Allways 3-4 levels behind
Because the story line quests are spaced about 3 levels apart.
Because otherwise you would be able to do the whole storyline in about two or three hours, finishing it while you are only level 20.
I’m always the exact same level as my personal story.
To level effectively you should:
1. Do your personal story
2. Complete your level appropriate zone
3. Partake in some dungeons
4. Partake in some dynamic events
This should see you right.
Alternatively fill in some crafting and gathering. It’s what I did on my Mesmer when even storyline missions weren’t enough. On my first character I actually did some WvWvW to close the gaps.
When I’m playing WvW I’m really playing LSD.
1. I am.
2. Don’t know if i understand correctly.
3. How do I get in dungeons is there some key to press or do ya have to be a certain level?.
And 4 I am.
I think it is mostly hard for the first 20 levels, then it is not much extra things needed between storyquests. Like my last character, a thief, completed both human and forest (whatever that race is called) lvl 1-15 zones and did most DE’s there and was only lvl 12 when finished. I know of no dungeon at that level either.
I always seem to be a few levels ahead of my personal story because I get so distracted with other content along the way.
For example when I was supposed to go and meet the Order Representatives for the first time, halfway across Kessex Hills from the last quest, it took me about 3 days of real time to get there because I got so distracted with DE’s, heart quests and random exploring and I gained about 3 levels in the process.
At least at first the level requirements for the personal story quests go up one level at a time, so what I normally do is I’ll do a handful of quests until the requirement is a few levels above my current level, then I’ll go explore for a bit, do some DE’s, crafting etc. and come back to it when I’m a few levels above the story requirement.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Point 2 means that you complete all hearts/vistas/skill points/points of interest for the experience.
Whenever a dungeon opens up to you, you’ll get a letter in your mailbox, beginning at level 30.
I am about 20 levels above my personal story as I am not that interested in it vs the exploration and dynamic events in the map areas. Its all in how you want to play it.
This game isn’t really about storyline. I know, I know, they advertised it as such…but it isn’t. At around level 50 it changes from “this is my story” to “I was also there” anyway.
Point is, there is much more to do than the story line…a lot more. I stopped focusing on the storyline and no longer have this problem (I had the same problem in the beginning). The story line is childish at best anyways so I skip through it as quickly as possible now and focus on the rest of the game.
If you need xp and lots of it, do dungeons. Do crafting. Do dailies. Complete areas. My first toon started being constantly behind on level as you….but when I changed my approach it ended up that I was level 80 and still was at level 75 with my storyline…
I’ve found the best way to do the storyline is just bypass it until you reach level 80 the go back and do it as you’ll de-level to the needed level to do them.
I am pretty sure ArenaNet said that we would be able to level through our personal story, I just did not think it would turn out to be one level every 3rd level…
I like the storyline quests, but they don’t feel very immersive when I have to break them up every 3 levels or so. What I do is skip my story completely for about 10 levels and then do a few in a row. I don’t want to be too far ahead because the item rewards are generally useful, but I like doing a couple in a row for immersion’s sake.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I like the storyline quests, but they don’t feel very immersive when I have to break them up every 3 levels or so. What I do is skip my story completely for about 10 levels and then do a few in a row. I don’t want to be too far ahead because the item rewards are generally useful, but I like doing a couple in a row for immersion’s sake.
I tend to do the same. Additionally it often allows you to avoid traveling all over the place, when you get a series of personal quests in one of the main towns and can do them all in one go. On various occasions I thought they should include an option to teleport you to the next step, as sometimes the travel in between steps is rather annoying and takes away immersion in your personal story.
The story quest is only a slice of the game. You can’t hope for it to carry you to 80 without doing some of the other activities (gathering/crafting, WvW, DEs, dungeons, exploration, renown hearts, killing monsters).