Any news on LA?
Am I missing something? I thought Lions “Concrete” Arch was done and that was its final look…
For the record, I preferred the “boat town” look but that was another thread
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the problem is.. THERE ISN’T EVEN A LION’S ARCH IN IT.
It’s all marine statues..
What does the king of the hunt have to do with deepsea crustaceaons and squids
LA feels so dead, and empty, as it is now. Like standing on a parking lot at disney world.
The city has already been rebuilt twice; I’d hate to seem them throw more resources at it.
(Plus, I never much liked the old LA; it was ‘old’ for the sake of being old, crowded for no reason, and haphazard in design rather than designed to feel haphazard.)
LA feels so dead, and empty, as it is now. Like standing on a parking lot at disney world.
The city has already been rebuilt twice; I’d hate to seem them throw more resources at it.
(Plus, I never much liked the old LA; it was ‘old’ for the sake of being old, crowded for no reason, and haphazard in design rather than designed to feel haphazard.)
Mmm, you must admit it had a certain charm though, right? On the other hand, it could be a lag fest in there at times!
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3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
I mean, i know where you’re coming from. Being old for the sake of being old is not right. That said there’s a difference between a modern trade hub city and a paved parking lot or dried up pool of concrete.
Look at divinity reach. 97.3% stone , bustling with life.
While lions arch is 103.6% concrete and has one or two lost merchants and one ship in the dock that’s 24/7 stuck in loading phase
Threads about places we don’t like. I’m sure we can come up with a few hundred of them. I’m not sure if we should though.
I rather like LA… leave as is and don’t touch. There’s a good lad