Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anka.5086


This is complete and utter rubbish. Gw2 have the worst community out of all mmorpg game. Before you say anything I did play my share of more than few popular mmorpg games. Communities in those games have their own special bad manners and characteristic traits.

But the one thing players in Gw2 tops them all with is elitist traits. If you haven’t done a bug abuse tactic before for that one boss and your team fails to kill that boss because of you they either kick you or that elitist who suggested the tactic abandons calling you a noob.

If your team fails the boss after one attempt few people call the party noob followed by party abandon. Or kick the person who made the mistake.

They don’t even attempt to explain the boss tactic, they expect everyone to know and if you don’t know. /kick

When I do dungeons with pug party, and we fail to kill the boss in our first attempt because someone in the party didn’t follow the tactic or didn’t use the correct skill I blame myself for the failure. If I know the tactic as veteran player it’s my responsibility to explain the tactic to those who don’t know and make sure everyone understand what to do during the boss fight.

If you’re calling yourself veteran player than that tittle comes with certain responsibilities. Explaining the tactics to new-players and being patient with players that are making tactic mistakes. Being an elitist kitten, trash talking to everyone in the party and kicking players out of the party or abandon is not one of those responsibilities.

I’ve been playing Gw2 for over three years now. These things don’t happen to me but it happens to new players in my party that don’t know the tactics. And it’s horrifying to think if I was a new player I would also be treated exactly the same way. This kind of treatment will most certainly discourage new players from playing the game.

At the start the community was very nice and understanding. But now most veterans are complete bas*@%ds . Whenever I see a player in my party with 15k+ AP I automatically think ‘’Here we go, another elitist bas*@%d’‘. They are so used to completing a dungeon under 1min by using bug and zerk tactics they forgot how to play the game legit and normal way.
Not to mention, If you don’t have zerk gear and build = /kick

If you are one of those veterans players auto kicking anyone or abandoning the dungeon party after 1 attempt on boss you should make your self abundantly clear in the beginning of the dungeon. Ask if their are any newbie or people who don’t know the tactic. If you don’t like their answer you have the option to be a good player by explaining the tactics or selfish one by abandoning the game.

The choice is yours. Don’t be a c*#@.


I am sorry about my first post. After witnessing newbie players being raged at, insulted and belittled in number of occasions I made a big mistake generalizing the entire community.

(edited by Anka.5086)

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anka.5086


Thank you for your contribution to this topic my friend. Although rather than linking wiki page written by ‘Random’ (get it? haha xD) academics it would have been more interesting to hear your thoughts on the matter.

The only way to find out is to wait for more response from other players. Hopefully, they will make it clear for everyone whether the same thing happened to them or witnessed similar treatments.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Actually WoW is worse. I disagree with you on bug “exploits” though but yeah do feel kicking is harsh unless they insist on going with a suboptimal strategy where people risk dying faster. In case you haven’t noticed champions and legendaries are immune to crowd control, rendering skills like knockdowns and basilisk venom useless, you use them and the big HP sink that hits way too hard keeps mobile, walking over red circles that are sometimes nearly impossible to avoid. If you can get downed in two or even one hit from a cheap mechanic to something with millions and millions of HP you have no obligation to refrain from being “cheap” yourself. The best counter to cheapness is cheapness.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirnale.5914


1. LFG makes it clear: p1,zerker,exp,speedrun,8k ap ; If you join that and get kicked, it’s your fault.

2. LFG says: p1 : If you get kicked here then it’s their fault for not mentioning what they expect from others. The only exception would be, you won’t listen what others tell you. Then it’s your fault again. Or go afk/DC forever.

Also, as newbie, you have the responsibility to tell veteran players that this is your first time. Or that you didn’t do it for a long time and forgotten all about the tactics.
People will feel that you are a bad player if you don’t make it clear, and it might lead to some kicking.

What I hate most are people who kick because of AP. They see 1k ap, then instant kick, without seeing how good the player actually is, or if they have exp or not.

