Alternative ways to farm gold
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a day
Nice balance between risk vs reward .
Here is a good guide:
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a dayNice balance between risk vs reward .
100 gold per day from Champions? Please great one instruct me on how to achieve this … since I have done it for months and it is about 2 gold per hour. I just did 2 tests since the silver nerf of 250 bags and both runs were 10 goldish in straight coin. Anyone farming these is farming them for money for precursors so they are holding on to the rare T6 mat drops.
You have to base estimates on how much you earn by the silver generated since all items are RNG based. Please stop with the troll threads calling for nerfs of something you obviously do not do.
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
I would like to open a discuss thread How or what what changes you want in events/in the game to gain gold, besides dungeons and the not really rewarding champing farm
( if you don’t sell the t6 mats)I for example would like to have changes in the Lyssa temple – make the mobs that spawn while fighting Lyssa drop some loot, not something great .. bags etc…
that alone would give one more possibility to farm a bit besides the other known
( and for some people boring ways right now )There are for sure many ideas you might have, lets share it and maybe hope for some changes
It was like that a while ago and has been changed to what it is right now, due to the constant complains from players. I don’t see any changes made to that happening again.
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour. Now those boxes have between ZEROOOOOOOOO and 10 silver per box. Split the difference shall we and call it 5 silver per box. 5×40 = 2 gold and that is being GENEROUS considering I have had runs of 10 boxes of ZERO silver in a row. Even if we went the other way and nailed the RNG lottery with all 10 silver boxes it is a massive 4 yes FOUR gold per hour. Which after months of doing this … does NOT happen.
If you spam 111 you are part of the problem. There will always be some like you doing it but the reason events get done is there are enough of us that find the energy to move past 1 to the other skills as well.
Anet should take a tip from Blizzard D3 in forums and make it so people can see what the poster has accomplished in game. When Blizzard did this posters like you went the way of the dinosaur since everyone could see they were blatant trolls and barely played the game beyond trolling of the forums.
I’m not trolling stop being rude , keep farming if you like it but it will get nerfed .
I’m not trolling stop being rude , keep farming if you like it but it will get nerfed .
Sorry, if you found me rude but I find it offensive when people blatantly lie. As to it will be nerfed … they already nerfed it more than once.
wasnt supposed to be a rage thread about champ farming ( which ofc doesnt give 100 gold a day, not even near that amount, you only gain money by selling the mats you gain through the boxes)
I wanted much rather options about how you want to farm rather or If there are ways actually ^^ ( i have my way to earn gold, so its not about that )
maybe we will have some good ideas which can be converted into something real.
(edited by Crowshou.6091)
Champion Farming in Frostgorge Sound for 5g-ish an hour, 50g-ish for 10 hours, 120g-ish for 24 hours, 840g-ish for a week, 3600g-ish a month, 43200g-ish a year.
Sorry a t s e but no one makes 40g in 4 hours of champ farming, not unless you get ridiculously lucky and get an abyss dye drop or some kitten, Saying you made a quick 40g by trying out champ framing one time “one night you had nothing else to do” is highly doubtful.
Sometimes I see new champ train runners that can’t keep up with the speed of the train though, so they start skipping champs …and the people in map chat tear them a new one for it, feelings get hurt.
Sometimes these players feel so bad about failing to “spam 111” and make “easy risk free” gold that they try and ruin it for the other farmers.
Does this sound like anyone you know?
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour. Now those boxes have between ZEROOOOOOOOO and 10 silver per box. Split the difference shall we and call it 5 silver per box. 5×40 = 2 gold and that is being GENEROUS considering I have had runs of 10 boxes of ZERO silver in a row. Even if we went the other way and nailed the RNG lottery with all 10 silver boxes it is a massive 4 yes FOUR gold per hour. Which after months of doing this … does NOT happen.
If you spam 111 you are part of the problem. There will always be some like you doing it but the reason events get done is there are enough of us that find the energy to move past 1 to the other skills as well.
Anet should take a tip from Blizzard D3 in forums and make it so people can see what the poster has accomplished in game. When Blizzard did this posters like you went the way of the dinosaur since everyone could see they were blatant trolls and barely played the game beyond trolling of the forums.
If you are only farming this for the gold then why don’t you do dungeons? Honest question. Dont’ get me wrong I’m not telling you how to play, but if you are telling the truth that this champion farm is only worth 2g per hour before the nerf, why wouldn’t you farm dungeons instead?
I can run AC P3 in about 15 minutes, CoF P1 in about 10 minutes, SE P1 – 10 minutes. and the list goes on.
