Alone in Pavilion overflow

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


I intended on doing a bit of farming in the Pavilion today, but I’ve found myself stuck in an empty overflow. I’ve attempted multiple times to re-enter the zone hoping to be placed into a different overflow, but it’s always the same instance of the Pavilion with the same events active. It’s been about an hour since my last attempt to get a new overflow, and I’ve yet to get a chance to enter the main instance for my server.

The only option I see to get into an instance of the Pavilion where I can actually do something is to attempt partying with someone that is already there. This is, of course, assuming that the map isn’t already full to the point of not letting that happen. It’s also a annoying inconvenience because I don’t plan on staying on the same character for the entire time I’m here. Which means repeating the process of leaving my party of friends to find a way in, then rejoining with friends once I’m in.

For a map that consists of nothing but group events, the overflow system is a huge hindrance. I’m assuming there are other full overflows, so why not funnel people into different overflows to create 2 half full, instead of 1 full and 1 with only 1-2 players.

Aside from attempting an inconvenient work-around that only has a chance to work, I’m essentially locked out of doing anything productive in this map.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reihert.1509


Get a friend as a teammate that is already in a different overflow than you, click his portrait and choose “join overflow”.


Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Get a friend as a teammate that is already in a different overflow than you, click his portrait and choose “join overflow”.


As I said, that doesn’t always work. As it frequently doesn’t with world events at peak hours. I also don’t have any friends in my party that are in that area, so I would have to find someone else, hope to get in, and return to my party. ….and then repeat that all over again in a bit when I change character.

Not to be rude, but please read the post before suggesting that. It’s quite obvious that I am already aware of that “solution”

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Well, one of my friends already in my party decided to go in, and either got lucky or found an unusual fix.

He had been put into the same overflow with me several times. He attempted to get in after leaving the party, and was put right into the server’s main map. I’m not sure if the full party somehow effects the overflow queue system, or if he simply got lucky and another player had just left.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


Have you attempted to guest to another server where you might have more luck with the main instance?

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Always a chance this is just random luck and someone leaving right as we try, but 3 of us have had luck today getting into a populated overflow by leaving the party. Perhaps the game is checking the server for room based on party size, even when only one is trying to enter.

It’s still an inconveniencing workaround, but it’s better than having to find someone that is already in the map. In any case, the overflow system could definitely use some tweaks.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkeus.2369


I have found quite a bit of people to zerg the Big Event bosses in the Pavilion….


Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

OR, it’s the culling from hell which is still very prevalent in the game.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


OR, it’s the culling from hell which is still very prevalent in the game.

Stuff just dying on their own should make that part obvious …
Although I was about the ask the same thing. Is the map actually empty or are you just in the wrong part of the map?

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Lucky, that means you can do queen’s gauntlet in peace :p

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yalora Istairiea.6287

Yalora Istairiea.6287

There is the option of taking an Alt in the Pavilion instead of the one you are currently using. That may break you being stuck in the same overflow, if that is the case.

Then again, that assumes you have an Alt; if not…I got nothing.

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


OR, it’s the culling from hell which is still very prevalent in the game.

Stuff just dying on their own should make that part obvious …
Although I was about the ask the same thing. Is the map actually empty or are you just in the wrong part of the map?

Yeah, that particular overflow had the same events active for a very long time. Same two bosses and the bonus centaur (with the same number of enemies remaining). Nothing was being killed and chat was also totally dead. If anyone was in there, they were up in the gauntlet.

At one point when I was in a the main server instance, a friend (in the same party) got dumped into the dead overflow, and his option to join me simply did nothing (not even a full error). He ended up leaving the party, re-zoning, and got right into the main server with me. Stepping through the portal solo seemed to be the most reliable way for us.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Overflow is working oddly for this event. I can run one character into it and he’ll go into my home server, then log out and back in with another one and he’ll go into overflow for hours.

Alone in Pavilion overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Overflow is working oddly for this event. I can run one character into it and he’ll go into my home server, then log out and back in with another one and he’ll go into overflow for hours.

Oh forgot to mention this. During some of the other events(mainly those in southsun) I’ve noticed that it seems like the game tries to remember which overflow you were in and try to put you in the same one each time. That might interact badly with the 75 person limit for the pavilion.