Are megaservers killing the game?

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skeletonwitch.3280


it’s better then being bugged with overflows……..

I disagree.

Now instead of being thrown into a random overflow with random players from random servers when your home server is full… you are now thrown into a random megaserver with random players from random servers and you have no home server.

:Team Skritt:

Megaserver kittening kittens! :-(

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poke.3051


Did this boss time will change?

I’m comming back from work @ 7pm UK time and I’m missing “big” bosses like karka.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: viralthefrog.6130


I would reckon could go down in history as the worst update in MMO history.

As someone who played SWG for years prior to the NGE, and a month or so afterwards, I would bet a fair bit of money that you’re wrong on this one.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Sorry Lanfear but this patch is not the same as same old complaints that the sky is falling.
I agree there has been oodles of those since the game launched.

This patch though?

It destroyed so much, just this once I agree that the feeling in game is pretty much the same as on the forum.
Megaserver is a fail for everyone I know

So what makes this complaint any more valid? Is it because YOU and a group of other players dislike it and now it’s suddenly the RIGHT thing to complain about? Is your complaint suddenly SUPERIOR to the complaints of the other group?

Nothing will please every one, it just sounds like this is your first time being on the other end of a change.

She has a valid complaint Celest, and she does quantify it by stating ‘people she knows.’ It’s no less valid than my assertion that it’s not a complete fail, since for me, and mine it works out quite well. No need to jump on her.

We can all agree that the implementation is not perfect. It has it flaws, but that is to be expected with such things. Honestly, the bigger the component, the more likely you will be to find a bug. Nothing is ever fool proof. That’s just how it goes.

However, I think their biggest issue is their instance selection calculation. Based on what they said about what it was supposed to take into consideration and how it was supposed to work vs a lot of the complaints being voiced, it simply sounds like it’s not functioning properly. It really could be that simple. Of course, it could also require to collect and store data for its aggregation, which could take some time; although I personally would have stuck that in long before the actual patch so it could have a head start on data gathering, but again that’s just how my brain works.

I personally think that the selection criteria is broken somehow because I have not actually seen it in effect at all.

Basically what they said would happen and what is happening is not the same thing at all.

What I am very afraid of is that the Megaserver only aggregates gameplay data after implementation- this says to me it will never be fixed.

Certainly they should have waited and fixed the issues before rolling it out across all maps.
That just feels really shortsighted and not considering of the players at all.

Gunnar’s Hold

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


It killed PvE for me. It was take or leave before the Megaserver, but post-Megaserver left me with zero interest in it while its in it’s current state of mess. Plus I loathe the boss schedule. A living breathing world……on a timed schedule. What?

I still play – only in sPvP and WvW/EotM though, which I still enjoy.

Same. World boss events were my favourite pastime. Now I feel mostly annoyed, if not disgusted, by the timed mindless laggy zerg with 0% fail rate and my personal input equated to almost zero (and now flavoured with multi-lingual hatred). Trying out PvP (with its “you [kitten] pvelers [kitten] off!”) and (mostly mindless) EoTM zergs. Will see how it turns out; not at all inspired at the moment.

20 level 80s and counting.

(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: piano man.1672

piano man.1672

Not a huge fan of the boss schedule, but I do like the larger populations. I actually see people running around some of the PvE zones that have Megaserver activated, and players running around and doing events. It actually feels like a massively multiplayer game.

What I don’t understand is before patch I frequently saw “Is Guild Wars 2 dead?”, “Where is everyone??”-type discussions both in-game and on forums. Now that they’ve merged servers through map instances, everyone is complaining that ANet has “killed the game.”

Maybe a better system for this would be the District-styled system from Guild Wars 1. Everything works as it does now except you can choose the district you want to join. Or, have Megaserver only activated in the starter zones (1-15) and cities.

I personally have had no problems with the Megaserver so far, and it seems to be more beneficial than detrimental from my own experiences.

Kharros 80 Warr | Dead on Revival 80 Necro | Yoxx 80 Guard | Khoton 80 Thief | Thera Majere 80 Ele

(edited by piano man.1672)

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: viralthefrog.6130


Hilarious. This thread appears, and in a very few minutes is filled with more staunch advocates of “anything they do is right” than all of the other megaserver threads, one after another.