Now I know you can only do the dungeon runs once a day, but there are quite a few easy dungeon paths you could be completing daily and no including any drops at all a dungeon run will net you 1.50 gold for that daily run.
Am I missing something here or is that not way better then 2g an hour?
Lmao, now i’m bad at the champ train ? Dude I did it with my warrior sword\warhorn+ greatsword+ bullchsrge . It’s the BEST mobility spec in the WHOLE GAME . You cannot miss a champ even if you have an enormous lagg . Sorry invalid argument again , try harder next time .
Lmao, now i’m bad at the champ train ? Dude I did it with my warrior sword\warhorn+ greatsword+ bullchsrge . It’s the BEST mobility spec in the WHOLE GAME . You cannot miss a champ even if you have an enormous lagg . Sorry invalid argument again , try harder next time .
can you please stop lying and try to provoke other people ? absolutely no one said that about you
He said I can’t do the champs because I’m bad and can’t catch the zerg . If someone is provoking me I will reply back .
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour. Now those boxes have between ZEROOOOOOOOO and 10 silver per box. Split the difference shall we and call it 5 silver per box. 5×40 = 2 gold and that is being GENEROUS considering I have had runs of 10 boxes of ZERO silver in a row. Even if we went the other way and nailed the RNG lottery with all 10 silver boxes it is a massive 4 yes FOUR gold per hour. Which after months of doing this … does NOT happen.
If you spam 111 you are part of the problem. There will always be some like you doing it but the reason events get done is there are enough of us that find the energy to move past 1 to the other skills as well.
Anet should take a tip from Blizzard D3 in forums and make it so people can see what the poster has accomplished in game. When Blizzard did this posters like you went the way of the dinosaur since everyone could see they were blatant trolls and barely played the game beyond trolling of the forums.
If you are only farming this for the gold then why don’t you do dungeons? Honest question. Dont’ get me wrong I’m not telling you how to play, but if you are telling the truth that this champion farm is only worth 2g per hour before the nerf, why wouldn’t you farm dungeons instead?
I can run AC P3 in about 15 minutes, CoF P1 in about 10 minutes, SE P1 – 10 minutes. and the list goes on.
Now I know you can only do the dungeon runs once a day, but there are quite a few easy dungeon paths you could be completing daily and no including any drops at all a dungeon run will net you 1.50 gold for that daily run.
Am I missing something here or is that not way better then 2g an hour?
As you mentioned … once per day. The people seriously running the champs are doing it trying to get a legendary and tend to be more dedicated than once a day type people. Not faulting anyone doing dungeons or their level of determination, merely stating that many that run the champs will be there for hours daily.
The champ farm doesn’t require you to spec a certain way or run a character you may not want to play. It is literally “run what you brung”. Which makes it convenient for both the hardcore grinder and the casual waiting on a Jormag spawn that just happened by.
There are always equivalent means for generating gold but bottom line, some people just like to grind for the OOOO AHHHH chance of maybe getting a good drop in a less than RNG friendly game. Dungeons to me are boring, running the same scripted path is worse than killing the same open world champ in my book. Plus Frostgorge has always been my favorite zone scenery wise. I guess it comes down to what you like or what is best for you … which is why when people try to dictate how others should play it makes me less than pleased.
I hope mod will close it , the more I read , the more I rage . Omg I wish we could talk in forums with some sort of thing like TS or skype ….
quote the sentence where he said that YOU cant catch the train.. pls learn to read.. the talk was about random people being new to the zerg not being able to catch up, so where is it about you.. close the thread? its you who started raging, no one wanted this about champ farming qq, you are the one who starts to provoke people, not just in this thread but in many others as well…
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a dayNice balance between risk vs reward .
100 gold per day from Champions? Please great one instruct me on how to achieve this … since I have done it for months and it is about 2 gold per hour. I just did 2 tests since the silver nerf of 250 bags and both runs were 10 goldish in straight coin. Anyone farming these is farming them for money for precursors so they are holding on to the rare T6 mat drops.
You have to base estimates on how much you earn by the silver generated since all items are RNG based. Please stop with the troll threads calling for nerfs of something you obviously do not do.
It is very easy to farm 100g per day from champs with zero MF if you do it for 14 hours non-stop per day. :P
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a dayNice balance between risk vs reward .
There also added rewards due to the new accented wepon system and over all accented items that drop and or buy though running such events. Champions seem to never drop any type of accented items Dungeons can (all though rare) drop wepon from the chest and Fractals you can get weapons from the chest and you can get rings from the daily runs and you can buy rings / back items from the rewards eared though fractals.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour. Now those boxes have between ZEROOOOOOOOO and 10 silver per box. Split the difference shall we and call it 5 silver per box. 5×40 = 2 gold and that is being GENEROUS considering I have had runs of 10 boxes of ZERO silver in a row. Even if we went the other way and nailed the RNG lottery with all 10 silver boxes it is a massive 4 yes FOUR gold per hour. Which after months of doing this … does NOT happen.
