Ancient Karka took too long to kill

Ancient Karka took too long to kill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hycinthus.6483


It got to a point where it was just boring and dragging, and people were just dying and rezzing over and over and over. The “Reinforcement phase 1 and 2” were the longest, it was just dragging on and on and on. I do think partly our overflow server sucked, because it took us 3+ hours, and I heard some other servers completed in 2 hrs time. At 2 hour 45 minute, we were just starting “Reinforcement phase 2”. And then it spawned 4 champions, all with double health bars.

Anyway, it’s cool that the boss has multiple phases, across different locations, but their health doesn’t have to be a bajillion. There’s a difference between making bosses challenging, versus making them have huge health that it takes hours to kill. I’m glad the reward was worth it, but it did not make the event itself FUN to do. It wasn’t fun at all. A couple of my friends got bored, and teleported away, after they found out we were still a long way off. It wasn’t fun by any means was also amplified by the non-responsive combat buttons, not able to move, delayed chat, everything the laggyness and disconnections people were experiencing.

On future bosses, there are better ways to make bosses challenging and interesting at the same time, but not to the point where it is just annoying and frustrating.

Ancient Karka took too long to kill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Predator.7321


You don’t have to do it if you are bored
Leave and rejoin you might get different overflow

Ancient Karka took too long to kill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derk.3189


You’ve described 98% of the bosses in this game. All doable with the 1 key.