An idea to help the devs and a thanks you
I think this would just cause people to shift from questioning whether devs have read it to questioning why they haven’t replied/acted on it.
The majority of the time that’s what people want – it’s not simply begging for attention for the sake of being able to say a dev replied to them – they want their question/idea/request/insane demand to actually be answered and acted on.
When it’s simply a question that’s been answered in another thread that’s easily solved by someone pointing them to the other thread and a tick to say a dev saw it and didn’t reply wouldn’t help at all.
When it’s asking for something more, like changes to the game, it may create a false expectation that it will be acted on, when in fact the person looking may not be in any position to get it changed or it may be a terrible idea they would never implement.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
very true but atm their is a massive feeling that every dev is working only on HOT and this would remove some of that
very true but atm their is a massive feeling that every dev is working only on HOT and this would remove some of that
It would not since then people would complain that devs just click all threads and never responds. (maybe they dont even read the thread either)