Anti Casual

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


^Could you elucidate briefly on what “being productive” would mean to you within the game? Thanks!

Also, you forgot to discredit the karma vendors in Orr while ruling out all the potential ways to get gear.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


^Could you elucidate briefly on what “being productive” would mean to you within the game? Thanks!

Also, you forgot to discredit the karma vendors in Orr while ruling out all the potential ways to get gear.

On my server I think we did it once, and only the grenth chain iirc. Never seen the others run. So yea, thanks for the heads up. And I do acknowledge that I’m on a backwater server that no one plays on because of how disheartening it is to zone into WvW.

But yea, by productive I mean I could PvP for 5 hours a day for a week straight and probably not get enough badges to buy a single piece of gear, let alone a whole set in triplicate. thank god for sPvP or I’d be picking things at random because I’d have no idea what stats I want. But again, this is server specific as far as WvW is concerned as when your zerg of 15 to 20 runs into their zerg of 60 right out the gate, you find people don’t come back for round 2.

But dungeons are painful to run. There is no skill involved because there are no tanks/healers. You just run in and zerg through the waves of mobs that each spam nothing but knockbacks and knockdowns dying every other pull until you finally get to a scripted boss fight that’s easier than the trash was getting to it. Or worse, you fight through some insanely stupid scripted encounter only to build a bunch of guns and harpoons that you don’t even need to use on the boss encounter! Now some people may enjoy this and as you get more and more gear this stuff no doubt gets easier and easier. For example, my Fractals 40+ ranger does much better than my 43 Warrior in AC. But I honestly can’t stand running the dungeons because of how stupid they’re designed and when all is said and done I need to do them 5-10 times for enough badges for 1 piece of gear as 9 times out of 10 the loot I get in the instance is awful or can’t be used at all.

Productive would be more in line with how WoW works that at the end of the run I was given enough tokens to buy at least one piece of gear. Or in AC where I would loot a chest at the end that had a static piece (path 1 always drops a chest based loot determined by the class you play so it’s always the right type of chest).

(edited by Atherakhia.4086)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


The game is too casual IMO. I was hoping the PvP and WvW would be an extremely competitive eSport like StarCraft or whichever MOBA people are playing today. Not really, they dumb it down too much. Something is too hard for some players they just lower the bar.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


There is a problem when you can gear up in WoW 50x faster than you can get full exotics in GW2.

For a game that isn’t supposed to have grind it sure has the most I’ve ever seen. So… from what I’ve gathered in the replies in this thread, as long as the journey isn’t difficult it’s considered casual? So even if it takes you months to get exotics that’s casual? Lol.

You MUST be trolling. Yes you get gear in wow fast, but Exotics in GW2 are the equivilent of maximum level raid armor.

And in regards to pvp LOL you don’t have to grind at ALL! It’s free of charge at level 2.

Give me a break man…. =/

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


There is a problem when you can gear up in WoW 50x faster than you can get full exotics in GW2.

For a game that isn’t supposed to have grind it sure has the most I’ve ever seen. So… from what I’ve gathered in the replies in this thread, as long as the journey isn’t difficult it’s considered casual? So even if it takes you months to get exotics that’s casual? Lol.

You MUST be trolling. Yes you get gear in wow fast, but Exotics in GW2 are the equivilent of maximum level raid armor.

And in regards to pvp LOL you don’t have to grind at ALL! It’s free of charge at level 2.

Give me a break man…. =/

Correction: Exotics are the equivalent to non-heroic raid gear in WoW. Certainly great, but not The Best™.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


There is a problem when you can gear up in WoW 50x faster than you can get full exotics in GW2.

For a game that isn’t supposed to have grind it sure has the most I’ve ever seen. So… from what I’ve gathered in the replies in this thread, as long as the journey isn’t difficult it’s considered casual? So even if it takes you months to get exotics that’s casual? Lol.

You MUST be trolling. Yes you get gear in wow fast, but Exotics in GW2 are the equivilent of maximum level raid armor.

And in regards to pvp LOL you don’t have to grind at ALL! It’s free of charge at level 2.

Give me a break man…. =/

Correction: Exotics are the equivalent to non-heroic raid gear in WoW. Certainly great, but not The Best™.

