Amalgamated Gemstones Update
Bad for people selling them and good for those buying I guess.
Since Amalgated gemstones have been the bottleneck for any HoT legendaries it’s pretty nice to see this.
Still, doing each boss every day still takes 2 and a half months, but that’s better than halfway grinding and being dependent on people with more money determining the price of the legendary for you. I so much like to have the effort involved into getting rewards in my own hand.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
i find this awesome, this will help everyone getting the required 250 Crystalline Barrens a bit quicker, which requires to get also first 250 Amalgated Gemstones…
Peopel which are working on Hot legendaries will profit the miost from this positive change due to now beign able to obtain the required 250 chystalline bars more regualarly, without beign forced so much on gold Grind with an absurd cost of over a total of 600+ Gold just to get the required 250 chrystalline bars
However, I can understand that people which were planning on making gold with the gemstones aren’t so happy about this change now, specially when they invested alot of gold first in buying and relistign them and mostly will have lost gold now,,but thats the daily risk of TP flipping.. anybody who participates in that market, is always willing TO TAKE THIS RISK that Anet will make anytime changes on the economy, that might affect them eventually.
The other alternative would have been to reduce the required amount of Chrstalline bars from say 250 down to 50 or so, but in the end I’m pretty sure, ANet will have their economic reasons for taking this change over this alternative of just reducing the amount of required bars to keep the gemstones valuable while still reducing the grind which would have been a change, from which both sides would have profited.
This way profit only those, who want lesser grind and people which aren’t rich and I think its this last point, which lead to this decision, due to this change lettign less rich people profit much more, over the time, than just reducing the amount of required bars and keeping them valuable, because this could have lead eventually to the gemstones becoming maybe even much more valuable, if they woudl have reduced the amount only..that change would have been double edgy maybe, so I find it good that they took the dsolution, that has no chance of eventually turning out double edgy in a bad way.