Anet Appreciation Day

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunju.8310


No game is perfect and few are original, but Anet has given us an extremely impressive game to fall in love with. Whatever burgeoning problems GW2 is enduring, they are nothing compared to the amazing experiences millions of people are enjoying every day. There’s been far too much groaning and criticizing in these forums, often over things misunderstood by the posters themselves, by the miniscule number of people that have stopped playing the game long enough to post. Hence, I believe, a show of appreciation should be made for the people responsible for this wonderful, original take on a tired genre. We don’t even have to pay per month to play it!

Thanks, you lot! Here’s to the phenomenal possibilities the future holds for GW2! <3

“A favourite war hero of mine got his tongue shot out.”
“How’d that happen?”
“He doesn’t talk about it.” – Stephen Fry

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


While I agree that the forums are overly negative, being positive for no good reason isn’t any better.

You thanked Anet when you bought their product. Allowing them to keep their jobs is thanks enough for many of them, I imagine.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Been following this game for the last 2 years and I must say it delivered all I expected and then some.

I can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon.

Thx for a great game Anet!

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


While I agree that the forums are overly negative, being positive for no good reason isn’t any better.

You thanked Anet when you bought their product. Allowing them to keep their jobs is thanks enough for many of them, I imagine.

Tsk tsk.

Saying “thank you” is always good form, and appreciating something someone has done, whether they were compensated financially or not, is reason enough to do it.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khaldar.7486


While I agree that the forums are overly negative, being positive for no good reason isn’t any better.

You thanked Anet when you bought their product. Allowing them to keep their jobs is thanks enough for many of them, I imagine.

Well said… Everyone nowadays wants to give cookies and cake for people doing their jobs. Its their jobs. And so far, it has been slightly above mediocre, imo.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


So if a doctor saves the life of a member of your family against all odds you shouldn’t thank him because he was just doing his job?

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

@Khaldar I would like a cookie and a hug for doing my job. Unfortunately, in my profession, I’ll never get any (#$%$ doctors take the credit). So I’ll just give the people at A-net something I wish for for myself: a hug and a cookie. Well, a digital hug and cookie, since they’re not exactly around the corner.

Thanks A-net!

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Thank you, ArenaNet, for forcing me into a 65 FoV. And thank you, ArenaNet, for forcing camera smoothing and mouse acceleration upon me. And thank you, ArenaNet, for implementing several features that encourage grinding and then adding diminishing returns to everything. I shall forever be in your debt. Am I doing this right?

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


While I agree that the forums are overly negative, being positive for no good reason isn’t any better.

You thanked Anet when you bought their product. Allowing them to keep their jobs is thanks enough for many of them, I imagine.

Well said… Everyone nowadays wants to give cookies and cake for people doing their jobs. Its their jobs. And so far, it has been slightly above mediocre, imo.

See, this is why you’ll never move past the fry cooker, man.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891


I’ll thank them when they actually say something about the state of class balance and spvp. Silence isn’t golden, its frustrating and rapidly becoming inexcusable.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProphetSword.5427


So, we can’t even have a positive thread on the forums without someone coming along and showering negativity all over it? There are nine thousand threads devoted to complaining, how hard would it be for you to leave just one alone?

Many of us are happy with the game. I come to these forums to discuss things about GW2, but all that seems to go on here is complaining and no real discussions.

And, thanks is warranted, I think. They could have done their “jobs” and created just another WoW clone, but decided to try something new and different. That’s why I’m grateful.

So, thank you ANet. Thank you for creating a great game and for putting up with all this negativity. You don’t deserve to have so many rocks thrown at you.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


I already paid them. That was my thank you. My next thank you will be whether I bother buying an expansion. If they don’t fix what I expect them to fix within the next month, they won’t see any more money from me, because I just paid to beta test their game for them, something I thought I already did for them.

The reason its still a beta test is because major sections of their game are unplayable due to tech problems an their end, including WvW, many high level DEs along with all the caps on any progression after 80. If they expected us to just grind at 80 oe reroll, they should of flat out said it….

