Are the Gw 1 Pvpers happy ?
Well, I don’t see new and interesting things in GW2 sPvP, except maps
In GW 1 I saw mindblowing builds, but in GW2 there is no surprises, you always know what you will face
No. Spvp needs more game types. Majority of my time pvping in GW1 was in Fort Aspenwood, which was always fun. WvW doesn’t compare to that, at most the Eternal BG jumping Puzzle is the only truly fun form of PvP.
After finishing the hours spent pvping there though I feel like it wasn’t very rewarding towards any goals since no Glory, not much money from loot bags and nothing to spend bagdes on.
sPvP needs a lot of work. I use to sPvP a lot. Same goes with WvW. AB (Alliance Battles) seemed to be them attempting to experiment with some WvW ideas in GW1 and honestly it was a lot better. It had the perfect mix of teamwork and player skill. IT wasn’t just who has the most people playing/biggest zergs or biggest nigh shifts. The sPvP in GW1 had a lot of builds to use, each one good. Interested maps and fun game modes. GW2 will eventually be good, but I hope it doesn’t take too long
Well, I don’t see new and interesting things in GW2 sPvP, except maps
In GW 1 I saw mindblowing builds, but in GW2 there is no surprises, you always know what you will face
Yeah, there was a ‘mindblowing’ build every other week, which ran the devs ragged with constant balance changes, prevented the game from ever being balanced, and completely alienated casual players.
It was cool having such a ridiculous amount of skills, but GW1 claimed to be a PvP oriented game and never was nor ever could be. GW2 is claiming to be one, and isn’t yet, but unlike GW1 actually can be.
the only time I have fun in WvW is when facing 1v1 .other than that it is folow the blue dot and wipe the enemy or get wiped by the enemy(the big zerg wins).without knowing who just I killed or who just killed me .
i knew it was going to be a disappointment when they announced thief + stealth would be in the game
Well probably not. I wasn’t huge pvper in gw1 but I did play it quite a bit. I usually went Random Arena. The skill system made it so fun because I could use so many more unique builds. The skill system in this game is sort of restrictive.
Personally, no, I am not happy at all with GW2 pvp. I think removing healing pigeon holed the Devs into a certain type of PVP environment and I find that I don’t like it at all.
But my opinion =/= the world’s opinion.
sPvP needs a lot of work. I use to sPvP a lot. Same goes with WvW. AB (Alliance Battles) seemed to be them attempting to experiment with some WvW ideas in GW1 and honestly it was a lot better. It had the perfect mix of teamwork and player skill. IT wasn’t just who has the most people playing/biggest zergs or biggest nigh shifts. The sPvP in GW1 had a lot of builds to use, each one good. Interested maps and fun game modes. GW2 will eventually be good, but I hope it doesn’t take too long
Alliance battles cant even compare to WvW. 12 vs 12 running in circles and on other side massive player numbers on huge battlefield with constant dynamics, sieges, camp assaults, supply caravan raids and what not. Geez AB really was better yea…
lol love it when either Kurz or Lux are trapped in the Castle/Keep when we locked them up. Always love that. And we wiped out whats left outside
Some even suicide just to get out and rez lol!
Thats what i called fun. And i was Happy
I guess 12 vs 12 with 4 in a team is an ideal amount of players to minimize Zergs.
There are Zergs ofc but it can be controlled.
WvW Zergs are out of control due to too many players tbh.
But thats the nature of Huge Battles. Quantity <— nuff said.
And to compare WvW & AB, i prefer AB and the map layout is awesome.
Oh I almost forgot. I miss Z keys. :P
I would have to say no.
They really need to show some love to both casual and hardcore PvP.
There needs to be some additional modes. And the thing is, they have proven they can do it with holiday events.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
No. (An Error Prevented Saving:
Message Body length must at least be 15.)
I miss Jade Quarry. It was my favorite PvP format, and I believe it would have worked wonderfully in a PvP format.
They should also bring back Alliance Battles as a WvW-like format.
I highly doubt it that there would be Alliance Battle in GW2.
Mainly due to WvW.
Its like on a server, Kurz & Lux are at war and with a click of a button they are allies against another World. And with another click of a button they are at war against each other again lol its silly.
(edited by Jabronee.9465)
Yes. I am happily playing Mech Warrior Online and Firefall.
In my mind, it is extremely unlikely that GW2 will reach the status of e-sport that GW1 did. I believe that there are three primary reasons for this.
