Are you in a guild?
I continually look for guilds to join but so far I have not found anything that interest me yet.
Yep. I’m a member of one of the large multi-gaming guild directed towards the older gamers (well, 25+, which can be old by internet standards, but there are members well past their 60’s and more), and was long before GW2 came out.
Other than that, I’m also in the TTS for the tequatl fights, and I’ve temporarely joined some guilds here and there to do guild missions. Personally being in a guild is a big part of MMO gaming for me, and I’ve stayed in lower quality games longer because of the guild I’m on, and at the same time I’ve stopped playing better quality games because there’s nobody to talk to.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Yes and no.
Yes, as in I’m in a guild that has one member too many. And that member is me. It’s a personal guild for personal use.
No, meaning that “it’s not a Real guild if it only has one person in it.” That quote was from some players in LA sum months ago when I was playing around and they got all serious about what a guild is and isn’t. It didn’t bother me none, but I like to think that they might have been telling me the truth, somewhat.
I’m in a few RP guilds, most often (almost always, that is) in my main guild that we put together long before the first beta. We have ongoing storylines that began at our beginning, not the game’s, and thus hit launch with established histories and friendships IC and OOC.
We PvE, we WvW, we RP, we write stories for our website, it’s been an ongoing blast.
No. I don’t understand the purpose of guilds and why I would want to join a formal organization complete with a hierarchy to play a computer game . Guilds can’t do anything a friends list can’t do. In addition, I have full control over who’s on my friends list, but zero control over who the guild’s recruiting (unless I am the leader, of course). I’d rather have MMOs add custom chat channels, plus more elaborate social networking functions (e.g. ability to create Google+ style groups).
I don’t know that I’d be playing as much if I do if it wasn’t for my guild. But I think you might have the guild idea wrong OP. If you’re joining a guild for mercenary reasons, you may have missed the point.
Sure we run instances and do stuff all the time, but we do it because it’s fun to do it. Not because “we need it”. Sure we’ll help each other out if we need something, but with my guild at least, I’m there for the laughs…and the comraderie.
It was fun beating Tequtal when that happened. But it was awesome beating him with members of my guild around.
My guild and I came on in prerelease, I’m the only active member of my guild left
Guild Leader – Wolf Pack Samurai
Owner and admin, The
Or are most people mercenaries for hire?
You mean soloists. No I’m not a soloist. Yes I do guild stuff. I’m sure Anet can squeeze stats on it from their DB’s, with more than one in a guild etc. Haven’t seen such a stat released though. But content wise, it pretty much leads players to run player guilds with players in the guilds.
I would not be playing this game if it were not for my guild.
One of my guildmates hauled me into this game before beta started. Turn about was fair play, I drug him through one that didn’t work out in the end. (Not to say that GW2 isn’t.) We came out and beta tested together to see if it would fit what we were looking for in a game and found it mostly did. When I’m frustrated with the game (content), or bored, I’m playing for my guild and the fun we have as a group (often in spite of content.) Of course, I’ve known some of these guys for over 27 years.
Large guilds work for some folks. Small guilds work for others. Having shared values (whatever they are: from preferred playstyle, to age, to common interests, to running anonymously) can make or break the guild experience for players. And some folks prefer running solo. Do whatever works for you.
A good guild can add to the game experience in a positive way (support/social/ability to accomplish your goals in game, sharing of resources, etcetera). A bad one can lead to feeling like you’re stuck in a horrible job, complete with unrealistic demands.
@OP: sounds like that was a guild that may not have fit your values or that you weren’t entirely comfortable with in the end? Nothing wrong with going solo and a good friend’s list and/or finding another guild.
Good luck and hope your get what you want from your gaming experience.
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
I’ve been in large guilds, and I’ve been in solo guilds.
The guild experience adds a lot to the overall gaming experience. Not counting the in-game guild benefits (bonuses, missions, etc.) the people are what make them special.
Yes, you have more control over your friend list, but a guild not only brings like-minded people together, it actually teaches us how to relate to others who are maybe a couple steps left (or right) of our position without completely turning into a social recluse.
Nope, I have no interest in being in a guild.