If you spam 111 you are part of the problem. There will always be some like you doing it but the reason events get done is there are enough of us that find the energy to move past 1 to the other skills as well.
Anet should take a tip from Blizzard D3 in forums and make it so people can see what the poster has accomplished in game. When Blizzard did this posters like you went the way of the dinosaur since everyone could see they were blatant trolls and barely played the game beyond trolling of the forums.
If you are only farming this for the gold then why don’t you do dungeons? Honest question. Dont’ get me wrong I’m not telling you how to play, but if you are telling the truth that this champion farm is only worth 2g per hour before the nerf, why wouldn’t you farm dungeons instead?
I can run AC P3 in about 15 minutes, CoF P1 in about 10 minutes, SE P1 – 10 minutes. and the list goes on.
Now I know you can only do the dungeon runs once a day, but there are quite a few easy dungeon paths you could be completing daily and no including any drops at all a dungeon run will net you 1.50 gold for that daily run.
Am I missing something here or is that not way better then 2g an hour?
As you mentioned … once per day. The people seriously running the champs are doing it trying to get a legendary and tend to be more dedicated than once a day type people. Not faulting anyone doing dungeons or their level of determination, merely stating that many that run the champs will be there for hours daily.
The champ farm doesn’t require you to spec a certain way or run a character you may not want to play. It is literally “run what you brung”. Which makes it convenient for both the hardcore grinder and the casual waiting on a Jormag spawn that just happened by.
There are always equivalent means for generating gold but bottom line, some people just like to grind for the OOOO AHHHH chance of maybe getting a good drop in a less than RNG friendly game. Dungeons to me are boring, running the same scripted path is worse than killing the same open world champ in my book. Plus Frostgorge has always been my favorite zone scenery wise. I guess it comes down to what you like or what is best for you … which is why when people try to dictate how others should play it makes me less than pleased.
Fair enough, thanks for the answer. I guess it would be quite fun to open up all those champ boxes too. Especially with the chance of the new exotics they introduced.
I make about 100 gold an hour standing in Lion’s Arch asking for free change. It’s real easy to do. Put on your worst armor, no shoes, drink bottles of wine and watch the money flow in.
I don’t think we need more way to gain gold. Instead we need more way to gain actual items like crafting materials
Haviz, personally, I’d bump the rewards on the other stuff up. Nerfing something to make other things attractive doesn’t work (see ranger, shortbow nerf. it didn’t make people love the longbow.) Making something more attractive than the champ farm is the path I would choose.
That way, people who are bored with the train have appealing options, and folks who honestly want nothing better than running in a circle don’t get nerfed because someone doesn’t like how they’re playing.
That said, I could live with changing up the queensdale champ rotation or respawn timers. It is a toxic environment for people just starting out. Make some other zones appealing to the train-farmers, let new people figure the game out in peace.
Later, eh?
Nobody is trolling anyone. The amount of gold you make can vary hugely, depending on your magic find.
With 30% MF, I used to make 3g/hour.
With 200% MF (buffs/bonuses), I make 10g/hour.
With 250% MF (buffs/bonuses), I have guildmates who make 15g/hour.
It is entirely possible to make 100g a day. Incredibly tedious, but possible.
edit: these numbers are pre-nerf. I haven’t farmed since.
best way to farm is always work IRL and then buy gems, then exchange for gold. Works for minimum wage in most countries I know.
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a dayNice balance between risk vs reward .
Either your Champs day means 24 hours, and your Dungeon Day just 3 hours, or you simply are the worst player ever .. lol.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Yes I am the worst player ever , that’s why champion reward should be nerfed completly to not allow bads like me to get free gold. I need to learn to play the game instead of spamming 11 on champions.
RL Money farm. An extra 1 or 2 hours of RL farming can earn you an 50-100g. Best time/gold rate.
8 hours/day=400g
7 day/week=2,800
30 day/month=12,000
365 day/year=146,000
but if you can only spare 1 hour a day for RL money farm you still get about 36500/year. Not bad!
Nerf after nerf after nerfs means there no alternative way of farming gold.
The Bloody Rain [Rain]
Devona’s Rest
RL Money farm. An extra 1 or 2 hours of RL farming can earn you an 50-100g. Best time/gold rate.
