Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vyzare.3907


With the sheer amount of mob dropped fine materials needed for all crafting professions save jewelcrafting and cooking the anti-farm script seems to overly punish crafters that are trying to gather their own materials. The rarity of the drops combined with the very small window of time before the loot seems to dry up makes it massively annoying to get your mats without having to resort to buying them from the trading post.

They either need to lessen the rarity of these mats or ease up on the antifarming code.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


I believe the code you’re referring to is the diminishing return/anti speed clear stuff added a couple of days ago? If so, these issues may turn out to be moot as they are now saying the changes are not working as intended.

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Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xecil.2798


I believe the code you’re referring to is the diminishing return/anti speed clear stuff added a couple of days ago? If so, these issues may turn out to be moot as they are now saying the changes are not working as intended.

No. What the OP is referring to is the anti-farm code that is similar to the one used in GW1. After farming a certain mob type for a set amount of time, the drop rate becomes abysmal. IMHO it is a terrible idea, even if it is trying to root out gold farmers and bots. It hurts the normal players the hardest. Some of us enjoy farming.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luchifer.6401


I believe the code you’re referring to is the diminishing return/anti speed clear stuff added a couple of days ago? If so, these issues may turn out to be moot as they are now saying the changes are not working as intended.

No. What the OP is referring to is the anti-farm code that is similar to the one used in GW1. After farming a certain mob type for a set amount of time, the drop rate becomes abysmal. IMHO it is a terrible idea, even if it is trying to root out gold farmers and bots. It hurts the normal players the hardest. Some of us enjoy farming.

Farming the same mob over and over? you must have loooved Lineage II back in the old days. Jokes aside, it is stated as not working as intended, so they should fix it (soon I hope)

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vyzare.3907


Yes, I was referring to the anti-farm code. Combine already low drop rates with the loot from a certain mob type drying up very quickly (and keep in mind that the various fine item types drop from certain mob types) and it becomes ridiculous to try to gather the amount of materials needed to even make a single inscription, which will take 15 of any given fine material.
Currently with 50% magic find it seems to take me anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to get the 15 needed for a single inscription depending on luck.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ancientwolfgr.1648


Make the items themselves no value on their own. That helps crafters. It nukes botting for BT profits minimal. Everyone wins.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Fell victim to this myself today, I was farming mobs for the second tier of blood. Managed to trigger it without even trying hard to kill mob in a quick time, whammo no drops at all from mobs.

Not in that zone, nor in the two other zones I tried after that, a good half an hour later I started getting drops again, after just leaving the game alone for awhile.

Given that I wanted to make my character a set of armour that required 45 blood, 30 venom sacs and 15 claws to make. I’m left feeling that until this is changed, I no longer desire to continue with crafting, which makes GW2 yet another mmo with a pointless crafting system.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xecil.2798


It wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t need so much of the monster dropped mats per tier of crafted goods. I would be very content if they upped the required metal/cloth/leather/wood and dropped the required monster dropped loot for non-rare/exotic recipes.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vyzare.3907


Unfortunately the crafting isn’t pointless. At level 80 the best way to acquire exotics, especially if you want certain stats is via crafting. The karma, wvw badge and gold prices are sheer insanity.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StarFreeze.3812


I agree it’s beyond terrible to have this code. Now the TP wouldn’t be bad but the fact I have to pay over a silver or 5 silver just for some lower end crafting item is stupid. I’d rather just farm it especially since I can’t justify with the little money I do have to waste up to half a gold crafting one level 100-150 armor that will be replaced 10 levels later. Given up that idea and in lower end cases it’s cheaper just to buy drops or wait for a drop. First MMO where I can’t make useful gear for my alts while they level without destroying my bank.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Maybe it’s just me and my ADHD, but i’ve never had problems getting loot… then again i jump around the map like a pinball in a pinball machine so that may help with the whole dodging of the anti farming code…. Maybe you guys should try doing the same?

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Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xecil.2798


We have no problem getting drops while wandering through zones. What we are having a problem with is amassing the 48+ blood/fangs/etc for ONE set of mastercraft armor for each tier. 90 for one set of rare armor. Don’t even get me started on powerful blood.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


I believe the code you’re referring to is the diminishing return/anti speed clear stuff added a couple of days ago? If so, these issues may turn out to be moot as they are now saying the changes are not working as intended.

This is an interesting bit of insight. I personally haven’t noticed a difference (seriously, if nobody had told me about the anti-farming stuff, I would have never known it was there), but I also wasn’t slaughtering mobs for crafting materials.

Here’s hoping they get this ironed out soon.

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Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


I’ve found it easier not to single out crafting materials but instead find higher yield money making drops and then buying the crafting materials from the TP. YMMV.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xecil.2798


To make matters worse, the mats sell for more than the final product does unless you’re making level 80 rares/exotics. The highest buy orders match the kitten vendor prices. And when that happens, I vendor it, unless I know it will sell for a higher sale price.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xecil.2798


I’ve found it easier not to single out crafting materials but instead find higher yield money making drops and then buying the crafting materials from the TP. YMMV.