When I am in a guild, even just a social one, I feel obligated to do whatever the guild wants, and I hate that. I feel as if I can’t say:“Not right now, I don’t have the time” or “I don’t want to right now”.
But pretty much every day I have people whisper me and ask why I’m not in a guild. I then proceed to tell them why and then we argue for about 5-10 minutes about whether or not I would enjoy the game more if I was in a guild, lol.
Beside that, I would not be able to provide anything to the guild.
I will not set aside time from my daily activities in real life to play. I log on when I feel like it and do whatever I feel like doing.
I go to bed early and will not stay up for guild activities. – GW2 – A world of wonder
(edited by Naus the Gobbo.5172)
Not being in a guild in a game called Guild Wars, is like not mining in Minecraft.
Guilds offer 24/7 buffs and guild missions provide you with commendations.
In this game, I feel like guilds aren’t needed at all. In other mmo’s I’ve played, I felt like I could really connect with my guild because we would all participate in the same content. I won’t mention the particular name of the mmo, but I’ll say that the mmo’s rewards were perfectly done, and done well enough so that if someone in the guild said, “Hey, let’s go do this raid right now”, we would drop everything we were doing just to participate because we knew it was worth our time. I don’t feel that need, or any need really, to participate in much of anything with my guild.
My guild is the only reason I still log in on weekends.
Yes, in one with +490 members (and a sister guild with +450).
There is always 50-80 members online but only 5-10 persons use the chat but they only talk between them most of the time
And if someone log in and say “hi” or ask something, only very few answer (if any).
The rest are just there but never talk and they only show up for world bosses and guild missions and if I ask for help only 2-3 are willing to help (others help each other but again, only between them).
I was gonna hold off on it but then i found out you get loads of free buffs from joining one, so i joined one with maxed out buffs, like why not, free buffs \o/ i don’t rly read guild chat much coz i talk on vent to my friends. Also guild commendations, yeah bro, get dem Ascended Accessories. Then randomly i see ‘maw up’, ‘sb’ in chat and stuff and it’s a nice reminder to go do those meta events.
So ye, too many benefits of joining a guild to just play solo imo.
I’m in a guild, I do runs with them regularly, WvW with them, do weekly missions with them, chat with them while doing solo stuff etc. etc.
Sounds like you just had a bad guild that wasn’t willing to help its own members. Not all guilds are like that. If some one in my guild were to say “Hey can anyone help me with X?” there would be many people raising their virtual hands and offering up their help. Heck… we’ve all gotten together just to get some on a POI in WvW lol.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Yes of course, PuGs are often atrocious, no offense intended.
I’m just in a guild by myself.
It seems like on Jade Quarry there are only guilds with 450+ people, or small ones where no one logs on.
May just start my own sometime and keep it tight knit. I was a guild master in other games, might as well be in this one too.
I’ve been in a large guild for months.
Never ever had any contact with them.
I never have guild chat on, but I do see other members about quite a bit.
Yep. I’m a member of one of the large multi-gaming guild directed towards the older gamers (well, 25+, which can be old by internet standards, but there are members well past their 60’s and more), and was long before GW2 came out.
Other than that, I’m also in the TTS for the tequatl fights, and I’ve temporarely joined some guilds here and there to do guild missions. Personally being in a guild is a big part of MMO gaming for me, and I’ve stayed in lower quality games longer because of the guild I’m on, and at the same time I’ve stopped playing better quality games because there’s nobody to talk to.
25 isn’t old by any standard. the median age of video gamers is 30+. Your still on the younger half.
Had my share of guilds in GW2… Now I consider myself to be an “independent entrepreneur”.
I am in two small rp guilds, mine and another’s that seems interested in me helping them. I been in many guilds, but a lot clash with my needs and mentality, ( I hate speed clears or skipping foes in dungeons) so I made my own and plan to grow it somehow and teach new people how to play and help get through the game and also be a RP guild.
I went through to find groups for most dungeon runs. … and also ended up on friend lists of some people from the forum. So no a guild really serves little purpose for those. Where I count on my guild (one from Gw1) … is in coordinated WvW.
I was really disappointed with WvW at release but they’ve shown me that what they call “skill groups” can find a niche regardless and wipe much larger zergs when the plan comes together A-Team style.
