Any new content coming?

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sipso.9674


We’re month past the release. Most of players hit 80, completed story, collected their gear or are in the process of doing so. Some (as it can be seen) have abandoned game, some have stayed.

I’m lvl 80 ranger, few quests before story line end, and still three dungeons to be done, and half way to get my Nightmare medium armor, and 11% of the map left to be discovered.

There is still a lot for me to be done. But slowly i feel that strange feeling that after i’ve done all of above, there will be nothing more to do than own some Elona’s Reach ppls kitten on WvW or rank up a bit in PvP, and maybe trying to get stuff to get Legendary gear or lvl up another crafting profession.

I don’t want to be like “Woah, i’m done here” after finishing last dungeon, with 100% of map discovery.

Do you plan of releasing some new content? I don’t mean completely new dungeons, zones or so. I’d love to get back to Queensdale or Lornars Pass for new events. Maybe some bigger, world events…

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806


Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Yes. The only think we have had hints from Arenanet so far on though is the return of the Mad King’s Festival, the GW halloween event, in October.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulwatcher.2604


Lets be honest wouldn’t you rather see them fix the massive amount of bugs rather then make more bugged content?

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

They posted that they will release a large amount of free content.

Still, it is not necessary yet if you don’t play the game like a traditional MMO but as it is meant to be played.
They also said the majority does not rush content but enjoys the game.

GW and GW2 are games for laid back people, not for those obsessively compulsively burning contents, not caring about landscapes/lore/wvw/pvp etc.
It simply cannot be played that way.

I prefer that they fix the game to a stable stadius, and then proceed to release new content.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


“Most” players have not hit 80 yet…..

I don’t quite understand your post. Do you think they are never going to release new content? Are you expecting them to answer you before anyone else?

Patience, hard it is.

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


“Most” players have not hit 80 yet…..

Um…based on what? This game has the easiest road to lvl cap Ive seen in awhile…if you are seeing more low levels it is because people are rerolling out of boredom.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


“Most” players have not hit 80 yet…..

I don’t quite understand your post. Do you think they are never going to release new content? Are you expecting them to answer you before anyone else?

Patience, hard it is.

How can you even be sure of this?
Apart from the maybe 1-35 tiers most people are in the lvl 80 zones while those in the middle are barren wastelands. I would hazard a guess and say most of the playerbase is at lvl 80 and most have started an alt at least.

Heck I am a casual player with 2 level 80s. The only thing I can say is leveling is INSANELY easy in this game.


Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evil.9061


They posted that they will release a large amount of free content.

Still, it is not necessary yet if you don’t play the game like a traditional MMO but as it is meant to be played.
They also said the majority does not rush content but enjoys the game.

GW and GW2 are games for laid back people, not for those obsessively compulsively burning contents, not caring about landscapes/lore/wvw/pvp etc.
It simply cannot be played that way.

I prefer that they fix the game to a stable stadius, and then proceed to release new content.

I said the same thing just marveling at a hill yesterday.. then a tree. man a a game. Bro im with you, these people just breeze on by leaves and plants and miss the whole point.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitch.4781


Well one would hope so. Half the map isn’t even availablt to access! I hope they do a better job with crystal desert and Ring of Fire than they did with Orr.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


“Most” players have not hit 80 yet…..

I don’t quite understand your post. Do you think they are never going to release new content? Are you expecting them to answer you before anyone else?

Patience, hard it is.

How can you even be sure of this?
Apart from the maybe 1-35 tiers most people are in the lvl 80 zones while those in the middle are barren wastelands. I would hazard a guess and say most of the playerbase is at lvl 80 and most have started an alt at least.

Heck I am a casual player with 2 level 80s. The only thing I can say is leveling is INSANELY easy in this game.

You are correct, but not for the reason you think. Most players are still in the 1-35 range with their first character. That is where “casuals” are. I have been playing 1-2 hours a night since release and I am level 51.

If you have two 80s at this point you are not “casual” under any definition of the word. But your failure to correctly gauge your own playing habits does shed light on why you are confused about where other players stand in the game.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Letch.9263


Yeah honestly rofl, how much fun is exploration when you don’t have kitten to do once you’ve done it all? “OOOH, A [kittenING] IN-GAME SKY…” or “HOLY kitten, THAT DRAGON IS BIG.” In the second case, all you do is run up to it, hit your auto-attack button, and afk for thirty minutes to “beat” the encounter. Who honestly plays a video game for graphical content alone? Who plays a video game to “casually” run around a virtual world with your fake buddies? I play to kittening compete and win, then move on… If this is the future of MMOs, I’d be better off getting a sword and shield IRL and adventuring through a desert to fight some kittening komodo dragons. Graphics sure as hell are better there. Whatever else there is to a video-game, I honestly don’t know.

What kind of rewards system does this game offer anyway, besides one based completely on graphical content? $60 of my money, wasted on an overhyped game that’ll be dead within a year. “THE WOW KILLER,” no sir. If your original GW fans are disappointed, you’ve got a serious problem.

Casual MMOs: where The Sims Online meets swords, dragons, and magic.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I love Halloween events, but I hate bugs (especially invisible walls where they logically wouldn’t be and underwater mobs randomly going “invulnerable”) even more.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Who plays a video game to “casually” run around a virtual world with your fake buddies?

Ever heard of grand theft auto? That game sold a copy or two, if I recall correctly. Regarding your rhetorical question, many people are capable of entertaining themselves given adequate space and tools. The carrot on a stick gameplay you seem to crave is well served by other titles.