I am a veteran player myself.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anka.5086


Actually WoW is worse. I disagree with you on bug “exploits” though but yeah do feel kicking is harsh unless they insist on going with a suboptimal strategy where people risk dying faster. In case you haven’t noticed champions and legendaries are immune to crowd control, rendering skills like knockdowns and basilisk venom useless, you use them and the big HP sink that hits way too hard keeps mobile, walking over red circles that are sometimes nearly impossible to avoid. If you can get downed in two or even one hit from a cheap mechanic to something with millions and millions of HP you have no obligation to refrain from being “cheap” yourself. The best counter to cheapness is cheapness.

Something just dawned on me, what if we had in-game mechanic to rate players at the end of a dungeon. Just like in MOBA games. And at the end of the month top 50 players rewarded with something random or their names announced on Gw2 forums for being good players of the month. Perhaps that would be an incentive for players to treat each other with respect and patience. At the moment I don’t think there is anything to encourage bad mannered players from changing their attitude.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Hey man, sorry you’ve been having such a rough time. I’ve also been playing since launch (with a break here and there) but I’ve had much the opposite experience regarding our community. Dungeon PUGs are usually just fine; sometimes you’ll get a jerk who spoils everything, but almost all of my PUGs have been perfectly nice and well mannered even if we wipe. I’ve also seen a lot of vets go out of their way to help new players, particularly now that we have all these f2p players running about.

To be blunt, it sounds like your problems stem from misusing the LFG tool and attempting to join groups that have specified metazerk or experience with a particular path. Maybe that’s not the case, but I suspect it is. I mostly look for PUGs that advertise themselves as for everyone or just for fun (and advertise my own PUGs that way too) and it almost always turns out to be a positive experience.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


GW2 has a great community. You experienced an outlier. Simple as that. Don’t let it get you down.

In the future, try to avoid “speed run” groups or “all berserker” specific groups as those tend to be less forgiving and more prone to outlier behavior.

Look for things like “casual”, “for fun”, or “all welcome”. And in general if they don’t specify, have a go.

If they abuse you in that instance it’s likely a reportable offense depending on how far they go.

But most players are not min/maxing and trying to speed run through things. Those that are will advertise the fact. It’s in their best interests.

And if they don’t, it was you who taught them a lesson at the cost of their time.

Many seasoned players will be happy to help you learn the ropes and most are forgiving of occasional wipes.

If you don’t have one already, you should try and find a local guild on your server that shares your ideals and goals.

More so than random strangers (but in GW2 yes, the random stranger is a friendlier breed than most MMOs by far), guildies will absolutely help you.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velarian.6290


can’t say i have never experienced sth like op but in general i dont have any problems like op.

but one problem i have from time to time with xp and/or zerk grps is that some of them use all the speed run tactics and its not enough to know the typical skips and for example the thief expects everyone to know when exactly his blinding power etc is coming, leaving outraged after first attempt fails.

in my eyes its a bit much to expect a pug to know “all” the tricks and timings and monstly it takes much longer because someone kittens up and it would be much faster doing the “normal” fast run strats.
but a scenario like that occurs only once a week or sth. im just staying away from those exp 7k+ap runs for now and run the normal ones with the occasional 600ap guy to who you have to explain whats going on but all in all much smoother and friendlier

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velarian.6290


on the other hand when the only warrior in the grp leaves because you suggest maybe its a good idea to go ps, especially since he is allready using greatsword, mind me, in a friendly way of course, im also wondering oO and from time to time you see a 20k ap+ player saying sry guys, fist time doing this path and alone for that its worth it

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Something just dawned on me, what if we had in-game mechanic to rate players at the end of a dungeon. Just like in MOBA games. And at the end of the month top 50 players rewarded with something random or their names announced on Gw2 forums for being good players of the month. Perhaps that would be an incentive for players to treat each other with respect and patience. At the moment I don’t think there is anything to encourage bad mannered players from changing their attitude.

A system like that could be gamed.

Not to mention if someone is doing these things, their name on the forum or a small reward – and the reward would have to be small to disincentivize gaming the system – isn’t going to change the way they act.

I disagree, and I’m saying this as someone who was here from the beginning but hasn’t done every dungeon or gone past Fractal level 3.