So no for most PvE stuff, no reason whatsoever to have a guild. Especially open world which just isn’t challenging enough in the first place for people who are capable of cooperating above a 5th grade reading level.
Yeah. I’m in a guild! Quite a nice community actually. :P (you can see the info in my signature) if u need more info u can pm me!
I am in 2 guilds
In a guild but it’s pretty dead as the core split off to a very good organized WvW guild. I could maybe join it but I just can’t bring myself to commit to anything involving zerging regularly. My gf is also pretty much making me play FFxiv at gunpoint… I do like being able to heal again but the rest is zzzz…
I’m in a medium sized, well organized guild. I love being in one for the social aspect. We argue, we share ideas, we solve guild problems. It’s fun. The game wouldn’t be the same without it for me.
No. I don’t understand the purpose of guilds and why I would want to join a formal organization complete with a hierarchy to play a computer game . Guilds can’t do anything a friends list can’t do. In addition, I have full control over who’s on my friends list, but zero control over who the guild’s recruiting (unless I am the leader, of course). I’d rather have MMOs add custom chat channels, plus more elaborate social networking functions (e.g. ability to create Google+ style groups).
Wrong you cant do guild missions.
No. I don’t understand the purpose of guilds and why I would want to join a formal organization complete with a hierarchy to play a computer game . Guilds can’t do anything a friends list can’t do. In addition, I have full control over who’s on my friends list, but zero control over who the guild’s recruiting (unless I am the leader, of course). I’d rather have MMOs add custom chat channels, plus more elaborate social networking functions (e.g. ability to create Google+ style groups).
Wrong you cant do guild missions.
My statement was only covering the social aspects of guilds of course. What I basically wanted to say is that a MMO wouldn’t be much different if guilds wouldn’t be there at all. In the end, guilds are nothing but a glorified custom chat channel.
If a game deliberately adds exclusive content for guilds, it’s obvious that unguilded players cannot participate in them. But that’s an arbitrary decision on the developers’s side. Guild Wars 2’s guild missions do no not have a single aspect about them that would otherwise prevent a PUG from completing them. Since there are no really compelling reasons for the existence of hierarchical organizations within a computer game, some developers seem to feel the need to artificially create some. shrug
It sounds like some of you have had or are having a poor guild experience. That’s too bad.
No. I don’t understand the purpose of guilds and why I would want to join a formal organization complete with a hierarchy to play a computer game . Guilds can’t do anything a friends list can’t do. In addition, I have full control over who’s on my friends list, but zero control over who the guild’s recruiting (unless I am the leader, of course). I’d rather have MMOs add custom chat channels, plus more elaborate social networking functions (e.g. ability to create Google+ style groups).
Wrong you cant do guild missions.
My statement was only covering the social aspects of guilds of course. What I basically wanted to say is that a MMO wouldn’t be much different if guilds wouldn’t be there at all. In the end, guilds are nothing but a glorified custom chat channel.
If a game deliberately adds exclusive content for guilds, it’s obvious that unguilded players cannot participate in them. But that’s an arbitrary decision on the developers’s side. Guild Wars 2’s guild missions do no not have a single aspect about them that would otherwise prevent a PUG from completing them. Since there are no really compelling reasons for the existence of hierarchical organizations within a computer game, some developers seem to feel the need to artificially create some. shrug
I disagree with this. A guild isn’t just a custom chat channel. One thing that I find is that dungeons are MUCH easier when you’re in mumble, particularly when you have to coordinate things.
And since most guilds have some sort of chat program, you can actually get on and talk to people and discuss strategies and try to figure things out.
I can’t imagine anyone really thinks that when a new dungeon or puzzle comes out, you’re going to figure it out with a random pug faster or better than you will with your guild.
Simplest example…non-guilded people would go to Dulfy to look at where the teeth were in Sparkfly fen. My guild went to Sparkfly fen and found the teeth without going to Dulfy.
You could solo that and look around but the odds are there are teeth you would miss. Ten people searching (we actually had less than ten when I did it) is still a lot better than one person searching alone.
I have my own guild it is the same one I had in Guild Wars 1.
