Are guild halls even being worked on...?
So many people are clueless about the name of this game. It’s not named Guild Wars because of player driven guilds, it’s named Guild Wars because of lore. Go read it, educate yourself.
As for your comment about guild halls and player housing being an important aspect of any MMO, WoW says hi.
Oh trust me, I have read tons and tons of the lore, and most all of the books. I know very well where the name comes from (the three original warring guilds/human kingdoms, of Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr). So next time, don’t jump to conclusions.
And let me rephrase that then, guild halls and player housing are an important aspect of any quality MMO.
IMHO, WoW is just a massive time sink and a waste of money. There is no fun in it, for me, whatsoever.
wtf? Go sit in the corner Rustypipes.
Anyways, Guild Halls are something I defiantly miss from GW1 and was looking forward to seeing what customization options they were going to throw in… unfortunately they don’t exist yet. They are going to add them eventually, according to the official wiki.
wtf? Go sit in the corner Rustypipes.
Anyways, Guild Halls are something I defiantly miss from GW1 and was looking forward to seeing what customization options they were going to throw in… unfortunately they don’t exist yet.
They are going to add them eventually, according to the official wiki.
I lol’d, My thoughts exactly about rusty… xD musta gotten some early coal for christmas or something…
Putting that aside, i read that too, so i hope it’s true! Im just as excited!
From a roleplayer’s point of view, we want guild housing/player housing very very badly. In the meantime we have to basically take over taverns that are scattered throughout the world, but there are only so many to go around. Not only that, but they don’t allow for any privacy.
For a large chunk of the population, they likely don’t care…but I always feel that the more customization and options given to the players, the better. If you don’t think non-RPers have any use for these things, do some searches for EQ2’s housing, SWG’s old housing, or even LotRO’s housing. All of them are(were) widely used. In the case of EQ2 and SWG, housing was a strong way to experiment, show off, and waste away spare time to make the most creative settings you could. In SWG, players build fully-scaled X-Wings in their guild halls with nothing but items.
Think about that. Every item in the game could be put anywhere in a house you wanted. Every little item could be used to deck out your house. Want to show off armor and weapons? Feel free! You could put them on the walls, make your own mannequins/displays, or create exhibits. It was like having minecraft in your house.
Things like that appeal to a large populace(once again, just look at the success of minecraft). Some folks(like myself) look for customization to our characters and houses as a primary reason to play these games over single-player options.
Everyone likes to play Sims and decorate houses. It will be implemented very soon with brand new furniture available at BLTC costing very affordable prices in gems.
Guild Halls to me were a place to meet up with some of the big cheeses and rub shoulders with them. In GW2, with multiple guild representation, how will that work?
Guild Halls to me were a place to meet up with some of the big cheeses and rub shoulders with them. In GW2, with multiple guild representation, how will that work?
Just because the system is there doesn’t mean everyone uses it. I’m in one guild with no plan to join any others at the moment.
Guild Halls to me were a place to meet up with some of the big cheeses and rub shoulders with them. In GW2, with multiple guild representation, how will that work?
Just because the system is there doesn’t mean everyone uses it. I’m in one guild with no plan to join any others at the moment.
Same here, I’ve been in mine since GW1 but the goalposts have been moved.
Maybe they should replace the current multi Guild system with the Alliance one that worked so well in GW1.
That way even small Guilds will have a chance at being, they can all pull together to form a tight Alliance. As it stands atm your either in a big Guild or in one with freinds, apart from that your chances of raising a Guild are low to bust.
(edited by Paul.4081)
Everyone likes to play Sims and decorate houses. It will be implemented very soon with brand new furniture available at BLTC costing very affordable prices in gems.
Where did you get this information from?
Everyone likes to play Sims and decorate houses. It will be implemented very soon with brand new furniture available at BLTC costing very affordable prices in gems.
Where did you get this information from?
(edited by Paul.4081)
From a roleplayer’s point of view, we want guild housing/player housing very very badly. In the meantime we have to basically take over taverns that are scattered throughout the world, but there are only so many to go around. Not only that, but they don’t allow for any privacy.
For a large chunk of the population, they likely don’t care…but I always feel that the more customization and options given to the players, the better. If you don’t think non-RPers have any use for these things, do some searches for EQ2’s housing, SWG’s old housing, or even LotRO’s housing. All of them are(were) widely used. In the case of EQ2 and SWG, housing was a strong way to experiment, show off, and waste away spare time to make the most creative settings you could. In SWG, players build fully-scaled X-Wings in their guild halls with nothing but items.
Think about that. Every item in the game could be put anywhere in a house you wanted. Every little item could be used to deck out your house. Want to show off armor and weapons? Feel free! You could put them on the walls, make your own mannequins/displays, or create exhibits. It was like having minecraft in your house.
Things like that appeal to a large populace(once again, just look at the success of minecraft). Some folks(like myself) look for customization to our characters and houses as a primary reason to play these games over single-player options.
THIS exactly. I played SWG for about 5 years…out of all of the features, this is probably what i miss the most!
