Are diminishing returns supposed to be part of leveling?
That’s part of their “no grinding” approach hehe
Doing hearts and the events that are near me shouldnt be considered grinding. If they only allow you to play a few hours a day they wont keep people long.
I hit the limit for the first time last night chaining 2 DE’s. I probably ran them 8 times each before hitting the limit and I just went somewhere else. It’s really not a big deal I was playing for a few hours already before it happened and I’m surprised it doesn’t happen sooner tbh.
The system is almost certainly bugged (both the loot and event DR systems). Right now, staying at a single event and just repeating it doesn’t give you diminishing returns at all, meaning “grinding” one event is exactly what the system (how it’s currently working) is encouraging.
If you go and do chains of events/different events, you will quickly run into the issue and have reduced rewards.
So it’s definitely super-bugged because there’s no way they intended the anti-farming event system to encourage you to stay and repeat a single event forever rather than doing chains or other events.