We have 9 members, most do not log on often. This is okay with me, since I know them all and know they are busy with real life. I do not mind either if they join and represent other guilds.
I play by myself, and to be honest there is not much that I am good at in the game, so I prefer to stay by myself, since I do not need to be told the many reasons why I should quit the game by people in the game.
There is a lot I will never do in the game, in contrast to Guild Wars 1 where there was little I did not do.
I disagree with this. A guild isn’t just a custom chat channel. One thing that I find is that dungeons are MUCH easier when you’re in mumble, particularly when you have to coordinate things.
Last time I checked you could use voice com programs with friends. Having the same guild tag wasn’t a requirement, but maybe it’s just me.
Yeah but a guild is a good way to make friends. But I’ll give it to you that I’ve never been in a guild with my two best in game friends.
I am in a pretty fair sized guild. We do guild missions three times a week…lots of involvement. Really great guild leadership. Lots of opportunities to jump into dungeon groups if you want but there is no pressure or pushing.
I do guild missions consistently but rarely jump into dungeons – just my preference. I thoroughly enjoy the missions and make it a point not to miss them. Otherwise, I keep guild chat up and follow what folks are saying but rarely jump into the conversations. All in all…I am very happy in my guild. It is one of the things that makes the game what it is.
Yes and no.
Yes, as in I’m in a guild that has one member too many. And that member is me. It’s a personal guild for personal use.
^ This guy right here, yeah that’s my situation as well.
I’m only in a personal guild for two reasons:
Extra tab space, but now I could just buy the extra ones put I’m already invested in the 100 slot guild bank now.
Having a tag stopped the constant spam attempts to get me into other people’s guilds. I can finally play in peace.
That doesn’t mean I hate guilds. I’ve helped out with bounties and such with other guilds because people on my friends list asked, but I never joined any of their guilds. It just isn’t for me.
Not being in a guild in a game called Guild Wars, is like not mining in Minecraft.
But…I like exploring the lands of Minecraft without the digging sometimes.
(edited by Atlas.9704)
Having a tag stopped the constant spam attempts to get me into other people’s guilds. I can finally play in peace.
Haha, don’t laugh, but I have met pretty awesome people that wanted to recruit me to their guild. And despite I declined (obviously), we ended up being on each other’s friends list. The ones that just send spam invites without talking at all I just put on my ignore list, for that’s something utterly disrespectful to do. Problem solved.
I have a banking guild too, but I don’t represent it unless I am banking. I am not ashamed of being guildless nor do I feel that I should need to conceal that fact. 99% of the time I (correctly) display no guild tag at all.
Having a tag stopped the constant spam attempts to get me into other people’s guilds. I can finally play in peace.
Haha, don’t laugh, but I have met pretty awesome people that wanted to recruit me to their guild. And despite I declined (obviously), we ended up being on each other’s friends list.
I’ve got friends on my list that are part of some nice guilds. Its just I’m not very sociable in game at times. I have the same problem with MechWarrior Online where I am in a guild (Corp). I just play and don’t provide much chat.
The ones that just send spam invites without talking at all I just put on my ignore list, for that’s something utterly disrespectful to do. Problem solved.
That’s been my solution as well. My block list grew larger than my friends list lol, though my followers list is larger than both so I think that’s a good sign.
I have a banking guild too, but I don’t represent it unless I am banking. I am not ashamed of being guildless nor do I feel that I should need to conceal that fact. 99% of the time I (correctly) display no guild tag at all.
And I shouldn’t be ashamed either, I’m not, but everything I do in game gives me influence. More influence means that much closer to the big storage bank in my guild
No. I don’t understand the purpose of guilds and why I would want to join a formal organization complete with a hierarchy to play a computer game . Guilds can’t do anything a friends list can’t do. In addition, I have full control over who’s on my friends list, but zero control over who the guild’s recruiting (unless I am the leader, of course). I’d rather have MMOs add custom chat channels, plus more elaborate social networking functions (e.g. ability to create Google+ style groups).
Wrong you cant do guild missions.
My statement was only covering the social aspects of guilds of course. What I basically wanted to say is that a MMO wouldn’t be much different if guilds wouldn’t be there at all. In the end, guilds are nothing but a glorified custom chat channel.