Really guys..sad that you apparently need to make this kind of effort

That works both ways, friend.
Sad that apparently so many people need to make this kind of effort to complain.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


Sorry Lanfear but this patch is not the same as same old complaints that the sky is falling.
I agree there has been oodles of those since the game launched.

This patch though?

It destroyed so much, just this once I agree that the feeling in game is pretty much the same as on the forum.
Megaserver is a fail for everyone I know

So what makes this complaint any more valid? Is it because YOU and a group of other players dislike it and now it’s suddenly the RIGHT thing to complain about? Is your complaint suddenly SUPERIOR to the complaints of the other group?

Nothing will please every one, it just sounds like this is your first time being on the other end of a change.

She has a valid complaint Celest, and she does quantify it by stating ‘people she knows.’ It’s no less valid than my assertion that it’s not a complete fail, since for me, and mine it works out quite well. No need to jump on her.

We can all agree that the implementation is not perfect. It has it flaws, but that is to be expected with such things. Honestly, the bigger the component, the more likely you will be to find a bug. Nothing is ever fool proof. That’s just how it goes.

However, I think their biggest issue is their instance selection calculation. Based on what they said about what it was supposed to take into consideration and how it was supposed to work vs a lot of the complaints being voiced, it simply sounds like it’s not functioning properly. It really could be that simple. Of course, it could also require to collect and store data for its aggregation, which could take some time; although I personally would have stuck that in long before the actual patch so it could have a head start on data gathering, but again that’s just how my brain works.

I personally think that the selection criteria is broken somehow because I have not actually seen it in effect at all.

Basically what they said would happen and what is happening is not the same thing at all.

What I am very afraid of is that the Megaserver only aggregates gameplay data after implementation- this says to me it will never be fixed.

Certainly they should have waited and fixed the issues before rolling it out across all maps.
That just feels really shortsighted and not considering of the players at all.

people warned them of that. people suggested that. did they listen? no. of course not.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Destai.9603


I was out in Brisban Wildlands – happy to see people out in these places again. I’ve long believed that the open world is one of the strongest features of this game. Anything to make that a more social experience is beneficial in my eyes.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


What? You mean every time ANet release a major update it kills the game, right?

I feel emotions when I think about you.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Yup. Megaservers will kill this game. I expect ANet to close their doors in just a few days because of the massive amount of people leaving.

/sarcasm off

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: weskay.9217


Yeah, before the patch, the game was quite enjoyable for nearly everyone. There were no major issues with the way the game was before. A few minor concerns, sure, but nothing to warrant the changes for a forced MegaServer and a world boss schedule. Post patch, nearly everyone that I spoke to is against it. Some were against it from the get-go and some were actually very optimistic about it at first but are against it now 110%.

You can’t completely blame the MegaServer for the disheartened players that want to leave although it does take up the majority of the blame. There has been no new playable content in months. People are simply getting bored and the way that the Living Story was in the past is turning more and more people away too. You might say they are in a lose-lose situation here but from a personal standing point, I feel like they are simply not listening to their players when it comes to these things. Living Story is good if you’ve got nothing else going on in your life. If you’re a busy person with work, school, traveling, etc. you’re bound to miss out on a portion (big or small) of the LS because 90% of everything released was locked away (nearly all of it was temporary and can never be replayed again). I won’t elaborate further with this as I think you’ve got the gist of it.

Personally, I am quite disappointed with the way ArenaNet has been going about this. They seemed to have thought this was a good idea but it surely isn’t after having a huge majority of players disheartened to say the least. I feel that this was nothing more than an increase in profits for them (MegaServer is cheaper to maintain than individual servers). Sorry Anet, but this just doesn’t work in the eyes of your player-base. Cut your losses and hit that abort button. That seems to be your only good option at this point.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


killed or atleast heavily crippled my community, thats for sure. Doesnt seem like they care much, either though. I am just waiting for their usual pat-self-on-shoulder move on social media along with trying to lure new players to the game with 50% sales or whatever. There has been silence for a week, and the “fixes” that came only added further chaos. Not sure if they have a clue where they are stearing this ship at this point.

How in the world did it heavily cripple your community? Please explain, or are you just complaining because you like complaining?

