Anyone Else Like the Legendary Journeys?
I did enjoy making HOPE and I really love having it. Went to the Harathi events daily to pew pew everything for the heck of it. I never bothered with the old legendaries because it felt like a massive mat collection grind and nothing else, combined with the impossibility of getting a precursor (impossible for my playstyle, that is).
I wasn’t going to bother with the shortbow, and still don’t feel like completing it all the way, but I like the 3 base versions and the tiger cubs on back thing enough that I probably will start that collection but take my time so bugs can get evened out.
I did enjoy making HOPE and I really love having it. Went to the Harathi events daily to pew pew everything for the heck of it. I never bothered with the old legendaries because it felt like a massive mat collection grind and nothing else, combined with the impossibility of getting a precursor (impossible for my playstyle, that is).
I wasn’t going to bother with the shortbow, and still don’t feel like completing it all the way, but I like the 3 base versions and the tiger cubs on back thing enough that I probably will start that collection but take my time so bugs can get evened out.
Me too. I don’t use a short bow, but I kinda want the cubs…
Since HoT release, I crafted HOPE, Flameseeker Prophecies and just today have finished Howl. I love them. I have 2 other already started and am finishing my 6. legendary in total. I hope that the new legendaries will start coming out again after the LS. - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt
I’ve crafted Incinerator, The Bifröst and Howler (final step was funded by a Spark drop, of all things) for my Ele. The journey basically made the weapons for me. I made Meteorlogicus when the Wardrobe was released, bought Storm for 450g, and it feels a bit lackluster in comparison.
It wasn’t the only reason I bought HoT, but I was certainly looking forward to the second generation legendary weapons.
Legendary journeys? It was more like legendary tree chopping without much movement so I wouldn’t count that as a journey. Everything else is a blur. Oh and there was some coral farming.
I enjoy it. Chuka will be my first Legendary that I craft using the collection (Crafted Incinertor the old fashioned way) and I gotta say, Anet really did out did themselves. Story is interesting, the quests are fun and I’m honestly taking it slow because I won’t have anything better do when I’m done. So yeah, it’s a pity that some people would rush through and not appreciate the little things with this collection and only worry about the skin. Anet did a fantastic job and I hope more Legendarys come out.
I loved the journey for and the Legendary itself, Nevermore. The collections are very worth it to me as tossing all my savings hopelessly in the Mystic Toilet is awful and it just feels wrong to have to buy a precursor off of the TP. I have played since Beta and zero precursors dropped while playing. (I did attempt to get into the precursor farming market but lost all of my starting capital and then some forging two Dusks to sell.)
I also did the collection for Dusk, but was not as pleased with that.
I think the “journey” aspect of the collections has been reasonably popular, but the high number of bugs, RNG-based stalls, and events that need to fail in order to progress the collection have tempered some of the interest. Not to mention they’re expensive enough to put off a lot of players, myself included, from even starting them, because we know they’re a massive material sink.
They’re a great concept, but they have some problems. I really like the idea of them, but I’m more likely to do something like map achievements, living story achievements, Mistward armor collections, elite specialization collections, etc., than I am a precursor journey. Those things will give me rewards I can’t buy, without much expense, while the (core weapon) precursor journeys promise a non-exclusive reward that I might be able just buy cheaper. I actually save money by experiencing less content, with some of them, and that’s…pretty lame.
(edited by Redenaz.8631)
Sitting outside Barradin’s vault for three hours doing absolutely nothing while waiting for the event to start was a very fun journey…
Sitting outside Barradin’s vault for three hours doing absolutely nothing while waiting for the event to start was a very fun journey…
Are you sure you didnt miss the event? Since the event got nerfed from champion to veterans a single person can solo the event in a minute.
I am loving, absolutely loving the shortbow quest. If you do it w/o waypoints, it feels even more like a journey as you track the tigers. I have no use for the short bow, but the collection is fun enough that I don;t really mind. It’s a bit buggy, but I’ve forgiven that so far
If this is the calibur of what we can expect from future legendaries, I will have many hours of extended adventures ahead, regardless as to whether the weapon is needed or not.
I’ve only looked at the first stage of making a pre, and to be honest, they look like too much hassle. I regret spending the gold to buy the books to start them.