- A large portion of the e-sport crowd either thought that GW2 would not be an e-sport and didn’t purchase it or have subsequently quit playing it after feeling it failed to deliver. So ANet is already working at a negative and they will need to attract back people that they let down or didn’t attract during development. This is often more difficult to do than to initially attract players. That said, it is buy to play so there is a chance that – if ANet acts fast enough – they can attract the e-sport players back.
- ArenaNet failed to realize that the most attractive aspect of GW1 to e-sportsmen was simplicity and tactical variety. In GW1 each profession was described as being a deck of cards like in Magic the Gathering. It was such a simple yet strategically deep system that it easily welcomed beginners while also providing deep and varied strategies. While GW2’s build system is grand compared to most MMO’s it is a shallow pond compared to the lake that was GW1.
- GW2 is a cash cow. It isn’t an e-sport. People notice things like this. The over-importance of the gem store makes people like us not want to play simply because it makes us think that that ANet isn’t here to provide a grand e-sport arena. They’re here to make money and that’s where their priorities lie. Note that during the transition from GW1 to GW2 many of the key members left ANet because they “were moving in another direction”. Those people were responsible for GW1’s focus on PvP.
I’m not saying that GW2 isn’t a good game. I enjoy it. I enjoy WvW. I just do not now nor at any time in the future see it becoming a legitimate e-sport on the scale of GW1. Certainly the potentially is (was) there but I think it is too late as ANet has already squandered it’s reputation with the community and almost entirely abandoned the advanced build system that originally attracted so many e-sportsmen to GW1.
Thing is, i loved gw1 pvp due to the amount of crazy builds you could come out with hundreds of skills at your disposal. Some of them worked, some of them didnt, and some were just cookies cutters i tried to tinker with – but regardless of the build, the constant variety and experimentation was what kept the game fresh and alive for me, even in its later years…
There is really nothing of that in gw2. My main is a ranger, and there are literally TWO builds that work, and every time i try something new i end up frustrated. Your condition damage? then you need a sword MH and a trap or two. Your burst? then you need those 15 points in BM, A stun breaker and QZ as utilities.
there are too many constraints, in order to be effective (and if you’re a pvper you NEED to, no one likes to gimp himself) you HAVE to build in a very specific way- compare that to gw1 and it just pales.
Feels like they transfered the focus of pvp to the action-oriented combat, while taking away from the building&thinking side.
Thats ok, makes pvp easier to learn, more exciting to play and more shallow as direct consequence – but its not really my cup. If i want action-oriented pvp with no build/metagame elements in it, i’d rather play other games that are NOT mmos and do that far better
So just pve for me, WvW would be fun if there werent massive slowdowns and perma-stealth thieves who just burst and disappear again if they fail to get the kill.
(edited by Aegis.9724)
Zonzai, I would like you to keep in mind that it wasn’t until Factions that PvP in GW1 really took off.
I do agree that GW2 obviously is not anywhere close to where GW1 is right now. However, there is a lot of potential for PvP in this game. I’ve seen it in holiday events (not perfect, but definitely shows it’s possible).
ANet needs to spend a few months giving PvP some serious love. Even adding GvG alone would go A LONG way.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Yes. I am happily playing Mech Warrior Online and Firefall.
In my mind, it is extremely unlikely that GW2 will reach the status of e-sport that GW1 did. I believe that there are three primary reasons for this.
- A large portion of the e-sport crowd either thought that GW2 would not be an e-sport and didn’t purchase it or have subsequently quit playing it after feeling it failed to deliver. So ANet is already working at a negative and they will need to attract back people that they let down or didn’t attract during development. This is often more difficult to do than to initially attract players. That said, it is buy to play so there is a chance that – if ANet acts fast enough – they can attract the e-sport players back.
- ArenaNet failed to realize that the most attractive aspect of GW1 to e-sportsmen was simplicity and tactical variety. In GW1 each profession was described as being a deck of cards like in Magic the Gathering. It was such a simple yet strategically deep system that it easily welcomed beginners while also providing deep and varied strategies. While GW2’s build system is grand compared to most MMO’s it is a shallow pond compared to the lake that was GW1.
- GW2 is a cash cow. It isn’t an e-sport. People notice things like this. The over-importance of the gem store makes people like us not want to play simply because it makes us think that that ANet isn’t here to provide a grand e-sport arena. They’re here to make money and that’s where their priorities lie. Note that during the transition from GW1 to GW2 many of the key members left ANet because they “were moving in another direction”. Those people were responsible for GW1’s focus on PvP.