After hitting level 80 in a week, the rares set took me a few days. A full exotic took me a week. And all exotics share the same stats. As for those shinys.. meh. And you can do most things in game with just rares. Exotics are the best you can get with doing very limited work. Ascended are what you work for if you “want to”. And legendarys well, thats just for looks.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

(edited by Geotherma.2395)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


There is a problem when you can gear up in WoW 50x faster than you can get full exotics in GW2.

For a game that isn’t supposed to have grind it sure has the most I’ve ever seen. So… from what I’ve gathered in the replies in this thread, as long as the journey isn’t difficult it’s considered casual? So even if it takes you months to get exotics that’s casual? Lol.

You MUST be trolling. Yes you get gear in wow fast, but Exotics in GW2 are the equivilent of maximum level raid armor.

And in regards to pvp LOL you don’t have to grind at ALL! It’s free of charge at level 2.

Give me a break man…. =/

Correction: Exotics are the equivalent to non-heroic raid gear in WoW. Certainly great, but not The Best™.

There are ascended items, yes, and those are a bit grindy to get. But as far as best in slot for all armor and weapons, exotic is the best. I don’t know why you would even try to argue this point. And for sPvP, exotic is, and always will be (as stated by anet) the best.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anwar.2018


Ascended was put in to be a time sink. If it were easily accessible, it would not be a time sink. If this were changed to make getting it less time consuming, people would then be complaining about nothing to do. It’s going to take me 4 months of non-grindy play to amulet-ize my 4 80’s. It would then take me another 8-9 months of non-grindy play to ring them. Another year to accessorize the other 4 who are still en route to 80. Two years of reason to log in. What, exactly, is wrong with having long-term goals? Oh, right, that might require the cultivation of patience.

Well, ’m new but I feel there should be SOME limits to grind, if you, who are obviously hard-core, (which means long hours of intense play daily) would take that long to get what you need…it means someone who only plays an average amount of laid-back time daily would take a decade to get…which is a bit extreme for both of you…and if a new guy looks and sees it would take a decade to get decent gear, he is probably going to move along as soon as another game comes out unless he enjoys spending a small fortune in the store speeding his advancement up.

Me, I wish we set our expectations higher on what we spend our gaming dollars and time on and require that extremely little repeated content be considered acceptable.

We have strange concepts of what is worth what….we spend $60 for what took a couple million bucks and years to make to make, then spend $10 at regular intervals in the store for something that took 10 minutes to “make” to save us some of the ridiculous grind to get stuff in the game we paid $60 for.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


They have to find the middle ground. Make it more easy and it will become uninteresting to people who play every day a few hours. Within a month you ll have nothing to do.

So it depends also how you define casual? Is it someone who plays 1 time a week? If Anet caters people who play 1x a week and, e.g., make it possible to get legendary within a month then the game will be uninteresting for the people who keep the game world filled right now.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The game is too casual IMO. I was hoping the PvP and WvW would be an extremely competitive eSport like StarCraft or whichever MOBA people are playing today. Not really, they dumb it down too much. Something is too hard for some players they just lower the bar.

I agree but that’s Arena Net for you.
In GW1 they dumbed down a lot of things and let some things go (ursan? SF? 55hp?).
I still hope in GW2 they will remedy said mistake and finally separate content for easymode players and hardmode players.
We’re two world Anet, you can’t fit us all into one.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eddard.2930


I haven’t finished my main story yet and I’m a casual player. My wife and I play together one or two hours a week.

I’ve heard that you can’t complete your story without a team of other players. Is this true?

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming like the people in his car.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I haven’t finished my main story yet and I’m a casual player. My wife and I play together one or two hours a week.

I’ve heard that you can’t complete your story without a team of other players. Is this true?

The final bit of the story is to run the Arah dungeon in Story Mode, which is you and four others. Why they did this, I don’t know. I do know that I’m up for it shortly myself.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


You people all missed the main point of his post, he said the game is evolving into a non casual game, means “slowly changing”..

And i agree with him

Some examples?

Fotm, everything about this thing is non Casual..

Ascended items direction, cannot get them as easily as exotics (as you claim are so easy) but ascended take months no matter what either hardcore grind or time sink to get.

Dungeons not PUG friendly, cannot just pick up a group and play anymore.

Guild Events coming not sure if this is casual or not yet..can small casual guilds even compete?

