Alts and why I hate them in GW2

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nooka.8390


I have two big pet peeves in GW2 as it relates to alts. So I’ve just come back after a long break with DayZ and decide to start a new alt (after getting the bad-kitten wings for my main). Instantly I remember why I didn’t have more alts.

Zone completions!

Currently we have to start from scratch in each zone. Hearts, way points, POI’s, vistas. I suggest everything but the hearts be completed for all my new alts (or better yet make this optional in the menu for those that actually might enjoy repeating). I don’t mind completing the quests and enjoy the dynamic events in the zones.. but I absolutely hate having to chase down POI’s and Vistas AGAIN. I leveled a Mesmer first getting 100% completion. I then leveled a Ranger almost purely via crafting. So now he’s 80 and anytime I want to use him to run with the guild, I often can’t because he’s simply too far away to participate. This is extremely frustrating.


As mentioned above, my Ranger got nearly all crafts to max (I think my Mesmer did 2 of them). Now, my new alts have no reason to craft as I already have maxed out all crafting disciplines. What I would suggest is that any crafting that I have completed on one character should be available to all of my characters. Much in the same way our characters share achievements and a bank.. I want to be able to put my hard work to use on my other characters.

In conclusion, these changes if done right (additional options in the settings perhaps) would make for a much more enjoyable leveling experience for our 2nd, 3rd (etc..) times around. I feel the original challenge of world completion and Master Crafter achievements should be account bound in that all characters on our account should benefit.

I realize zone completions aren’t a requirement of course but I want those rewards for completing the heart quests, not for repeating mind numbing tasks like watching Youtube videos to figure out how to get back up to that vista or searching websites trying to find that last POI. That still leaves plenty of content via questing, story, dungeons, WvW, etc.

Thanks for reading,

Desperately trying to love GW2

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

I agree.

Though there are some points against it. Such as you’d be missing out experience from heart questions and have nothing to do in the world when leveling an alt. Doing map completion is very time consuming that can amount to months work. I struggled to do it on my main that I enjoyed playing on. There is no way I’m going to be doing it again on alt class that I enjoy less.

For a game that screams at you to make alts. It’s starting to become very alt unfriendly by locking lengthy, time-consuming progression to characters instead of account. Like FotM levels, laurels (ascended) gear, WvW ranks, etc.

(edited by Azure Prower.8701)

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nooka.8390


In my grand vision, you would still have to do hearts just not POI, vista and way points. You would lose the exp for those of course, but I figure if you already have an 80 with 100% completion you probably already realize how unimportant exp is really.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Its definitely an idea to have POI and waypoints uncovered across all alts, vistas are more arguable.

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Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


You can’t force love, Nooka. It either happens or it doesn’t.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nooka.8390


You can’t force love, Nooka. It either happens or it doesn’t.

Very true : \

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wartna.8671


I don’t entirely agree. I always use crafting to gain levels, would be a bummer if it wasn’t possible anymore. Same goes with PoI’s and Vista’s, I enjoy those way more than heart quests and they give a nice chunk of exp aswell.

I do want the WvW ranks to be shared though, that’s just silly :-p

Far Shiverpeaks
Kalevala [KALE]

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


This is unlikely to happen. All those PoI, skill points, etc. count towards world exploration and the gift of exploration counts towards a legendary weapon. I don’t see them making that easier, even if it is your second one.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Nothing personal, but I don’t like either of your ideas. I’m sorry you’re not having as much fun as you’d like, but I’d be disappointed if either of your ideas were implemented.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You only need to world complete on a single character. I have no idea why you’d want to world complete on more than one character, unless you’re going for a third legendary weapon.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Nooka.8390 ,
if the gem store offered a “Tyria World Map” which unlocks all way points, would you buy it?

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I don’t see the point of your suggestions, why exactly do you want skill points/vistas/pois visible on all your alts? There is no need to “chase” them down.

As for your second “suggestion”, crafting is a great way to level up alts btw and besides all crafted items are not bound, there is no reason not to craft something on one character and give it to the others.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neve.7134


I can’t agree totally with you. I’m going for the 2nd 100% map exploration and I really really enjoy exploring areas even if I already did once with my first character. When I cannot reach a place or a far waypoint with my alt I just give up and play my character normally. If there are special events, I do them with my main, with no problem.

Otherwise would be nice have a free waypoint discovered in each map, maybe a special item dropped by a certain Champion (like one of those people don’t usually farm) or in a certain map (at the moment I would say Southsun, to mantain people farming there too) and that item would give those free waypoints, or 5 waypoint you can choose each time, I dunno, something like that :P

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


That’s part of alting, even though it’s not too fun to get all waypoints again.