If a game deliberately adds exclusive content for guilds, it’s obvious that unguilded players cannot participate in them. But that’s an arbitrary decision on the developers’s side. Guild Wars 2’s guild missions do no not have a single aspect about them that would otherwise prevent a PUG from completing them. Since there are no really compelling reasons for the existence of hierarchical organizations within a computer game, some developers seem to feel the need to artificially create some. shrug
1) Guilds provide a way for people to become friends
2) You can’t get to know/become friends with everyone in the server
3) You can’t organize events in open world. We saw this in teq, had to get dedicated guilds for extra communication
4) After all the content in the game, people only log on to play the same content with friends. People not in guilds eventually quit faster then people in guilds due to the LS content they don’t like etc.
5) I have a list of friends from other guilds/servers I get adds all the time. I would still not join any of those randoms who I have run 1 maybe 2 dungeons with again. I dont know them…I dont have an opportunity to know them.
6) Friends list is just a dumbed version of lfg. In my guild we talk about random things all the time we cheer each other up, make jokes. I can happily say I have over 100 friends in gw2 IN my guild. HOW did I meet them?…
I was in a guild like the OP was. I wasn’t happy, wasn’t noticed. I came to forums went to LFGUild and out of the many leaders I found one that was like minded, I tried it out and have been in the guild for about 6 months.
I would not be playing still if I wasn’t in my guild. I have done all the content. I have 3 legendaries. I have 8 characters lvl 80. I have geared all of them with the skins I love. The “new content” that they bring I dislike. I do not log in to play this “new content” that ArenaNet thinks keeps people in the game. I log in to play with my friends that I met, got to know and learnt/taught in my guild.
Can I get +1 for anyone who wants something more for guilds (BETTER UI, HALLS, HOUSING, RAIDS). People don’t stay in the game for your LS they stay for their friends.
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
1) Guilds provide a way for people to become friends
Sure. You can make friends at the company you’re working for, too. But companies are certainly not required to make friends, and neither are guilds.
2) You can’t get to know/become friends with everyone in the server
Yes. So? I can’t befriend every human on the planet either. Didn’t keep me from picking a few I liked and become friends with them.
3) You can’t organize events in open world. We saw this in teq, had to get dedicated guilds for extra communication
Whether or not content like Tequatl is a good or stupid idea is a whole different debate.
4) After all the content in the game, people only log on to play the same c
content with friends.
Yes. Like the ones on my friends list.
People not in guilds eventually quit faster then people in guilds due to the LS content they don’t like etc.
That’s a completely made-up statement that I’d love you to back up with actual hard facts. Personally… I have seen SIX guilds die I had friends in. Guildless me is still around. Just saying.
5) I have a list of friends from other guilds/servers I get adds all the time. I would still not join any of those randoms who I have run 1 maybe 2 dungeons with again. I dont know them…I dont have an opportunity to know them.
So you need to share a guild tag with somebody to be motivated to talk to them? I don’t get that. Does this mean you don’t talk with people not working for the same company you do, too?
6) Friends list is just a dumbed version of lfg. Friends lists are where you put people you like. LFG is a way to meet people you like.
People don’t stay in the game for your LS they stay for their friends.
That’s the only thing about your post I agree with. Funnily enough I have friends in this game despite I never joined a guild. Which disproves pretty much all you said anyway.
Been guildless since release.
I was guildless for the majority of GW1 and only joined a guild for that for faction farming to earn a title towards my GWAMM.
I’ve been guildless for all of GW2 so far. Since there are no henchies or heroes in GW2, I’d like to find a guild to have easier access to friendly players but I haven’t had any success yet. There’s no good in-game guild finding tool other than spamming map chat or trying to figure out which guild is a better fit when they all spam the same recruitment message: “[Generic] is recruiting. We have xxx+ members. We do PvP, WvW, PvE, Dungeons…blah blah blah. Join now!”
I disagree with this. A guild isn’t just a custom chat channel. One thing that I find is that dungeons are MUCH easier when you’re in mumble, particularly when you have to coordinate things.
