"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


/sanity on

Playing the way you want is selfish. IF — and it’s a big IF — the people you’re playing with have preferences.

If the group you’ve joined prefers efficiency, then it’s selfish to insist on doing less than you could to foster their goal. If the group prefers letting people play the build they like, it’s selfish to insist that everyone go all-out damage. Is being selfish in a game “wrong?” Probably not — but neither group will thank you for raining on their parade.

There’s an easy solution, and I strongly recommend it. Whichever side of the equation you’re on, don’t play with the other guys and everyone will be happier.

/sanity off

+1. though you’ll notice that only one camp insists that, and I quote “Everyone should always play zerker, or they are just bad at the game.”

We all have egos — it’s just that some people like to stroke their egos. It’s possible to learn a lot by watching the best of the dungeon speed clear videos. So, I don’t judge the more-dps-is-better mindset by what a few players are saying on the forums. Some of that sub-community are very helpful.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Anything less than “Zerk” is like driving 10km/miles under the speed limit…

I drove that way when learning to drive, and usually drive that way when I am not confident in the people around me driving safely. Or when transporting groceries, because the last thing you need is a cake with icing sliding around.

Much similarly in GW2, I play cautious non-zerk gear because I don’t trust my own survivability or that of others.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: subclavian.5839


As a PvE player that do dungeons with a combination of knights/PVT, I agree zerker gear is much more efficient.

However, sometimes I feel GW2 is starting to resemble old arcade sidescrollers like Contra or Raiden more than an RPG. A role playing game where you only have one role to play (moar deeps!) is like an FPS with only one type of gun, or a racing game with one car model. Imagine playing counterstrike with only sniper rifles. It gets old pretty fast.

You can’t really blame zerker fanboys for stating the obvious (though they do like to rub your face in it), the onus is on Anet to create more build/gear diversity if they don’t want their game to eventually die out when everyone gets tired of playing glass cannons 24/7.

(edited by subclavian.5839)

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xhyros.1340


We have the right to do whatever as long as it doesn’t infringes other people’s rights. I “can” tell you an unholy insult, but it’s wrong, because it’s not fair nor appropriate. My “right” to insult you doesn’t justify that you will be insulted unfairly.

Much like people have the right to believe in whatever faith they may have, but to kill each other for the sakes of such faith is violating the rights to life and choice of other people.

Just to clarify, you don’t have a right to insult people on the forums or in-game. It’s considered harassment and your posts can be infracted. If enough of your posts get infracted for harassment, you can be temporarily or permanently banned from the forums.

Where the line comes in is if your judgement of someone’s character can be perceived as an insult and therefore as harassment. Frankly, saying something is selfish isn’t what I’d argue to be an insult. Telling someone they are selfish or judging someone’s actions as selfish might be considered an insult but not really harassment. Now if you feel incessant about asserting your view that what someone does is selfish and continue to imply said person is selfish, over the course of half a dozen pages of posts or across multiple topics, people might construe your habits as annoying and harassment, thereby getting your posts deleted and infraction points gained.

How would you feel if you had a wonderful, selfless friend being accused of being “selfish” for not being like everybody else? That is the problem, and it is a big insult for those who take care to never ever be selfish in real-life AND in-game. It’s wrong to call othersyou know nothing about “selfish” based on your playstyle preferences.

And yes, I do feel calling others selfish for not using “meta” gear IS personal character harassment-many in here seems to think otherwise (“it’s just numbers”), but it’s a violation of someone’s personal rights to be himself/herself.

