Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soccerspeed.7165


Is it just me, or are loading times into new territories getting longer? My laptop has not changed since I installed Guild Wars, so it’s not like I filled my hard drive. Loading times just consistently seem to be getting longer.

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


I noticed that yesterday when I loaded up the game. It took a while longer than usual. Today after a patch is seems back to quick loads.

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: choban.9027


Yep…they are. It happened to me also in another MMO while i was progressing with my chars, and leveling up. But when I was using another acc with low level chars, it was going smooth (same client). So maybe it’s about complexity of your characters and their’s data…dunno…

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yawg.1294


Loading Screen Wars! So many portals and separate zones in this game. I’m watching over 30 loading screens each day and they’re really boring me to death. However I haven’t noticed them to get longer, they’re already very very long and have always been.
Some locations however were always taking much longer to load than others, Lions Arch is the sad winner there (I no longer use free travel to LA as a way to cut my maptravel costs, I’d rather spend 4s).
BTW, I’m strongly considering buying an SSD for GW2, does anyone have experience with that? If it cuts the waiting by half I’d consider it worth it.

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TwistedWarrior.8613


I noticed it. Load times are becoming more simular to SWtOR. I hate that game!

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soccerspeed.7165


Ok. They are continually getting longer. In GW1, we always had that bar at the bottom to see what’s happening. We knew if it was downloading files and we knew what % complete it was. Now I just have a gold ring circling over and over and over again. However, it is definitely getting longer. It’s the same computer with the same processing power week after week, and yet my loading screens are turning into 60+ seconds.

Now try getting on the game in Queensdale (load 1), travel to Divinity’s Reach (load 2), asura gate to LA (load 3), asura gate to Black Citadel (load 4), and meet friend in Plains of Ashford (load 5), and potentially exiting overflow server (load 6). Waypoint costs are motivation to use asura gates, but it’s now taking me over 3-4 minutes just because of loading screens. This was not the case weeks ago when the game came out.

It would be nice to at least know why this is happening, and it’d be great if these loading times will decrease in the future.

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Yesterday there seemed to be some very long load-times, plus I got disconnected a few times.

But today it’s been fine.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Only one that seems to get longer is Lions Arch, which I understand with all the people going there. No problems with any other places.

Hell compared to SWTOR, these loading times are 100x faster!! Heh
SWTOR’s loading times are really BAD!

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


I have an SSD, what’s a loading screen? :P

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine.1263


All loading screens are longer for me and I can’t remember when exactly it changed, but it was a significant change, nothing like the first couple of weeks of play.

Blaine – Warrior – Greatsword & Longbow
Sir Byren – Guardian – Mace/Shield & Scepter/Focus
Zaldoras – Necromancer – Staff & Scepter/Dagger