I’m not saying that GW2 isn’t a good game. I enjoy it. I enjoy WvW. I just do not now nor at any time in the future see it becoming a legitimate e-sport on the scale of GW1. Certainly the potentially is (was) there but I think it is too late as ANet has already squandered it’s reputation with the community and almost entirely abandoned the advanced build system that originally attracted so many e-sportsmen to GW1.
If they don’t make the changes to GW2 to be as fun as GW1 I will hate GW2 from all of my heart cuz I know there will be no more expansions to GW1.
Zonzai, I would like you to keep in mind that it wasn’t until Factions that PvP in GW1 really took off.
I do agree that GW2 obviously is not anywhere close to where GW1 is right now. However, there is a lot of potential for PvP in this game. I’ve seen it in holiday events (not perfect, but definitely shows it’s possible).
ANet needs to spend a few months giving PvP some serious love. Even adding GvG alone would go A LONG way.
I agree that the potential is there. As I said, ANet can save it if they act quickly. But the main difference between GW1 PvP and GW2 PvP is the stark difference in build variety and depth. What kept me coming back for months was creating new builds and capping skills. GW2 doesn’t have that.
IF GW1 PvP had the ability to change build when not in combat, it would have been been a godsend. No more cheap FOTM messing with what at heart was a truly good system.
GW2 has potential, but it really needs to look at what GW1 did that a lot of players miss.
Well, I don’t see new and interesting things in GW2 sPvP, except maps
In GW 1 I saw mindblowing builds, but in GW2 there is no surprises, you always know what you will faceYeah, there was a ‘mindblowing’ build every other week, which ran the devs ragged with constant balance changes, prevented the game from ever being balanced, and completely alienated casual players.
It was cool having such a ridiculous amount of skills, but GW1 claimed to be a PvP oriented game and never was nor ever could be. GW2 is claiming to be one, and isn’t yet, but unlike GW1 actually can be.
The devs running ragged balancing was inevitable in a dynamic game, I didnt feel sorry for them, they got paid. Truth was that the only way to balance the game was to give everyone the same skills which only takes the fun out of it. Having absolute balance shouldnt be the goal since logically it would lead to everyone having the same skills. The constant struggle between 2 sides(like in nature) with the devs balancing and the players exploiting was the only natural thing to do.
Id like to think my defy pain build is what got the skill nerfed for pvp shortly after everyone starting copying it. Sure the elitist, the conservatives would trash you for your experimental builds but thats what it takes to break through the norm. Having players do that was impressive and fun. I remember we had a monk quit on us in Random Arenas because of my “fail build” only to be replaced by a non monk class where we went on to win 20 straight and ended up in Hero’s Accent or wahtever it was you went to after winning that many random arenas. Amazing gameplay. Or in fort aspenwood, my plague sending warrior, i couldnt wait for those rangers to setup those traps at gunther’s gate, only to send all those conditions with twice the durationg onto gunther and watch him collapse. Ultimate win!! As for GW2 pvp? pfft
(edited by bigtime.7410)
Absolutely no!
Here is a list of the things I consider a step back compared to GW1
1) Too few builds available, many of these are a direct consequence of the lack of basic balance between professions ( HP difference too large between a warrior and an ele)
2) Some profession have been made extremely easy to play as to accomodate the more casual players, this is a mistake, in GW1 all professions would perform equally if used by a noob compared to a pro, here in GW2 a noob warrior/guardian/thief will kill easily noobs using the other professions…stupid
3)Mechanics like quickness and stealth seriusly have ruined this game, these cheesy builds give an illusion of skill to players, they should be removed and changed with something else
4)Hp disparity between profession is the major limiting factor for builds creation
I’m not.
There is an extreme lack of skills, interaction and builds. The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that is is so very simplistic. By around level 20 you know the majority of what your class has to offer and you feel comfortable will all abilities available .
In GW1 you had to create your own skill bar from options available to your profession and secondary profession, which led to massive variety. In GW2, you will see a profession and know exactly what they are capable of, they will have one or two weapon sets based around a common build that can’t really change. In GW1 you could come across completely unique styles all the time. You wouldn’t see an Elementalist and think “he’s either a bunker staff or D/D’”, instead you’d get a different opponent every time in terms of the skills they are using and the ways they can play. There was so much more variety and customisation in GW1, I become bored of the skills and weapons I have in GW2, and therefore bored of the professions very, very quickly. The idea of adding a second profession in GW1 was a fantastic design choice, because it led to even more customisation and unique, VIABLE builds. That word I use a lot, the variety was absurdly good, and it’s partly what made the PVP so fun, so unique and timeless. I could be a complete noob at the game, create a build with no research whatsoever, and still feel useful, because they were all so well balanced. In GW2 however if you did that you’d get your kitten handed to you to people who have the common internet builds that are powerful as of the latest patch notes – that’s dull.
