Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Personally, I feel the xp gain is not enough. Everywhere I go, I am always underleveled. When I first left Queensdale, I was level 12. When I finished Kessex, I was level 20. I had to go back and do lower level content in order to get enough xp to continue on to the higher level areas.

This is after doing 100% map completion, working on crafting a bit, collecting every material I come across, doing my Personal Story when I can, even doing every Dynamic Event that spawned near me while I was out and about. Yet I wasn’t making barely enough xp to move onto the next area.

The issue I think is, nothing rewards sufficient amount of xp to progress. You are expected to do everything in order to progress. Otherwise you will always be underleveled if you miss anything. You are forced to be an explorer whether you like it or not, and forced into crafting for the extra xp, and forced to be a completionist whether you want to or not. There isn’t just one thing that will give you sufficient xp to help you along. You have to do it all.

I already have a level 80, working on leveling an alt at the moment. When I finally hit 80, I had over 60% map completion. Because I had to constantly go back and do lower level areas to get enough xp to proceed onto the next higher level area. Now, I am doing the exact same thing on my alt. Everything I did on my first 80, I have to do all over again.

There is no “go to new areas to get a new experience”, as I still have to do all those areas any ways like I did before in order to progress. I get told all the time to go do other race starter areas if I am underleveled. I thought the point of having different race areas was for a new experience with that race? Not much of a new experience if I have to do those areas on every character just to get the xp to progress.

Another issue, I’m a night owl. I play at the times when barely anyone else is online. So there isn’t much in the way of knocking out Dynamic Events. So most of the time, I’m running solo cause barely anyone is around. And when you come across those elite events that require big groups, you just can’t do them. Or you come across areas that would have events, but they are on a constant farm that they never change.

I just feel that the amount of xp you are rewarded for doing things, should be increased by a lot. I’m almost hesitant to say that it feels like a cash grab with xp being so low, because of the new xp boosters giving 50% xp now. No one should have to be forced to do everything just to barely make enough xp to progress. I mean, I had to clear 3 15-25 areas, just to move onto a 25-30 area. Because I wasn’t making enough xp per zone to continue onto the next area. It shouldn’t be like that. You should be able to clear a 15-25 zone, and then move right into a 25-30 zone with no problems.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


There are multiple areas for all level ranges. Go to the ones in which you aren’t underleveled.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


That’s strange cuz I feel I’m leveling very smoothly so far. I’m level 12 and I haven’t uncovered the whole Queensdale map yet.

I craft very often and go to every point of interest, vista and waypoint I can. Maybe that’s the difference?

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Campana.9216


I had the same problem as the OP – completing all hearts, doing any dynamic events I came across, keeping up to date with my story, crafting, gathering every node I saw etc didn’t provide enough xp to move on to the next area.

You either have to move to a different racial area (which I didn’t want to do because I want to leave content I haven’t played for my alts), play some WvW or run around and just keep doing more dynamic events until you level up.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


That’s strange cuz I feel I’m leveling very smoothly so far. I’m level 12 and I haven’t uncovered the whole Queensdale map yet.

I craft very often and go to every point of interest, vista and waypoint I can. Maybe that’s the difference?

Guessing you didn’t read what I wrote at all. That is exactly what I am doing. I already said I am crafting and doing 100% map completion as well.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiresias.6473


By the time this thread is finished I bet that it receives the same basic response from at least 10 different people:

Go to other zones that are appropriate for your level and see the content there. That is why those zones exist.

Furthermore, this is a common theme among MMOs, but it is made more explicit by having zones literally overlap in level ranges (i.e. the first zone has level 1-10 content, the next linear zone has level 8-16 content, the third linear zone has level 15-21 content, etc.).

Bear in mind that a lot of races have zones that start to come together in terms of lore, so visiting your race’s “next door neighbor” may actually give you a better understanding as to what is going on with your own race’s storyline.