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Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Nooka.8390 ,

would you buy, if the gem store offered:
- “Tyria World Map” unlocks all way points, earns exp for unlocking all way points
- “Master Crafting Tome” max level a crafting and +10 levels of exp

anet appreciates your purchases!

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


This is a terrible terrible idea.
The hearts are what I’ve always heard most people groan at.
They’re definitely my least liked element of repetition in re-visiting any zone…

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


While I wouldn’t mind the POIs being completed for me, along with a few waypoints, I don’t really think it’s viable for that, plus all the crafting disciplines to be fully unlocked for your alts. If that were the case, why bother making an alt at all? I’d have almost nothing to do except heart quests, and then it would be a very long trek to 80 with that character as the only XP I could really obtain would be from killing mobs, which don’t, on their own, yield a lot.

I’m sorry you find the current system boring, and I’ll admit, as an altoholic, that Queensdale is becoming a little stale right now as I run so many alts through. However I think I’d find a system such as the one you propose a lot more boring as I’d have nothing to really aim at.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I can’t agree with your idea either- I level all my alts via exploration and a bit of crafting on the side.

Most of my characters except for my main have cooking and the other professions are spread out over them, I find it useful to have.

The only part of leveling alts that I find tedious would be the hearts- so I just don’t do them unless I want to complete that particular map.
It is no issue to just quickly run through a zone to get all the waypoints and then explore at your leisure later- in fact I often do cross country runs for kicks

Gunnar’s Hold

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Most of my characters except for my main have cooking and the other professions are spread out over them, I find it useful to have.

I did the exact same thing. Each of my character’s has Cooking and one other profession. I’ve only got five characters at the moment, so I’m still missing Artificier and Jeweler; but I’ll get around to those when Tengu and ??? are added to the game.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Highlander.9860


As a confirmed altholic the highest I have in crafting is 200 I have many alts all 80 bar 1
Yes they don’t have the best gear ect but my playstyle means anything I pick up when playing can be utilised onto 1 guy who is missing something.

they all have a craft but seldom use it . I use the craft to gain access to my bank and do the daily that involves crafting so, any char I am on when doing can do the craft for the daily without switching.

As I don’t rush I will at some point in the game get them to a level that satisfies myself
I don’t look to get a legendary if I do I know it will come at some time in the game.

I switch race/class to give a different viewpoint but hey that’s just me and what is fun for myself can be vastly different from someone else

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sundar.1735


I never bothered with world completion on my alts ever since I got my first character 100% world completion and this is one of the reasons I have decided not to bother making any legendary weapons, it’s just too tedious for my liking. At the same time I don’t think they will or should make world exploration or crafting account-wide, in a way it already is, in that you get an achievement/title/badge at character select which is basically the game acknowledging that you have already done it once so you don’t have to do it again. If they make these things truly account-wide then there wouldn’t be much to do in this game but events and dungeons. In the very distant future towards the end of GW2’s lifetime they may do this because they made some titles like survivor and drunkard title on GW1 easier by making comparable changes but for now they certainly won’t.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nooka.8390


I’m really surprised at how many people enjoy repeating vistas and poi’s … oh well, thanks for reading

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


i sort of agree, but map completion is tied in with legendaries, if i am not mistaken on completion you get 2 tokens for world comp then ea legen you craft requires 1.

i think a fair work around as not everyone hordes legendaries is say on your alt if you have 100% on a main go to lions arch and say buy a Map discovered item for a small amount 1 silver that gives you all your way points, leaving poi and vistas still there for the taking for xp while leveling but once you get this Map discovery item you can not get true 100% on that character.

as for crafting i see where your coming from but having crafting bound to all characters they would have too add a unlearn option, as a lot of players use crafting to level, they would also have to make sure that if you unlearn for a new character they could only get xp once for leveling a certain profession so no one could say farm cooking over and over with just spending karma.

(edited by durick.8064)

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Map completion is a horrible one, I agree there.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Why stop there!

Why not reward you with all lvl 80s for all your future alts when you get your first one?
Why not reward you all legendaries when you get you first one?
How about give you a full set of exotic gear for all alts?
Dungeon completion?

I suppose that will make you play the game more!

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Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I got 100% map on one. The rest I get the vistas and poi’s if I am close enough. The hearts I just get if I fill one up by playing in a heart area and happen to kill what it requires. The only maps I try to do full on each are the ones that reward you with exotics on completion. I figure that eventually I’ll get full PvE map completion on each of my alts but not rushing it.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Personally, I love doing map completion so having it shared across my alts would ruin the fun for me, but I’m not against giving others the option to do it perhaps as a check box in character creation.

I thought this thread would be about something much different, like the fact that it’s a money sink in almost every possible respect to have alts and there’s little to no benefit to having them other than your own personal enjoyment. Unfortunately, I can’t say I’ve played a single MMO I would consider “alt friendly”. I’ve always envied those who can limit themselves to playing one character because it’s so much easier to not have to do and/or pay for the same things repeatedly.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nooka.8390


Why stop there!