Dailies taking much much longer (effecting player with real lives e.g Casuals)

Let’s clear something up first. A “casual player” means some one who does not play the game much. A “casual game” is one where all of the game’s content (where content is gameplay, not items; open world/dungeons/JP/WvW/sPvP not exotic/ascended/legendary weapons) can be played and beaten by a casual player.
Note, some one who sucks at the game doesn’t not make them casual, and being casual doesn’t mean some one sucks. You can just pick up and do dungeons if your party doesn’t suck at the game.
In this sense, GW2 completely caters to casual players. Any content in the game can be reasonably completed while wearing greens/yellows. Dungeons are harder, yes. But if you cannot complete them, it’s not because you don’t put in enough time to get better gear, it’s because you or your party suck at the game.
FotM is completely casual. FotM lvl 1 can be completed by people who aren’t even level 80. This means anyone who doesn’t suck can go see this content.
Dailies are also completely casual content. They take maybe an hour to complete tops. If you think they aren’t casual because it takes 30 dailies to get an item, you are mistaken about what casual means. If that were true, then by that logic, the open world is super hardcore content because it takes many dozens of hours to do 100% world map completion.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Most of the people complaining here are saying “I’m a casual player but i want to have the best gear in the game”. I think people forgot what casual means or i’ve been wrong for such a long time.

As far as I know, there’s never been a consensus as to what casual (or hardcore) means. I bet my definition isn’t the same as your definition.

Besides, ANet designed a game that provides casual players, under any definition, relatively easy access to the best gear in the game. If they can reach 80, then a little extra work will net them that gear. Choosing the exact appearance of their gear is a different matter though…

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Ascended was put in to be a time sink. If it were easily accessible, it would not be a time sink. If this were changed to make getting it less time consuming, people would then be complaining about nothing to do. It’s going to take me 4 months of non-grindy play to amulet-ize my 4 80’s. It would then take me another 8-9 months of non-grindy play to ring them. Another year to accessorize the other 4 who are still en route to 80. Two years of reason to log in. What, exactly, is wrong with having long-term goals? Oh, right, that might require the cultivation of patience.

Well, ’m new but I feel there should be SOME limits to grind, if you, who are obviously hard-core, (which means long hours of intense play daily) would take that long to get what you need…it means someone who only plays an average amount of laid-back time daily would take a decade to get…which is a bit extreme for both of you…and if a new guy looks and sees it would take a decade to get decent gear, he is probably going to move along as soon as another game comes out …

I had to laugh when I found I was “obviously hardcore.” To clarify, my estimate of a month per amulet assumes that there will be days I don’t do the daily, and months where I will do the monthly (I did this month). One can play 30-60 minutes of non-intense gaming and finish a daily. I would consider that an average amount of laid-back play daily.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rollingonit.1309


This game is way casual. I found trying to collect all the stars in Mario 64 more hardcore.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revolution.6301


Who in their right mind would spend gold on a set of exotics now? Yeah it was easy – because we weren’t garbage collectors before the november update that made all loot trash. I also bought my first exotic set quite quickly, but doing the pve, actually doing dungeons, takes a billion times longer than in WoW.

Be my guest if you wanna buy ecto’s into todays market… If you can afford multiple full exotic sets you are either a lucky dungeon exploiter from early on, no lifer, or TP exploiter. Me personally I like to play the actual game without being poor constantly, and that means grinding dungeons forever in GW2.

So I need to reroll an alt and do map completion to make enough gold to buy more sets? Lol what? I only play one character I shouldn’t be forced to do that.

Grinding Orr for 1 hr, 2-4 G/hr. Not seeing an actual grind here. low levels make less money.

2.4G? I barly get 1.5 at times. Gues RNG likes you.

But you realize doing Orr over and over and over and forever over again is grind right?

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Who in their right mind would spend gold on a set of exotics now? Yeah it was easy – because we weren’t garbage collectors before the november update that made all loot trash. I also bought my first exotic set quite quickly, but doing the pve, actually doing dungeons, takes a billion times longer than in WoW.

Be my guest if you wanna buy ecto’s into todays market… If you can afford multiple full exotic sets you are either a lucky dungeon exploiter from early on, no lifer, or TP exploiter. Me personally I like to play the actual game without being poor constantly, and that means grinding dungeons forever in GW2.

