Are we ever going to get more Bank Tabs?
Lack of room often turns out to be more of a hoarding problem rather than a lack of slots. 360 spots in the bank + storage toons + 2000 for mats… that’s a ton of room for all sorts of things.
I’d welcome (and buy) more tabs, too. However, I recognize that’s because I keep a lot of stuff for sentimental reasons and because “one day” I might have use for things (even though in 3 years, I’ve never had a need for e.g. a mobile TP pick up NPC). I’ve kept skins that take up a slot, that I’ve never used (and can’t imagine using), because, well, why waste a transmute charge, in case I might change my mind in the next 3 years?
But I digress. The main thing is: all of us tend to keep ‘junk’ around longer than we need to.
Lack of room often turns out to be more of a hoarding problem rather than a lack of slots. 360 spots in the bank + storage toons + 2000 for mats… that’s a ton of room for all sorts of things.
I’d welcome (and buy) more tabs, too. However, I recognize that’s because I keep a lot of stuff for sentimental reasons and because “one day” I might have use for things (even though in 3 years, I’ve never had a need for e.g. a mobile TP pick up NPC). I’ve kept skins that take up a slot, that I’ve never used (and can’t imagine using), because, well, why waste a transmute charge, in case I might change my mind in the next 3 years?
But I digress. The main thing is: all of us tend to keep ‘junk’ around longer than we need to.
Yep, exactly right. I’m currently sitting on a train, part of a two hour trip home from work, and (almost) all I’ve been thinking is clearing my vault of stuff i’ll never use. Can’t wait to see how much space I make for myself.
On a more narky note: the OP could always just quit and uninstall. According to yesterday’s wonderful deleted thread that’s what the cool kids are doing now.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I’d like more bank tabs as well as more shared inventory slots!
Lack of room often turns out to be more of a hoarding problem rather than a lack of slots. 360 spots in the bank + storage toons + 2000 for mats… that’s a ton of room for all sorts of things.
I’d welcome (and buy) more tabs, too. However, I recognize that’s because I keep a lot of stuff for sentimental reasons and because “one day” I might have use for things (even though in 3 years, I’ve never had a need for e.g. a mobile TP pick up NPC). I’ve kept skins that take up a slot, that I’ve never used (and can’t imagine using), because, well, why waste a transmute charge, in case I might change my mind in the next 3 years?
But I digress. The main thing is: all of us tend to keep ‘junk’ around longer than we need to.
This i can agree with. I have 20 bag slots on all my characters and some of them even have max inventory slots. I keep the gizmos, “keys” and some tonics in my character bag such as silverwaste shovels and wintersday bell and torch of kryta.
My single default bank tab is full of boosters and my guild banks (all 3 of them) are filled with mats im hoarding….
Why am i hoarding mats? I gather all mats i encounter and while i did use them in getting a few armor to 500 in order to craft ascended armor…i still seem to gather more than i can consume (and i don’t feel like selling them atm)
Lack of room often turns out to be more of a hoarding problem rather than a lack of slots. 360 spots in the bank + storage toons + 2000 for mats… that’s a ton of room for all sorts of things.
I’d welcome (and buy) more tabs, too. However, I recognize that’s because I keep a lot of stuff for sentimental reasons and because “one day” I might have use for things (even though in 3 years, I’ve never had a need for e.g. a mobile TP pick up NPC). I’ve kept skins that take up a slot, that I’ve never used (and can’t imagine using), because, well, why waste a transmute charge, in case I might change my mind in the next 3 years?
But I digress. The main thing is: all of us tend to keep ‘junk’ around longer than we need to.
This i can agree with. I have 20 bag slots on all my characters and some of them even have max inventory slots. I keep the gizmos, “keys” and some tonics in my character bag such as silverwaste shovels and wintersday bell and torch of kryta.
My single default bank tab is full of boosters and my guild banks (all 3 of them) are filled with mats im hoarding….Why am i hoarding mats? I gather all mats i encounter and while i did use them in getting a few armor to 500 in order to craft ascended armor…i still seem to gather more than i can consume (and i don’t feel like selling them atm)
You are free to send me like all the ore/ingots you dont need, Im making sunrise via collection and need 90 deldrimor T_T
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart
Throwing excess “junk” on another toon is all well and good IF you only have 5 or less toons and know whats on who. If however you have 10 or more toons, things tend to get lost. And if you have 20 toons, keeping up with that many armor skins, foods, boosters, etc is why your bank is so full in the first place. Not to mention all the miscellaneous things such as SAB continue coins and baubles, blc keys, primers, makeover kits, pieces of ongoing creatable items etc etc etc. Because we paid for ALL that stuff in one way or another and shouldn’t have to delete it or move it to another toon only to forget we moved it and purchase more when we need them or pull our hair out looking for misc piece of misc armor/weapon we now are at a point we can continue creating.
Which is why we need more bank tabs.
This game is over 3 years old, everyone is hanging on to something for some reason. If you have 3 completely empty bank slots, that’s great! But some of us only have less than 10 empty spaces across our whole bank. We salvage or sell all greens and blues, we create new toons to try to use our stack of tomes and dress them in horribly mismatched outfits to free up more space. At the end of the day, we’ve freed 10 spaces that we then proceed to fill with items we’ve collected from the new events.
We’re sick and WE NEED HELP!!!
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I would like bank tabs. I am not “working” on any pre cursor specifically but am picking up bits and bobs while doing other stuff and do not want to throw them away in case I have to do something with them later, so there they are in my bank… along with lots of other stuff (keys, boosts etc etc) it really wasn’t hard to fill up the 12 tabs I already have.