1. A lot of them things you mentioned (kicking without explaining, leaving after one failed attempt, kicking if you don’t have a certain gear of tier or a certain achievement) are also prevalent in a lot of other MMO’s.

2. Veteran players don’t have a responsibility to newer players; after all, this is a game and not a job. Ideally more experienced players will take the time to explain things, but if they don’t want to for whatever reason – for example, they’re part of the speed-running community, they want a quick run because they need to go – it’s their choice.

3. It’s the new player’s responsibility to explain that they don’t know the tactics of the content and ask for a quick explanation. After all, only the player themselves know if they’re unfamiliar with the content.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anka.5086


I’m glad to see this sort of thing happens rarely. I was worried it happened in almost every dungeon. After witnessing bad treatment of a newbie in my party by a veteran player I felt compelled to create this topic.
It seems like the most important point to take from all your comments is to read LFG message carefully and perhaps try to avoid exp runs. I’m going to avoid exp runs from now on too. I don’t want to witness another scene were a veteran player raging at newbie.

Thanks guys/gals

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Just because you dislike the behaviour of some dungeon runners doesnt mean the whole community is rubbish, so no need to insult everybody.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m glad to see this sort of thing happens rarely. I was worried it happened in almost every dungeon. After witnessing bad treatment of a newbie in my party by a veteran player I felt compelled to create this topic.
It seems like the most important point to take from all your comments is to read LFG message carefully and perhaps try to avoid exp runs. I’m going to avoid exp runs from now on too. I don’t want to witness another scene were a veteran player raging at newbie.

Thanks guys/gals

You can also join a casual guild and run with like minded people or make your own LFG ads that say casual/all welcome or whatever you want them to say.

The most competitive end of any community is going to be worse than the casual end, because time is money to some people. That’s their problem. Don’t make it yours.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velarian.6290


and on the other hand sometimes the newbs dont make it easy for the vets, too. once we ran asc path 3 with 3 guildies and 2 randoms, both around 1k ap. the last boss bugged out, or more correct the npc making the bubble didnt show up so we wiped like 3 times. a guildy of mine ran the 4th time straight into the boss without wating for the grp, without a special reason. one random tried to kick him instantly and the other supported him. we tried again 2 times normally and after that they tried to kick him again. all the time i was trying to explain that the npc was bugged out (didn’t know then that from time to time he likes to lie dead at the first burrow) but they didnt want to notice that and insisted that we were doing something wrong. finally we kicked one of them, which lead the other person to say that he “dont want to participate in such a behaviour” and left. 20 mins later i got a message in which he said he reportet all of us.

so, it goes both ways

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: paintpixie.7398


I disagree with you. I think that this game has a pretty great community as far as I know. I wouldn’t say “best” because that’s harder to know. But I am often pleasantly surprised when dealing with other players. Very rarely have I experienced rude players, although that’s not to say that you haven’t.

I have done dungeon runs where I have gotten lost, and other players have had to come back and get my huge norn kitten and drag me on to where the rest of the party was waiting. Nobody made me feel bad for it. In fact, what they said was something along the lines of “don’t worry about it”.

I have also done dungeon runs where people have sat there and argued with each other because somebody didn’t know how to do the boss, eventually leading to the group disbanding. But even that time, wasn’t the worst I’ve seen.

And I only do PUG for dungeon runs…

I’ve also experienced people in PvP who were polite, which, really floored me actually. Somebody who came into an arena I was doing with my guild, and actually asked “hey do you guys mind if I join for my dailies?” and saying “thank you” when we let them take a point. This is something I have never seen in PvP, anywhere, ever.

So I guess, each person has their own experiences. But I would never say that this game has the “worst community out of all mmorpg”.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anka.5086


Just because you dislike the behaviour of some dungeon runners doesnt mean the whole community is rubbish, so no need to insult everybody.

I am sorry about my first post. After witnessing newbie players being raged at, insulted and belittled in number of occasions I made a big mistake generalizing the entire community.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lux Dominatoris.3941

Lux Dominatoris.3941

Hello there Anka. It is good you wrote your concerns although it is sad that you generalize both situations and groups so much. On behalf on your bad experiences I apologize. I am part of the elite/hardcore/speed run etc community, a proud member, and although I do not take any enjoyment from experiences such as the provided example, I hope you will not label a whole community based on extremism.