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I really enjoyed The legendary journey for HOPE, but after doing the first tier of the new one I think I might like this one better. What this method lacks is a linear storyline and I feel like I got that somewhat with the quest to hunt down those tigers. Whilst with HOPE and undoubtedly most of the other legendary journeys, you find yourself collecting all of these different components in a seemingly random order which, in my opinion, doesn’t convey as significant a purpose for why you are collecting the components to begin with. So I acknowledge that the suspension of legendary weapons was probably a good decision, but when they return to such a project, a quest-based system would definitely provide a more enjoyable experience for us players.
Honestly the journeys sound really fun. I have a guildmate doing the new shortbow and his adventures sound exciting.
Unfortunately I don’t have the funds to do them. I just don’t farm hard enough to ever be that rich.
Nope horrible, tried the new bow yesterday, finished the story for part one (after it broke twice)…
Took half a day to do, chasing some tiger ghost all over a map, forced me through three or four jumping puzzles i hate, then i find out i can’t make the hunt cause i need huntsman at 500 and over 100g in mats to create it…
What a waste of time and money… I thought this was suppose to help making a legendary, it doesn’t help at all, its still an over priced grind…
(edited by Dante.1508)
Honestly the journeys sound really fun. I have a guildmate doing the new shortbow and his adventures sound exciting.
Unfortunately I don’t have the funds to do them. I just don’t farm hard enough to ever be that rich.
I would perhaps encourage you to do the first collection. Apart from 5g to start and a few minor mats, it is cost free and you can just leave it after that if you wish. The sub-collection within the main collection was just enjoyable to follow along with. It’s also enhanced if you use a character with low map completion, since you can explore whilst you venture across the entire continent.
I loved the journey for and the Legendary itself, Nevermore. The collections are very worth it to me as tossing all my savings hopelessly in the Mystic Toilet is awful and it just feels wrong to have to buy a precursor off of the TP. I have played since Beta and zero precursors dropped while playing. (I did attempt to get into the precursor farming market but lost all of my starting capital and then some forging two Dusks to sell.)
I also did the collection for Dusk, but was not as pleased with that.
I noticed the core precursors lacked the same level of journeying. I can understand that as they had a lot to churn out at once, but if the shortbow is evidence of how the others are, then I’ll probably step up and do Nevermore as well. I’m not really fussed about the legendaries themselves, but the collections have make for some fun interrim content.
So, I really like the new legendary journey associated with the new legendary short bow — Chuka and Champawat. So far, it’s been a fun extended questline that tells a story.
The sad part is that I feel like I may be in the minority here. The process was described in the Reddit AMA as not being sustainable, which I interpret as meaning that each legendary collection line takes a lot of effort that isn’t widely appreciated. A lot of people just look at it as some hoops to jump through to get their precursor, which really makes it not worth Anet’s time to develop these collections. On the other hand, if more people saw it as content above and beyond the legendary skin, maybe there would be more of a point to do them.
However, I do appreciate the collections themselves — particularly this latest one. I don’t expect everyone to agree, but hopefully there are others.
Is it worth Anet’s time to do maybe one per quarterly update for those of us who enjoy it? — once LS3 is released, of course!
When I started doing Twilight, well Dusk, Step 1, more exactly, I enjoyed the process of the various places and things. When I got to step 2, which was “Collect a ton of junk”.. I was like.. Meh.. not feeling this.
I did the journey for the Legend and it was awful. Endless coral farming. And then, oh by the way, you’re going to need another few thousand stacks of copper and iron for these pigments on top of everything else you’ve already done. It’s like every step in the process became more and more disheartening. But I gutted through and now my daredevil loves her rainbow staff.
Now I’m working on the Zap and it seems to be a lot more fun collecting all the different energies. I’d love to craft the Rodgort after that but I think it’s outrageous that I’d be using materials worth twice what it would cost to buy the thing outright. I’d like to participate in the journey for crafting it, but I can’t justify that. And I already did the pony bow before the precursor crafting was released so I’m not in the market for another short bow, although that tiger collection does sound like a lot of fun.
So far I like the idea of the precursor crafting, but I’m not going to focus on one. As I’ll not be able to finish most anyway, as I cannot do fractals solo and I don’t know anybody who does fractals added with the fact that I simply cannot join PUGs.
I also partly agree with Bridlegoose, it’s outrageous that the cost for a precursor you work for is way more expensive than the same one on the TP. The first and third stages are fun, but that second is just stupid.