As a veteran GW1 player, I feel very let down by Arenanet. GW2 for me was a big disappointment, it’s entirely catered to casual players – and that’s fine. Just don’t simplify and dumb everything down, casual players are not stupid, they just play less. This is a problem with game developers in general I feel, they dumb down all games. A recent example was Skyrim, it was a dumbed down elder scrolls game – less weapons, less spells, simple fights, no challenge, less armour and less interesting quests. Bethesda pulled that off by making the world engaging, adding tons of content and using addictive progression, GW2 does not do those things.
I’m a ‘hardcore’ gamer but I don’t dedicate myself to single games for too long, so in a way I’m in the same category as casual games for Guild Wars 2. Is the PVP fun for me? Not really. Messing about on WvW with some friends can be fully for a few hours but it doesn’t last. SPVP is frustrating and is more focused on what builds you have more than skill, EVEN more so than the original was, how does that even work with so few builds in GW2? To top all of this off, the abilities are so much more dull. I mained an Elementalist in the final time I spent on GW1. They had massive lightning single target attacks, giant frost and water effects. They could create massive sandstorms, meteor strikes, fire storms, on a much larger and impressive scale than in GW1. The funny thing here is that a lot of the abilities in GW2 are carbon copies, or very closely related to abilites in GW2, that’s fair enough, but they have somehow managed to make these abilities less interesting and less impactful than they were in GW1 – how they did that blows my mind.
To sum it up, GW1 PVP was better than GW2 PVP because:
- GW2 has less interesting, unique and interactive abilities.
- GW2 has less abilities and builds overall.
- GW2 has less customisation and variety
- GW2 is too simple, dull and repetitive.
- GW2 PVP rewards button mashing over tactical thinking.
- GW2 has some classes that outshine others far too much, making the ‘weaker’ classes less fun to play, because they are then put into specific niche rolls.
Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy WvW occasionally, but even that was done better in Warhammer for goodness sake. There were some horrible design choices going into GW2.
To all you GW1 players out there, do you remember MM Necros? They would go around with hordes of undead, healing them with monk spells, they were powerful, viable, but balanced. Does GW2 have that? Nope, the minions are a novelty, a gimmick if you like. It’s also ridiculous that in GW2 you can only get what, 4-5 at max? You could have toucher necros, SS necros, archer necros, support necros, dominator necros, and so on.They all had completely different play styles, all looked very different and all played and felt very different. Can you honestly tell me you are satisfied with GW2 Necros? They are dull, gimmicky and have nothing interesting going for them. This is just ONE example. It’s really disappointing, I don’t think I will be buying any GW2 expansions.
(edited by Atrixer.9275)
It was cool having such a ridiculous amount of skills, but GW1 claimed to be a PvP oriented game and never was nor ever could be. GW2 is claiming to be one, and isn’t yet, but unlike GW1 actually can be.
You must have played a different Guild Wars than I did.
OK, ArenaNet made some silly decisions later on in the game. One major failure was taking out Team Arena and replacing it with the “casual friendly” Codex Arena.
Many people only tried it once or twice, most of the PvE focused casuals never tried it at all.
The sad part is that GW2 sPvP has more similarities with Codex Arena than any other GW PvP format :-(
Lol… the pvp in GW2 doesn’t even compare to GW1. GW2 pvp is too dumbed down. They are gonna have to add A LOT of stuff for it to even come close to GW1.
To all you GW1 players out there, do you remember MM Necros? They would go around with hordes of undead, healing them with monk spells, they were powerful, viable, but balanced. Does GW2 have that? Nope, the minions are a novelty, a gimmick if you like
The way I see it each profession in GW2 is a “Jack-of-all-trades” and master of none. I too remember how much fun it was to play a necro. Another one that’s changed so dramatically is the mesmer. In gw, mesmers really did use trickery to kill foes. I remember all those conditions, degen skills, interrupts, etc. You could use the opponents stats against them; so they’d end up damaging themselves instead of you. Mesmer was one of my favorite classes to play. I don’t find GW2 mesmers as much fun.