Knowing all that allow me to present to you the fact that both the casual and the hardcore community got over time some labels, because of extremism and lack of knowledge, labels that are not favorable to any of the said communities.

Some future tips on my behalf which I am sure will help you in future endeavors!

- Please read the LFG before joining. It is a way to show respect and get respect and avoid bad situations if the said criteria listed there are not on your liking.

- If no party fits your playstyle, create your own, with your own rules (or lack of) one click away only!

- People may join that do not fit and thus they deserve a kick.

- Exp=experienced, zerk= berserker gear and weapons, meta= berserker gear, weapons, traits and advanced knowledge of the encounter, usually aiming towards a speed run.

- 80s, P1, P2 etc usually do not care about all those things

- The content labeled as end game (dungeon, fractals) has been here, without a change for almost 3 years. Please understand the players that do this daily. They are having fun, they like it, but like me, the sooner we finish the better, thus wanting to achieve fast times with optimal settings. Not because we feel it like a chore, but because we done it sooooooo many times (thousands of times and I am not exaggerating).

- This type of gameplay may not suit you, and thus with the bad experiences, you may feel the need to generalize but I would say that is not the case. When and if you will do your 1001th AC P1 run, you will want to do it ASAP.

- Due to the poor AI and the combat system, some things that may not be on your liking may occur. Stacking is not useful anymore since the ele elite FGS was nerfed almost a year ago I believe. PUGs tend to not adapt very well. The closest tactic nowadays is to stand as close as each other due to the very small distance for boon sharing!

Remember, being berserk is being DPS+Support+Control at all times, risking 1 shot death from anything if Support and Control is failed to be delivered (For example, I as a mesmer, I am never taken for DPS because I am almost bottom tier. I am taken for portal, perma reflect, slow from TW, condi cleanse, stability provider, defiance controler, stealth provider for skips etc)

- You will encounter bad apples but if you try joining parties that fit your playstyle or just make them, you will have an enormous chance to find like minded people that may become your guildies or even friends, thus making you not need to pug at all.

Remember, read the LFG before joining, respect and be respected, do not generalize based on extremism and most important, make your own LFG for you to meet like minded people!

Hope to see you in game and as few bad incidents as possible for you. If you want different opinions on the “endgame” subjects feel free to post in the dungeon forums or take a look at the dudes that provide guides/discussion on YouTube or other media!

Have a good day!

Deus vult!

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


People generally are nice around the community but this game, like all other mmos, has it’s “ultra militarisitic speed run” lot that will scream at you for not doing “Muh meta” or whatever they want.

Generally you’ll find people eventually that are quite nice and forgiving of mistakes, some even take time to teach you builds to help effectiveness and future party experiences.

One group taught me the Phalanx Strength build for warrior being very patient and I warmly thanked them after. You DO get them, just accept there are some morons out there too.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

Subjective… purely subjective… To get kicked there need to be a consensus by at least 3 people (in a group of 5). If you join an elitist party (your own choice) and get kicked by them they have every right to do so. If you join a regular pug and there is that one guy that is adamant about doing the dungeon a certain way and he requests to kick you, he needs the approval of 2 others. If he is alone in his thinking (which they usually are) you won’t get kicked.

Just do what I do and choose not to play with those people. They’re not fun people to play with anyway. Trust me, I’ve tried to give them the benefit of the doubt but all they ever proved was that they don’t know what a game is or what fun is. All they see is increasing their amount of gold (to what end, I wonder, because being rich in a game is about as noteworthy as breathing in real life). These people don’t have fun with the game. Don’t play with them.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anka.5086


Hello there Anka. It is good you wrote your concerns although it is sad that you generalize both situations and groups so much. On behalf on your bad experiences I apologize. I am part of the elite/hardcore/speed run etc community, a proud member, and although I do not take any enjoyment from experiences such as the provided example, I hope you will not label a whole community based on extremism.