And yes, I’ve beta tested and played most major MMO releases since the late 90s, so I know about the whole new release “thing”. I just can’t tolerate it now as much as I used to, since I figured developers learn from others, instead of making some of the exact same mistakes over and over again. I think many people just don’t have the patience any more, sad to say, not that I should have to need patience to expect a working game=)

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EXAR.7963


I must say I am impressed and elated with this game. Firstly because it’s absolutely beautiful. Boy did the game designers, mappers, skinners, modelers and so on do a bang up job. Secondly because of the programming and innovations. The way this game patches so seamlessly, the advancements in UI, the speed of load times and the over-all game stability. I also appreciate for the first time since Trion, the guys at the top. Decisions to allow people alternate ways of purchasing items in the online store, to not make the game P2P and the general level of communication they have with the community.

I could go on and on, and sure there are things I could kitten about, but the bottom line is I’m thankful for what I got for my 60$ and look forward to playing and supporting this game for a very long time to come.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


I’ll say thanks for delivering an artistically beautiful game to learn about. It was really a treat at first because it overwhelmed my realizing how many flaws there are in the game mechanics since the only real mechanic is to run around in the world and look at stuff.

Now that I’ve gotten to the point that just running around has gotten old, it’s hard to appreciate even that any more. Why? Because the more of the game I see, the more I see the hand of designers putting things in my way to slow down even the one thing they apparently WANT me to do (explore).

By placing mobs so precisely…
And terrain blocks (mountains) so precisely…
And waypoints so precisely…
And making waypoints so expensive at 80…
And mobs with ridiculous spawn rates or staggeringly dull amounts of hitpoints…

.. that it’s hard to even appreciate the artwork any longer because even just exploring is a grind now.

Sad, but true.

And why is all leather armor shiny? It all looks like some kind of weird latex body suit. Very strange.

Anyway, other than that, thanks for a beautiful world, at least as much of it as I could stand to grind my through before The Hand of Design started showing up everywhere.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


Thanks Anet. You’ve given me another community I can chuckle at.

Also, I enjoy the game.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


This is a thread for positive things to say, not negative. If you have a problem, go post a new thread or in one of the existing ones. Don’t troll someone elses thread.

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swagman.9013


I do thank Anet for this game. So far the smoothest launch and most server uptime of any mmo I’ve ever played. Not to mention how beautiful looking the game is.

Btw this thread also has a great second purpose by catching all the people who just have to try to rain on others parade by interjecting their disappointment. Just go through and ignore posts by them.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaveSalamander.9150


Thank you Anet for forging such a friendly ingame community! I can come here to see mostly complaints but when I’m in Tyria it doesn’t show- I’ve never actually experienced the multiplayer part of an MMO so prominently and y’all should take pride in that
I’d also like to thank them for the latest BLTC patch that brought the selling fee into everyone’s attention.
It’s the little things that count.

My quest is to find the dorito.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revenant.2691


Game’s fun, though the number of bugs and broken content has definitely fazed me. That’s not really Anet’s fault though, it’s the state of the industry.

Overall, definitely have gotten my money’s worth. Looking forward to future improvements. Good job, Anet.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulbound Soldier.6148

Soulbound Soldier.6148

First game I’ve been with since launch, even my display name is one of my chars from gw1 which I’ve been with for over 5 years now, I love both of these games and appreciate Anet for everything they’ve done and are doing. I even take it as an insult when I hear the game being compared to WoW in map chat. Regardless; thanks a lot Anet!

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elfangle.4503


It is striking to see how deeply entrenched the need to bash this game is in some people that they would even come to this topic and criticize. These people should just stop playing if they haven’t yet and leave the rest of us who love the game so play in peace and quietness.

And to say that we have thanked them by paying and that they do not deserve a path on the shoulder before they fixed everything that you feel is wrong with the game is plainly ridiculous. First of all, because they probably have been working their … off the last weeks and second because it would be an ever sadder world if this kind of altruistic behavior would not exist.

So a very well deserved thank you to Anet for delivering a great game! Enough said.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameghan Rose.4683

Ameghan Rose.4683

I’ll add my thank you as well. I’m having a ball in game, and to be honest the few bugs I’ve come across are an inconvenience but they in no way detract from the overall game for me. And the impression I am getting from what I’ve heard and seen from Anet is that they love their game and are working hard to fix things.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aramanth.1546


You know, despite the many big flaws with the game, Arenanet’s at least trying. They could’ve been like Nexon or EA and just completely stop giving a kitten about its player base, releasing more things to suck money out of our wallets and ignoring the rampant hacking and botting going on. At least Arenanet’s working on getting rid of bots. :O

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: QSatu.1586


I like the game but imo ANet is dropping the ball after release so I don’t think they really deserve it.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snarky Snarf.8463

Snarky Snarf.8463

Thank you Anet. You must have the patience of saints to have to deal with all the people complaining at you constantly. You update frequently, fixing bugs and trying to make the game better and better. This shows dedication and care. I’ll try to repay your patience by reporting any bots i find and hope others will do the same instead of just complaining.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunju.8310


“While I agree that the forums are overly negative, being positive for no good reason isn’t any better.