So I need to reroll an alt and do map completion to make enough gold to buy more sets? Lol what? I only play one character I shouldn’t be forced to do that.

Grinding Orr for 1 hr, 2-4 G/hr. Not seeing an actual grind here. low levels make less money.

2.4G? I barly get 1.5 at times. Gues RNG likes you.

But you realize doing Orr over and over and over and forever over again is grind right?

Self inflicted grind ^^; But I enjoy grind. Each event brings me about 1g give or take 10s. Then gathering, mixed mobs and the mobs that come between events bring in 2-3. Really depends how much I’m paying attention. 2g being my average, if I’m not afking for RL and have a good day I’ll easily make enough in a week to blow 50g+ on whatever I want lol I’ve went from Dyes to salvaging rares, to making 800 omnomberry bars and sending them to friends. Whatever keeps me busy and interested. The benefit of people like me who enjoy grinding in a non grind game is that we are usually very giving and care about the social side of the game. See my Vday event I hosted on NSP, that was around 70g.

Aside from my personal enjoyment of grinding, those who do dungeons and events are just as likely to make the same or more. Assuming they do fix the tagging problem some are having, and better the rewards of these harder creatures. I enjoy grinding even if its the same area, its for personal reasons but it gives me something steady to do to keep my mind clear. Monotonous as it may seem to many, it’s how i enjoy my $60 purchase at the moment

On a side note I would be playing my Pre-ordered Crysis 3 and Pre-ordered Metal gear but my son used the lens mechanism like a ping pong machine, and there it sits at Sony being fixed..

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

(edited by Geotherma.2395)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CoRtex.2157


anti casual? i went into a dungeon, i had nooo idea what to do. We cleared the dungeon in 15min. I didn’t even die. It was so easy, i just stopped doing dungeons because it was so boring.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

anti casual? i went into a dungeon, i had nooo idea what to do. We cleared the dungeon in 15min. I didn’t even die. It was so easy, i just stopped doing dungeons because it was so boring.

teehee you got carried
Go into even the most basic dungeon with 4 other people who have no idea what’s going on and see how long it takes you

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grimpaw.7493


I would love to see some love for casuals in WvW.

I only get to play 1-2 times per week, since my time is so limited I only want to spend my in game time doing things I love (WvW mainly) and I occasionally get close enough to finish a daily by grinding out the last requirements for 20-30 mins. Something I would prefer to avoid as this is never fun.

For those confused by how a casual player actually plays: I have one 80, that took maybe 4 months (and 60 to 80 was almost entirely in WvW). I haven’t done any dungeons and only have 120 or so in crafting before I just didn’t have the time or interest. I purchased rares and sigils (since I think I only had 1 useful exotic ever drop for me on the way to 80) to get basically outfitted for WvW and recently got fed up enough to spend $10 for some gems to convert to gold to get a set of exotics (the cheapest I could find).

$10 isn’t really a burden, but the principle of it irks me.

I’d like to see the drop rates off opponents in WvW for characters with lower than max gear drastically improved and/or the costs for gear purchased with WvW currency (badges of honor?) drastically reduced. If players want to be competitive and level in WvW they should end up max geared asap. WvW focused players play because they enjoy the challenge of the battle and gear is a means to an end (i.e. fair fight).

For PvE I would recommend adding (or changing) a currency that accumulates over time regardless of whether you play or not. Either allow that to be converted to gold or add vendors for a full set of basic looking equipment.

~ Sleight of Mind ~ mesmer
~ Ann Du Lance ~ guardian
Tarnished Coast

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


One can play 30-60 minutes of non-intense gaming and finish a daily. I would consider that an average amount of laid-back play daily.

Yep, 30-60 minutes of laid-back play per day on average is indeed a casual gameplay. That saying, 1 hour of laid-back play will not get you a daily – you will need to specifically aim at finishing it. Playing casually you’d be able to get maybe 10 laurels monthly – 20 on the months where you manage to do a monthly as well (which won’t be often).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anwar.2018


From looking at upcoming new stuff and the frequent use of the word “challenging” as the main selling point, I’d say the game will have little use for casual players within a couple of months.