ANet knows how to do guild halls well. They are just working out the specifics. They know that people loved them from GW1 and so they will implement them sometime in the future.
Guild Halls I am waiting for………but am I the only who has always found houses in any game to be insanely boring and pointless?
Guild Halls I am waiting for………but am I the only who has always found houses in any game to be insanely boring and pointless?
More or less, yea… xD
Everyone likes to play Sims and decorate houses. It will be implemented very soon with brand new furniture available at BLTC costing very affordable prices in gems.
I had to LOL at this being a simmer , though I’m more about creating stories with my sims than decorating their houses . As for the actual topic It’ll probably cost crazy influence to build but i do expect them at some point. It will definitely be interesting to see how they are designed this time around and what it takes to upgrade them or what the upgrades will even be .
Guild homes could add alot of fun game play for all levels! Imagine:
—craftable decorations
—guild achievment points which could be spent on special items for the guild hall.
—new loot to hunt for
—trophies to place and a fun way to get them.
—a guild hall function to “war” with another guild hall at a set date and time.
—the social part of the game would be greatly increased.
Theres endless amount of new game play which could be added by having guild halls, if only they would do it!
(edited by lisamee.2408)
Guild homes could add alot of fun game play for all levels! Imagine:
—craftable decorations
—guild achievment points which could be spent on special items for the guild hall.
—new loot to hunt for
—trophies to place and a fun way to get them.
—a guild hall function to “war” with another guild hall at a set date and time.
—the social part of the game would be greatly increased.Theres endless amount of new game play which could be added by having guild halls, if only they would do it!
Yea, i think the social element is the part id like the most….well, probably tied with being able to decorate it.
I certainly hope they’re being worked on.
I swear, almost every time I mention the importance of guild halls in Guild Wars someone tries to explain the lore behind it, when I’ve already played GW1 and read both books >.< Regardless of the lore, GW1 was very guild-centric… GW2 hasn’t really been so far
You should put this in the AMA thread! ^^
It wasn’t even just the lore in GW1. Guilds were a huge thing and you pretty much couldn’t do any kind of PvP without them. Or, you could, but you would get curb stomped by a group with actual organization. Never mind the fact that they were the best way to get a group of people together for hard PvE in a game where there was no such thing as solo (even npc AI counts as teammates).
The warring guilds lore is just some flavoring they sprinkled in that had little to nothing to do with any of the events of the 3.5 GW1 games and almost no lore from GW1 affects what is going on in GW2 as almost everything that shaped the world as it is now happens after the events of GW1.
I would love to see what they could do with guild halls and the idea of a new GvG pvp mode is always a good thing. I really don’t know why so many things from GW1 that worked and loved (LFG advert menu anyone?) were left out this time around. It defies logic.
I certainly hope they’re being worked on.
I swear, almost every time I mention the importance of guild halls in Guild Wars someone tries to explain the lore behind it, when I’ve already played GW1 and read both books >.< Regardless of the lore, GW1 was very guild-centric… GW2 hasn’t really been so far
You should put this in the AMA thread! ^^
Yea, as seen above, i hate when people try to pull out that card… -.-
Also, for modern day mmos, i think rift has set the bar for housing at this point, depite all the other terrible things about that game xD
^^ looks like Second Life to me
Whilst I’m fine that some people like housing and guild halls, personally any dev time that isn’t spent on improving combat-based content is a waste to me.
Just to provide the lone voice of dissent here in the thread :P
Everyone likes to play Sims and decorate houses. It will be implemented very soon with brand new furniture available at BLTC costing very affordable prices in gems.
I had to LOL at this being a simmer , though I’m more about creating stories with my sims than decorating their houses . As for the actual topic It’ll probably cost crazy influence to build but i do expect them at some point. It will definitely be interesting to see how they are designed this time around and what it takes to upgrade them or what the upgrades will even be .
I too am a Sim-mer. I would like to see how player housing would work in GW2. But I confess… I have never played any MMO that has player housing. If this gets implemented, I would be playing this game forever… you know how the Sims was.
Whilst I’m fine that some people like housing and guild halls, personally any dev time that isn’t spent on improving combat-based content is a waste to me.
Just to provide the lone voice of dissent here in the thread :P
On topic: all devs working on one thing alone? That is a logistical nightmare. While I’m no expert at game development, I can’t imagine 100* people working on 1 project ever getting anywhere.
- this is a random number
Whilst I’m fine that some people like housing and guild halls, personally any dev time that isn’t spent on improving combat-based content is a waste to me.
Just to provide the lone voice of dissent here in the thread :P
[/angrymobmode]On topic: all devs working on one thing alone? That is a logistical nightmare. While I’m no expert at game development, I can’t imagine 100* people working on 1 project ever getting anywhere.
- this is a random number
lol, joking aside, i would never expect them to, or want them to, devote all their resources to housing! That would create chaos!
Wow… I hope the devs watch that Rift video for some inspiration! That was amazing.