April Fools: Bobble Heads
Anyone got a screenshot of Giganticus Lupicus with bobblehead? hehe
Tarnished Coast Asian Roamer
im sad no big heads on my screen i logged out and in too
what a crappy idea. total dislike. dont like it. i see the joke, but a forced joke upon us is foolish not funny.
ESO starts to get more and more attractive.
“ESO starts to get more and more attractive.” I like how people are throwing around this type of statement now. Especially over something so minor that last all of one day. It reminds me of a little kids, “Mom, if you don’t buy me that toy I won’t love you anymore!”
I think you will somehow be able to bear it though.
what a crappy idea. total dislike. dont like it. i see the joke, but a forced joke upon us is foolish not funny.
ESO starts to get more and more attractive.“ESO starts to get more and more attractive.” I like how people are throwing around this type of statement now. Especially over something so minor that last all of one day. It reminds me of a little kids, “Mom, if you don’t buy me that toy I won’t love you anymore!”
I think you will somehow be able to bear it though.
These few people are trying to muster all the leverage that they don’t have. It’s becoming a pitiful sight.
I laughed at first, but now its just so godkitten annoying. Please remove it, dont force the crap joke down our throats.
Could you imagine if the energy and effort this required was put into making the game better?
Umm practically none. This would take a half dozen lines of code to find certain joints on every character, look for the faces around those joints, and scale them out in X, Y, and Z space. That’s why it has no affect on some models because some models don’t have joints that qualify.
If you know jack squat about modeling and animation, then shut-up about it until you learn how to do it yourself, at which point you would realize you have nothing to whine about. Gol the frickin’ anonymous professor syndrome on these forums is obscene.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
This is a fundamental power abuse by the Devs; by playing an April Fool’s “joke” on the community, when the community is not able to do so on the Devs.
Poor judgement Devs, very poor judgement.You know… There’s hating the ability to disable it and there’s going a little too far. Sure, I hate it to, but I would hardly call it power abuse. It is just a little bit of April fools fun for people, which, unfortunately, people who don’t want it don’t have the ability to turn off. Poor judgement? Sure. Power abuse? Hmm… That’s maybe stretching it.
What is an April Fools joke? It is something that you pull on someone to make them look like a fool for either believing something or doing something silly.
So, since this “joke” happens when you log in, the Devs are in effect saying "You Fool! You logged into our game! Hahahahaha!
Poor judgement to pull this kind of “joke” on your players.
Power abuse? Yes, it is. It may not be on the same level as oppression of minorities, as some put it, but it IS still an abuse in an asymmetric power relationship.
Your joke is hilarious. I guess I’ve got no hope of getting into game and actually doing any of my RP plots today then?
Seriously role players don’t get a lot of love in this game as it is, then you pull this bobble head stunt.
Sure, some find it funny. No doubt trolls will come swarming saying ‘lighten up’ or ’it’s only for one day’.
It still means I can’t play the game how I want to today, so thanks.
So are you going to quit the game because of this?
So are you going to quit the game because of this?
Hope so
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I’d love to see the ERPing community react to a global gender swap.
I’d love to see how the “RP community” would react if they did a gender swap like in GW1. Would there be tears?
I’d love to see how the “RP community” would react if they did a gender swap like in GW1. Would there be tears?
Turn it into an opportunity to do something new with your RP.
I wish people would try not to talk for entire demographics If you don’t like an update or feature, then you don’t like it. I know a few RPers who loved this. Shrugs.
crap update
I didn’t say I’d quit game. Nor am I assuming I’m speaking for everyone. I do know I’m speaking for a lot of people though.
Entitled jerk alert.
Some people just need to lighten up. Its only for a day….
This is a fundamental power abuse by the Devs; by playing an April Fool’s “joke” on the community, when the community is not able to do so on the Devs.
Poor judgement Devs, very poor judgement.You know… There’s hating the ability to disable it and there’s going a little too far. Sure, I hate it to, but I would hardly call it power abuse. It is just a little bit of April fools fun for people, which, unfortunately, people who don’t want it don’t have the ability to turn off. Poor judgement? Sure. Power abuse? Hmm… That’s maybe stretching it.
What is an April Fools joke? It is something that you pull on someone to make them look like a fool for either believing something or doing something silly.
So, since this “joke” happens when you log in, the Devs are in effect saying "You Fool! You logged into our game! Hahahahaha!Poor judgement to pull this kind of “joke” on your players.
Power abuse? Yes, it is. It may not be on the same level as oppression of minorities, as some put it, but it IS still an abuse in an asymmetric power relationship.