I agree with many of the above posters …. gw gameplay/pvp was more fun. I see potential in GW2 though. So I hope devs will read these posts and bring back the things we loved.
Just here to answer your question. No.
I would say more, but others here are pretty much covering my reasons to not be happy with PvP.
A lot of GW1 fans have expressed their lack of happiness with the pvp scene already.
A lot of readers will probably interpret this as purely poor design on the developers’ part.
So, I’d like to take a moment to explain why GW2 is different at all.
GW2 sPvP is designed to have eSports potential.
With that in mind, GW1 PvP veterans are definitely not going to be happy.
eSports require that a game have simple and clear objectives and mechanics, at least simple enough for color-commentators to grasp, so they can convey what’s going on in matches, *so that audiences don’t become confused.
GW1 was a nightmare for the game designers when it came to “balance”.
The sheer complexity of the number of skills and game modes made it impossible for a standard of balance to be established.
Sure, the depth made dedicated players happy, but that same GW1 depth also meant a lot of elitism and frustration was thrown at casual players or newbies whose builds didn’t fit into the niches of each game mode.
GW2 is built with many fundamental goals that differ from GW1.
GW2 wasn’t made to please GW1 fans, but to broaden the Guild Wars audience.
Now, that’s not to say GW2 doesn’t have flaws. But try and remember, was GW1 perfect when it first came out? Hardly. Lots of people were skeptical about its future. But ANet made it work, and here we are, talking about its sequel.
So, instead of just contributing to a discussion about how you’re unhappy, why not take a step back, look at what ANet is trying to achieve with GW2.
- If you don’t support what ANet’s trying to do: Find a different game, it’s that simple.
- If you do support what ANet’s doing: Think about how it can be moved forward, instead of how it can be made more like GW1.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
Everyone I game with has stopped playing GW2 for either one of two reasons. The PvP system is too simple and there is not much end game (grinding legendary can hardly be end game, it’s at the level where it’s so grindy that people give up before they start). There is actually some content now which is why I returned but the PvP is still lacking.
What they need to do is deepen the PvP mechanics. Right now it feels like I’m at an arcade just spamming buttons. The combo idea is very nice but the implementation of it fails hard. There are several reasons for this and one obvious one is that there is actually no tutorial telling you how it actually works (at least not when I started to play). Many people don’t even know about the combo system or even how it works. Furthermore, the advantages of the combos are so minimal that most of the times it feels like a waste of effort to even communicate with your teammates. Anet really needs to revamp the combo effects to force people into using combos thus adding depth to the PvP mechanics. Another way to deepen the PvP mechanics is to obviously add more skills and skill slots. Yes, limiting me to 3 skills forces me to think about which skill is better but during pvp, having only 3 choices of skills to use other than the main skills makes it feel very dull and boring.
WvW somewhat fits my needs, but then again I was a Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Alliance Battles kind of pvp-er. Never took interest in some of the higher tier ones . I really do miss a Fort Aspenwood type of gameplay though!
I’m usually typing on my phone
As much as I like GW2, this game has some of the most boring and simplistic pvp I’ve seen in any MMO.
I want the lack of grind GW1 had and all the skills they had to so for the most part no I’m quite annoyed.
7+ year GW1 Vet here. I’ve played every kind of PvP there was in GW1 and there’s absolutely NOTHING here that even begins to compare with it. Spvp and WvWvW are the only two choices you have. Spvp is more like short, small map versions of AB. Wv3 is like a long drawn out version of Fort Aspenwood. GW1 had so many different arenas and types of pvp so one never really got bored with just two choices. Prophecies alone had SEVEN different types of PvP, and that was after they had removed Hero Battles and Team Arenas. Sorry, but so far GW2 pvp is getting a D- from me, and it’s what I had been looking forward to all this time. I’m not impressed at all.
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1
GW2’s goals definitely differ than GW1’s. Like all great things greed is their ultimate downfall. Look at America for example. But there’s a reason for all this, in the darkness there will be a new light, one even brighter and stronger than the one that shone before, consumed but not forgotten.
- If you don’t support what ANet’s trying to do: Find a different game, it’s that simple.
Well said. Stand up for whats right people!!