Why not reward you with all lvl 80s for all your future alts when you get your first one?
Why not reward you all legendaries when you get you first one?
How about give you a full set of exotic gear for all alts?
Dungeon completion?

I suppose that will make you play the game more!

Really? REALLY? I’m not asking for anything for free. I’m asking to reap the benefits of what I have ALREADY earned. Why does my new character get to don the title Dungeon Master without ever running a dungeon. Because I already earned that.. and in the same way I have already earned the freedom of traveling to any point in the world I choose and I feel my alts should not have to repeat that daunting task again.

I guess it’s a matter of where you draw the line on what is progression. I would never dream of giving free exotics to my new alts because I have already earned those.. so I guess I could see what you are saying.

Bottom line, I just don’t want to repeat BORING AS HELL CONTENT.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Bottom line, I just don’t want to repeat BORING AS HELL CONTENT.

Then kitten DON´T!
Your idea is terrible and you should feel terrible.
Apart from the minor inconvenience to refresh your waypoint network, NONE of the things you whined about are necessary to have on an alt.
So you already can craft everything and you have your map completion on one character. Super.
Now you´re basically complaining that you can level that alt to full level by sitting
in front of the crafting stations.

That is what the esteemed poster you quoted tried to infer.

Polish > hype

(edited by HawkMeister.4758)

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


No one is going to take you seriously if you continue to be rude. Insulting people because you take a different viewpoint isn’t convincing, either.

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Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nooka.8390


No one is going to take you seriously if you continue to be rude. Insulting people because you take a different viewpoint isn’t convincing, either.

Your idea is terrible and you should feel terrible.

If I am responded to rudely, I respond rudely.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


No one is going to take you seriously if you continue to be rude. Insulting people because you take a different viewpoint isn’t convincing, either.

Your idea is terrible and you should feel terrible.

If I am responded to rudely, I respond rudely.

Fair enough – though that just creates an environment where everyone is responding rudely to everyone else, which is when threads start to become toxic.

Kill with kindness. Keep the discussion polite and steer it back to reasonable realms. His post was not horrible, but no reason to lower yourself to that level as well.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


It’s very common on this forum that anyone who makes any suggestion to hange the game, that does not include nerfs to either thieves or mesmers, is beset upon and treated terribly.

I completely understand the OP’s point. The repetition can get boring.

To some people the suggestion that you don’t completely start over with each and every alt is an anathema. They feel that each alt is a distinct and different entity that needs to be nurtured from the beginning to the end. After all Susie SecondChair has never visited Fire Heart Rise.

On the other hand, I as a gamer have seen it all before. Everything from level 30 to level 80 is pure repetition. The first time I was underwater in the Bloodtide Coast I was in awe, it’s excellent artwork. The last time, I swam by as fast as I could.

If I want to run a new class in WvW I have to run through all of the content again, which while it may be fun for you is not fun for everyone.

Yes, i know that they up-level you, I also know that up-leveling doesn’t work very well and you get a huge target on your back as an easy kill.

on the other hand, exploring provides XP which speeds the leveling process. While I applaud the OP for trying to think of ways to improve the game, there are issues with this suggestion. I do, however, like the idea that waypoints you’ve already hit are opened up. This would help me because I won’t have to remember which character has which waypoints during guild missions.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

(edited by TooBz.3065)

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olba.5376


Currently we have to start from scratch in each zone. Hearts, way points, POI’s, vistas. I suggest everything but the hearts be completed for all my new alts (or better yet make this optional in the menu for those that actually might enjoy repeating). I don’t mind completing the quests and enjoy the dynamic events in the zones.. but I absolutely hate having to chase down POI’s and Vistas AGAIN. I leveled a Mesmer first getting 100% completion. I then leveled a Ranger almost purely via crafting. So now he’s 80 and anytime I want to use him to run with the guild, I often can’t because he’s simply too far away to participate. This is extremely frustrating.

Well, if they did that, they would also have to remove all the rewards associated with map completion.

If anything, they could consider making it so that you have an option for your alts to share waypoints and visible parts of the map. Option, because some people actually like doing it all over again.

As mentioned above, my Ranger got nearly all crafts to max (I think my Mesmer did 2 of them). Now, my new alts have no reason to craft as I already have maxed out all crafting disciplines. What I would suggest is that any crafting that I have completed on one character should be available to all of my characters. Much in the same way our characters share achievements and a bank.. I want to be able to put my hard work to use on my other characters.

And why should that be necessary, when all characters share bank and crafting materials and both of these are accessible right from any bank or crafting station? It’s a lot better than what I’ve seen in other games.