8 hours/day=400g
7 day/week=2,800
30 day/month=12,000
365 day/year=146,000but if you can only spare 1 hour a day for RL money farm you still get about 36500/year. Not bad!
To be honest – this.
I could easy work 1 additional hour a day for +11.76% cash wich results into 25€ per day. Now I guess to invest 25€ into gold is more rewarding than farming 1 hour! And it’s even more fun to work. And at sundays I’ll even get 50€/hour so … I guess you get the idea.
Farming like a zombie is just stupid. Play a game for fun.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a dayNice balance between risk vs reward .
Assuming I don’t know you hate champ farming to the core that you are calling for a nerf…
How do you get 100g/day? Teach us before they fulfill your nerf-wish.
I mean, technically, you can, but you’ll have to be so kitten lucky about it. I’m on the assumption that the values here are on the average, not the highest.
If you assume that you would recive 10 silver per champ (selling the items you gain) it would mean that you have to slay 1000 champions. A day has 1440 minutes and I don’t think you’re gonna play 24 hours and kill a champ ever 1:30 min… Even if you find 10 exotics that day, selling each for 3g = 70 = 700 champs, still too much.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
You can only get 100g/d in one of those days where you wake up to realise that your jealous gf ain’t mad at you anymore from looking at other girls.
Also the higher your mf, don’t necessarily mean that you can get 15g/h. I’ve got a friend who who mf with 250 with booster, food and banner and still yield about 2-3g/h. And he managed to get 2 exos that he sold for 1g+. I only have 120 mf. And on one fine day, I get crystal guardian where I sold for 10g.
But to call it 100g/d is a blatant lie. If you run for 5 days and get 500g/d. I suggest you try going to casino and make yourself richer with real cash then in-game gold.
From FS champ farm, 2g/hr is the average, 5g/hr only if you are EXTREMELY lucky and got a couple of exotics to sell.
And to the risk vs reward argument, I do not see the difference between dungeon and champ farming where in dungeon you just run, dodge, press 111!!!!11!! and loot, where in champ farm you run, dodge to run faster and run more then press 1111 and loot.
Please enlighten me where is the so call “risk” in dungeons?
would it be fair to say Anet keep in-game gold acquisition low to "encourage’’ people to trade real money for gold?
Let’s look at this from a different approach…
(Opinion alert!)
Anet doesn’t want people to farm ungodly amounts of gold on any activity. There are’t enough gold sinks in the game, and the TP is proof that the amount of currency in-game already is causing a spiral of farm/spend OCD. The only way to reduce the amount of gold in game other than stopping gem→gold conversion is to reduce the amount gained through in-world events or farming.
Yes, it is an attempt to make people buy their gold through them via the gem shop, but for those who do not, gaining gems through in-game gold is almost prohibitively expensive.
I believe it’s because they let the economy got away from them. Back in the early days of the game, there were ways to make more money than what you could ever spend in your lifetime. Prices of “things” went up because there was the money to be able to buy them.
Well, here we are months later, and the currency supply is such that new players will never afford to buy anything worth a kitten unless they buy gems. Good for ANet, bad for those who want to not use the gem shop.
So, in the end, I don’t think there will be a “sweet spot” to farm. Any time someone finds one, ANet will be along to nerf it until such time that the economy is back under their control.
Good luck to everyone.
Increase the amount of gold sinks, for god’s sake limit TP profiteering, and balance out methods of farming gold.
The reason some prices are abnormally high is b/c there are methods (like playing the TP) that simply do not have equals. Thus there are enough players that utilize such methods to sustain elevated prices. Leaving things as such while severely limiting others was/is (imo) a very costly mistake as it really does detour new players, who are vital to the health of the game.
As has been said above, the best way to earn gold in the game is to earn money in real life and convert it. I could spend a saturday farming my butt off, and make 100 gold. Or I could work an overtime shift at work, and convert the money to gold, and make 700 gold or so (depending on the conversion rate that day).
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison
would it be fair to say Anet keep in-game gold acquisition low to "encourage’’ people to trade real money for gold?
no. we decide gem price. a year ago, it was around 40s = 100 gems. so $10 = 800 gems = 3.2g. so that 36,500g/year becomes 2,433g/year. the only reason you get so much gold per gem is that there are more people buying gems with gold than $€£.
Champions :100g a day
Dungeons: 20g a day
Fractals : 5g a dayNice balance between risk vs reward .
