Any way to account bound all my gear?

Any way to account bound all my gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AtoBoss.2906


With the new easy leveling through the tomb of knowledge books, I found this was a good chance to finally ditch my charr warrior for a human with 0 clipping issues.
Problem is, I gave way too much to this charr, with 4 ascended weapons, full ascended trinkets, hood of grenth, expensive weapon skins and etc.

I don’t mind buying ascended rings again, but is there any possible method to unbound my weapons, amulet (the expensive laurel ones) and maybe even redeem my skins? Will a transmute splitter work? For example my asceneded gs and my helmet has a skin over it…. Transmute split -> Both weapon and skin gets account bound?
Any suggestions, little tips and trick would be greatly appreciated!


Any way to account bound all my gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CruelPhate.3569


The wiki entry for Transmutation Splitters goes over a method for moving a soulbound item from one character to another. You can try that.

Representing Legendary [KARM]a on Stormbluff Isle

Any way to account bound all my gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I’d like to do a similar thing, except from human to asuran.

But I think I’ll wait for a race-change gemstore item. Anet: you’re leaving money on the table here!