You thanked Anet when you bought their product. Allowing them to keep their jobs is thanks enough for many of them, I imagine."

No, I gambled with my money when I paid for their product. It could easily have been something as horrible as Diablo 3 (what a kitten let down!). Thank Anet it turned out so well! There’s plenty of great reasons for being positive. It is, in my opinion, a kitten fine reason in and of itself. Being a jerk serves nothing except to satisfy one’s frustration while gaining nothing for trying to cause harm.

Voicing one’s appreciation for these people, who are utilizing artistic creativity rather than the mechanical efficiency one expects from a usual 9-5, will only aid and motivate them in future artistic expression. Constantly attacking people often hinders creativity and rarely solves the problem. Understanding basic human behavior is really not that difficult.

“Well said… Everyone nowadays wants to give cookies and cake for people doing their jobs. Its their jobs. And so far, it has been slightly above mediocre, imo.”

That’s your opinion, though the majority, and every professional critic I’ve come across, disagrees. That’s rather the opposite of mediocre

People involved in creating video games have an immensely difficult task ahead of them, one that requires very specific technical skills, artistic abilities, creativity, imagination, all of which must be top grade in order to please the masses. The people behind GW2 have done marvelous work. Therefore, they deserve to hear it, rather than only being given grumbles from the .001% of their player base which takes to these forums in order to complain.

Suggestions, advice, discussions, these are what a forum is intended for. This forum, like every other MMO forum, is often used, by adults giving into their inner-whiner, in order to spew the phlegm and mucus of a good cry all over it. It’s a brand new game which any other company would have charged $15 a month.

For $60 you could get a console game and spend 1/10th the amount of time rushing through it than it would take to do so with GW2. Rerolling, map exploration, titles, WvW, etc… there is no other $60 F2P game out there, that I know of, that comes close to this game. The leveling is amazing, every character will have VASTLY different experiences and stories. For a brand new MMO, that is not carrot + stick orient, this is plenty for now.

“I’ll thank them when they actually say something about the state of class balance and spvp. Silence isn’t golden, its frustrating and rapidly becoming inexcusable.”

Devs rarely give any direct input, regardless of what game it is. Chances are they’re bloody busy and haven’t got definitive answers, hence silence. Also, why do the dev’s requiring excuses for not answering players by player time tables? Not even pay per month forums get hasty replies. They can takes weeks, even months, to get round to the forums (which is reasonable as they don’t live there, they’re doing the jobs we want them to give us answers about).

Unfortunately, balance is an impossibility. Every other MMO has reached for it and failed. Stressing over it is a gamer and developer tradition, but it never goes anywhere worth while. Here’s hoping they don’t change much. As long as it’s not impossible to 1v1 or 2+vs 1 a class than they should probably leave it or risk completely unravelling their classes. Also, most people complain about balance when, in reality, they aren’t playing to the best of their class’s ability (including gear / stat combinations). These are the people responsible for MoP’s amputee talent system.

@Josher I agree there’s plenty to fix. There’s no argument from anyone on that. But you’re wrong about Dev’s not learning from other games and other developers. Unfortunately MMO’s don’t share the same codes, the same engines or the same technology. Everything is new. The people writing the codes are not the same people from other games, so you can’t expect them to have all of their experience. WoW’s on it’s fourth xpac and it has had innumerable game breaking bugs the whole way. It’s just something that’s going to happen in EVERY MMO you ever play.

Again, it’s only been one month. They have an enormous number of things to do and they are doing them.

This game isn’t WoW or a clone of it, which is reason enough to be thankful. It’s an RPG first and an MMO second. Humans are incapable of perfection or omniscience. So, when bugs or design flaws become evident it’s not something to freak out over. Make note of it, suggest alterations and ideas. Acting on frustration, bitterness, anger, etc… does not facilitate progress, it only make people less worthy of respect. It’s just a game after all. F2P at that.