Also, there are people, such as myself, who would level the same craft twice on different characters. I did that with Jewelcrafting on my Warrior and my Thief. Main reason being that my Thief’s weaponry is in two places (huntsman and weaponsmith), so crafting his own gear came down to armor and trinkets.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: catofnine.3194


Currently we have to start from scratch in each zone. Hearts, way points, POI’s, vistas. I suggest everything but the hearts be completed for all my new alts (or better yet make this optional in the menu for those that actually might enjoy repeating). I don’t mind completing the quests and enjoy the dynamic events in the zones.. but I absolutely hate having to chase down POI’s and Vistas AGAIN.
Desperately trying to love GW2

If I played the way you play, I’d be sick of the game too. I don’t feel the need to map complete everything, and I hate crafting in all games so I don’ bother. Each alt has a set of maps it runs, and I try to avoid overlap if I can. Keeps things fresh. When time comes, I’ll pick my favorite character and do 100% completion on that one. People may disagree with me, but I think Anet put together a beautiful vibrant world. I love finding pockets of things in the world i.e. glades, quaggan nurseries etc.

If you treat the game as a series of must-do checklists, then yeah don’t be surprised if you wear yourself out. This is not Anet’s doing. This is just how you play. They’re not responsible for your own compulsions. If you don’t want to do map complete on your alts, don’t. If none of this is fun any more, take a break.

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


Bottom line, I just don’t want to repeat BORING AS HELL CONTENT.

Then kitten DON´T!
Your idea is terrible and you should feel terrible.

Yes Nooka, you should feel terrible!!!!! Just because you voice a different opinion or enjoy different things than other people, you’re a bad person and should feel terrible!!!


Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I don’t mind completing the quests and enjoy the dynamic events in the zones.. but I absolutely hate having to chase down POI’s and Vistas AGAIN. I leveled a Mesmer first getting 100% completion. I then leveled a Ranger almost purely via crafting. So now he’s 80 and anytime I want to use him to run with the guild, I often can’t because he’s simply too far away to participate. This is extremely frustrating.

I like doing the vistas again. My memory is terrible so they are like mini jumping puzzles for me. I see your point about not being able to join your friends when they are in far off places. I think it would be okay if once 100% world map completion is done it unlocked all the waypoints for alts. The waypoints are pretty easy to get in most cases anyway. That way you could join your friends in far away lands and you can just ignore the POIs and vistas. Although, there should be no reward for map completion until they have all the map finished completely.

On a side note, I have noticed most points of interest are not very interesting. Hey, thanks for showing me that dirt mound in the middle of no where. They should just call them markers.

The Burninator

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Bottom line, I just don’t want to repeat BORING AS HELL CONTENT.

Then kitten DON´T!
Your idea is terrible and you should feel terrible.

you’re a bad person and should feel terrible!!!


First of all mister, don´t put words in my mouth!
I didn´t attack Nooka personally, but his post and his idea that ANet is somehow responsible for him “touching the stove and getting burnt”.

This thread exists because Nooka chose to make all crafting tiers and world completion on one character and now somehow demands that an alt has to get everything for free again.
Something that´s unheard of in any other MMO, but please correct me if I´m wrong.

I´m very much an altoholic too, but the entitlement just really rubbed me the wrong way.

Polish > hype

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: crystal.5930


This isn’t my idea; it was posted by another player a while back. IIRC, the suggestion was that once you’ve gotten world completion on one character, for all your other characters you would have the option of either auto-completing a zone for no reward, or completing it ‘the old fashioned way’ for the regular zone completion reward. I would assume that if you opted for auto-completing a zone you would then disqualify that character from world completion, but I don’t actually remember if that was part of the suggestion or not. Seemed like a win/win to me, overall, if it could be implemented.

Chosovi Rose, Thomas Thorn, Crystalbrier, Bracken Farstone, Crassul, on Tarnished Coast
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


Bottom line, I just don’t want to repeat BORING AS HELL CONTENT.

Then kitten DON´T!
Your idea is terrible and you should feel terrible.

you’re a bad person and should feel terrible!!!


First of all mister, don´t put words in my mouth!
I didn´t attack Nooka personally, but his post and his idea that ANet is somehow responsible for him “touching the stove and getting burnt”.

This thread exists because Nooka chose to make all crafting tiers and world completion on one character and now somehow demands that an alt has to get everything for free again.
Something that´s unheard of in any other MMO, but please correct me if I´m wrong.

I´m very much an altoholic too, but the entitlement just really rubbed me the wrong way.

So you didn’t attack him personally, but you attacked his idea?……um….sure…..ok. You told him that his idea was terrible, and he should feel terrible.
He was only voicing an OPINION…..about a video game. Wow.