Main character: Winter Harvest (Necromancer)
[BICE] Black Ice / Maguuma Server

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zay.6357


Agreed, needing to do multiple starter zones makes leveling alts a chore.

And I’m convinced the first two responders didn’t actually read the thread.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


I feel complete opposite, you get exp for EVERYTHING you do, gathering and crafting give you ALOT. Later on at 50+ you will find yourself atleast 5 level ahead of teh area. Plus there are 4 other starter areas for the otehr races you can go to.

I really think they need to INCREASE the amount of exp needed to level so it would actaully be an accomplishment to gain a level. Id even say the amount needed to gain a level should be doubled

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


pick up a craft and keep it to your level matched with the items you make, its like a 3 free levels per a zone

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Campana.9216


Go to other zones that are appropriate for your level and see the content there. That is why those zones exist.

This may be what Anet intended. However, I disagree that this should be necessary. Some of us want to leave those areas blank so when we play on alts we’ve got a new area to experience, instead of repeating content we’ve done before.

But an easier solutions is to run back through the area you just completed and do dynamic events.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JoeRosa.6035


If you were level 12 when you finished the area you should have went to another area that was 1-15 and so on till you felt you were in range of the other content. You are not being punished for doing “low level” content. Your xp gain is tuned to your level range for quests,gather and events. You level so quickly just by playing the game compared to other games where you are grinding to reach the next tier of content. Guild wars 2 has plenty of content filled with way to gain xp. Good luck on your adventures.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zay.6357


I feel complete opposite, you get exp for EVERYTHING you do, gathering and crafting give you ALOT. Later on at 50+ you will find yourself atleast 5 level ahead of teh area. Plus there are 4 other starter areas for the otehr races you can go to.

I really think they need to INCREASE the amount of exp needed to level so it would actaully be an accomplishment to gain a level. Id even say the amount needed to gain a level should be doubled

Yeah it’s kind of weird that I started out having trouble getting those first 30 or so odd levels, but then at some point I just shot above the zones I was in, and ended up totally skipping the 60-70 zones in favor of Straits of Devastation.

I’m not sure what it is, but it seems like the absolute worst experience grind in the game is while you’re in the 1-30 zones. I mean, I got my Engineer’s huntsman up to 100 and 50 Leatherworking, completed all of the Norn starting zone, and he’s only level 14. I don’t really want to play him now because I really don’t want to do another starting zone with him (I did 100% world completion and plan on leveling some alts), and don’t really want to go into the 15-25 zone. And this was with doing hearts that were 3 levels above me!

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


If you were level 12 when you finished the area you should have went to another area that was 1-15 and so on till you felt you were in range of the other content. You are not being punished for doing “low level” content. Your xp gain is tuned to your level range for quests,gather and events. You level so quickly just by playing the game compared to other games where you are grinding to reach the next tier of content. Guild wars 2 has plenty of content filled with way to gain xp. Good luck on your adventures.

That’s the issue though. You’re not moving forward, you’re backtracking way too often. When the level requirement for an area is 1-15, and you complete the area at level 12, then you have to backtrack to make up for that loss of levels. You can’t proceed forward to 15-25 unless you backtrack to make up for the missing levels.

My issue is, you shouldn’t be backtracking. You should be constantly moving forward.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Proeliator.8740


Oh man I’m starting to sound like a complete fan boy but the number of useless threads in these forums is getting out of control. We already level extremely fast. There are so many things you can do to gain xp it’s crazy. I had absolutely no issues with playing through and I found myself shifting between content I was a few levels below and a few levels above seamlessly due to the downleveling mechanics. It didn’t even matter to me exactly what the recommended level range was I was too busy just enjoying the DE’s, Hearts, and fighting to take notice much. There are many zones that I just haven’t had a chance to visit even though I’m already way above them in level. I did move past the starting zone really early but I saw no reason not to I found myself at the zone entrance and when I went in I was fine and ended up getting way better xp.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

If you do not want to explore the other 1-15, 15-25, 25+, 30+, 40 +, and so on areas for the other 4 races, I suggest you combine crafting and daily achievements. You can level very fast for doing a daily and chances are, you may be able to do two in one 12 hour play session depending on who you are and where you live.