In all things, some will be happy, some will be sad…the devs really can’t straddle the fence for long. What I’d like to see is completely separate worlds for those that want “challenging”….but I kinda doubt many would actually use them…maybe one challenging world for every 6 normal ones, because EVERYBODY takes the easy, quick route if there is one as long as the loot is the same.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revolution.6301


Who in their right mind would spend gold on a set of exotics now? Yeah it was easy – because we weren’t garbage collectors before the november update that made all loot trash. I also bought my first exotic set quite quickly, but doing the pve, actually doing dungeons, takes a billion times longer than in WoW.

Be my guest if you wanna buy ecto’s into todays market… If you can afford multiple full exotic sets you are either a lucky dungeon exploiter from early on, no lifer, or TP exploiter. Me personally I like to play the actual game without being poor constantly, and that means grinding dungeons forever in GW2.

So I need to reroll an alt and do map completion to make enough gold to buy more sets? Lol what? I only play one character I shouldn’t be forced to do that.

Grinding Orr for 1 hr, 2-4 G/hr. Not seeing an actual grind here. low levels make less money.

2.4G? I barly get 1.5 at times. Gues RNG likes you.

But you realize doing Orr over and over and over and forever over again is grind right?

Self inflicted grind ^^; But I enjoy grind. Each event brings me about 1g give or take 10s. Then gathering, mixed mobs and the mobs that come between events bring in 2-3. Really depends how much I’m paying attention. 2g being my average, if I’m not afking for RL and have a good day I’ll easily make enough in a week to blow 50g+ on whatever I want lol I’ve went from Dyes to salvaging rares, to making 800 omnomberry bars and sending them to friends. Whatever keeps me busy and interested. The benefit of people like me who enjoy grinding in a non grind game is that we are usually very giving and care about the social side of the game. See my Vday event I hosted on NSP, that was around 70g.

Aside from my personal enjoyment of grinding, those who do dungeons and events are just as likely to make the same or more. Assuming they do fix the tagging problem some are having, and better the rewards of these harder creatures. I enjoy grinding even if its the same area, its for personal reasons but it gives me something steady to do to keep my mind clear. Monotonous as it may seem to many, it’s how i enjoy my $60 purchase at the moment

On a side note I would be playing my Pre-ordered Crysis 3 and Pre-ordered Metal gear but my son used the lens mechanism like a ping pong machine, and there it sits at Sony being fixed..

How is it ‘self inflicted’ grind. Tell me then if I want gold what else can I do? CoF? Well with my mf gear most of the time it is ether equal to or beat cof. So no its not self inflicted people just have to grind there.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Who in their right mind would spend gold on a set of exotics now? Yeah it was easy – because we weren’t garbage collectors before the november update that made all loot trash. I also bought my first exotic set quite quickly, but doing the pve, actually doing dungeons, takes a billion times longer than in WoW.

Be my guest if you wanna buy ecto’s into todays market… If you can afford multiple full exotic sets you are either a lucky dungeon exploiter from early on, no lifer, or TP exploiter. Me personally I like to play the actual game without being poor constantly, and that means grinding dungeons forever in GW2.

So I need to reroll an alt and do map completion to make enough gold to buy more sets? Lol what? I only play one character I shouldn’t be forced to do that.

Grinding Orr for 1 hr, 2-4 G/hr. Not seeing an actual grind here. low levels make less money.

2.4G? I barly get 1.5 at times. Gues RNG likes you.

But you realize doing Orr over and over and over and forever over again is grind right?

Self inflicted grind ^^; But I enjoy grind. Each event brings me about 1g give or take 10s. Then gathering, mixed mobs and the mobs that come between events bring in 2-3. Really depends how much I’m paying attention. 2g being my average, if I’m not afking for RL and have a good day I’ll easily make enough in a week to blow 50g+ on whatever I want lol I’ve went from Dyes to salvaging rares, to making 800 omnomberry bars and sending them to friends. Whatever keeps me busy and interested. The benefit of people like me who enjoy grinding in a non grind game is that we are usually very giving and care about the social side of the game. See my Vday event I hosted on NSP, that was around 70g.

