Anet's mistake

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


I don’t really like living story content, not saying it’s bad I just don’t like, what I like to do is dungeons, now, anet said that they don’t want to be like wow, where every month new gear comes up and you have to work for it, however, anet is, be it intentionally or unintentionally, doing the same mistake, people who do living story content get tons of AP and a chance at a new weapon and skins, AP rewards also give weapons and armor, the amount of ap you get from finishing 2 living story achievement (like southsun and queen’s gauntlet) is the same amount of ap you’ll get from doing dungeon for a year, probably the same thing for wvw, just because the majority of people do living story, doesn’t mean you should ignore the minority that don’t, the attention anet gives living story is incredible compared to the attention it gives to dungeons, there is a bug in arah p2 where the first boss doesn’t start, it’s not really a pain and you can fix it by either resetting or going as a group, or one person going there and activating the boss then the rest of the team comes, this bug has been there for as long as I can remember, whilst I am aware that every now and then we get new wvw skills and the chest you get from leveling up, the only decent update for dungeons is the gold at the end of the run, this update also showed that anet doesn’t like dungeons, how can a path like SE p2 give as much gold as cof p1, I know SE p2 isn’t that hard but it’s time consuming.
tldr, anet is forcing people to do living story because it gives tons of rewards and ap, and people who don’t do living story (and dont farm) get a lot less gold and ap, which is unfair.

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Except that achievement points, unlike gear grind, don’t provide enough of an in game advantage so that someone who can’t do the content can’t play the game. That’s the big difference between the gear grind in WoW and what we have here.

I have people in my Guild who’ve come back from a six month break and they just jump right in and start running dungeons with us, including the newest dungeons.

Try that in other MMOs.

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cazio.2137


Except that achievement points, unlike gear grind, don’t provide enough of an in game advantage so that someone who can’t do the content can’t play the game. That’s the big difference between the gear grind in WoW and what we have here.

I have people in my Guild who’ve come back from a six month break and they just jump right in and start running dungeons with us, including the newest dungeons.

Try that in other MMOs.

The reason they are coming back from a six month break is due to the boredom GW2 has in the first place once you reach max level…

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

If there are people not doing Living Story content, then I guess they aren’t being forced to do said content. Not sure how you can have it both ways.

ArenaNet has often stated they are and will continue to be working on dungeons, for those that enjoy that kind of content more than other content. =) SAB is coming back next month….that’s a dungeon of sorts. Sort of….

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Except that achievement points, unlike gear grind, don’t provide enough of an in game advantage so that someone who can’t do the content can’t play the game. That’s the big difference between the gear grind in WoW and what we have here.

I have people in my Guild who’ve come back from a six month break and they just jump right in and start running dungeons with us, including the newest dungeons.

Try that in other MMOs.

The reason they are coming back from a six month break is due to the boredom GW2 has in the first place once you reach max level…

That boredom exists in every MMO. Difference is in others even after you reach max level you need to keep going for that next tier of gear until you’re completely maxed out and ready for the next expansion. Players are still bored, but they feel like they have to keep going. In GW2 you can get max level, get rares/exotics, and be set. That’s not a bad system, its just a different system.

I give GW2 a lot of flak in areas I feel its poorly designed or poorly thought-out, but the lack of endless farming/grinding for better and better and better gear is not one of those areas.

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Except that achievement points, unlike gear grind, don’t provide enough of an in game advantage so that someone who can’t do the content can’t play the game. That’s the big difference between the gear grind in WoW and what we have here.

I have people in my Guild who’ve come back from a six month break and they just jump right in and start running dungeons with us, including the newest dungeons.

Try that in other MMOs.

The reason they are coming back from a six month break is due to the boredom GW2 has in the first place once you reach max level…

Because you know these people personally and you know that they were bored (as opposed to sick or busy with life, or having internet problems, or focusing on school).

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


As Vayne stated, nothing you’re getting from Living Story content is making you more powerful (therefore required to progress) in GW2. Basically, the big difference is this: In GW2, you’re rewarded if you do. In treadmill games, you’re punished if you don’t.


Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olba.5376


Holy crap, that’s a lot of commas.

Might wanna look into that.

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cazio.2137


Except that achievement points, unlike gear grind, don’t provide enough of an in game advantage so that someone who can’t do the content can’t play the game. That’s the big difference between the gear grind in WoW and what we have here.

I have people in my Guild who’ve come back from a six month break and they just jump right in and start running dungeons with us, including the newest dungeons.

Try that in other MMOs.

The reason they are coming back from a six month break is due to the boredom GW2 has in the first place once you reach max level…

Because you know these people personally and you know that they were bored (as opposed to sick or busy with life, or having internet problems, or focusing on school).

You are correct, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed they were part of the mass exodus that too place after release.

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigEvs.6971


Except that achievement points, unlike gear grind, don’t provide enough of an in game advantage so that someone who can’t do the content can’t play the game. That’s the big difference between the gear grind in WoW and what we have here.

I have people in my Guild who’ve come back from a six month break and they just jump right in and start running dungeons with us, including the newest dungeons.

Try that in other MMOs.

The reason they are coming back from a six month break is due to the boredom GW2 has in the first place once you reach max level…

Because you know these people personally and you know that they were bored (as opposed to sick or busy with life, or having internet problems, or focusing on school).

You are correct, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed they were part of the mass exodus that too place after release.

That happens in most if not all MMO’s. What GW2 has done is made sure the game is playable when/if they come back, even if for a few minutes to just test the water.

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I don’t really like living story content, not saying it’s bad I just don’t like, what I like to do is dungeons, now, anet said that they don’t want to be like wow, where every month new gear comes up and you have to work for it, however, anet is, be it intentionally or unintentionally, doing the same mistake, people who do living story content get tons of AP and a chance at a new weapon and skins, AP rewards also give weapons and armor, the amount of ap you get from finishing 2 living story achievement (like southsun and queen’s gauntlet) is the same amount of ap you’ll get from doing dungeon for a year, probably the same thing for wvw, just because the majority of people do living story, doesn’t mean you should ignore the minority that don’t, the attention anet gives living story is incredible compared to the attention it gives to dungeons, there is a bug in arah p2 where the first boss doesn’t start, it’s not really a pain and you can fix it by either resetting or going as a group, or one person going there and activating the boss then the rest of the team comes, this bug has been there for as long as I can remember, whilst I am aware that every now and then we get new wvw skills and the chest you get from leveling up, the only decent update for dungeons is the gold at the end of the run, this update also showed that anet doesn’t like dungeons, how can a path like SE p2 give as much gold as cof p1, I know SE p2 isn’t that hard but it’s time consuming.
tldr, anet is forcing people to do living story because it gives tons of rewards and ap, and people who don’t do living story (and dont farm) get a lot less gold and ap, which is unfair.

1) That was a very long sentence.
2) Nothing is forced. If you don’t want to do an event, that’s your choice. For example, is it fair that people who completed the game got a Pact token, and those who didn’t won’t get one? Is it fair for players who do CoF dungeons to get CoF tokens when they need AC tokens instead?

tl;dr – If you want something, earn it. THAT is fair.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Anet's mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cazio.2137


Except that achievement points, unlike gear grind, don’t provide enough of an in game advantage so that someone who can’t do the content can’t play the game. That’s the big difference between the gear grind in WoW and what we have here.

I have people in my Guild who’ve come back from a six month break and they just jump right in and start running dungeons with us, including the newest dungeons.

Try that in other MMOs.

The reason they are coming back from a six month break is due to the boredom GW2 has in the first place once you reach max level…

Because you know these people personally and you know that they were bored (as opposed to sick or busy with life, or having internet problems, or focusing on school).

You are correct, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed they were part of the mass exodus that too place after release.

That happens in most if not all MMO’s. What GW2 has done is made sure the game is playable when/if they come back, even if for a few minutes to just test the water.

True enough. I"ve played for 2 days now and think its about time to uninstall again. Everytime I think “this will be the time GW2 is fun” Then I get back into the game and it is the exact same thing. Oh well.