all those people who claim that HoT does not have enough content must have played some leak version, because they sure sound like they do. People are getting ridiculous.

Equally people saying that it is worth $50 are also being ridiculous. ANet have revealed so little of the actual content. I pay on facts, not dreams and promises.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Veteran players get more out of the pre-order than do new players.

A new player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets an account with access to both the original content and the new.

A veteran player gets the option to link the new content to an existing account if he prefers that over a new account. His choice.

A new player, by definition, does not have a pre-existing to which he might choose to link the new content.

The new player has one option, the veteran has two options including the same one offered to the new player.

Such logic. Wow.

Tell me, does a veteran player, who somehow chooses to go with the new account and HoT to get the same value as a new player have any benefit as a veteran player? Its effectively a restart button, which means a veteran player choosing that option would be erasing nearly three years of progress.

I’ll hazard a guess that 100% of veteran players who buy HoT aren’t going to be restarting their main account, which means its not a legitimate option or choice.

The veteran in your example is not resetting three years of progress any more than anyone else who has purchased alternate accounts over the last three years.

Feel free to guess whatever you like. I posted facts, not opinions.

The point is, your “facts” are irrelevant to reality. No veteran with said three years of progress is going to voluntarily reset to eke out the same value as new players, rendering the mystical value of “choice” pointless. Which means, effectively, there is no choice, and veterans get hosed.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditrah.5128


That is incorrect. The update is just as much part of HoT as the new PVE maps. They’re simply being released before the expansion releases, just as Blizzard has done with THEIR pre-expansion updates.

And you still don’t have to pay 50 Usd for it, there is no wall keepin you from it. The discussion is about getting moneys worth for the price you pay, so ofc a free patch can’t be considered content you pay for because it’s simply not.

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


They have outlined pretty well what the expansion will contain. You’re gullible if you think they have some secret content hidden. I wouldn’t even call this an expansion tbh with how small it is going to be

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.5276


On this website:
Serach down to here and see how much Content each WoW expansion has included, just new all player material, not restricted
Blizzard Entertainment News (June 1st – 8th, 2015

Does HoT come close? – no, not worth $50

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Exactly, all those people who claim that HoT does not have enough content must have played some leak version, because they sure sound like they do. People are getting ridiculous.

Equally people saying that it is worth $50 are also being ridiculous. ANet have revealed so little of the actual content. I pay on facts, not dreams and promises.

And what I’ve seen makes it worth it, to me. But I fully understand that others like you do not feel that HoT is worth $50 based on what we’ve been shown. And I fully support your decision (and others’) to not purchase the game until such time that you feel it’s worth it.

So please don’t say I’m being ridiculous because I happen to be on the side of buying it (haven’t yet, don’t know what version I’m going to get and I’m waiting to see what, if anything, ANet will do given the reception of the pre-purchase options).

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Have we seen all the content? It sure seems that way by you all who complain about it. Myself, I think and am pretty sure we have not.

Actually, you just answered your own question.

We have no idea how much content we’re looking at. We know specializations, traits, masteries, and the WvW map are all not part of HoT but a general content update, though. Only some specifics are unique to HoT.

And that’s it; so what exactly does HoT bring beside from some new sPvP, a new class, and a couple new maps?

We don’t know.

So why are people willing to pay $50-$100 on something they’re next to clueless about that has little substance known about it? That’s just stupid money management and an insult to the consumer expected to buy it.

cause the majority of us dont require a game to physically lock the entire access to anything new down to mark it down as Something the Expansions providing.

When u pay Into a game u arnt just throwing money at something for fun… or for a limited time, ur valuing the Work of a Individual or a Companys quality, you as a Customer are investing in Arena.nets Game, this is what makes the difference between a Successful and a Failing game. Need our Money to produce what they do, they need our money to hire people and keep people employed to bring the game together every day to work on the servers bugs pvp pve and game content as a whole each day looking for new things or things they could improve, it costs the company money to have this.

As its stated Expansions are released Equal price to the actual game and often do not offer as much length wise as the base game, U pay into something to support it and keep it doing what its doing, if nobody buys the expansion then they stop GW2 thats how the world works.. 0 Money = 0 profit = Failing Game.

Is the Expansion more expensive then alot of f2ps these days? Yes.

but Look at how much additional Things u pay for in those games in comparison to this one..

Over 3 years in any other game u’ll of spent atleast £400 in Subs + Micro Transcations.

this game u’ve been forced into nothing but the inital games price.

People Segment their profits differently… it all adds up to be the EXACT same thing there is no Scam.. No Rip off… its not overpriced in the long term of things, people just ignore the actual process behind this and QQ on it.

if they’re sacrificng their profits in the game to deliever u the full game free of charge with 0 p2w options 0 Subscription and 0 Forced payments into the cash shop, they need ur investments else where, Expansions is Another placew they can put it without drowning u in long term constant payments.

The amount of money generated from HoT will be absolutely miniscule. Have you taken a look at ANet’s incomes from the gem store? They made more money from gem store sales than they have from game sales over the years by a very large margin, last I looked. Stating that they need this money to fund the game is simply a lie when the gem store is so successful. Any claims that this isn’t the truth are uninformed and complete nonsense.

Having no P2W is a choice they made to generate interest and retain players. People quit because of P2W, but are fine with other people spending hundreds on cosmetics, and the people who spend hundreds on cosmetics are totally fine with doing so. I know people who have every skin in League of Legends – that’s a hefty chunk of change – and they have no regrets buying them all.

In earlier years, ANet came out and said they didn’t have intention on releasing expansions for GW2. That’s because they were making fine money from the gem store, and they already made hundreds of millions from their initial buy-ins as well. They wouldn’t have no intention of releasing expansion packs if they needed the money from them to support the game. They’re just doing it because the community cried enough about wanting to go to the store to by a box with tons of content. Seems as though we’re not getting that tons of content, though.

You’re the one who doesn’t understand said “process” if anything.

(edited by DeceiverX.8361)

All the claims that HoT content is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poetraven.2693


I think £35 is abit too much for an expansion plus as only there is only 1 map with gliders, 1 new pvp, some new skills and one new class and guild hall unless i have missed something out £15-20 is a better price for this without the guild war 2 game . There should be an expansion only price( with no base game for old players at a discounted price and £35+ for new players or people who want an new account. I think this would be the most fair option as it lets people pick what they want.