Any way to turn off elastic turning?

Any way to turn off elastic turning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


I’ve been off gw2 for a couple of months and was thinking about coming back, but every time I log in and start moving around – the ‘elastic’ feel that is associated with turning just kills a piece of me and I end up logging off.

When I tried logging in today, I was hoping they might have added a toggle to turn this off so that you turn linearly or whatever it’s called when it’s immediately responsive at all the same speed, but it doesnt’ look like it.

Anyway, thought I’d jump in here and see if anyone heard about any plans to adjust this? I know it was a discussion issue back in beta and at launch – but not sure if it’s come up much since.

Thanks in advance for any info and cheers!

Any way to turn off elastic turning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AwwGee.5628


Are you using your keyboard to turn?

Any way to turn off elastic turning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyphe.7936


I’m half and half.

In combat etc I mouse turn.
But if I’m running around a city or just taking it easy, I keyboard turn.

Mouse turning is fine. But keyboard has this crazy elastic which makes you feel disconnected to your toon as if he’s carrying a giant pot of water that slogs from side to side.