I’m way over leveled (even though I get leveled down for an old area, I can do much better than my peers) for my content even now and I’m not even in my exact level areas because I did every map up until now + crafting.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


you could also just hangout in queensdale and do events anywhere, youcould go around gathering and also farm certain mobs for their unique crafting drops.

ever since wow came out ppl think they need a quest to level. in games before that you just straight up killed stuff to level. exp for a kill in this game isnt very bad compared to all the other newer games

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zay.6357


Being forced to take all your alts through multiple starter zones really isn’t an issue for any of you? I’m sure you’ll change your minds once you’ve done Caledon for the sixth time

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ManMountain.4321


what under levled im ALWAYS over lvled but i craft too which give you xp and since i craft i have to harvest.. there are ways of gettin xp.. if they increase it id be lvl 80 before i get anywhere .. i think its fine

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Campana.9216


Oh man I’m starting to sound like a complete fan boy but the number of useless threads in these forums is getting out of control. We already level extremely fast. There are so many things you can do to gain xp it’s crazy.

This isn’t really a useless thread. Being underlevelled is happening to a lot of people even though they are doing all the content the game throws at them, including crafting.

One issue I think with crafting is that people often get delayed levelling it up due to lack of materials. I’ve spent days getting only 1 or 2 crafting levels, then suddenly hit a plateau where I’ve got a whole bunch of stored materials and manage to complete 50 crafting levels in one go.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


I’m 16 and still in Queensdale on my alt, I filled in with about 4 of the first quests in Plains of Ashford to fill a gap from 13 to 14, since I was higher than beetletun/monastery stuff but still a bit too low for godslost swamp, but that’s it.

I think people falling behind are just missing something, whether it’s skipping or having poor contribution in DE’s or bypassing mobs, idk.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Being underlevelled is happening to a lot of people even though they are doing all the content the game throws at them, including crafting.

They’re not, though. Look at the OP’s post. He went to Queensdale, then Kessex, completely ignoring other regions in his level that are only a few portals away.

If you’re doing the content, all of it, contrary to what you said people are doing, and you’re breaking out the the whole “this is my race’s starting area, so this is where I should stay” mentality, you’ll find yourself a few levels above your personal story and future content very quickly.

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Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zay.6357


Okay I am just going to assume every responding to this thread hasn’t actually tried leveling an alt yet. Being required to do two starting zones per character is a chore. I was able to get around it for one alt thanks to the magic of cooking, but that’s gone now.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I was always 10+ levels above my zones..
I think you just didnt do enought in the zones before moving on, and i didnt go to any other racial zones either, just sticked to my own.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyral.4168


I agree with you OP, but basically the next post has it right.

You get more experience by discovering, hearting and gathering than you do by grinding mob kills. Your level will climb quicker and at a more pleasing rate if you asura gate over to some other zones and start fresh there.

It does seem to me that events are supposed to be more accessible or frequent (or even functional) than they are now, especially past level 55. Regardless, it isn’t too much to go wandering into other zones with near or even lower levels than yours, just to help that level growth.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiresias.6473


Alright, let me lay this out for you all since you CLEARLY don’t understand how this game is designed:

This is not your old-school MMO. Those hearts on the map? They are just there to get you out exploring the world — to drive you towards dynamic events, crafting nodes, skill challenges, and other locations where you will find other players.

This game is supposed to be an adventure, not a grind.

Case in point: has anyone seen the cave of shaman in the Norn starting area? There is no heart there. There are no skill challenges there. I don’t think there is even a point of interest there (I could be wrong on that). However, it is an area with a good reward and an achievement tied to it if you complete it.

There is a heart nearby. There is a skill challenge nearby. How do you know about the cave? EXPLORING.