To all you GW1 players out there, do you remember MM Necros? They would go around with hordes of undead, healing them with monk spells, they were powerful, viable, but balanced. Does GW2 have that? Nope, the minions are a novelty, a gimmick if you like
The way I see it each profession in GW2 is a “Jack-of-all-trades” and master of none. I too remember how much fun it was to play a necro. Another one that’s changed so dramatically is the mesmer. In gw, mesmers really did use trickery to kill foes. I remember all those conditions, degen skills, interrupts, etc. You could use the opponents stats against them; so they’d end up damaging themselves instead of you. Mesmer was one of my favorite classes to play. I don’t find GW2 mesmers as much fun.
I agree with many of the above posters …. gw gameplay/pvp was more fun. I see potential in GW2 though. So I hope devs will read these posts and bring back the things we loved.
FINALLY someone who understands my “Mesmer” dilemma!.
Again, I like GW2, but as stated above, it gets kind of stale real fast.
GW2 is still a new game though, but there are many things in GW that made it a complex PvP system…
Weapon Swapping (for more armor/(40/40) set/ 20% enchant staff)
Hexes (and Hex Degeneration) (Diversion, Spiteful Spirit, Backfire, Blurred Vision, Corrupt Enchantment)
Enchantments [somewhat replaced by boons] (although there are ones that are pretty unique such as Holy Veil, Healing Seed, and Reversal of Fortune)
Interrupts (Mesmers and Rangers….)
Guild Wars “Daze” (easily interrupted, very dangerous condition)
Different kinds of Stances/Shouts/Chants
Most of the things listed will probably never be a part of GW2, and I accept that.
Overall I’m happy with the PvP in GW2, but sometimes it gets kind of boring facing someone with the same build ( I do try to explore my options and try out different builds! )
I’m usually typing on my phone
Ive done a lot of PvP for GW 1 and for this one… its disappointing.
Theres no doubt there are major changes. It feels really weird when the opponents try to dance around you or tries to “sidestep”(get it?) to avoid skills and they get blown up anyhow.
Autotargetting is nonexistent in this game. You have manually move the camera in order for your character to look at them and cast its skill on them even if you have them as valid target for said skill. This does not happen in GW 1.
Minimap is practically, in my opinion, no reason to be there. In GW 1 it would show enemies on it so you can strategically coordinate an attack. Unfortunately in GW 2 no such thing happens. If you are random pvp with strangers, it makes it difficult to do anything strategically on the maps.
Melee combat, again in my opinion, needs a second look at. If your opponent is not a NPC, be prepared to get wrist pains as you need to move the mouse as the opponent likes to go around in circles. In the first guild wars I didnt had this kind of issue since having a valid target is all you needed for your character to cruisecontrol to the target and execute.
I think this game is not suited for PvP.
(edited by SideStep.1347)
Most of the things listed will probably never be a part of GW2, and I accept that.
Overall I’m happy with the PvP in GW2, but sometimes it gets kind of boring facing someone with the same build ( I do try to explore my options and try out different builds! )[/quote]
I think the devs of GW1 did a pretty darned good job of balancing skills considering the depth of skills that were available to every player. You were only limited by your imagination. I miss the detailed specific builds that were made for a certain purpose for support, healing, aoe, tanking, front line, back line, ect. ect. MM’s were insanely fun to play and a good mesmer was something to be feared if they decided to solo you out as a target. Any class could wield any weapon, adding to the possibilities of builds and weapon swapping. Having builds tied to weapons here make me feel like I’m using cookie cutter builds.
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1
Gw2 pvp, is great fun and vastly different to Gw1. But after all is said and done, it really doesn’t hold a candle to the original in my eyes. It’s all down to two simple words that will get said over and over, build variety.
I don’t expect gw2 to change and suddenly offer the diverse build and counter-build combat that I loved from the first game. I expect it to play out like it is now, more like Diablo II pvp than gw1 pvp, lots of action and sure a good bit of fun, but I’ll get bored of it far quicker. It’s a shame sure, and yeah it will mean I wont be playing this game as long as the first by a big stretch but I really didn’t expect anything to compare.
All in all I still say gw2 is an awesome game for the many things it does do superbly- it just won’t have the staying power of the original as the pvp won’t keep me hooked for nearly as long. C’est la vie.
I can tell you one thing: the vast majority of top gvg players do not play gw2 anymore. They knew even before release that gw2 pvp would suck. No one believed them and they got a lot of hate by non gw1 pvpers because of it. Remember those threads on guru about QQ?