Aside from my personal enjoyment of grinding, those who do dungeons and events are just as likely to make the same or more. Assuming they do fix the tagging problem some are having, and better the rewards of these harder creatures. I enjoy grinding even if its the same area, its for personal reasons but it gives me something steady to do to keep my mind clear. Monotonous as it may seem to many, it’s how i enjoy my $60 purchase at the moment

On a side note I would be playing my Pre-ordered Crysis 3 and Pre-ordered Metal gear but my son used the lens mechanism like a ping pong machine, and there it sits at Sony being fixed..

How is it ‘self inflicted’ grind. Tell me then if I want gold what else can I do? CoF? Well with my mf gear most of the time it is ether equal to or beat cof. So no its not self inflicted people just have to grind there.

12 minutes in orr nets me 4+ Gold from events. The events that pop up around those two WP’s give me nice karma/xp, not that i need at 80..

There is no grind, you can do dungeons for fun get the blues and greens maybe yellows. At any time you can keep watch in guild chat for dragons and maw, this is not grind these are brainless simple free chests.

When not doing that you can gather, craft, and do plenty of other things. I say self inflicted because I MYSELF, grind for fun. It’s not because I have to its because I want to and enjoy just grinding certain events. On an average day in 2 hours I can make 4g + from events alone, hit up possibly 1 dragon, do 1-2 Maw events, finish my daily, and spend 10 minutes on my alts gathering mats for high level cooking. Maybe not everyone is this productive, but again its how I play. And to reiterate, self inflicted meant I do it of my own free will and am not forced in any way to EVER grind in this game for anything I want. I’m sitting on 50g in my bank that I made between dinner last night and lunch today. Most of which i will probably use to help my guild and make food, or maybe just throw it all on dyes for fun. And I’ll probably do the same tomorrow.

As for gear I’m wearing full Knights set, 0 MF on any piece of gear. I simply use food and guild buff. The game is not as serious as people make it out to be.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gingergeddon.3416


So I’ve been following this thread and I thought I’d throw in my two cents. I don’t really know what kind of player I am, I guess I binge play. I play for a large amount of time for a couple of days but then let the game sit for a week or two.

Leveling in this game is extremely casual friendly, the combat in regular pve is really forgiving and reaching 80 is easily attainable even without completing all of the pve content.

I think the issue arrives once those “casual” players hit 80. There’s not a whole lot of casual endgame content. Saw some mention earlier that CoF p1 runs take 7min, only problem with that is no group trying to do speed runs wants a casual player in the group. And I don’t think there’s a whole lot of room for “casual” endgame content, if the hardcore people, or even semi hardcore could finish the endgame content as quickly as they burned through the leveling content, the game would be dead. My advice would be to find a guild of like minded individuals, then you can jump on and everybody can do a 20min CoF run or try and tackle some events in Orr for 30min to an hour. Or let the game sit for a while. There aren’t any sub. fees so your not losing any money, you’ve played the game for a couple months now, put it aside and come back to it later. There’ll be some new content and it will feel fresh.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vasham.2408


This game isn’t anti-casual. So far it’s set the bar so low that Angry Birds seems complex by comparison.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


This game isn’t anti-casual. So far it’s set the bar so low that Angry Birds seems complex by comparison.

Maybe people want an “eagle” in GW2 :P

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sousui.1635


I’m a casual player. I have noticed that this game is evolving in a way that is making it harder for casuals to complete content. Too bad. Why is that?

The game we are playing.. they are not the same.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I’m a casual player. I have noticed that this game is evolving in a way that is making it harder for casuals to complete content. Too bad. Why is that?

The game we are playing.. they are not the same.

I dunno, the only thing that’s changed so far and impacting my play in the game is the fact everyone with “good, excellent advice if you want to get anywhere” seems to think I need to:

- Stop playing a ranger, stop using a longbow, start using a greatsword warrior. And use Beserker gear.
- Stop running Fractals. Never look at Ascended. Don’t even think about it. And stop playing a ranger.
- Don’t heal people, let them die and waypoint. If they were better, they wouldn’t need to.
- Stop talking in /map chat unless it’s to talk about if the Penitent/Shelter is starting, Jormag is up, or how the game sucks.
- Stop playing a ranger.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revolution.6301


Why is everyone saying you can ‘choose’ to grind. Okay so this what your saying

I can take the Bus which will take me over an hour and a half to get to work because I can’t stand driving my car.

I can take my car and get to work in half an hour.