Yeah. I’ve found a few spots where I can farm blood, venom, scales, fangs, and claws at the same time with multiple mob types. Each mat sells for nearly the same, so all I need to do is sell what I’m not going to use and it will even out. Not to mention, the anti-farming code won’t kick in as quick. That is only good for one tier though unfortunately until I find another spot for the next tier, and so on.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


So is the consensuses here for Anet to stop fighting botts so we can reap better crafting rewards?

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FarFarAway.6579


So is the consensuses here for Anet to stop fighting botts so we can reap better crafting rewards?

They could start by banning the bots that have been reported.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Defektive.7283


When I hit 80 a few weeks ago I just stopped doing almost all lvl 80 content.

I spent the gold I had saved leveling on crafting.

When I didn’t have a ton of gold the farming mechanisms stopped me consistently farming mats I needed to keep progressing.

Now with no gold, and a timer to wait on for farming I ended up just sPvPing.

WvW costs me silver to repair, but I’m poor now! And everytime I try to go back and farm mats for crafting I get upset and just go back to sPvP.

I’m struggling as to what to do besides sPvP.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


Why are bots so bad, anyway? Oh noes, vials of blood might becomes cheaper!!!!!

User was infracted for being awesome.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Why are bots so bad, anyway? Oh noes, vials of blood might becomes cheaper!!!!!

1) Bots operated by firms that sell gold online.
2) Bots farm materials.
3) Materials are sold on TP.
4) Firms sell that gold to players.
5) Repeat.

Since the monetization model for GW2 revolves around a Gems for Gold component, it will impact the game’s longevity. Not to mention it supports the influx of more gold into the game through artificial means. Even though there might be more vials of weak blood out there to buy, the gold to buy them also increases. More disposable income from some players can have an impact on the value of items. Since what are people likely to spend that gold they just bought on? I’d wager crafting materials are up there on that list. Increased sales would drive the price up again.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


Gold sellers mostly just liquidate hacked accounts, farming is way too slow to produce an income.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I’m getting plenty enough drops to support my crafting (5 capped disciplines so far). Also, I’ve NEVER seen my drops dry up completely for any appreciable amount of time. I guess that means I’m immune to the anti-farm coding or something. Or maybe it’s just the way I play the game that prevents it from ever kicking in. Perhaps you all are just doing it wrong. <shrug>

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xecil.2798


Are you making one of every type? (berserker, ravaging, etc) or are you getting enough to make a full set of armor? (Once again, 48+ of the mat)

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lodgeinator.1845


I believe the code you’re referring to is the diminishing return/anti speed clear stuff added a couple of days ago? If so, these issues may turn out to be moot as they are now saying the changes are not working as intended.

No. What the OP is referring to is the anti-farm code that is similar to the one used in GW1. After farming a certain mob type for a set amount of time, the drop rate becomes abysmal. IMHO it is a terrible idea, even if it is trying to root out gold farmers and bots. It hurts the normal players the hardest. Some of us enjoy farming.

GW1 didn’t do this.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vyzare.3907


I’m getting plenty enough drops to support my crafting (5 capped disciplines so far). Also, I’ve NEVER seen my drops dry up completely for any appreciable amount of time. I guess that means I’m immune to the anti-farm coding or something. Or maybe it’s just the way I play the game that prevents it from ever kicking in. Perhaps you all are just doing it wrong. <shrug>

So you’ve found enough drops to max 5 tradeskills without farming or buying most of your fine quality mats from the trading post? I found this exceedingly difficult to believe. I’ve not even found enough mats to level my leatherworking alone to 400 and that’s after trying to farm specifically for the mats I needed.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


So is the consensuses here for Anet to stop fighting botts so we can reap better crafting rewards?

The current bots in the game are not affected by the DR systems, because they’re using teleport and speedhacking to completely circumvent them.

I seriously LOATHE this system so much, it doesn’t seem to work as intended and is anti-player and anti-fun.

It NEEDS to be removed immediately before people simply drop the game because of it. It’s doing nothing at all to deter bots, but everything to deter legit players from playing.

Anti-Farming code overly detrimental to crafters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StevenDorsey.2605


I believe the code you’re referring to is the diminishing return/anti speed clear stuff added a couple of days ago? If so, these issues may turn out to be moot as they are now saying the changes are not working as intended.

No. What the OP is referring to is the anti-farm code that is similar to the one used in GW1. After farming a certain mob type for a set amount of time, the drop rate becomes abysmal. IMHO it is a terrible idea, even if it is trying to root out gold farmers and bots. It hurts the normal players the hardest. Some of us enjoy farming.

GW1 didn’t do this.

If you are going to outright refute the validity of someone else’s post, it would be better to actually dig into research to support your claims or explain your circumstances, experiences, and methodologies of how you played GW1 and why you feel that way. Otherwise, the validity of your post in and of itself, can be outright ignored and not regarded past a brief reading before moving on to more lengthy posts with a bit more thought and sustenance put in.