Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starscream.6498


I see a lot of threads around saying that the game needs a dungeon finder, that the LFG system is inefficient, that they need to wait an eternity to find more people etc.

I never found myself in such a situation. I just go to Lion’s Arch and, for example, /m LFG CoF explorable, and bam, I have a group in 3-4 minutes. How much exactly do you wait?

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


No you are not the only one.I don’t have problems to find pugs when i need them.It’s very fast and easy.When i can’t find a group I make one myself.It’s not so hard at all.People just whine because they can

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I think the issue is a little more with story mode. I think people feel like they should be able to do it solo since it’s part of the ‘story’ and not a social aspect of the game.

If not solo, at least with 4 other AI (much like GW1).

Also, I’ve only done one dungeon and that was AC story. I went to CoF because I want to start doing runs to get the armor, and nobody was around. Thanks to your post I now realize that I should head to LA

RIP in peace Robert

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: delmarqo.5038


Personally, it’s the Story mode for me, less about PUGs for Dungeons. I think it’d be a lot easier if there was a cross-server chat channel (or custom chat channels that became established), and of course an LFD window would be the ultimate.

But for now I think players have self organized around the older school convention of /map’ing while in the same zone as the dungeon. Kinda reminds me of Oasis Docks or Windmill in way-old-EQ1

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


I’d love story mode was soloable with a party of NPCs, having 4 randoms raging because you are not skipping every cutscene and dialogue “to do it quick so we can farm and grind badges FAST!” quite disrupts the immersion.

As for finding groups, it depends on your server and class. If you play thief or elementalist, finding a group is harder than the other classes. If you play guardian / ranger you are worshipped into any group.

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I’d love story mode was soloable with a party of NPCs, having 4 randoms raging because you are not skipping every cutscene and dialogue “to do it quick so we can farm and grind badges FAST!” quite disrupts the immersion.

As for finding groups, it depends on your server and class. If you play thief or elementalist, finding a group is harder than the other classes. If you play guardian / ranger you are worshipped into any group.

I’m a ranger… where are my worshippers? =)

As for the people whining, I just tell them it’s story mode so I’m going to take my sweet time. I’ll watch ALL the cutscenes.

RIP in peace Robert

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starscream.6498


Yes, some do not seem to understand others may actually be playing the STORY mode for the STORY. Fortunately, I only got stuck with such a player once, most others are respectful and wait for you to finish watching.

Am I the only one NOT having problems with finding dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ituhata.6830


no, but when i go to dungeons I ask my guild, I try my best not to pug, no matter the MMO. Back when I first started WoW I wasn’t like that, but after landing a guild and doing guild runs I can’t go back to the train wreck that usually is pugs.

Caelthras – Fort Aspenwood
3rd Flora Artillery Unit