Am I the only one?

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

Opinion of a Mesmer.

Well, am I the only one who got screwed again by all that hype in this patch?

First thing when I log in to check the changes, I see unid dye. Then I go to the wardrobe page and I was like ‘’Thats cool’’.

But then, when I get to the traits and I see things that appear like nerfs (Mesmer dueling trait (4%inc dmg for each mantra) that was moved to domination) I’m like ‘’Great, was I op before? Nope, and now I’m even worse’’. (PvE wise)

Seriously, good job with that Grandmaster trait stuff, but they bring nothing at all. When I read everything on the forum and saw that new traits would be added I was so happy. Now I’m just looking at it and won’t even bother to use the new traits added to mesmer.

… Got screwed by hype again….

Now, when ill play, ill be only usefull for two thing. Using feedback, and use time warp. And nothing else.

Its good to see feature update, but kitten ! Why making some classes go to the worse side when they were good (or not that bad) at the spot where they were.

On these forums, lots of people did agree that certain classes were not on par with the other one (engi, necro… in PVE). Why not buffing these two instead of ramming on the other one.

All I can say from that ’’Feature’’ update is ‘’Nice wardrobe dude’’.

And what’s next? Fail story 2?


I love debate
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turtle.4130


It’s a terrible patch, I feel like this game just got ruined for me on so many levels I don’t even want to play it any more.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

All I can really say right now is ‘’The amount of emptiness added to the game is over 9000’’

I love debate
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheTechnician.1078


All I can really say right now is ‘’The amount of emptiness added to the game is over 9000’’

It’s a terrible patch, I feel like this game just got ruined for me on so many levels I don’t even want to play it any more.


For me, it was the Trait system “nerf”.
Took away my traits and I can’t possibly get any until I am Level 30. Then, only one every what, 6 levels? Way to turn the game into even more of a grind fest with less sense of progression! No wonder so many people have turned to Champion Farming Runz… Oh wait, you nerfed that too, with longer spawn times on them and less drops. Fantastic!

Are you TRYING to drive people away from the game, to conserve server space or something?

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

All I can really say right now is ‘’The amount of emptiness added to the game is over 9000’’

It’s a terrible patch, I feel like this game just got ruined for me on so many levels I don’t even want to play it any more.


For me, it was the Trait system “nerf”.
Took away my traits and I can’t possibly get any until I am Level 30. Then, only one every what, 6 levels? Way to turn the game into even more of a grind fest with less sense of progression! No wonder so many people have turned to Champion Farming Runz… Oh wait, you nerfed that too, with longer spawn times on them and less drops. Fantastic!

Are you TRYING to drive people away from the game, to conserve server space or something?

I would love to know what was the though process behind all these traits. Cause honestly, after all the CDI that were made, lots of ’’good’’ ideas regarding traits and skills were given and it seems like none of that was in that ‘’feature patch’’.

Which again almost proves that CDI is just there to make the people waste their time by writing to the dev in the hope that one of their idea will probably be added to the game.

I love debate
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Just in case none of you realized, the trait system was changed for EVERYONE. We all have to get used to the new system.

Oh, but yes, you got nerfed beyond belief because you can’t figure it out.

NEWSFLASH: eveyone has to figure out the new trait system, as has to deal with it, same as you.

And qq about the supposed nerf. I have a 80 mesmer and they were a bit overpowered, especially in WvW. This is a no win situation for ANY mmorpg game company out there. Nerf a class, and they whine…….bring all the other classes up to be more even with that slightly overpowered class, and you’ll still whine about why you didn’t get any love like everyone else did.

Seen it thousands of times in other mmorpgs.

Seriously, what is so hard about adapting and figuring out a way to make your character just as effective, even with the nerf and/or powering up to other classes?

You all are seriously naive to think that this game wouldn’t have it’s share of nerfs/powering up like all the other mmorpgs out there have since mmos began.

Yea, I know, I will be labeled an ANet fanboi just because I disagree with you.

Have at the flames, children.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

Just in case none of you realized, the trait system was changed for EVERYONE. We all have to get used to the new system.

Oh, but yes, you got nerfed beyond belief because you can’t figure it out.

NEWSFLASH: eveyone has to figure out the new trait system, as has to deal with it, same as you.

And qq about the supposed nerf. I have a 80 mesmer and they were a bit overpowered, especially in WvW. This is a no win situation for ANY mmorpg game company out there. Nerf a class, and they whine…….bring all the other classes up to be more even with that slightly overpowered class, and you’ll still whine about why you didn’t get any love like everyone else did.

Seen it thousands of times in other mmorpgs.

Seriously, what is so hard about adapting and figuring out a way to make your character just as effective, even with the nerf and/or powering up to other classes?

You all are seriously naive to think that this game wouldn’t have it’s share of nerfs/powering up like all the other mmorpgs out there have since mmos began.

Yea, I know, I will be labeled an ANet fanboi just because I disagree with you.

Have at the flames, children.

Nothing hard to figure out in the fact that Mesmer’s are now trash tier.

I play in an environment where time does matter and effectiveness does matter also. I was usefull before, but now I will not be that usefull.

Give it a week or two and you will see even more hate toward specific classes build etc regarding PvE dungeons.

Since dps got nerfed for almost everyone, the stats that bring in the most dps will still be the most wanted one in order to complete dungeons. Pugs or not, I’m not sure you want to speed 1 hour doing a dungeon that you can complete under 10 minutes with a specific build.