Which is why we need more bank tabs.
I think you mean that you want more bank tabs.
We’re sick and WE NEED HELP!!!
Yes, you have a hoarding problem and the tough love help is not to offer more tabs, which only postpones the inevitable: empty slots allow people to hoard more stuff they don’t need.
Before buying new slots, I urge you to work on keeping less stuff. A lot less.
I’ve developed a system (that works for me and some others) that allows me to only need minutes per day for ‘gardening’ (weeding out stuff I don’t need, pruning stocks of good slots) and slightly longer on a weekly basis. I keep a ton of stuff, but always run with 60-90 bank slots free, “mains” have multiple weapon & armor sets, “alt L80s” have multiple weapon sets only, and alt sub-L80s store skins & stuff (never more than one large bag apiece).
Without some sort of system, you’ll always end up with “too much” stuff, no matter how many slots you own (well, unless ANet offers infinite storage, which they won’t).
Anet simply needs to make more things stackable, this would solve also many issues.
Theres alot of things which still cant be stacked, where you would safe alot of room if we could stack these thigns finally, like for examle stackale should be all kinds of salvage tools, if you have more than one of the same type, they should be able to get merged, so that the total amount of salvages gets added together.
Example: you have like 10 of those black lion salvage tools with 25 usages in your bank, with my change you would have the ability to merge those 10 together into 1 item that simply has 250 usages, instead of beign forced to have in your bank 10 tools with 25 usages each blocking this way room for 9 other items in your bank ….
Theres also alot of stuff, that should count finally as storable bank materials to store them away, things like Mystic Forge Stones for example or Crystals… thats all stuff that takes you away valuable bank storage room for more important stuff.
It would be also nice if items that are of no need anymore for the player after a part of living story is over and where anet is also sure, that these thigns will never get resused should get some kind of Deletion Flag, a simple symbol that visually tells players when the time has come, that they can safely delete some items, without having to fear about it, that these things might get somewhen a return maybe and could be used again ….
Thats some kind of quality of life improvements that ANet should do finally.
Increasign Bank Storage is only one side of the medal, making storage space more efficient and storage management easier and better, is the other half of it, that needs to be looked at also too by Anet and that in many cases very direly ….
For me storage didn’t become a problem until mid last year, shortly before HOT.
Before that time and on a regular basis after HOT release I have been “gardening”.
What’s left to move? It doesn’t matter why a person holds things in their bank, it’s their bank and to each his or her own. The problem is that 12 slots is simply not enough for the average person that has been playing this game for 3 years.
Character slots have gone on sale several times since the games release, yet to the best of my knowledge we’ve only been allowed 1 storage slot upgrade in that time. Granted there’s been mat storage upgrades. But what about the other stuff, the minis, the runes/sigils, the food, the wvw seige and supplies, the craftable items that can’t be deposited, the new HOT map completion stuff, the weapons and armors for collection acheivements.
All these things a player has amassed in 3 years, that in some cases are account bound and are not permitable in a guild bank, not sellable on the tp and not stackable in a personal bank.
Not to mention, that on another thread people are talking about grind. Is it not grind to have to clean ones bank rather than play at the end of a long work day?
Noone is asking for unlimited storage, just a few more slots for stuff that they for their own reasons can not part with. And seriously after 3 years and new content, a 15 slot bank sounds like a reasonable request.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Not to mention, that on another thread people are talking about grind. Is it not grind to have to clean ones bank rather than play at the end of a long work day?
It’s only grind if it started the game session without any room; then it’s really tedious to sort stuff out. I figure I need a minimum of 30 free slots (ideally 60), so that I can play whatever content, drop it in the bank as I swap toons (or at the end of the session), and sort things out (forge, salvage, or whatever). Doesn’t take me any longer than putting away files at work.
just a few more slots for stuff that they for their own reasons can not part with. And seriously after 3 years and new content, a 15 slot bank sounds like a reasonable request.
15 more tabs is certainly reasonable. My point is: that won’t solve the issue for the vast majority of people who have storage issues; it will only postpone it.
There’s no question that GW2 (like most RPGs) has a ton of ‘stuff’ (perhaps more, perhaps less); we just don’t need to keep most of it.
As a simple observation, more storage won’t fix the not enough room problem. I am a hoarder and I have many things that are probably junk and have no use for still. I have all my tabs, I also make use of a full personal guild bank for non account bound stuff, and i have a lot of storage with spreadsheets I track who has what that won’t fit in my bank. Honestly when I compare it to my second account (the wife’s account) i find 1 bank tab the same shared guild bank and 5 character slots are almost full, but still plenty.
The bottom line is for people like me, we will fill up to the max storage and hold stuff. Even if they doubled the storage, I am confident I would fill it up to just about the brim and then need more. The only way to fix this problem is infinite storage... which is not a sound ideal from anyone maintaining a database.
With HoT, there was a small relief as I was able to salvage 3 tabs with of ascended rings (for a hefty price,) but it was more room. The bottom line is asking for more storage isn’t the answer. It’s learning to manage your limited space until ANet rents the extra space at a monthly fee...
I wanted more bank tabs but HoT made most of my characters redundant with the Elite grind not being account bound so I just stripped down 12/17 characters and use them as glorified bank toons lol…
….. And Elementalist.
And they can add 200 bag cap on characters,have 160 but I feel my bag is almost always full >.<