Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evil Seabass.5214

Evil Seabass.5214

When you level up, your character gets a pop-up box containing your reward, items, hero points, etc. After accepting your reward, ANOTHER box pops up showing future level-up rewards. This secondary box is tedious and annoying. We need an option to turn that off.

Unless I’m mistaken, this is a fairly new addition that came in with the Specializations update.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


There are a number of things like that for new players that are extremely aggravating for veteran players.

Fine, have it on by default for new players, but good grief let me turn it off.
It’s a QoL thing

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


There was actually a post just like this a couple of weeks ago.

The main argument was that somehow this is discriminatory against people with stiff hands/arthritis and therefore should be removed.

My opinion was then and is now that, yes, it can be annoying, but it is really a mild inconvenience at best to have to click a second time once very time you level.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I think that the game calls for too many clicks and that adding more is probably a bad idea.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biohazard.7523


What happen if you level up character with books ?
rewards are really bad, it would be better that they give us 1 gold as a reward so we can buy stuff that we want. or 800 gems so we can buy some things in gem store.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Final Embrace.4157

Final Embrace.4157

What happen if you level up character with books ?
rewards are really bad, it would be better that they give us 1 gold as a reward so we can buy stuff that we want. or 800 gems so we can buy some things in gem store.

800 gems as a level up reward would be insane. Haha that would destroy the economy.

Also, if you level up with books you can just ignore the second “upcoming rewards” pop-up and close it after you’ve opened all the main rewards.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


The worst thing is even relogging doesnt fix it. Say you level up from 1 to 80 in one go, you have to relog 79 times and click the message away each time.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheLordQ.1857


I found this to be a non-issue by doing this:

1) Read a book.
2) Dismiss the first popup.
3) Use a book.
4) Dismiss the first popup.
5) Repeat until you are done.
6) Dismiss the second popup once you are done.

You don’t need to close the second popup to read more books. It’s one extra click overall.

Doh, ninja’d.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Its not so terrible, even if you level a whole character using tomes, you’ll just need to endure like 15 minutes of clicking and then is done.

That said, to have multiple uncontrolable windows that pop up and force you to clic is a bad experience, and therefore, a bad interface design. Bad interface design is what gaming companies should NEVER RELY ON.

I’m not going to die of carpal tunnel pain, nor am I going to dramatically quit GW2 forever because of this. It is ugly, annoying and lame. But it is wrong, Anet, for a company that make so beautiful games, to make this insult to the User Experience. Please stop it. Thanks.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I really think that if we had open all, or consume all, options complaints like this would go away (or at least be much less common).

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


But it’s useful for leveling characters, to know when you’re going to get your next hero points…or at least, I enjoy that. In fact, I like that new window. I like it a lot better than having to mouse over a little thing and get a fraction of the info.

For people who actually enjoy leveling (there are still some of us out there), knowing what’s coming adds to the fun.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electra.7530


I don’t like the second box. It serves no purpose for me. It will eventually serve no purpose for newbies because after they have read it a couple of times, it will become an annoyance to them.

Adding clicks to interfaces unless absolutely necessary is a bad, bad idea. This second pop up window after level up reward is not worth having in the game and I don’t want it to keep bothering me.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bahamut.2417


Yes, it came with specializations update as part of the new system for using Mastery System. ALSO If you have noticed that “coming next level” screen can be brought up by clicking in the lower right level icon. That is where we will be clicking in the future for HoT Mastery System Track leveling. So it is NOT going away, as it uses that new system. I kinda like the new system, it is at best a mild annoyance.

Even if that perception is wrong, only at lower levels, 1-20ish -30ish, does it come up that often. If you are leveling by playing that is. Otherwise, just click your books, click your screens and you don’t see them anymore.

(edited by Bahamut.2417)

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deedrick.4372


I miss the original days of gaming where you could just level and go look to see what changed if you wanted to or not. I wish I could have 1 gem per extra click required by anet’s crap ui and lacking features.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolbo Baggins.8594

Bolbo Baggins.8594

I like this new addition with the reworked npe (more fluent character progression). Its nice to now what characters progression etc i can expect. So not agreeing with you on that.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

The worst thing is even relogging doesnt fix it. Say you level up from 1 to 80 in one go, you have to relog 79 times and click the message away each time.

Not really. That’s just making more work for yourself because you can. As long as you LEAVE that upcoming rewards prompt open until you’ve finished you’re leveling spree, it will not open up again. Rather, what I want is if I’ve leveled 79 times in a row, after you accept the first prompt, it automatically opens the prompt for the rewards from the following level, all the way until you accept the last leveling rewards. THEN if you still have one or more levels to go, it spawns the upcoming reward prompt.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I noticed this as well when using an experience scroll on a new character, and oh god- I face palmed so hard. I’m sure its nice for newer players to see what they’re getting in the next level, but as people have said before: please please please make an option to turn it off/disable it for the veterans.

Dealing with level gated material was already bad enough to deal with on new toons, but now I have additional pop ups that irk me when leveling instead of feeling satisfaction. It’s almost like we’ve gone back in time to internet explorer circa early 2000’s when pop-up ads were a normal thing to encounter- which is unfortunate.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


You don’t have to dismiss the second window before you pop another tome btw. It just updates the upcoming window each time, so when you’re done clicking through the rewards you only have the one upcoming box to close.
But if you level normally, an extra click every level is hardly something extreme.


Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Back in my day new players just sucked it up and looked around at the interface, now we have to tell them where the graphics options are… new player pandering has to stop!

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

When you level up, your character gets a pop-up box containing your reward, items, hero points, etc. After accepting your reward, ANOTHER box pops up showing future level-up rewards. This secondary box is tedious and annoying. We need an option to turn that off.

Unless I’m mistaken, this is a fairly new addition that came in with the Specializations update.

That was added because it seems that people were unaware of what they were getting next. I wouldn’t call it “by popular demand” exactly, just that they didn’t add it arbitrarily.

I can live with it; it isn’t difficult or time consuming to dismiss.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I think that the game calls for too many clicks and that adding more is probably a bad idea.


Adding clicks to interfaces unless absolutely necessary is a bad, bad idea. This second pop up window after level up reward is not worth having in the game and I don’t want it to keep bothering me.

And this.

I’m not sure what the value added for anyone is. Are there really people who want to know what’s coming next?

If there are, why not put the extra click on them? Put a button labeled “Next Level-Up Rewards” on the current level-up box, right next to the Close or Exit button or whatever it’s called. Anyone who doesn’t want to know can hit Close/Exit. Anyone who wants to know hits “Next … etc.” That button closes the current box and reveals the next level box, which has its own Close/Exit button for when they’re done.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


If youre leveling with tomes you don’t need to dismiss the second one before accepting the next level up reward.