Are you so desperate for any inkling of power in your own life that you can’t take a gag punch for a few hours and move on?
I’d tell you to get a pet, but I don’t know if you’re competent enough.
You aren’t a very good RPer if you can’t make the April Fool’s Day joke fit into your RP.
“Stop eating those mushrooms! Ooh…. I don’t feel so good…”
Heh, you people are funny. You can’t make me angry so if you’re fishing for an argument here you won’t get one.
I’m not entitled. I’m a paying customer and I’ve a right to voice my opinion. I know it’s not a huge deal. I’ll just come back tomorrow.
I just think this wasn’t entirely thought through or considered.
What I’ve found works is logging in and out, but when you change maps the bobble head comes back and you’ve got to re-log again. I’ve been doing some map completion because that keeps me on a single map.
I think I know what people mean by motion sickness, though its not that. It just really creeps me out, it churns my stomach. I feel sick looking at it. But even if there wasn’t a work-around disable, its only for one day! Just taking the day off isn’t so bad.
It just looks rubbish to have this thing flopping about on the screen, even if I wanted to just run some dungeons.
(edited by ox DigitalShaman xo.2816)
I wish people would try not to talk for entire demographics If you don’t like an update or feature, then you don’t like it. I know a few RPers who loved this. Shrugs.
I hate when people use plural words and everything’s actually singular because they’re referring to their feelings
I make PvP & WvW videos
No bobble-headed rabbits. I’m not paying for lazy updates like this, consider my sub canceled.
not gonna miss you and your negativity
I like the tongue-in-cheek humor.
Here are some picks of everybody’s favorite cat Chauncey!
Unfortunately, it seems not everyone is getting into the holiday spirit. Most notably the jackalope and even my own pet toucan! I feel betrayed.
Dat topic merge, I like how the very first page talks about the future of stacking sigils.
you have condemned all rabbits to death. No bobble head means I shoot them on sight. moose are safe. too busy laughing to shoot.
What about the Champion Bunny in Fractals? Ambient ones are too innocent to defile.
Lame joke, unimaginative, not funny, and took the least amount of effort to implement. If I wanted an MMO to look like this I would be playing one that had Pandas in it. I wish I could disable it, since I can’t, I just won’t play.
I don’t like it as well I refuse to play like this. It should be optional (even for a day)
Every once in a while, someone goes and shatters my faith in humanity. And that’s because I only check the forums once in a while.
Lame joke, unimaginative, not funny, and took the least amount of effort to implement. If I wanted an MMO to look like this I would be playing one that had Pandas in it. I wish I could disable it, since I can’t, I just won’t play.
Good idea, if you can’t deal with it then you are making the right choice to not play today. Others need to follow your lead and stop acting like it is the end of GW2 as we know it.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
It’s annoying….They should give players the option to participate not force it upon us.
I love it! Thanks, Anet.
Merge fail.
The mods merged the bobble head threads, plus threads including feedback for the new Sigils.
Way to go.
I am speachless.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
Post your funniest look, I’ve seen some really hilarious looking characters. The Grove is like Wonderland.
Here’s mine, Infinite Clockwork Guardian Tonic and the Bobblehead look, and some others! Want to really laugh, do a jump puzzle and watch XD
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
I will check in every couple of days if and when characters go back to normal I will start playing again
I will check in every couple of days if and when characters go back to normal I will start playing again
That is most likely going to happen tomorrow. Enjoy your day off.
Would it at all be possible to see larger versions of the ingame character select icons?
Because I absolutely must have a larger version of my april fools engineer bobble head icon – preferably at a minimum size of 256×256!
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
Turn this feckin crap off NOW!
I will check in every couple of days if and when characters go back to normal I will start playing again
That is most likely going to happen tomorrow. Enjoy your day off.
I’m sure he’ll spend it soooo productively…
Don’t listen to those nasty little lemon people, Anet. Hilarious joke, I think I can risk a generalisation and say that the majority of us found it funny and not annoying one bit.
Changing the date works untill you change the map, some maps, at least for me it does.
I think april’s fools is about a funny prank, this is not a prank nor funny.
It WAS funny, now it’s not.
PLUS, april’s fools isn’t even a thing in my country, in my country the day when every1 does pranks is in december i think. So yeah, there should be an option to turn it on and off, and ALSO, since there are people that likes this for some reason, why not mantain it? Like make it deafult to be normal, and if people want, then you can turn it on in the Option panel.
I love how mad some people are getting over this.
Classic, thanks for the laughs ANet.
Hehe funny stuff!