Any tips for switching to a high population server?
Try during hours with less players logged in like early in the morning. During these hours the server will be listed as high instead of full and she will be able to move.
I know cuz that’s what I did
I am also from Tarnished Coast originally, but switched to another server for a couple days to play with my husband (who, like your friend, hasn’t been able to get onto the server). I checked at ~5am this morning and was able to transfer back to Tarnished Coast myself, but all of 30 seconds later it appeared full when I tried to transfer my husband’s account there too. One thing I noticed is that even when Tarnished Coast appears full to my husband, it only appears high to me. I have no idea why there’s the difference in how the server appears between our accounts. Best of luck to your friend though. :/ I could use some advice or help too I guess, lol… I wish they would put in a ‘invite a friend to your server’ feature so that friends and couples could play together… or at least enable guesting.
I know this may sound callous, but the first thing that will help your friend is to never allow other people to play their account.
The best advice I could give (and the only thing I’ve seen work) is what Calavera said. Have your friend try to transfer during the week, preferably between the hours of 3am PDT – 7am PDT. Don’t try to transfer during holidays, evenings, or the weekend. They’re just too many people online.
My friend followed this, and he was able to transfer to TC in 2-3 days.
Ha! And right after I post that, at quarter to 5pm of all times, I got my husband transferred. Have her do it now! Gogogo!
5PM isn’t such a bad idea anyway. Lots of folks are not off work or are in between play times..either on their way home or taking care of business at home before signing on. TC is a good server. My wife and I really like it.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Try early morning hours on Monday or Wednesday. For some reason there’s fewer players on then. And by early morning I mean like 4:30 or 5am.