If you rush heart to heart and treat zone completion like the destination instead of part of the journey then — yes — you will miss out on a lot of great content as you fly through the zone two levels faster than you should.

If you don’t bother to explore the major cities AND craft AND PvP AND STILL refuse to go to other zones then yes, you may find yourself getting behind on the content.

This is not Everquest 2, or WoW, or SWTOR where you are given a set series of quests to complete that guarantees that you are ready to move to the next zone where you can start the grind again. This is an adventure game — you are expected to ADVENTURE.

Part of that adventure may be going to lateral zone. Alternately you could run an instance or help a guildmate. Completing the hearts in each zone doesn’t mean you are suddenly DONE with that zone — it just means that you can now purchase items from all of the influence vendors there.

In other words, your whole mentality is wrong. You are stuck in the WoW-loop of “I’m done with all the quest givers! Time for the next zone!” That isn’t how GW2 works.

Main character: Winter Harvest (Necromancer)
[BICE] Black Ice / Maguuma Server

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


I’m the opposite. I’m always overleveled for every char.

I tend to gather everything I see so that’s a good chunk of xp, otherwise I just run around, kill stuff if I feel like it while hunting heart/poi’s etc for 100% map completion.

Killing stuff as I go I tend to hit mobs that gather alot of bonus xp/loot, and on top of the gathering that’s a bunch of extra xp.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Campana.9216


They’re not, though. Look at the OP’s post. He went to Queensdale, then Kessex, completely ignoring other regions in his level that are only a few portals away.

I keep making this point and no-one seems to read it: we do not wish to do other low level zones because this will spoil it when we play other characters. It should not be required to explore other zones with your main in order to be high enough level to move onto the next zone.

Having said that, I’ve not had a problem because I just go back and find more dynamic events until I have high enough level to move onto the next area. It’s just a little disconcerting to finish in a zone and then find you have to hang around for a little while longer.

This is not your old-school MMO. Those hearts on the map? They are just there to get you out exploring the world — to drive you towards dynamic events, crafting nodes, skill challenges, and other locations where you will find other players.

This game is supposed to be an adventure, not a grind.

If you rush heart to heart and treat zone completion like the destination instead of part of the journey then — yes — you will miss out on a lot of great content as you fly through the zone two levels faster than you should.

If you don’t bother to explore the major cities AND craft AND PvP AND STILL refuse to go to other zones then yes, you may find yourself getting behind on the content.

The people who find themselves underlevelled aren’t rushing around trying to level up as fast as they can. I certainly wasn’t.

I did the content I wanted to at the pace I wanted to. I spent a lot of time exploring the zones I was playing in, or going back to areas I’d already completed all the hearts for just in order to get crafting materials.

So I don’t agree that people who are underlevelled are somehow ‘playing the game wrong’. I actually think there are so many things to do that give xp that Anet had trouble balancing the amount you gain from different activities in a way that suits every playstyle.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Underlevelled is awesome.

The last game I played I was severely overlevelled while only doing half of the quests. I found levelling was too fast.

GW2’s system is awesome. Not severely slow, but not all that fast either. I can keep up to most levels, but sometimes I find myself under a suggested level by 1-3 levels. It just makes the game a bit more challenging.

If you need to level a bit more, complete more events, farm for resources, craft etc. Nice exp from these things.

I personally love how the system works if you’re doing straight up heart questing.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I wouldn’t mind leveling slower. Having said that, I craft, a lot. It seems like every time I just get done with one set of armor, I’m a level or two past needing the next set, and it just keeps exponentially increasing.

Not that I ‘have’ to always make my own stuff, just that I like to, and I don’t complain about it, per se. It is what it is.

Just, offering a different perspective from someone that’s now 72 and feels like they should be 40.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strongfort.2451


The hearts are really more of a guide for where to be, and what level that surrounding area is. Doing just those will only give you a small amount of XP. Dynamic events are the main method, but if you only do those 2 things you will still be behind. The game is all about exploring, and they reward you for it.

