Anyone else missing their Wachtknight mini?
Yes. Mine is missing as well. Searched all of my characters, all of my bank slots, and the collection slot is empty.
I just realized that mine is gone as well!! I have it stored in the collection but it’s nowhere to be found now… Gimme back my watchknight~!!
Yes I think everyone’s is gone. Tbh I suspect this new villain stole them and will turn them against us in the very near future!
Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?
Saw this thread and checked mine just for the heck of it, missing as well.
The only people that still have them are those that had it in their inventory. If you had it in your collection its gone.
Teh Ouchies
I’m telling you’s (for you Aussies out there :P) it was Scarlett and she WILL release an army!
Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?