Apathetic and unfriendly players on Cursed Shore
Also, I did a few skill challenges where people just stood there and watched for 5 minutes and shot 2 arrows when the boss was almost dead so they got credit.
Grrr I hate when that happens, I mean why the hell don’t they help or contribute? surely it would be faster…
Couple things could have happened.
One is… you died near a WP, 80% of the time I res people near a way point, they are afk and just die again, which can be its own fun mini game because later you will run back and see them in the same place naked because ppl keep ressing them.
Two. I don’t read chat much, I am always in Team Speak which I have a bad habit of not reading chat.
Three my /map channel is turned off. It’s like WoW general chat, I use to just turn it off because it there was rarely anything worth reading.
I have to say I have had more luck with the later levels though, I have run into more helpful people than trolls, especially in the later zones where the mobs get much tougher.
Sanctum of Rall
People are usually very helpful on my server, only once have I had someone run past without ressing. People are even ressing the bots at Penitent path.. wich I’m not so happy about
Sadly, the bad eggs are usually the most vocal as well. Any game that has a population this big eventually gets swamped by a minority that although minor can easily fill something like a single forum or map chat with useless drivel.
Community Coordinator
Thanks for the discussion all, but it’s time to put this thread to bed.