Now, just take your time and go have fun reading all the GM traits that were added. When you are done, tell me one of theses traits that will actually be usefull (in PvE).

I will not tag you as an Anet Fanboy because we can all be fan boy sometime but how do you expect the quality of the game to improve when these degrading update are being implemented to the game.

What will it be next patch? more emptiness added to the game, more ways to spend money in the gemstore?

I love debate
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The best indicator of future performance is past performance. If you got lured in by hype over the patch after forgetting that, in the past, much of GW2 did not live up to the hype generated either by ANet or fans, you didn’t learn.. Since I’ve adopted the expectation that MMO’s in general and GW2 in particular will be disappointing, I can only have pleasant surprises. That said, ANet continues to tell me that they don’t want me around and they don’t want my money.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

Oh no pve mesmer nerfed such a big loss lol. Seriously do you think someone cares.. Go play warrior or ele if you think your mesmer became worthless in PvE.

Well something is wrong if before an update more than 2 classes were viable, and now only 2 are viable after the update.

Downgrading much?

Simply following your logic.

I love debate
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

So why are we not seeing improvement in the classes that are bad right now, instead of adding more classes to the bad list in PvE.

I love debate
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kell.9365


The whole trait system is a disaster! Not only do you have to pay gold and silver for the traits but also a lot of skill point. I’ve had to delete half my alts because I know that I can never afford to level them completely. This game has suddenly gotten too expensive for my blood. I’m so heartsick about this update that I’ll prolly never want to log in again. I wish all you hoity toitys with credit cards and nothing but time on your hands good luck, I’m moving on.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


Yeah, its a bit sad that its become Grind Wars. Originally when I heard the joke, I still defended some of the grind and said it wasn’t too bad because there were plenty of rewards for your time. Now, nearly 2 years after the launch, I can’t really say that i truly feel like I’d be rewarded for putting any effort into what I do in the game. Everything is such a grind and they continually try and make it harder and harder to get items or money without resorting to buying gems.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: umbrellachimes.5382


Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Everything you said YES. I was just complaining to my friend how all I’d ever be good for is feedback and MAYBE mass invis. It’s almost not worth it to bring a mesmer in anymore. Reflects can be done by guardians, and thieves are better at stealthing. Maybe time warp, yeah, but that’s about it.

I’m upset, because yesterday (for instance), I felt like I covered gaps that other classes couldn’t keep up with. I could fill in those gaps for feedback, still provide a valuable amount of damage, and make longer bosses a little shorter. I don’t feel like I do that anymore. I feel fairly useless as a mesmer, and it’s such a bummer because it was my favorite class.

I’m really hoping things get better, but I’m not too optimistic. I’m okay with nerfing something that needs to be nerfed, but at least provide something valuable in return to make up for it..

And redo the mesmer traits. Seriously, none of them are even worth setting except maybe the skill block thing for PVP. Like really. Has ANet ever actually played as a mesmer before?

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Everything you said YES. I was just complaining to my friend how all I’d ever be good for is feedback and MAYBE mass invis. It’s almost not worth it to bring a mesmer in anymore. Reflects can be done by guardians, and thieves are better at stealthing. Maybe time warp, yeah, but that’s about it.

I’m upset, because yesterday (for instance), I felt like I covered gaps that other classes couldn’t keep up with. I could fill in those gaps for feedback, still provide a valuable amount of damage, and make longer bosses a little shorter. I don’t feel like I do that anymore. I feel fairly useless as a mesmer, and it’s such a bummer because it was my favorite class.

I’m really hoping things get better, but I’m not too optimistic. I’m okay with nerfing something that needs to be nerfed, but at least provide something valuable in return to make up for it..

And redo the mesmer traits. Seriously, none of them are even worth setting except maybe the skill block thing for PVP. Like really. Has ANet ever actually played as a mesmer before?

Seems like none of them actually did play a mesmer in PvE.

I love debate
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


The whole trait system is a disaster! Not only do you have to pay gold and silver for the traits but also a lot of skill point. I’ve had to delete half my alts because I know that I can never afford to level them completely. This game has suddenly gotten too expensive for my blood. I’m so heartsick about this update that I’ll prolly never want to log in again. I wish all you hoity toitys with credit cards and nothing but time on your hands good luck, I’m moving on.

If your alts already existed before the patch, you don’t have to unlock anything except the new grandmaster traits. Everything else is unlocked automatically for characters created beforehand.

And you only pay if you don’t want to do the task that unlocks the trait. Click the hourglass next to whatever trait you want and it’ll tell you what to do to unlock it. If you don’t want to do that, you can pay for it instead.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


I’m mostly frustrated that my alts (those created before the patch) dont have access to all their traits because they’re below level.

I thought trait acquisition was supposed to stay the same for those? (I was leveling a mesmer… that will be challenging..and an ele.) (and they are locked, before anyone says otherwise.)
The dailies are also a disaster. I must say the necro changes/fixes are good though.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electro.4173


They should unlock automatically once you reach the proper level.

They did change the level the different tiers unlock, though. It used to be 11 for Adept, 40 for Master, and 60 for Grandmaster. Now its 30 for Adept, 60 for Master, and 80 for Grandmaster.

Am I the only one?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


They should unlock automatically once you reach the proper level.

They did change the level the different tiers unlock, though. It used to be 11 for Adept, 40 for Master, and 60 for Grandmaster. Now its 30 for Adept, 60 for Master, and 80 for Grandmaster.

We’ll know in 10 levels, I suppose.

For some classes this really sucks though. I still think that was a terrible idea.