At the start, we had a reasonable way of gold income without Diminishing Returns (DR) . It didn’t make us instantly significantly richer, but it helped, and we were satisfied with what we earned. Then, because of the bots ( presumably, since ArenaNet is biased against them and is responsible for introducing new stuff), Diminishing Returns was implemented, and we earned less. That is one hit to our gold income.
Moving on, as you all know, Plinx WAS the most manually profitable way of earning gold. It wasn’t much, but we could get by with what we earned there. However, due to some inexplicable reason, the event chain was nerfed. This hit us hard. Second hit to our gold income.
Hitherto, selling gathered materials such as Orichalcum, Ancient Wood Log etc. was very profitable. We could net a tidy sum to last us through. It needed patience, but we thought this was a stable income that will not be hit. Unfortunately, it was. Orichalcum and Ancient Wood Log prices took a dip, for reasons I do not know, and yet again, gold income was affected. Third hit to our gold income.
So, with so many hits to our gold income, we had to improvise to pay the bills. Here comes the Arah bag farm. This was highly profitable, with roughly 5g per hour. Honestly, it is an significantly above average income, and also provided the ONLY STABLE income, since we are guaranteed the loot, unlike the kittening RNG-run sources of income (Magic Find, Rares, and Exotics). This became popular, and many people who disregarded ethnics (This is a fact) run them for many hours. Sadly, it seems we are not allowed to earn gold. ArenaNet, surprisingly quickly, “fixed” this and our income from this was halfed.
What is left, then? Fractals Of The Mist ,Trading Post? The former plays a ridiculously large factor of the oh-so-mighty-and-revered RNG, while the latter requires impressive economic skills to profit. Add to that that Fractals Of The Mist is undeniably hard to find groups of our specific level.
One recently discovered way of income is running Dungeons of Citadel of Fire and higher, converting the tokens into 30token rares, and salvaging them for Globs of Ectoplasm. Now this again, is RNG. Profit is luck based whether you get a Glob of Ectoplasm or not. From personal experience earlier today, salvaging 15 of these netted me nothing but a drip of mithril. This may be due to supreme bad luck, but still, it is an example of the negativity of RNG.
As of now, the remaining source of income is either via RNG-dependent sources, Trading Post, or Running Dungeons by itself.
This thread, is to place the facts on the table, and let us discuss how we can attain STABLE gold, or are we even allowed to. This is also a show to ArenaNet that RNG is not the best way to reward players. It is guaranteed rewards that are attractive. The Arah bag farm is proof of that. The negative response to Gem-Store chests are proof of that, as well as the Mystic Forge.