Any guild spawned their own world boss yet?
Teq just basically shows up.
Wurm does the 3 assuri to wurm as usual after a 5 or so minute count-down like it usually does before regular spawns.
Queen you get notified you need to clear the villages and if they are already cleared it spawns.
The group(s) I did it with spawned at off spawn times so there where not many around and we just joined those who where already on a fairly empty map.
(edited by Yargesh.4965)
My guild spawn karka every sunday after the guild missions. First we need to do the pre event, we need random players because we are a relatively small guild, we announce the spawn on gendarran fields and southsun cove /map chat.
Yeah, we spawn Teq every week for people to join in who, thanks to the schedule cant otherwise do it.
All you do is stand on the Guild Mission shield and activate the consumable. You then have about a minute before somethings in the water and Teq comes.
Dunno about wurm, trying to arrange something for a weekly sponsored run also.
Nice I can’t wait until I can do that
Guild – Darkhaven Elite