Here’s my list of XP outlets in the game:

  • Renowned Hearts - The heart quests, really meant to show you where to go. These are only a fraction of your leveling XP.
  • Dynamic Events - Dynamic Events are the meat and potatoes of the questing. These are the replacement to traditional quest you get from NPCs. They happen on their own throughout the world and you can particiapte if you like, or keep walking. These start on their own without your interaction and are a good portion of your leveling XP.
  • Triggered Dynamic Events - Explore everywhere, the game rewards random exploration, chances are that cave over there will start an event when you get close! Listen for NPCs talking about stuff – they are often referring to events, or secrets.
  • Points of Interest/Vistas - Grab these around the world, you get XP for them, and finishing an entire zone’s collectibles will give you great rewards.
  • Story Line - Do your story line when you’re an appropriate level for it.
  • Gathering - Get the 3 gathering tools from a vendor and loot all plants/trees/ores you see as you get lots of XP from that!
  • Crafting - Crafting gives XP as you create stuff, and a good amount too. Approximately 1 level for every 4 PvE levels (if you craft throughout leveling)
  • Daily Achievement - If you check your achievements tab you’ll see that there’s a list of objectives for a daily goal. Completing this will give you a chest with XP, Money, and maybe an item. Repeatable each day.
  • WvW - The World Vs. World PvP can be accessed even at level 1. Everything you do there counts towards your PvE character. You’ll get XP, Karma, Gold, even Items!

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rick.6751


The hearts are really more of a guide for where to be, and what level that surrounding area is. Doing just those will only give you a small amount of XP. Dynamic events are the main method, but if you only do those 2 things you will still be behind. The game is all about exploring, and they reward you for it.

Here’s my list of XP outlets in the game:

  • Renowned Hearts - The heart quests, really meant to show you where to go. These are only a fraction of your leveling XP.
  • Dynamic Events - Dynamic Events are the meat and potatoes of the questing. These are the replacement to traditional quest you get from NPCs. They happen on their own throughout the world and you can particiapte if you like, or keep walking. These start on their own without your interaction and are a good portion of your leveling XP.
  • Triggered Dynamic Events - Explore everywhere, the game rewards random exploration, chances are that cave over there will start an event when you get close! Listen for NPCs talking about stuff – they are often referring to events, or secrets.
  • Points of Interest/Vistas - Grab these around the world, you get XP for them, and finishing an entire zone’s collectibles will give you great rewards.
  • Story Line - Do your story line when you’re an appropriate level for it.
  • Gathering - Get the 3 gathering tools from a vendor and loot all plants/trees/ores you see as you get lots of XP from that!
  • Crafting - Crafting gives XP as you create stuff, and a good amount too. Approximately 1 level for every 4 PvE levels (if you craft throughout leveling)
  • Daily Achievement - If you check your achievements tab you’ll see that there’s a list of objectives for a daily goal. Completing this will give you a chest with XP, Money, and maybe an item. Repeatable each day.
  • WvW - The World Vs. World PvP can be accessed even at level 1. Everything you do there counts towards your PvE character. You’ll get XP, Karma, Gold, even Items!

This is bang on.

The game rewards exploration and thoroughness. I 100% a zone before moving on and I actually end up a couple of levels higher going into the next zone.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkwombat.3695


ArenaNet might shoot themselves in the foot. A lot of new people don’t even know you can level in another zone. I have shown at least 3 people how to do this.

I can picture new players strolling into Kessex Hills at level 13 dying a lot and getting discouraged, and uninstall the game….

Nomatter what the opinions are in this thread my response is the one that matters most. The bottom line. Customers.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tassy.5891


it is impossible to be under leveled to be honest, an yes I know you will ignore my post or respond with some abuse. But the facts are plain. Having done 4 chrs so far I can say with 100% cert that without playing alt racial zones I leveled perfectly every time. I was doing my storylines 2-3-4 levels above my level, an didn’t once need to redo other zones to catch up.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


ArenaNet might shoot themselves in the foot. A lot of new people don’t even know you can level in another zone. I have shown at least 3 people how to do this.

I can picture new players strolling into Kessex Hills at level 13 dying a lot and getting discouraged, and uninstall the game….

Nomatter what the opinions are in this thread my response is the one that matters most. The bottom line. Customers.

Like who though? If they’re a completely new player to the genre I could sort of see that being the case, but anyone with even a small amount of experience with other MMO’s should know that there’s alternatives to your own starting zone and you need only travel to another to fill in the gaps.

At least I would hope so. But truly if they’ve played mmo’s before and don’t know that there’s more than one place to face level appropriate content then there is a much bigger problem at play…and it’s not with the game.

(edited by Tradewind.6913)

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tassy.5891


ArenaNet might shoot themselves in the foot. A lot of new people don’t even know you can level in another zone. I have shown at least 3 people how to do this.

I can picture new players strolling into Kessex Hills at level 13 dying a lot and getting discouraged, and uninstall the game….

Nomatter what the opinions are in this thread my response is the one that matters most. The bottom line. Customers.

Trouble is with the playerbase is it has a large % of wow players, who are used to being carried an showered in road signs an held by hand to even turn round. GW2 has some wow in it (sadly) but you have to cater to the generation of the time). but it also has alot of oldschool MMO in it. This means you dont follow road signs you just log in an go do something.

As for your "opinion being the one that matters ? lol.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Sorry but i don’t believe you. I do the same exact thing than you:

“This is after doing 100% map completion, working on crafting a bit, collecting every material I come across, doing my Personal Story when I can, even doing every Dynamic Event that spawned near me while I was out and about. Yet I wasn’t making barely enough xp to move onto the next area.”

And i am over 10 levels of my personal history.

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LittleBigAsura.6071


I’m level 54, never tought about leveling, i’m just having fun discovering the map

Luxon [Lux]
Jade Quarry

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: derLoko.2185


This is indeed a bit of an issue in the starter areas, but it gets better later on because you get plenty of bonus XP in less crowded areas.

Quite frankly, the best thing you can do is simply move on despite being underleveled. It’s entirely possible to do content 5+ levels above your own and you’ll get better drops.

Also, use food buffs and try to complete the daylies.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

I have four characters; all of them are over-levelled. You gain experience really easily, if you understand how the game is designed. Grinding mobs will get you nothing. Completing maps and participating in dynamic events, as well as gathering and crafting, nets you far more experience than you need.

I also mostly play solo and off-peak times. It is clearly a matter of play-style, as we just have opposite experiences.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


ArenaNet might shoot themselves in the foot. A lot of new people don’t even know you can level in another zone. I have shown at least 3 people how to do this.

I can picture new players strolling into Kessex Hills at level 13 dying a lot and getting discouraged, and uninstall the game….

Nomatter what the opinions are in this thread my response is the one that matters most. The bottom line. Customers.

No, no it doesn’t. Your opinion is like an anus. Everyone has one. None are better than any other.

Customers that get discouraged over not getting an easymode game simply do not belong here. The rest of us, will continue going on and having fun.

And seriously… Being level 13 in kessex hills does not mean you’re going to die a lot. If you’re not very good at the game- yes you will die. However, I’ve been sufficiently able to take on creatures above my own level with ease. i’ve also soloed a lot of vets that I couldn’t normally solo when I first started.

You get better. People will learn to adapt.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


It’s the contrary to me. I’m always overlevelled.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Servanin.5021


I’m level 12 by the time I finish Queensdale and all my story quest. This includes …

- 100% zone completion
- Harvesting every node I can get to reasonably
- Doing all story missions up to my level
- Doing every DE I find. This includes going to places I suspect there might be a DE going on, with no indicator. Orange marks or NPCs asking for help will only appear when you are close enough.