Last time I checked you could use voice com programs with friends. Having the same guild tag wasn’t a requirement, but maybe it’s just me.
So if you play with the same friends all the time, how is that not a guild? That’s what a guild is. If you choose not to make a guild for the extra storage, that’s fine, but essentially a guild is a group of people who play Guild Wars 2 together. If you’re playing with friends, for all intents and purposes you’re a guild…if only a casual one with no hierarchy.
I’ve been in large guilds, and I’ve been in solo guilds.
The guild experience adds a lot to the overall gaming experience. Not counting the in-game guild benefits (bonuses, missions, etc.) the people are what make them special.
Yes, you have more control over your friend list, but a guild not only brings like-minded people together, it actually teaches us how to relate to others who are maybe a couple steps left (or right) of our position without completely turning into a social recluse.
This . Very much this . Guilds are about community more than anything else .Missions and loot have far less to do with guilds than the friendships made in them .
So if you play with the same friends all the time, how is that not a guild? That’s what a guild is. If you choose not to make a guild for the extra storage, that’s fine, but essentially a guild is a group of people who play Guild Wars 2 together. If you’re playing with friends, for all intents and purposes you’re a guild…if only a casual one with no hierarchy.
Next time you’re meeting a handful of really good friends in a pub, go tell them that you’re not just friends. You’re a GUILD!
Well….except that you’re not.
A group of friends shares mutual affection and sympathy. A guild doesn’t necessarily (and in larger guilds, it’s actually safe to assume that not everyone is friends with everybody else in there, quite the contrary actually!).
But the major difference between a guild and a group of friends isn’t the bank space. It’s that a group of friends is an informal group while a guild is a formal group. In contrast to a guild, a group of friends has no leadership, no ranks, no rules, no attached strings, no charter, no mission statements, no exclusivity towards other groups, no “we vs. them” attitude. Guilds tend to have these things, at least to a certain degree. And that’s the exact reason why I don’t join them.
So if you play with the same friends all the time, how is that not a guild? That’s what a guild is. If you choose not to make a guild for the extra storage, that’s fine, but essentially a guild is a group of people who play Guild Wars 2 together. If you’re playing with friends, for all intents and purposes you’re a guild…if only a casual one with no hierarchy.
Next time you’re meeting a handful of really good friends in a pub, go tell them that you’re not just friends. You’re a GUILD!
Well….except that you’re not.
A group of friends shares mutual affection and sympathy. A guild doesn’t necessarily (and in larger guilds, it’s actually safe to assume that not everyone is friends with everybody else in there, quite the contrary actually!).
But the major difference between a guild and a group of friends isn’t the bank space. It’s that a group of friends is an informal group while a guild is a formal group. In contrast to a guild, a group of friends has no leadership, no ranks, no rules, no attached strings, no charter, no mission statements, no exclusivity towards other groups, no “we vs. them” attitude. Guilds tend to have these things, at least to a certain degree. And that’s the exact reason why I don’t join them.
Terrible example.
I’m not just meeting friends in a pub. I’m meeting friends in a game. And sometimes I’m running dungeons in that game. That at very least would make you a team. A team of people in a game like Guild Wars that do stuff together all the time, are distinguishable from a guild how?
This isn’t a casual I’m having a drink in a pub. It’s a single shared interest. If you were all playing football you’d be a team. If you’re all running dungeons. for all intents and purposes you’re a guild.
If you don’t want to call yourself a guild, that’s all fine and dandy but you’re doing exactly what a guild does/would do.
So if you play with the same friends all the time, how is that not a guild? That’s what a guild is. If you choose not to make a guild for the extra storage, that’s fine, but essentially a guild is a group of people who play Guild Wars 2 together. If you’re playing with friends, for all intents and purposes you’re a guild…if only a casual one with no hierarchy.
Next time you’re meeting a handful of really good friends in a pub, go tell them that you’re not just friends. You’re a GUILD!
Well….except that you’re not.
A group of friends shares mutual affection and sympathy. A guild doesn’t necessarily (and in larger guilds, it’s actually safe to assume that not everyone is friends with everybody else in there, quite the contrary actually!).
