Any tips to making gold?
U have to get lvl 80 first.After that you will have some options for gold making.
TP flipping is the most rewarding… I’m not really disposed towards it.
Dungeons. A single path gives about 1 gold.
Tequatl. 2 gold for 15 minutes of play. Only the first time that day, subsequent attempts only give 1 gold.
Chest Farm Silverwastes. You’ll need keys but you can turn a nice profit if you sell all the mats you get.
Gathering is great for underlevels, here’s a picture guide for the “rich” node spots. Also anything cloth (specifically Linen, next best Cotton) is very good.
I would really recommend getting to 80- for the most part, the gold rewards/drop get better the higher level you are.
However, there are a few anomalies.
You could try doing a load of jumping puzzles for the chance of silver doubloons. (I believe they drop for characters levels 21-34). These sell for 1.6g on the TP and there are plenty of JPs in low level areas that you could do daily to get a chance for them. Apparently the drop rate of them is approximately 40%.
Iron Ore, Wool Scraps and Soft Wood Logs are worth a fair bit- Iron Ore Nodes and trees that drop Soft Wood are available from areas level 15 upward.
These are really the most reasonable ways of “farming” at low levels. TP flipping requires a fair bit of gold to invest with, dungeon tours require level 80’s and there are very few world bosses you can do at level 23.
It’s probably most cost effective to get to level 80 by exploring areas that contain iron/platinum ore and soft wood logs and do the odd story dungeon when you’re high enough level. Once you’ve hit 80, then you can really start thinking about earning good money.
Gatherings & Salvaging items and selling the profits.
Buying gems and converting to gold is the most effective way.
But if for some reason you are opposed to spending real money, then yeah, you’ll need to level up a bit as most of the rewarding content is for higher levels.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I have found fractals to be rewarding. I get tons of rares and exotics. If you break those down and sell the ectos the profit will be good.
Do Teq followed by a couple fractal runs. If you have extra time throw in a few quick dungeons. This is probably most efficient.