Well, turns out they were right. A lot of them went back to gw1 and to this day, the pvp scene in gw1 is more active and lively than the gw2 pvp scene. 7 year old game vs brand new game and the oldie game wins. If anet were smart they would pour all their pvp attention back to gw1 and rebuild it, since it’s actually a game that can keep people interested for years. But they won’t, Anet never admits a mistake no matter how obvious. Kinda sad
So, I’d like to take a moment to explain why GW2 is different at all.GW2 sPvP is designed to have eSports potential.
With that in mind, GW1 PvP veterans are definitely not going to be happy.
eSports require that a game have simple and clear objectives and mechanics, at least simple enough for color-commentators to grasp, so they can convey what’s going on in matches, *so that audiences don’t become confused.
GW1 was a nightmare for the game designers when it came to “balance”.
The sheer complexity of the number of skills and game modes made it impossible for a standard of balance to be established.Sure, the depth made dedicated players happy, but that same GW1 depth also meant a lot of elitism and frustration was thrown at casual players or newbies whose builds didn’t fit into the niches of each game mode. -snip-
I’d also like to comment on this a little.
- GW was an esport, have a look at So GW vets aren’t going to be put off by eSports, that’s no defence.
- GW, despite having a great depth and complexity , was very easy to follow with clear objectives, colour coding on the teams and well implemented spectator and tournament systems.
-Yes, GW was a nightmare to balance. But they managed it very well and their perserverence made it the pvp legend it is today. Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing.
-Elitism is nothing new in mmos and especially eSport games. I don’t condone it, but if gw2 is truly going the way of an eSport you can darn well expect it.
[/quote]GW2 wasn’t made to please GW1 fans, but to broaden the Guild Wars audience.
- If you do support what ANet’s doing: Think about how it can be moved forward, instead of how it can be made more like GW1.[/quote]
GW1 had a HUGE dedicated fan and player base. I could think of a LOT worse things than trying to please the GW1 crowd. The GW1 player and fan base increase the odds and possibilities that their audience would be broadened. Word of mouth about a phenomenal game (GW1) does wonders for a company’s reputation. Based on the success of GW1, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with giving players more of what they like. So far, every single person I started playing GW2 with has stopped playing altogether. People in my guild that joined from September to now have all stopped playing. The only ones I see consistently playing are the people in WvW. GW1 had a strong community and I saw those players for YEARS. I continue to play because I’m pretty sure Anet can do better and improve PvP, but many of us see nothing but improvements to PVE related content. If they don’t make some BIG changes in PvP, WvW in particular, I see a mass exodus of players from the game. If they wanted a PVE game, they shouldn’t have hyped the PvP aspect of this game so much. All the time they spent on this game and the big PvP seller was 100 vs 100 (WvW) with just 2 maps, one of them duplicated 3 times for server World Borderlands is like a slap in the face.
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1
- If you don’t support what ANet’s trying to do: Find a different game, it’s that simple.
Do you work for ANet? That seems to be their attitude too. Funny that it is so often directed at fans that have been with them for a half dozen years or so (i.e. GW1 players). Anyway, it doesn’t matter, I’m no longer an ANet fan boy but I don’t mean to sound as negative as I do. At any rate…
I am happily playing Mech Warrior Online and Firefall.
I don’t care that ANet decided not to appeal to me and turn GW2 into a cash cow and abandon the things that made GW1 great. I care that they told me they wouldn’t do that, that GW2 would have the “same great things”. I understand that they’re working on the PvP but I’m concerned that adding more maps will not be enough to draw back the great GvG teams of GW1. And I’m kind of bummed that ANet seems so willing to throw them under the buss in favor of a system that portends to “appeal to a wider audience” (which they seem to think are too stupid to handle more than a couple dozen skills).
I will contend that the major reason people aren’t interested in GW2 PvP is the same as the trend of this thread and every other GW1 vs. GW2 PvP thread – lack of viable build variety.
Gw2 pvp, is great fun and vastly different to Gw1. But after all is said and done, it really doesn’t hold a candle to the original in my eyes. It’s all down to two simple words that will get said over and over, build variety.
In GW 1 I saw mindblowing builds, but in GW2 there is no surprises, you always know what you will face
Well probably not. I wasn’t huge pvper in gw1 but I did play it quite a bit. I usually went Random Arena. The skill system made it so fun because I could use so many more unique builds. The skill system in this game is sort of restrictive.
Thing is, i loved gw1 pvp due to the amount of crazy builds you could come out with hundreds of skills at your disposal. Some of them worked, some of them didnt, and some were just cookies cutters i tried to tinker with – but regardless of the build, the constant variety and experimentation was what kept the game fresh and alive for me, even in its later years…
What kept me coming back for months was creating new builds and capping skills. GW2 doesn’t have that.