“A favourite war hero of mine got his tongue shot out.”
“How’d that happen?”
“He doesn’t talk about it.” – Stephen Fry

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bel Geode.8129

Bel Geode.8129

(ubiquitous golf clap)

Just kidding, ANet knows I love them… I am still waiting for my job application for the position of janitor… as long as it comes with access to the game on their uber super mega computers and a wide theater sized screen (don’t forget the surround sound).


SOMEONE has to “test” the game out on that kind of setup to ensure it will run well on those kinds of setups… plus I push the broom for free afterwards.

Find Bel Geode- THE Purple Norn on twitch tv.
“Doing The Dailies " Weeknights at 8PM EST.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


No, I gambled with my money when I paid for their product.

If you gambled you didn’t do enough research. Something I suspect a great many people who are unhappy with GW2 are guilty of, actually.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skstylez.1526


No, I gambled with my money when I paid for their product.

If you gambled you didn’t do enough research. Something I suspect a great many people who are unhappy with GW2 are guilty of, actually.

the people who are “unhappy” with it already put in well over 100 hours.
I researched the game and found it was one of the few MMO’s for me. I am still enjoying it daily, but even if I quit tomorrow it was money well spent.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Thanks, I guess. I’d love to say that with rainbows and sunshine but unfortunately the current state of the game just doesn’t enthrall me to. I was more impressed with the game at launch. Now I just feel like a beta tester.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulyssiah.8397


Hmmm… it seems from a lot of posts i am reading in different threads A “i am in a beta test” bandwagon has been jumped on…lol…i expect a lot of this until some new form of negativity arises. Thank you Anet for a wonderful game and the hard work you are putting into it. Keep up the good work (oh and by the way the “seems i am in a beta test” is common amongst all new games forums released recently)

“going from alpha to beta to release an mmo is always in a perpetual gamma test”

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

So if a doctor saves the life of a member of your family against all odds you shouldn’t thank him because he was just doing his job?

I’m a Medic and sometimes I have people thanking god for my job, or even not caring at all and go back to their lives.
Simply, some people think they deserve everything by default.
Nothing is thanks-worthy, you earned it by simply being alive or paying taxes.
Yet if I let a patient die I go to jail, even if I’m not on duty in that moment (aka not paid for doing it).

We live in a world where you are -expected- to be perfect from the least perfect people, you rarely get a thank you and get a lot of yelling for the least mistake.
But when it’s them to do wrong they will make up any excuse and find blames in everyone and everything but themselves.

It is a minority of people that thinks like this, but they exist.

Also, this

If you gambled you didn’t do enough research. Something I suspect a great many people who are unhappy with GW2 are guilty of, actually.

1000 times this.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robber.4613


Yes, thank you arenanet for restoring my faith in games in general.

Most recent releases have absolutely no soul, whereas this game is the polar opposite. You can see the blood, sweat and tears that went into his game, and I for one appreciate it immensely and pinch myself every time I play, it’s that good.

Truly a masterpiece, bravo!

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Hmmm… it seems from a lot of posts i am reading in different threads A “i am in a beta test” bandwagon has been jumped on…lol…i expect a lot of this until some new form of negativity arises. Thank you Anet for a wonderful game and the hard work you are putting into it. Keep up the good work (oh and by the way the “seems i am in a beta test” is common amongst all new games forums released recently)

All? Starcraft 2 is the most previous PC game I played, and it came with a high amount of polish. Yes, ok, this is an MMO, I’ll give it more leeway. But there are certain things that have slipped through QA that completely astound me.

Here is an example. Necromancers at release had a trait that didn’t work. Greater Marks. The staff for the necromancer has 4 mark abilities. Yet only 2 of them were properly affected by Greater Marks. Why? This goes beyond ‘encountering a bug that is unforseen’. It feels more like the development team designed an ability and made no attempt to follow up to ensure it worked at its most basic level.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


Hmmm… it seems from a lot of posts i am reading in different threads A “i am in a beta test” bandwagon has been jumped on…lol…i expect a lot of this until some new form of negativity arises. Thank you Anet for a wonderful game and the hard work you are putting into it. Keep up the good work (oh and by the way the “seems i am in a beta test” is common amongst all new games forums released recently)

All? Starcraft 2 is the most previous PC game I played, and it came with a high amount of polish. Yes, ok, this is an MMO, I’ll give it more leeway. But there are certain things that have slipped through QA that completely astound me.

Here is an example. Necromancers at release had a trait that didn’t work. Greater Marks. The staff for the necromancer has 4 mark abilities. Yet only 2 of them were properly affected by Greater Marks. Why? This goes beyond ‘encountering a bug that is unforseen’. It feels more like the development team designed an ability and made no attempt to follow up to ensure it worked at its most basic level.

Per (hopefully) bolded section: Surely you jest, sir.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


Hmmm… it seems from a lot of posts i am reading in different threads A “i am in a beta test” bandwagon has been jumped on…lol…i expect a lot of this until some new form of negativity arises. Thank you Anet for a wonderful game and the hard work you are putting into it. Keep up the good work (oh and by the way the “seems i am in a beta test” is common amongst all new games forums released recently)

All? Starcraft 2 is the most previous PC game I played, and it came with a high amount of polish. Yes, ok, this is an MMO, I’ll give it more leeway. But there are certain things that have slipped through QA that completely astound me.

Here is an example. Necromancers at release had a trait that didn’t work. Greater Marks. The staff for the necromancer has 4 mark abilities. Yet only 2 of them were properly affected by Greater Marks. Why? This goes beyond ‘encountering a bug that is unforseen’. It feels more like the development team designed an ability and made no attempt to follow up to ensure it worked at its most basic level.

Per (hopefully) bolded section: Surely you jest, sir.


Well, aside from the verification issue, the driver issue, and the fact that the updater wouldn’t patch?

My burned up graphics card would like a word with your ‘perfect’ SC2.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


Here is an example. Necromancers at release had a trait that didn’t work. Greater Marks. The staff for the necromancer has 4 mark abilities. Yet only 2 of them were properly affected by Greater Marks. Why? This goes beyond ‘encountering a bug that is unforseen’. It feels more like the development team designed an ability and made no attempt to follow up to ensure it worked at its most basic level.

As a necro I’m not going to thank them for this reason.

As a software engineer I’m not going to thank them for having 100+ bugs at launch for a single class and them not being aware of it. I’d be fired for that gross oversight.

Incompetence shouldn’t be thanked.

Huge thanks to the people at Trion. I didn’t give you any feedback at Rift’s launch and this thread has spurned me into doing so belatedly. Also thanks to the guy who made my lunch today. It was well made and reasonably tasty.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Hmmm… it seems from a lot of posts i am reading in different threads A “i am in a beta test” bandwagon has been jumped on…lol…i expect a lot of this until some new form of negativity arises. Thank you Anet for a wonderful game and the hard work you are putting into it. Keep up the good work (oh and by the way the “seems i am in a beta test” is common amongst all new games forums released recently)

All? Starcraft 2 is the most previous PC game I played, and it came with a high amount of polish. Yes, ok, this is an MMO, I’ll give it more leeway. But there are certain things that have slipped through QA that completely astound me.

Here is an example. Necromancers at release had a trait that didn’t work. Greater Marks. The staff for the necromancer has 4 mark abilities. Yet only 2 of them were properly affected by Greater Marks. Why? This goes beyond ‘encountering a bug that is unforseen’. It feels more like the development team designed an ability and made no attempt to follow up to ensure it worked at its most basic level.

Per (hopefully) bolded section: Surely you jest, sir.


Well, aside from the verification issue, the driver issue, and the fact that the updater wouldn’t patch?

My burned up graphics card would like a word with your ‘perfect’ SC2.

I never said SC2 was perfect. The graphics card issue was bad, but at least we could fix it by changing a txt file. GW2 has had various graphics related bugs also, the latest of which; the nude glitch. Originally many players reported flashing blue artefacts on screen too; they SEEM to have disappeared (for me anyways) but its something that was there at release. Theres still some strange chipmunk sound issue. This forum is currently plagued with people with account verification issues, so we have that too here. I don’t recall the 3 races in SC2 at launch having 100+ bugs and glitches. We have possibly over 200 for the 8 classes combined. These aren’t even BALANCE issues, they are BUGS.

Off the top of my head, I can think of banelings unborrowing to cloaked banshees. I can think of a lot more for GW2 though.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Here is an example. Necromancers at release had a trait that didn’t work. Greater Marks. The staff for the necromancer has 4 mark abilities. Yet only 2 of them were properly affected by Greater Marks. Why? This goes beyond ‘encountering a bug that is unforseen’. It feels more like the development team designed an ability and made no attempt to follow up to ensure it worked at its most basic level.

As a necro I’m not going to thank them for this reason.

As a software engineer I’m not going to thank them for having 100+ bugs at launch for a single class and them not being aware of it. I’d be fired for that gross oversight.

Incompetence shouldn’t be thanked.

Huge thanks to the people at Trion. I didn’t give you any feedback at Rift’s launch and this thread has spurned me into doing so belatedly. Also thanks to the guy who made my lunch today. It was well made and reasonably tasty.

I’d be less annoyed if the bugs were hidden under a few layers of circumstances:
i.e. Putrid Explosion
(NB0024) If used to activate the Ethereal combo field (gain Chaos Armor), there is a consistent 2-3 second delay before you get the buffs.

But issues like Plague Signet, Greater Marks, feels like they didn’t even test if the BASIC functionality of the ability is working. How can you tell us that you’ll release a game, when its ready, when there are things like this that just look unfinished.

For those who don’t know, Plague Signet removes conditions from allies and transfers it to the player. Since launch, this has not functioned as stated, it in fact only copies the conditions from allies and applies it on the player.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

(edited by kKagari.6804)

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cina Reas.6938

Cina Reas.6938

I’ll say thanks when I get my reward for killing Zhaitan.

Grind Wars 2; the game that ate my brain.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ulyssiah.8397


Methinks this thread is being derailed from topic. Thank you again for your wonderful game!!!

“going from alpha to beta to release an mmo is always in a perpetual gamma test”

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358



ArenaNet has made a beautiful and great game. It may have its issues but which MMO doesn’t?

I want to thank the devs and others for not only working like crazy to fix and make the game better, but also for finding the time in their hectic days to post on the forums and shed some light on their ideas and thoughts. Thanks again

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


I’ll say thanks when I get my reward for killing Zhaitan.

What, you thought you’d actually get something interesting instead of low level blues and greens with extremely common skins for spamming 2 for 20 minutes? Hah!

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

I’ll appreciate ArenaNet for how nice they are, that’s for sure.

I got a name change for free and without a ban because I realize I broke one of the rules while making my character name. I got a response quickly. They often update us when there is a problem and what is going on. And I just got done playing with an ArenaNet dev in WvW. He even ended up joining our mumble and was having a conversation with us for an hour or two. Not many game companies have their developers do that.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


No, I gambled with my money when I paid for their product.

If you gambled you didn’t do enough research. Something I suspect a great many people who are unhappy with GW2 are guilty of, actually.

Would research have shown that in WvW you can’t see 1/2 the player in front of you? Same with large scale DE’s. They didn’t tell us their engine renders large numbers of players like a 15 yr old game…check that…some older MMOs were able to show a lot more player on screen=) How about the Necro still having more bugs than many classes combined? That wasn’t on the back of the box. 1 month ago, did ANET tell us they would make it SLOOOOOOOOOOOOW to gain any sort of Karma and drops due to the gold farmers? How about the hackers warping to places they shouldn’t?
They also didn’t advertise that a casual player would be able to max out their level in just about a month….fairly lame.

I’ll congratulate them on making a game that at least compares with WOW on a fun factor level at times. I’ll give them that. At least they succeeded where many have failed since 04. Its a fun MMO, but there are major problems still. If they didn’t hinder my gameplay I probably wouldn’t care either.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warheart.8143


Diminshing Returns killed this game. You won’t get a big thanks from me.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


Warheart u must be one of the NOT SMART ppl who just farm all day and really hit the cap as for me i have never hit it and i will never hit cuz i know how to bypass it by not farming the same stuff for hours and have some fun while doing it.

Other than that anet did a great job with the game and i really really hope they make future content as enjoyable as this is but greater.

Norn “cows” go moot.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Thanks even though I HATE the current state of the game, without being all doom and gloom I will say this game has incredible possibilities…

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clem.2963


Yeah, you’re planning an appreciation day now, but just wait until you’ve sunk some more time into the game, you’ll be planning an attack on ANet HQ in no time.

Anet Appreciation Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rise.9702


Sorry. All the hate posts made me thought this was another typical cry thread we always see.
If you’re serious then thank you, need someone being positive on here.

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.