Yes, this dead horse again.
I’ll admit, there has been a lot of positive change in AoE targeting for us slow-reaction people in GW2. The “snap to target” feature was introduced, and it (half-)saved AoE skills for us. But it’s not enough, not when the glaring problem is still apparent. What’s the problem, you ask? Well…
Snap to target only works when you use keyboard keys
Let me explain that further. Some of us use the mouse to click on skills. And what happens is, if you click on an AoE skill using the mouse, it will center on you. All the time, every time. In order to get AoE to snap to target, you HAVE to use the keyboard keys, and you HAVE TO make sure your cursor isn’t floating over the skillbar because if that’s the case, enjoy your AoE centering on your char.
I know the code is old, the engine is old and what have you. But it would have been SO GREAT if the right-click on a skill on the skillbar changed how it works. Just please please PLEASE let me snap to target by clicking on the skillbar.
Is it really that hard? Why do I have to even take the AoE aspect into consideration when I decide how much FUN I’m likely to have with a given weapon? Nobody should, and yet I do. I look at the Renegade shortbow and I think, well I’m not gonna have fun with that because of all the cursor-watching I’m gonna have to do if I pick it. THIS IS NOT HOW IT SHOULD WORK.
In conclusion, thank you for the half-measures that made using AoE skills less of a hassle that they were before Snap to Target. Now it’s the perfect time for fixing the problem once and for all. Just let us right-click on an AoE skill and choose how it targets. It won’t hamper skillful players at all, they can just keep it as is. But us slowpokes would really appreciate not having to track the cursor all the time because GOD FORBID IT’S HOVERING OVER THE SKILLBAR.
Rant over, peace.