Too few builds available, many of these are a direct consequence of the lack of basic balance between professions ( HP difference too large between a warrior and an ele)
You wouldn’t see an Elementalist and think “he’s either a bunker staff or D/D’”, instead you’d get a different opponent every time in terms of the skills they are using and the ways they can play. There was so much more variety and customisation in GW1, I become bored of the skills and weapons I have in GW2, and therefore bored of the professions very, very quickly.
Everyone I game with has stopped playing GW2 for either one of two reasons. The PvP system is too simple and there is not much end game…
As much as I like GW2, this game has some of the most boring and simplistic pvp I’ve seen in any MMO.
Overall I’m happy with the PvP in GW2, but sometimes it gets kind of boring facing someone with the same build ( I do try to explore my options and try out different builds!
I think the devs of GW1 did a pretty darned good job of balancing skills considering the depth of skills that were available to every player. You were only limited by your imagination.
(edited by Zonzai.2341)
I agree that the potential is there. As I said, ANet can save it if they act quickly. But the main difference between GW1 PvP and GW2 PvP is the stark difference in build variety and depth. What kept me coming back for months was creating new builds and capping skills. GW2 doesn’t have that.
I don’t mean to stumble in on this constructive PvP conversation… since I’m mainly PvE, but I really want to support this comment.
I’ve stated a similar claim in other threads. The biggest feature that kept me playing GW1 for years was knowing even if I hated most of the professions (which I did) I could always come back and try out a new build later. I adored the adventures I took in capping skills, and I would have these rushes of excitement finding skills to craft around entire builds. Even trekking through the same content over and over again was bearable, because I was so excited to try a new build out in the game.
Sorry again for splattering some PvE in here! Great discussion going on btw.
No, gw2 pvp is quite disappointing. In gw1 I only pvped because it was so exciting. You never knew what kind of builds you were going to go against and there was almost a endless amount of builds you could create (even if many weren’t viable). I didn’t pve much because I found it repetitive.
For me gw2 has the opposite effect, it feels completely redundant. Everything about it feels like it lacks thought and imagination. I’m hoping it will become better over time. It needs more gameplay modes, classes need more builds. I also think they should add a alliance battle type game and a hall of hero type game. 5v5v5v5 would be great.
Windows 10
Capture the point only; no deathmatch. Nope, not happy.
Answer to the Op’s Question is > No i’m personally not that happy.
as for gw1, it was truly epic in every way, i was mainly a pve grinder for 6 years, but yes pvp was so good and so varied just about anyone could jump in and have fun, even newbie players with non viable builds could still catch you out and kill you.
every class in gw1 could kill any other class with any number of builds, as a staff ele in wvw i’m sort of forced to run with the Zergs, i have no single target dmg what so ever and cant 1v1 for kitten, give me that in Air magic with 25% armor pen on skills or traits also AoE is Supposed to cut players down if there not on the ball, example: Met shower in gw1 was get out or be killed and with no dodge mechanic you had to seriously be aware of whats happening around you
i also don’t see the point in having 80 levels in gw2 as they mean nothing (drop it to 20) make lvling super quick and add content for pvp and pve alike thats rewarding for the player base you have left.
I also feel the reward system fails in gw2, i’m just another one of them poor players stuck on what feels like perma DR. lucky to get even 1 rare per 3 days from a chest, as for drops from monsters i never ever get anything of use or worth
However i will continue to roll gw2 as i hope that Anet can pull something out of the hat. the game is now getting a little stale. think ill reinstall gw1 for some real fun. FA alot few FoW runs see of i can pull a oby edge out at least that RNG was a little Nicer to me Anet.
the sad thing is that gw1 players that are leaving gw2 are posting here on forms, but not even one single word from Anet to tell us that they will do somthing about it like adding more skills in the next expansion.
I did PvP in GW1 every so often. When I did, it was pretty boring. GW1 game play just can’t compare to how action-orientated this game is. So PvP is a lot more fun, imo.
Battles in pvp were always predicable in gw1. You pretty much knew if you were going to win within the first 10s of a match. If one player died on someone’s team, that was a clear single that the other team had the advantage and would win.
With GW2 there’s actually more variation to how one can overcome their foe. So even though someone went down during a match, that doesn’t mean the other team is going to win. It’s awesome to how it works now.