I believe your fractal estimate is wrong. if you get a good group, you can do an even-numbered fractal run in about 45 min. I would estimate you get about 2-3g per run (I get about 4-8 rares per run, not to mention dredge bags and an exotic about every 5th run). your champion estimate looks like you’re assuming about 16 hours of play per day, so 2.5g / .75 * 16 = 53.3g/day.
dungeons looks a bit low as well, but I don’t have as much experience with those, so I won’t comment further.
of course, all this pales in comparison to TPWars2’s 500+g/day, even compared to getting a RL job. but this requires already having 5000+g, so it’s less common.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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Even after the nerf champ farming is still one of the better way to make money, however it is still not great. Even if you get lucky at best you might make 10g an hour and thats selling everything… Not to mention most people farming them as stated above are keeping the t6 mats for their legionaries. I’m on board with most people here I currently see no problem with people farming champs as it is really boring to do. If people want to spend 3 hours a day to make 15-20 gold then so be it. However I do wish they would improve dungeons and world events to make them the best for gold farming as dungeons do actually require players to be competent while completing.
I’m also of the same mind as many posters here and think that they want us to buy gems to supplement our gold income hence the nerfs to things that give a good return per hour.
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer
Yes I did one day when I completed all dungeons during the night so I had nothing to do and decide to farm it. I made around 40g in 4:30 and I got surprised how rewarding spamming 111 truly is .
Basic math fail? Figure on an average of 40 boxes per hour.
No way you get 40/hour farming FG, 20 max and that’s if you don’t have to wait for anything to spawn which never happens more than a couple times around in an hour.
I bought my legendary mats with TPWars2.
2 × 10 minutes a day and you make +10% of whatever amount. Read: Percent.
The masters reach +35% no matter the amount. These buy Eternity for their alts.
So you kids can go on debating if it’s 2g / 10g / 15g champfarm per hour nonsense.
It looks fun. It also looks like a pathetic way to make gold.
Good luck on arguments though!
(edited by Korossive.7085)
Nerf after nerf after nerfs means there no alternative way of farming gold.
And that what ppl have been asking for this community (the forums not in game) seems to shot them self in the foot a lot. You will see ppl that will hate to farm one way and ask for it to be lessen but once it is nerfed then you will see the same ppl come back and complains that there no way to make gold. GW2 is an extremely generous game when it comes to farming and running events for gold. In most mmorpg a mob will only drop ONE set of items regardless how many ppl are there fighting that mob and most of the time only one person can even get the loot due to a first tag system.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
RL Money farm. An extra 1 or 2 hours of RL farming can earn you an 50-100g. Best time/gold rate.
8 hours/day=400g
7 day/week=2,800
30 day/month=12,000
365 day/year=146,000but if you can only spare 1 hour a day for RL money farm you still get about 36500/year. Not bad!
To be honest – this.
I could easy work 1 additional hour a day for +11.76% cash wich results into 25€ per day. Now I guess to invest 25€ into gold is more rewarding than farming 1 hour! And it’s even more fun to work. And at sundays I’ll even get 50€/hour so … I guess you get the idea.
Farming like a zombie is just stupid. Play a game for fun.
I don’t think having a job makes you more competitive. Some would argue having no job and more time to play makes you more competitive. However having a job does come with it’s own set of rewards, namely money which while often used for many more important things can also be used to purchase gems and convert them to gold. But if you insist, yes, “Working = Win!” but probably not in the way you mean.
RL Money farm. An extra 1 or 2 hours of RL farming can earn you an 50-100g. Best time/gold rate.
8 hours/day=400g
7 day/week=2,800
30 day/month=12,000
365 day/year=146,000but if you can only spare 1 hour a day for RL money farm you still get about 36500/year. Not bad!
To be honest – this.
I could easy work 1 additional hour a day for +11.76% cash wich results into 25€ per day. Now I guess to invest 25€ into gold is more rewarding than farming 1 hour! And it’s even more fun to work. And at sundays I’ll even get 50€/hour so … I guess you get the idea.
Farming like a zombie is just stupid. Play a game for fun.
If farming/grinding is like a job to some, why not have a real job?
For those who say to work overtime and buy gems: A large percentage of people actively dislike their jobs but consider farming (e.g. champ training) neutral or even mildly positive (you get to zone out and be free of worries for a bit).
For those who say to work overtime and buy gems: A large percentage of people actively dislike their jobs but consider farming (e.g. champ training) neutral or even mildly positive (you get to zone out and be free of worries for a bit).
I think that is the point. If you don’t like farming you can use a part of the paycheck to fill the gap and if you like farming then have at it. Me, I love my job, I don’t like farming very much so recently I started trading and as someone else stated about 15-20 min of “work” will net about 15% profit. It works well as I place my orders in the morning, they are usually all filled in the evening, I place my items for sale, wake up in the morning and there is gold waiting. It frees up my playing time to do what I enjoy.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)