Anyone else sick of the gold seller bots?
Nah, they’re not in your hall. They most likely saw/see you in cities or low level zones, save your name, and then whisper you that way. I can’t say I’ve had any such whispers in several months, luckily. But when they do pop up, just report them and block.
Yeah I do and (report) four ways to hell and back. Botting, Scamming, Spamming and Gold Selling.
I haven’t taken a Gold Seller message in months. Odd.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
I was hit by four tonight, all in pretty rapid succession. All blocked, then reported. Always annoying.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
The only time i ever get hit by them is when i am in the mists.
Always makes me wonder how they have a market when you can just convert gems to gold.
It’s actually fairly rare for me to get whispered by them. Every time I do get hit, I report and block them. So, I really don’t understand what the problem here is. Keep in mind (due to my work and lack of social life) I occasionally put in more than 12 hours a day.
Don’t go into the pvp mists. You will never see any gold spammer, but spend 5 min. in pvp and you will get gold spams for at least a week!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Is anyone else plagued by this?
Not many people, no.
Just /block them and /report them once. It only slows ANet down to get multiple reports about the same account.
Gold selling spam is done “scattershot” — that means they send a spew of mail to names on their list until they get blocked by ANet. That means, by the luck of where your account name sits on their list, you might get nothing for months and then 3/day for a couple of days.
They appear to target people who PvP more often than people who don’t. So stay out of the PvP lobby when you aren’t queuing, if at all possible.
Gold Sellers are rare to me. Perhaps 1 per month and even then it takes 5 seconds to report it.
When I get hit by one I pop offline mode, report, and wait a bit. Maybe do a match or two and go back online. I never hear from them again.
They’re a minor nuisance at worst. I can agree in wishing they weren’t there at all, but that’s the world we live in.
They’ll stop being there when players stop using their services (and getting scammed as to become bot fodder to continue the cycle).
I’ll think the best of you and assume you’ve never done anything shady to warrant any special attention from the gold sellers.
If you see any absolute gibberish user names in your ‘followers’ list, names that look automated or “botty”, add them to your block list.
If you want to go full paranoid mode, add all of your followers to your block list for a good while.
After this extended time has passed, remove everyone except the gibberish people. If this doesn’t completely stop the bot spam, it’ll certainly significantly reduce it.
That’s weird. I literally have not seen a single gold seller in the last two years. I spent plenty of time in lower level zones as well. :S
I only get them when I go to the Heart of the Mists or Rata Sum.
Although weirdly I saw one advertising in map chat in LA (EU servers) the other day. I can’t imagine that account will last long, I think he must have gotten about 50 reports just from the one message.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Only in HOTM,and blocking them makes a big difference.
You can go for days without any gold spam if you block and report.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
When I get hit by one I pop offline mode, report, and wait a bit. Maybe do a match or two and go back online. I never hear from them again.
They’re a minor nuisance at worst. I can agree in wishing they weren’t there at all, but that’s the world we live in.
They’ll stop being there when players stop using their services (and getting scammed as to become bot fodder to continue the cycle).
I’ll think the best of you and assume you’ve never done anything shady to warrant any special attention from the gold sellers.
If you see any absolute gibberish user names in your ‘followers’ list, names that look automated or “botty”, add them to your block list.
If you want to go full paranoid mode, add all of your followers to your block list for a good while.
After this extended time has passed, remove everyone except the gibberish people. If this doesn’t completely stop the bot spam, it’ll certainly significantly reduce it.
I have a feeling its all the gems I got via cards for xmas and the fact one of my guild mates gave me100 G (legitimately of course) to use on upgrades that they started targeting me again. Or it could be my name (and character name) as well. Is it such a stretch that they are getting that info on us even if we are secure?
I had this happen to me a couple of days ago while in the middle of LA crafting. But the critical point here is once that happens, take a screen shot of your chat box showing the messages w/the name of the spammer.
After reporting them and blocking them, go open a CS ticket explaining what just happened. Since you won’t be able to add an attachment to the ticket, wait for the CS reply in your mail, then reply to that with the screen shot attachment to show what you received.
RMT spammers are always trying to get around the blocks Anet puts into place, so if you get something new like this, report it in this manner with the proof of the screen shot. At least that will give their folks a way to research and ferret out the root of the accounts in question in order to ban them.
I have a feeling its all the gems I got via cards for xmas and the fact one of my guild mates gave me100 G (legitimately of course) to use on upgrades that they started targeting me again. Or it could be my name (and character name) as well. Is it such a stretch that they are getting that info on us even if we are secure?
How would gold sellers have any idea how many gems you have or whether someone sent you 100g or not? Unless you make your (secure) API key public, they can’t.
(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)
I have a feeling its all the gems I got via cards for xmas and the fact one of my guild mates gave me100 G (legitimately of course) to use on upgrades that they started targeting me again. Or it could be my name (and character name) as well. Is it such a stretch that they are getting that info on us even if we are secure?
That’s a huge stretch. They have no access to your account, so they don’t know how much you’ve ever spent on gems.
And if gold sellers could access your account to get that kind of info without you making your API key public they’d be much more likely to use the access to hijack the account, strip it of everything valuable to sell to their customers and use it for botting or spamming messages until it got banned.
They can advertise to anyone and everyone, you don’t have to do anything special to get messages from them.
Edit: when CE mentioned doing something shady to attract their attention he meant buying from them – which makes you more likely to do so again. (And also more likely to have inadvertently given them info they can use to steal your account.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
(edited by Danikat.8537)
I have a feeling its all the gems I got via cards for xmas and the fact one of my guild mates gave me100 G (legitimately of course) to use on upgrades that they started targeting me again.
It’s impossible for them to know what you have on your account unless you made a personal API key and made that public.
Even with this, they couldn’t actually get at your account without having compromised your details somewhere else (weak password, e-mail, etc.)
The way most gold sellers get at your account is if you’ve used their services in the past and gave them sensitive information to buy their services and contact you with.
Which you’ll need to do to, you know, buy it. It’s a silly risk to take if you think about it.
In addition to probably losing your account either by Anet catching you or the sellers stealing it from you, you may have compromised your entire e-mail and bank account.
For GW2 gold. People are silly. Just use the gem exchange!
Or it could be my name (and character name) as well. Is it such a stretch that they are getting that info on us even if we are secure?
It’s not your name and you’re secure if you’ve never bought from gold sellers, secured your account, and generally practice common sense with your e-mail details.
Gold sellers just hit everyone they see randomly. Occasionally they might add you to their friends list and use that to keep bugging you.
Once they get banned, that’s the end of it. But if you have any gibberish names in your followers list, it’s good practice to add them to your block list.
If you suspect you’re being especially targeted and it’s a stolen account that isn’t gibberish, block everyone on your followers list for a good while.
After an extended amount of time has past, remove everyone.
Chances are they were banned or that account couldn’t get in touch with you and won’t bother with you anymore.
It won’t stop the random messages (nothing will, we all get it occasionally), but if you were especially being targeted for whatever reason, that should put a stop to it.
If for whatever reason after that you’re still getting unusually targeted by mass gold seller spam, you’ll want to contact Anet support and talk to them about it.