An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SupahSpankeh.8452


Hi there everyone!

Some of you may know that the necromancer is the buggiest class going, in both terms of bug quantity, bug severity and bug variety. For those who aren’t aware, here’s a post where a game user has catalogued them for ANet.

We’ve suffered these bugs since the BWE, and despite the efforts of They Are Hashes, only a few of them have been fixed. A mod/dev has popped in once to say they’re looking at some fixes, but frankly it’s getting to be a bit of a dissapointment.

Looking past the godawful quality control, and the fact that a single user has a better grasp of their quality control process than the (presumed) professional QA testers they have, what the hell is going on here?

A new bug was discovered today. It is, at least for me, the final straw in waiting patiently for something to be done. We’ve heard bugger all, we had sod all fixes and we’ve had new bugs added to the lists with each patch.

Today’s bug? A minor trait heals the enemy. For every attack we make.

This is the single most ridiculous bug I’ve seen in any game, ever.

We’ve been patient (well, most of us have). We’ve been polite (well, again, most of us have). We’ve ignored the insane situation where players are telling devs what’s broken; I know that 2 million players will notice more than 3 QA testers, but anyone who’s played necro to 80 will know where the bulk of the bugs are. One of our number has given over a not-insignificant amount of his time to catalogue everything that ANet got wrong with our class; both daft balance stuff and actual glitches.

When are you, Arenanet, going to get this stuff fixed? I’m quite happy to accept that bugs happen. I’m quite happy to accept that balance issues emerge during the evolution of the metagame and they can be tricky to fix. There is, however, no excuse for the current state of this class.

Please communicate with us. We’re your player base, and we’re rapidly losing faith.

Mad Skullz | 80 Necro | Piken Square

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donedusted.9846



I play a necro and for me, the end game is wvw. The combination of bugs I face on a daily basis is beginning to unfortunately make me question if I can be bothered to play at all.

The most irritating thing for me is feeling that so much time is being spent on creating new Halloween content when existing, glaring bugs in content and professions aren’t addressed, let alone acknowledged.

All I want to see is a regular dev post with updates on how the fixes are going. Some kind of loose plan outlining which bugs they are prioritising and which are more long term would show that not only are they working through everything but that we can also expect continued fixes and support in the future.

I really want to play necro; I really want to give you money through the gem store. Please, help me to help you

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


I am not losing faith Arenanet but having over 100 bugs found at one point for our class is very annoying to say the least. Necros are still very powerful when played by a good player but we have to work for it much more then other players. Not to mention the minion AI in the game drives me nuts whether it be necro minions, thief buddies they call in, illusions, and or ranger melee pets that can be kited, its enough to drive a person insane. The well of blood vampire traits healing mob npcs when they attack while in the well area isnt that huge of a problem but a small annoyance compared to pets running off on there own and attacking mobs on there own.

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darchon.6325


I agree, at least tell us what’s going on please.

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vim.7318


The other professions I have played seem okay in terms of bugs, am sure there are a few minor ones but the Necormancer is horrendously tested/executed and months of waiting to get any of them fixed is disappointing given how quickly bug fixes were changed over the BWEs, did they fire most of the staff?

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IdyllShade.7895


I have to agree. The amount of progress and level of communication from ANet about bugs, game state and future directions is beyond bad.

It’s been 13 days since any sort of patch that effected class abilities.
To the best of my knowledge, Sept 18 was the last time any sort of communication happened about the state of the profession – over a month ago.

I know more about the state of development and bug fixing in games THAT I HAVE NEVER PLAYED than I do about this one, I have recently begun to ask myself why I continue to support a product that is not supporting me.

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aga.8641



I’d love nothing more then to see a red post detailing on what Necro bugs they are working on, because at the moment is does feel like we’re being completely forgotten about. However I know this is very unlikely…

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vim.7318


This will be moved to suggestion, the thread nobody reads. :P

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


If you’re not going to fix the bugs, at least address us on why. And if you are, please add a changelog or a todo-list. We really want some sort of feedback. It only takes 15 minutes of your time.


An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ixal.7924


This will be moved to suggestion, the thread nobody reads. :P

I think it will be closed with the reminder to use the game bug forum.
If the mod has a good day it might even be accompanied with a canned “We are aware of this issue and are working on it” message.

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Hello everybody,
based on the fact that this thread is a staff call-out and, as you well know, such a thing is not allowed in the forums, the thread will be locked.
Thanks for understanding.