Everyone’s selfish, get over it. In this case though, wearing gear with too much defensive stats is akin to say, wearing a hazmat suit that hampers your movement down to a walk in a slightly radioactive zone, being chased by zombies, while your friends are in clothes that do not hamper their movement, but keep them exposed to the harmful effects of said radiation. While they could leave you behind and outtrun the zombies and get out of this radioactive area with minor effects to their overall health, they don’t want to leave you behind, thereby putting themselves at risk of radiotoxicity or being wounded while dealing with the rabid zombies trying to get your friend’s brains. That hazmat suit is your PTV gear. Sure, everyone could wear it, and you’d all be able to ignore the effects of the slight radiation, but you then all put yourselves at risk of being ravaged by rabid zombies due to your reduced movement/flexibility to more appropriately deal with zombies. However, if everyone is berserker, you can escape the radioactive area before accumulating too much overall health risks, and outrun said zombies. Your “selfless” friend puts everyone else at risk of staying in a dangerous situation for a longer time than necessary for personal protection. Ergo your friend is selfish.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahses.4062


This conversation reminds me of the D&D 3.5 game design. Support and healing are irrelevant. You’ll never be able to outperform the damage and abilities the monsters have. The only things that matter are crowd control and sheer damage because the faster you kill the less damage the enemy does and thus the less people on your team die per fight.

The problem comes that it saps all of the fun out of everything when the only thing you should ever play is a CoDzilla or in this case Zerker. There’s no creativity, no experience, no challenge, and no variety. Everyone is a Zerker because not being a zerker makes you a drag. Everyone is a wizard because not being a wizard is a drag on the people doing the work (wizards). That’s horrible game design. It’s the WORST game design and it’s only compounded on by the ivory tower design that rewards system mastery but introducing trap options every 15 feet.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I think the class itself changes a lot of things. For instance, I run engineer with ascended accesories/celestial gear/ rune of divinity. All of those things beside rune of divinity have mf and I’d be more than glad if it was switched with something like boon duration. Now why do I use that?I can switch support in FOTM pretty fast, like going from a DPS class to a support one. Engineers have elixirs that remove conditions from players, regeneration skills,more healing skills, buffs, etc. I could go the zerker way and do more damage, but unfortunately I don’t always trust my teammates in pugs to be gods that predict every strong attack. Call me selfish if you want, but the build works pretty well.

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I think the class itself changes a lot of things. For instance, I run engineer with ascended accesories/celestial gear/ rune of divinity. All of those things beside rune of divinity have mf and I’d be more than glad if it was switched with something like boon duration. Now why do I use that?I can switch support in FOTM pretty fast, like going from a DPS class to a support one. Engineers have elixirs that remove conditions from players, regeneration skills,more healing skills, buffs, etc. I could go the zerker way and do more damage, but unfortunately I don’t always trust my teammates in pugs to be gods that predict every strong attack. Call me selfish if you want, but the build works pretty well.

I might just make an Engineer thanks to your post :P

I still want a support Thief to work though (talking PvE and small group WvW here). The addition of celestial gear was pretty sweet for generalist builds though I haven’t yet regeared any of my characters with a majority set of it. There just too many Transmutation crystals I need to get

"Anything less than "Zerk" is being selfish"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I think the class itself changes a lot of things. For instance, I run engineer with ascended accesories/celestial gear/ rune of divinity. All of those things beside rune of divinity have mf and I’d be more than glad if it was switched with something like boon duration. Now why do I use that?I can switch support in FOTM pretty fast, like going from a DPS class to a support one. Engineers have elixirs that remove conditions from players, regeneration skills,more healing skills, buffs, etc. I could go the zerker way and do more damage, but unfortunately I don’t always trust my teammates in pugs to be gods that predict every strong attack. Call me selfish if you want, but the build works pretty well.

I might just make an Engineer thanks to your post :P

I still want a support Thief to work though (talking PvE and small group WvW here). The addition of celestial gear was pretty sweet for generalist builds though I haven’t yet regeared any of my characters with a majority set of it. There just too many Transmutation crystals I need to get

Go ahead, just be warned that engineer is the hardest class in game, so you will need patience and dedication to make it work. Save up a lot of karma to buy multiple sets since engineer has many builds it can go. Grenades,rifle, dual pistol,toolkit bunker, bombs, healer, you have tons of builds to work with.