The only times I ever end up overleveled for a zone are the one that have spammable DE chains that respawn quickly, like Harathi Hinterlands and Ulgoth or Kol being up every 5 minutes.

Is that the intended leveling pattern? Either go to multiple zones per level range, or grind the same DEs over and over again?

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Have you tried going multiple zones?

Eventually, you’ll have to have 100% map completion.

The intended levelling pattern is for you to SEE WHAT’S OUT THERE. Explore, have fun, play in the world.

This may be hard for some people much too used with WoW or anything else to get, I know.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


It seems barely anyone read what I even posted.

I keep hearing the same things repeatedly, yet if you would of read what I wrote, you would see I have done exactly that. I am exploring, I am running DE’s, I am doing crafting, etc etc. I don’t PvP cause I don’t like PvP. That is the only thing I’m not doing.

Yet I am always 3-5 levels under the zone I am currently in. I’m not expecting Hearts to hold my hand and I’m not using them only to guide me through an area. Like I said, I am doing 100% map completion. My issue was I was constantly having to backtrack instead of progressing forward to get enough experience to progress forward.

But it seems everyone just read the title and automatically assumed I’m barely doing anything and expect the game to hold my hand….

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


No you aren’t exploring bob. You are running from one waypoint to another.
When I left Queensdale after actually exploring it I was 20… When I finished Kessex I was 40. I’m almost 70… and yet I haven’t visited a map higher then level 25. I’m still not done with all the lowbie maps exploration.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


I don’t know what you guys are even doing but leveling in this game for me was wayyyy too fast, any faster and they might as well just remove levels all together.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


No you aren’t exploring bob. You are running from one waypoint to another.

I’m sorry, are you sitting over my shoulder watching every move I make? Do you have psychic abilities that you can read my mind and know exactly what I am doing?

You have no place to be telling me what I am or am not doing “bob”. Would you like a screenshot of my map to show everything I had to do to get to 80?

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


No you aren’t exploring bob. You are running from one waypoint to another.

I’m sorry, are you sitting over my shoulder watching every move I make? Do you have psychic abilities that you can read my mind and know exactly what I am doing?

You have no place to be telling me what I am or am not doing “bob”. Would you like a screenshot of my map to show everything I had to do to get to 80?

No we are not but it is obvious you are not exploring right and not doing everything you come across and skipping stuff.

Getting all waypoints and poi and hearts does not mean you are exploring, you need to do des, those are what level you up not just hearts. Every single time you see a de happening anywhere near you, go do it. If you stop and do events every time they happen you will have absolutely no issue leveling.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exphryl.3857


I have two Human characters, after completing Queensdale, Completing Divinity’s Reach (You get above a level or level and a half doing the exploration here), doing my Story Quest until it took me to Kessex, gathering materials (I have another char was sending mats to so no crafting was done), and doing / triggering Dynamic Events I was above level 17 both times.

If you bee-line from Heart to Heart you’ll miss a lot, then will create posts showing your inability to properly explore.

Always Underleveled (Not enough xp gain)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Servanin.5021


No you aren’t exploring bob. You are running from one waypoint to another.
When I left Queensdale after actually exploring it I was 20… When I finished Kessex I was 40. I’m almost 70… and yet I haven’t visited a map higher then level 25. I’m still not done with all the lowbie maps exploration.

Sorry, but bull ****. Level 60-70 zones give 8-10k per DE/heart. DEs in Kessex start at 600 and end at 800.

Even at 1000 exp per quest like you’d get around 25, you would be doing 90-100 DEs per level when you are lucky to find one if you are in the right place at the right time.

If you were doing level 45 DEs, you would get 2500 exp per quest when you need 100k+ per around 70. That would still be running the entire Ulgoth chain in Harathi hinterlands 10 times per level.

That isn’t leveling too easy, thats getting to level 20 in pre-searing.

(edited by Servanin.5021)