But the major difference between a guild and a group of friends isn’t the bank space. It’s that a group of friends is an informal group while a guild is a formal group. In contrast to a guild, a group of friends has no leadership, no ranks, no rules, no attached strings, no charter, no mission statements, no exclusivity towards other groups, no “we vs. them” attitude. Guilds tend to have these things, at least to a certain degree. And that’s the exact reason why I don’t join them.
Terrible example.
I’m not just meeting friends in a pub. I’m meeting friends in a game. And sometimes I’m running dungeons in that game. That at very least would make you a team. A team of people in a game like Guild Wars that do stuff together all the time, are distinguishable from a guild how?
This isn’t a casual I’m having a drink in a pub. It’s a single shared interest. If you were all playing football you’d be a team. If you’re all running dungeons. for all intents and purposes you’re a guild.
If you don’t want to call yourself a guild, that’s all fine and dandy but you’re doing exactly what a guild does/would do.
Not that I’d really understand what you really want to say here. Or why you are trying to disagree with me, for basically you are just reinforcing what I said: Guilds cannot do anything a group of friends can’t do. The only difference between them is guilds having a totally unnecessary formal overhead that doesn’t add any real benefit. A group of friends in a dungeon is indeed indistinguishable from a guild group for all practical purposes.
So if you play with the same friends all the time, how is that not a guild? That’s what a guild is. If you choose not to make a guild for the extra storage, that’s fine, but essentially a guild is a group of people who play Guild Wars 2 together. If you’re playing with friends, for all intents and purposes you’re a guild…if only a casual one with no hierarchy.
Next time you’re meeting a handful of really good friends in a pub, go tell them that you’re not just friends. You’re a GUILD!
Well….except that you’re not.
A group of friends shares mutual affection and sympathy. A guild doesn’t necessarily (and in larger guilds, it’s actually safe to assume that not everyone is friends with everybody else in there, quite the contrary actually!).
but a group of friends and a guild isn’t mutually exclusive either . The guild i am in has been around since guild wars 1 and i would consider many of the people in it my friends and most definitely consider the leader of the guild my best friend. It should also be noted that friend is not a word i throw around lightly its something that needs earned by me .
So if you play with the same friends all the time, how is that not a guild? That’s what a guild is. If you choose not to make a guild for the extra storage, that’s fine, but essentially a guild is a group of people who play Guild Wars 2 together. If you’re playing with friends, for all intents and purposes you’re a guild…if only a casual one with no hierarchy.
Next time you’re meeting a handful of really good friends in a pub, go tell them that you’re not just friends. You’re a GUILD!
Well….except that you’re not.
A group of friends shares mutual affection and sympathy. A guild doesn’t necessarily (and in larger guilds, it’s actually safe to assume that not everyone is friends with everybody else in there, quite the contrary actually!).
But the major difference between a guild and a group of friends isn’t the bank space. It’s that a group of friends is an informal group while a guild is a formal group. In contrast to a guild, a group of friends has no leadership, no ranks, no rules, no attached strings, no charter, no mission statements, no exclusivity towards other groups, no “we vs. them” attitude. Guilds tend to have these things, at least to a certain degree. And that’s the exact reason why I don’t join them.
Terrible example.
I’m not just meeting friends in a pub. I’m meeting friends in a game. And sometimes I’m running dungeons in that game. That at very least would make you a team. A team of people in a game like Guild Wars that do stuff together all the time, are distinguishable from a guild how?
This isn’t a casual I’m having a drink in a pub. It’s a single shared interest. If you were all playing football you’d be a team. If you’re all running dungeons. for all intents and purposes you’re a guild.
If you don’t want to call yourself a guild, that’s all fine and dandy but you’re doing exactly what a guild does/would do.
Not that I’d really understand what you really want to say here. Or why you are trying to disagree with me, for basically you are just reinforcing what I said: Guilds cannot do anything a group of friends can’t do. The only difference between them is guilds having a totally unnecessary formal overhead that doesn’t add any real benefit. A group of friends in a dungeon is indeed indistinguishable from a guild group for all practical purposes.
I’m saying all a guild is is a group of friends who play together. And since you’re already a group of friends who play together, forming a guild gives you bonuses you wouldn’t get if you didn’t form one.