I might perfer taking the bus but taking my car is faster and sitting 1:30 minutes on the bus is simply to much time wasted.

Yes you can choose not to grind but you will never get anymore.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Why is everyone saying you can ‘choose’ to grind. Okay so this what your saying

I can take the Bus which will take me over an hour and a half to get to work because I can’t stand driving my car.

I can take my car and get to work in half an hour.

I might perfer taking the bus but taking my car is faster and sitting 1:30 minutes on the bus is simply to much time wasted.

Yes you can choose not to grind but you will never get anymore.

Well, maybe but the cost of taking the bus over taking your car is time as opposed to . . . well, extra unspecified charges. Fuel prices. Vehicle maintenance. Insurance. When you start adding it up, there are compelling reasons to use a good mass transit system over a personal vehicle in some instances.

So, yes, sometimes the “grind” to taking mass transit is actually better.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revolution.6301


Why is everyone saying you can ‘choose’ to grind. Okay so this what your saying

I can take the Bus which will take me over an hour and a half to get to work because I can’t stand driving my car.

I can take my car and get to work in half an hour.

I might perfer taking the bus but taking my car is faster and sitting 1:30 minutes on the bus is simply to much time wasted.

Yes you can choose not to grind but you will never get anymore.

Well, maybe but the cost of taking the bus over taking your car is time as opposed to . . . well, extra unspecified charges. Fuel prices. Vehicle maintenance. Insurance. When you start adding it up, there are compelling reasons to use a good mass transit system over a personal vehicle in some instances.

So, yes, sometimes the “grind” to taking mass transit is actually better.

you missed my point. Ignoring cost, repairs JUST looking at time.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Why is everyone saying you can ‘choose’ to grind. Okay so this what your saying

I can take the Bus which will take me over an hour and a half to get to work because I can’t stand driving my car.

I can take my car and get to work in half an hour.

I might perfer taking the bus but taking my car is faster and sitting 1:30 minutes on the bus is simply to much time wasted.

Yes you can choose not to grind but you will never get anymore.

Well, maybe but the cost of taking the bus over taking your car is time as opposed to . . . well, extra unspecified charges. Fuel prices. Vehicle maintenance. Insurance. When you start adding it up, there are compelling reasons to use a good mass transit system over a personal vehicle in some instances.

So, yes, sometimes the “grind” to taking mass transit is actually better.

you missed my point. Ignoring cost, repairs JUST looking at time.

. . . we’re not going to do this are we? Boil it all down to one and only one detail and ignore everything else? Because then I’ll have to make the one comparison about avoiding time-based grind which will get this post removed, myself banned from posting anymore, and will be infuriatingly disgusting to everyone while still following your point.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


And it seems that another way to make the game even less appealing to casuals is about to go in. The guild mission gating that clearly show that (contrary to what the devs were saying up to that point about this specific update) smaller, casual guilds were never even considered for that content.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ratty.5176


The game is becoming anti-alt rather than anti-casual. With the addition of fractal levels and hard-to-come-by gear (Ascended), it’s getting really difficult to keep more than one character “high end ready”. Getting legendaries for more than character is probably out of most player’s reach, too. However, I dare saying that even casual players can still get their hands on Ascended gear for ONE character.

I think they needed something for the longer term players, ascended don’t have much better stats, you can run any dungeon in the game without them, FotM can be played casually, as you can run it at low level with no special gear. You can even run 10-19 with no AR, it’s harder but you can manage it.

I’m finding now by the time I level up an alt I have full exotics just sitting there with the stuff I get from exploring the last zones, doing dungeons and just selling stuff. But without Ascended gear there would be nothing between Legendaries and Exotics. And if you know the game well you can level a character to 80 and have full Exotics very quickly even playing casually.

I’m also finding that the ascended stuff is just sitting there waiting for my alts when they hit 80 now.

Having played CoH, Warhammer & Aion, I would only say CoH was less grindy, and by the end I don’t even think that was true with the high level slotted enhancements.

(edited by Ratty.5176)

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


And it seems that another way to make the game even less appealing to casuals is about to go in. The guild mission gating that clearly show that (contrary to what the devs were saying up to that point about this specific update) smaller, casual guilds were never even considered for that content.

I have to fully agree – since Lost Shores update this game has been taking some major steps away from the casual friendly game that was initially marketed.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -