Anet and terrible business ethics

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hadephobiac.6095


So I prepurchased the game for myself and my girlfriend, assuming if HoT isn’t great, I’m happy to support the existing game because it’s fun, it’s great and I love it. Been that way for 3 years, and I’m sure it will be the same.

I’m sure a lot of players might be in the same boat, or might end up in the same boat.

Before HoT you could do dungeons till your heart’s content.

My day of guildwars for years personally, used to be something like:

Fractal 50, CoF, SoE, CoE if I had time (they were my favourite dungeons for years) then PvP when I’m not doing dungeons / fractals.

It was fun, never got old and even if it did I had friends to talk to while we did them.

Now with HoT, you either do zergy karma trains that barely fight back, or do literally nothing at all.

I’m very very happy they are improving on the exploration aspects of the game but WHY ON EARTH did they completely destroy everything else?

They had years to add new Fractals yet didn’t, instead nerfing the rewards completely and gating out normal players like myself who can’t afford to just convert gems to gold to get up to 150AR, then destroy Fractal and dungeon rewards to the point where I can’t even play the game anymore.

All that’s well and good, but WHY ON EARTH did they have to nuke PvP on release to make unranked the only queue while they PRETEND and LIE through their teeth about caring about PvP despite 0 map changes or improvements since release?

It is a complete joke that they force me to play maps Kyhlo, Courtyard and Skyhammer while claiming to want to be an “esport”.

In 10 years of gaming, I’ve never seen worse map design in my life.

So here seems to be the model ANet seems to work by:

Lie through your teeth to promise everything to the current player base, so they all pre-purchase HoT.

Destroy everything for everyone else that’s left, so they buy HoT.

They added NOTHING to Fractals, Dungeons or PvP for YEARS and they just casually nuke it so we can’t do anything expect Karma train Zerg around the terribly designed new map with the most boring encounters I’ve ever had since Queensdale zergs.

I’m open to any suggestions for anything remotely fun to do in HoT for a player that simply liked to complete fairly engaging, but not brain dead content (actually had to dodge roll sometimes in F50 for example) and actually get any kind of decent loot consistently.

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


Wait for raids then

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Wait for raids then

Yeah I’m 132.87898% (I did the math) sure that raids will fix all the complaints people have about HoTs and fix all the content they intentionally ruined to make HoTs look more appealing.

Astute observers might notice that I’m being sarcastic. Raids won’t fix any of the things they broke on purpose to get people to buy the expansion.

If raids actually have decent rewards (I honestly doubt they will, I remember how dungeons were for the first year..) and are accessible to people who don’t run in dedicated groups then that will actually highlight how broken everything else is. Intentionally so.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Don’t follow the zerg? I don’t.

Good luck.

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StaticX.7695


They had years to add new Fractals yet didn’t, instead nerfing the rewards completely and gating out normal players like myself who can’t afford to just convert gems to gold to get up to 150AR, then destroy Fractal and dungeon rewards to the point where I can’t even play the game anymore.

Just doing some basic math. Get to fractal mastery 2 and you can access the island vendor that costs 150 fractal relics for a +7…(75 for the base then 75 for the +7), which gives you 98 AR for a cost of zero gold. You buy a couple upgrades for your ascended rings to add the 2nd infusion slot, which gives you a total of 5 more bonus slots.

That new vendor also has a better exchange rate on agony infusions 4 +1’s = +3 instead of +2, etc), and a lower thermoclastic reagent cost. You can get up to +10’s for less than before, which you can put in 5 slots for what appears to be about 60% less than it previously cost… Furthermore they added in infusion removal items for 24s each, so you can remove all your old infusions and upgrade them to the new stuff.

Am I missing something about needing to be ridiculously rich? You’re at 98AR without having to spend a penny, and just needing relics that come from running fractals. Then remember that while you’re building up your relics on the different islands, you’re getting +1 agony infusions like mad, which will go towards your +10’s and up that you need for your 150AR to run 100’s.

Not to mention that just like when fractals first came out, and there were no ways to get to 70AR without farming the lower level tiers for relics, pristine relics, etc to get ascended gear. Just get your 98AR after getting fractal mastery 2 (takes like under an hour in cof1/arah farms currently).

I dunno about you, but as soon as I saw that vendor on the other island, I was doing a happy dance, since that meant I could totally pimp out more than 1 character in 150AR gear and not be bound running fractals only on a single character. I liked being able to swap between chars to do fractals.

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

They ran a so called Beta that ended up being a bait and switch. Players did not actually test the content to gain Elites, they got them on a platter to give the most positive experience possible.

They lowered rewards and changed core content to leverage HoT buys. Even worse, Guild upgrades already earned in the core game were removed and the means to achieve them again put behind a pay wall. Really unethical. I’ve never seen this so blatantly done in 14 years of MMOs.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astrella.8930


They ran a so called Beta that ended up being a bait and switch. Players did not actually test the content to gain Elites, they got them on a platter to give the most positive experience possible.

They lowered rewards and changed core content to leverage HoT buys. Even worse, Guild upgrades already earned in the core game were removed and the means to achieve them again put behind a pay wall. Really unethical. I’ve never seen this so blatantly done in 14 years of MMOs.

Huh, and I went to the new guild place in Lion’s Arch and my guild got a bunch of stuff unlocked based on its pre-existing progress. Have you done that?

Anet and terrible business ethics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

They ran a so called Beta that ended up being a bait and switch. Players did not actually test the content to gain Elites, they got them on a platter to give the most positive experience possible.

They lowered rewards and changed core content to leverage HoT buys. Even worse, Guild upgrades already earned in the core game were removed and the means to achieve them again put behind a pay wall. Really unethical. I’ve never seen this so blatantly done in 14 years of MMOs.

Huh, and I went to the new guild place in Lion’s Arch and my guild got a bunch of stuff unlocked based on its pre-existing progress. Have you done that?

Yes, I did. Hate to break it to you, you can’t build anything without a Guild hall, improvements, and a Scribe.. all located behind a Pay Wall. Core unlocks are meaningless now without the means to build them. A non-HoT guild is useless now.

You will get Guild Armor, Weapons, and Bank if unlocked previously. That seems to be it.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)