Knowing all that allow me to present to you the fact that both the casual and the hardcore community got over time some labels, because of extremism and lack of knowledge, labels that are not favorable to any of the said communities.

Some future tips on my behalf which I am sure will help you in future endeavors!

- Please read the LFG before joining. It is a way to show respect and get respect and avoid bad situations if the said criteria listed there are not on your liking.

- If no party fits your playstyle, create your own, with your own rules (or lack of) one click away only!

- People may join that do not fit and thus they deserve a kick.

- Exp=experienced, zerk= berserker gear and weapons, meta= berserker gear, weapons, traits and advanced knowledge of the encounter, usually aiming towards a speed run.

- 80s, P1, P2 etc usually do not care about all those things

- The content labeled as end game (dungeon, fractals) has been here, without a change for almost 3 years. Please understand the players that do this daily. They are having fun, they like it, but like me, the sooner we finish the better, thus wanting to achieve fast times with optimal settings. Not because we feel it like a chore, but because we done it sooooooo many times (thousands of times and I am not exaggerating).

- This type of gameplay may not suit you, and thus with the bad experiences, you may feel the need to generalize but I would say that is not the case. When and if you will do your 1001th AC P1 run, you will want to do it ASAP.

- Due to the poor AI and the combat system, some things that may not be on your liking may occur. Stacking is not useful anymore since the ele elite FGS was nerfed almost a year ago I believe. PUGs tend to not adapt very well. The closest tactic nowadays is to stand as close as each other due to the very small distance for boon sharing!

Remember, being berserk is being DPS+Support+Control at all times, risking 1 shot death from anything if Support and Control is failed to be delivered (For example, I as a mesmer, I am never taken for DPS because I am almost bottom tier. I am taken for portal, perma reflect, slow from TW, condi cleanse, stability provider, defiance controler, stealth provider for skips etc)

- You will encounter bad apples but if you try joining parties that fit your playstyle or just make them, you will have an enormous chance to find like minded people that may become your guildies or even friends, thus making you not need to pug at all.

Remember, read the LFG before joining, respect and be respected, do not generalize based on extremism and most important, make your own LFG for you to meet like minded people!

Hope to see you in game and as few bad incidents as possible for you. If you want different opinions on the “endgame” subjects feel free to post in the dungeon forums or take a look at the dudes that provide guides/discussion on YouTube or other media!

Have a good day!

I am sorry about my first post. After witnessing newbie players being raged at, insulted and belittled in number of occasions I made a big mistake generalizing the entire community.

Thank you for that explanation. I will look more carefully to LFG message from now on.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeoSoul.4198


I only played core beta and 1-2 weeks after release. I gave GW2 a second chance 2-3 weeks ago and got back into it. I’m 31 and played a lot of online games and to be honest, GW2 has the best community I’ve seen so far overall. Yea, I’ve seen some jerks in dungeons and dealt with a few so I get what you’re talking about. However, when I asked questions on forums, most people have been very nice and helpful, it was surprising compared to the other games I’m used to.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anka.5086


Subjective… purely subjective… To get kicked there need to be a consensus by at least 3 people (in a group of 5). If you join an elitist party (your own choice) and get kicked by them they have every right to do so. If you join a regular pug and there is that one guy that is adamant about doing the dungeon a certain way and he requests to kick you, he needs the approval of 2 others. If he is alone in his thinking (which they usually are) you won’t get kicked.

Just do what I do and choose not to play with those people. They’re not fun people to play with anyway. Trust me, I’ve tried to give them the benefit of the doubt but all they ever proved was that they don’t know what a game is or what fun is. All they see is increasing their amount of gold (to what end, I wonder, because being rich in a game is about as noteworthy as breathing in real life). These people don’t have fun with the game. Don’t play with them.

You are absolutely correct my friend. I made a big mistake generalizing the entire community. I will avoid exp runs from now on. Thank you.

Apparently Gw2 have the best community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

Trust me OP, puggers aren’t that bad. If I didn’t rely on pugs as much as I have I never would have gotten dungeon master all those years ago.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!