April Patch (discuss stuff aside from F&F)
At least a change to the jungle wurm is scheduled, so yeah it will be the usual bundle of fixes and balance changes on top of the living story advancing.
Sure hope the underground element means we will start to see the subterranean parts of Tyria opened up. The world map has had a big “underground” label on it for months.
Hope we see improvement for World vs World, if not im not even playing the new content.
Hope we see improvement for World vs World, if not im not even playing the new content.
I bet you all your gold that you will play
Hope we see improvement for World vs World, if not im not even playing the new content.
I bet you all your gold that you will play
and I bet even if they made these generic ‘improvements’ he speaks of, he still will complain :P. WvW is pretty swell as it is, there are minor things that can be tweaked and improved, but right now the fundamentals are solid.
As usual I hope the other legendaries get buffed. Making a big investment in Storm.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Don’t really care about this Living Story stuff, I just want class and skill balances.
New loot? A chest for defeating a new boss, maybe?
One can hope.
living story crap finally ending and devs can concentrate on real content like hmmmmm new weapons for each class, more elite skills, more utilities, new dungeons, new fractals, remove all worthless traits and give us something worthwile to give real flexibility to builds…
Pve Patch notes: We let you infuse Ascended Amulets. The end.
Sounds like a new dungeon.
living story crap finally ending and devs can concentrate on real content like hmmmmm new weapons for each class, more elite skills, more utilities, new dungeons, new fractals, remove all worthless traits and give us something worthwile to give real flexibility to builds…
Pve Patch notes: We let you infuse Ascended Amulets. The end.
You do realise this living story ‘crap’ is an ongoing thing now, each month they will develop the living story and expand from it. Because of the majority of gamers complaining about the personal story arc, with its non likeable characters and dull writing, this is one of the best things anet can be doing right now. Gives them a chance to be innovative (no other MMO i know off has specific monthly story content that evolves rather than layered (its my understanding that F+F content will not be perma) while also developing the one thing gw2 lacks atm – story.
Also, sorry to disappoint but most of the stuff you mentioned will likely be reserved for a expansion.
I do agree the game needs new ultilities/elites and a trait revamp tho. That is a must before a expansion is even considered.
New fractals will come down the road, dungeons however will be very distant if not expansion worthy. Purely because anet have SO much to do with the current dungeons.
Remember how at the start of the year Anet basically said they are focusing on improving the core game, rather than adding in new content.
Personally I hope this patch adds some content to Southsun. I know they started adding a refugee camp, but I hope they expand on that and add some real content to the map. Event chains, hearts, vistas, the works. I think if they fleshed out the zone a bit it could be much better then it currently is.
I really hope CoF gets buffed significantly to reduce the raw gold input into the economy.
Class balance is always welcomed as well.
Sounds like a new dungeon.
You got my hopes up…
I make PvP & WvW videos
Don’t really care about this Living Story stuff, I just want class and skill balances.
I’m with you, this is what i’d like to see too, Engi Ranger and Necro, time to make these viable…
Things i do hope for the April Patch to add to this game, besides the clear things about the living story part 4 about Flame & Frost: Retribution.
As we can overview from the last like 3 updates, the content that has been added to the game was always basically limited to like 4 to 5 things or so.
1st Month
- Halloween Stuff/Achievements/Items
- New Events
- New Jumping Puzzles
- New Bosses
2nd Month:
- New explorable Map
- New Dungeon
- New PvP-Map
- Ascended Items Part 1
3rd Month
- Wintersday
Mostly was only about new Items, Achievements, Jumping Puzzle
- Music Item!! (Bell) So their first attempt at something greatly wished by the community, playable music instruments… I greatly hope for expansions of this
4th Month
- New PvP-Map
- New Achievement-System/ Laurel Rewards
- New Living Story-System with new Achievements
- Guesting Feature
- Ascended Items Part 2
5th Month
- Expansion of the Living Story
- Guild Missions
- WvW Redesign
- Leaderboards
6th Month including Aprils Fools Day
- New Jumping Puzzle / Achievements
- Final Expansion of the Living Story Flame & Frost Arc
So far do we know, what all has happened so far and if we do look at all this, really alot has happened.
But for the end of April I’d expect folowing thigns, or better said I’d wish for following things to happen:
- Ascended Items Part 3 (w’eve got so far Rings, Earrings, Amulets and Back Items)
With Part 3 I expect to see ascendend Aqua Breathers as also rare/exotic ones
And Ascendend Armor or Weapons, but I guess first weapons as their are easier, than the armors in regard of the work…
- Adding an official Collosseum with a little map expansion for Divinities Reach, so that this town will have a great feature that will bring people to this town, where people will be able to make official duels, make little self made tournaments and so on or fight gladiator battles until death against countless monsters, like we know the collosseum feature of certain offline rpgs, like Star Ocean or Tales of-Games , which are both games made from the same developers partwise
- Improving the game further by banning also completely Culling out of the game, especially for towns
- Add finally to the game Minigames, like Polymock, or something that is really wished by people like a kind of collectable trading card game, that would be just awesome.
- Improve the Crafting System by making finally also ascended items craftable and ingenerally improving it, by adding new options of meterial collecting, like Digging with a shovel or fishing with an angling rod.
That are the points, I’d personally love to see coming with the April’s Patch.
i wonder, in how many months/years will they add a new dungeon? Why aren’t they adding a new one knowing all available ones are lacking in the ‘fun department’. A brand new dungeon (not fractal bs) with bunch new skins and most importantly challenging would be great
I just want new world bosses(with chest) and balances(good ones).
I just want new world bosses(with chest) and balances(good ones).
O gawd no … no more “loot piñata’s” they are boring as hell already.
Yes, balance — but balance content and mob AI instead of classes, there at least few threads around about that.