Community= an identity built up on a server since launch.
Made up of the same people with the same attitudes that like to do the same things.
It is not really hard to understand.
Some servers had great communities, that is why people went there.

How it ruined communities? Find me more than 2 people from your own server on any map- go ahead.
You no longer see the familiar faces- you no longer have the same philosophical discussions, you now longer have server gossip.

Nevermind guild issues and mega bosses.
Nevermind language issues and very different cultures in Eu

but I guess for some quantity= quality

Why am I the only person in the game to end up with people usually from my server on the same map? I find it like I am making miracles everyday when GW2 forums tell me that the mega-server tell me that I will play in a myserious hole from now on.

Also, it is ironic to use philosophy as something to support your opinion, casue your opinion in the first place is flawed.

Speaking about philosophy and generlizing your own experience and understanding of the system for every single GW2 player and then you wonder why people like you who have wasted the last half year hating, don’t get attention.

Errr I was talking about my experience but thank you for pulling the tail out of the chicken I guess?

I also find it extremely hilarious that you think I have ever hated on the game- guess all those people who called me a white knight feels really silly now.

Gunnar’s Hold

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


No, instead it’s giving “life” to the game and maps.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I personally think that the selection criteria is broken somehow because I have not actually seen it in effect at all.

Basically what they said would happen and what is happening is not the same thing at all.

What I am very afraid of is that the Megaserver only aggregates gameplay data after implementation- this says to me it will never be fixed.

Certainly they should have waited and fixed the issues before rolling it out across all maps.
That just feels really shortsighted and not considering of the players at all.

It could be broken…

It could be failing in its load balancing…

It could work in small scale, but craps out at the larger scale…

It might not have enough data collected yet (only been a week after all)…

It’s hard to tell, but you’re correct that they probably shouldn’t have pushed it to all maps yet. Unless, they needed to do it for the data aggregation, which is a possibility.

If it just needs to collect more data, I’m not too worried about it, eventually it will have what it needs. It might just take more than a week.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


I personally think that the selection criteria is broken somehow because I have not actually seen it in effect at all.

Basically what they said would happen and what is happening is not the same thing at all.

What I am very afraid of is that the Megaserver only aggregates gameplay data after implementation- this says to me it will never be fixed.

Certainly they should have waited and fixed the issues before rolling it out across all maps.
That just feels really shortsighted and not considering of the players at all.

It could be broken…

It could be failing in its load balancing…

It could work in small scale, but craps out at the larger scale…

It might not have enough data collected yet (only been a week after all)…

It’s hard to tell, but you’re correct that they probably shouldn’t have pushed it to all maps yet. Unless, they needed to do it for the data aggregation, which is a possibility.

If it just needs to collect more data, I’m not too worried about it, eventually it will have what it needs. It might just take more than a week.

it should be in a semi-working state upon release, then i would take “it has to collect more data” for an excuse. But the way it feels now, it doesnt seem to be working at all. Not a good idea to push out something that doesnt exactly work 90% of the time either way.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wmtyrance.3571


no the megaservers are helping the game in my opinion, gives it a lively feeling.

I agree here. And the boards are never a true feeling for a game. I bet more like it for the lively feel than hate it. And i just don’t get how its ruined the game for these people unless they liked playing solo like it was before. If you want to play solo play a single player game. Its an mmo you play with other people. Some of the complaints are way over the top . Because of it i’m meeting new players and grouping up more than before.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


It could be broken…

It could be failing in its load balancing…

It could work in small scale, but craps out at the larger scale…

It might not have enough data collected yet (only been a week after all)…

It’s hard to tell, but you’re correct that they probably shouldn’t have pushed it to all maps yet. Unless, they needed to do it for the data aggregation, which is a possibility.

If it just needs to collect more data, I’m not too worried about it, eventually it will have what it needs. It might just take more than a week.

What new “data” do you need to sort by:

  • party members
  • guild members
  • home server
  • server language


In my opinion, there simply isn’t any kind of filter at all; it’s just the same old overflow system, just reversed. And seeing several bandaids put over the old code (like getting an undocumented PvP daily), I feel like the game is at the moment run in a low-energy maintenance mode with new people who’re working on some old proprietary code developed by another company at release stage.

20 level 80s and counting.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.8539


Hi there,

please make sure to post your feedback in the main-thread:

Thank you!